November 21, 1952 High Life Modest Seniors Fail To Claim Activities Recently it seems that senior students were requested to record all extra-curricular activities on Whirligig activity blanks. More than adequate space was allotted, hut in most cases, according to senior editor Ann Hobbs, students made use of only several lines. This can only be attributed to one of two things. Students either failed through lapse of memory to list all legitimate activities, or they did not dare to risk their all and reveal those which can only be termed as slightly questionable. Since one and only one con clusion—the latter—can be reach ed by any wide-awake GHS stu dent, an attempt will be made to produce said activity blank cor rectly. If students had listed ail activities, the following would probably be typical: Assembly Programs: listened 2, did homework 3, slept 4; Cafeteria: at there 2, ate off campus 3, 4: Study Hall: studied 2, copied home work 3, talked 4; Cars: rode with Fran 4, spent semester in hospital 4; Steps: up up stairs 2, down down stairs 2, down up stairs 3, 4, up down stairs 3, 4; Latin Class: in one ear and out the other 2, 3, 4; Textbooks: locker 2, radiator 3, car 4; Band: practiced 2, Mr. Tonis 3, 4; Library: chewed gum 2, talk ed 3, no library privilege 4; Traffic Squad: directed traffic 2, sat on radiator 3, flirted with “girl of the hour” 4; Conditions: looked up at Seniors 2, looked down at Sophs 3, 4; Conditions: .searched for eleva tor 2, resorted to stairs 3, 4; Torch light: hoped 2, hoped 3, lost cause 4; GHS: scared 2, didn’t know any better 3, not a care in the world 4. Undoubtedly there are other “activities” in which GHS’ers par ticipate, but space will not permit them to be printed. Hurry, Sophs! You still have time to participate in all the pre ceding “undercover” features of high school life. Page Seven DAILY DOUBLES By JOANNE GOURLEY City Teachers Make Tour ol Industries You should be able to recognize our little Miss X for this week by u picture and noting those round, sparkling eyes that she is so fortunate to possess. This popular, brown-haired Junior, who IS a member of the Les Seours Club, first rested those long-lashed eyes upon Mr. X when she was a wee Sophomore at G. H. S. and he was a mighty upperclassman. Mr. X, who stands six feet in height, to her five feet, four inches, is a member of the Key Club, the Monogram Club, and the Hi-Y. If I really wanted to give the secret away I’d whisper that an outstanding performance on the athletic field earned Mr. X a lot of well-deserved mention only a couple of weeks ago, but since we like to keep this puzzle as difficult as possible, such an obvious feat will not be told. Just about any day and any hour you can see the blue eyes of Mr. X meeting the glances of Miss X’s beauteous hazel ones, for on October 11, 1952, this couple started going steady. She says that their favorite song changes with their mood, but the one that captures their fancy and that leaves them sentimental at the present is “Yours.” His favorite food is steak sandwiches and hers is ice cream, and as of yet they have no special peeves against each other. Last week’s well-known pair was David Lambeth and Peggy Welch. Butler’s Self-Service 1320 Glenwood Ave. Casey's The World’s Best Barbecue Tel. 4-7728 • 1615 Madison Ave. • Greensboro, N. C. Football Box Suppers $1.50 HOLLIDAY SHOE SHOP 1918 Spring Garden Street Phone 2-5618 Greensboro, N. C. “All Work Guaranteed” Jay’s Delicatessen 608 N. Elm St. Ph. 3-2685 Fine Foods Welcome, Students WE FURNISH THE HOME COMPLETE ON TERMS YOU CAN EASILY MEET! R NIT U R E CO. 14-316 S. ELM ;ST. ^ Recommend Colonial Grocery Stores For The Best Sunset Shopping Center On Friday, November 12, the Greensboro Industries, Inc. pre sented its third annual Industry- Education program for the teachers of the Greensboro city schools. A dinner meeting was arranged for the teachers at Starmount Forest Country Club. Tours of several local industries were ar ranged on Friday afternoon includ ing: Cone Mills, Duke Power and Light' Co, -Reynolds Tobacco Co., Monarch Elevator Co., and the Tex tile Specialty Co. A luncheon was given by the teachers of Senior High feting the local industrialists. The special guests were Mrs. Arthur Scott, president of the city P.T.A. coun cil, Mr. B. L. Smith, superintendent of the city schools, and Mr. J. C. Cowan, a member of the school board. i Glenwood Food Center Self Service Groceries & Meats 1317 Grove St. 3-4179 Students Contribute To Junior Red Cross The annual enrollment poster of the American Junior Red Cross, created by Joseph Binder, inter nationally famous artist, recignizes the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Junior divison of The Amercan Red Cross. The American Junior Red Cross as founded on Septem ber 15, 1917, by President Wood- ro Wilson. Mrs. Mary Madlin, Junior Red Cross adviser, announced that one hundred per cent of the student body contributed during the 1952- 53 drive. The total amount received as $113.36. Record It! Use our new Recording Studio Weddings, Speeches etc., recorded on location MOORE MUSIC Company 615 W, Market 4-4636 Boys—To dazzle the girls. Have your hair cut at Lawndale Barber Shop Girls’ Haircuts Also Sykes Florlsl I For The Best In Flowers \ Phone 2-5131 120 W. Market St. Berry s LFsed Auto Parts Go. We buy and sell used cars and parts Dial 2-0219—Parts Dept. 3-5337—Office 4-3907 P. O. Box 217 GREENSBORO, N. C. Prompt, Efficient Delivery Service South Elm Street Cleaners 2410 S. Elm St. Phone 2-4612 Branch Office, Lee Apples — 803 Glenwood Ave. Polished Chestnut Cordovan... Brilliant and enduring bootleather whose deeptoned richness takes on an added luster with every shine. It gives us a glow just to think of the comfortable miles and miles our customers will get from these flexible Freeman Cordovans. a FREEMAN See our new fall woolen in made-to-measure slacks You may have your slacks made any style desired Welt seams, open or closed—up-fiaps or down flaps— Or design your own and we will make them—$17.50 up CASHMERE SWEATERS, By Revere and Catalina $12.50 and $17.95 Cornatzer & Mock Men’s Wear Telephone 4-2394 121 W. Market St. Greensboro, N. C. .V' 'J il 1 Genuine Shell Cordovan $17.95 IHL HOUSE OF COURTESY-**