December 3, 1955 High Life Page Threa The Ions anticipated Music BuUding for Greensboro Senior High School is at Ust in the planning stage. Combing efforts of the school’s music instructors and building architects resulted in the above plan. The building is designed to meet every occasitm might arise. It will be sometime next year before it will be erected^^d it will be located between the iVlaln Building and the Vocational Building. I. A. Sigmon is the ar^toct for the ttvo.Sitoried structure, which will add must to the modemess of the Gremis- boro Senim* High School Campos. Lost, Boasts Vdriety of Items Have you lost ia.'rliihe;^ohe ear ring? Have'-lost an angora glove? If you have, coine to .^e lost and found department, which is in the‘office and is kept by Mrs. Margaret Malone, the office secre tary. / The many articles tiu-ned . in to the office range from gym clothes to half-knitted multi-colored ar- gygles. Some of these unusual articles are a GHS Whirlie pen nant, compasses, a watch, eye glasses, bottles of pills, and a large leather shoulder bag. Others that are not so unusual include fountain pens, change purses (con taining money up to and over a dollar), cuff links, pencil cases, pencils, and bracelets. Now that cold weather is here, these articles in the lost and found would come in handy: sweaters, scarves of all colors, coats—short and long, gloves of different fa brics, colors and sizes, and um brellas. In the cosmetic and “beautify ing’' department, there are found these items: lipsticks (an assort ment of colors which range from “Kissing Pink” to “Rosy Future”), lompacts, bobbie pins, and barettes. Under miscellaneous would be pocketbooks of all sizes and shapes and one smaii article, a WCUNC charm dated. 1943...The eye glasses number approximately 15, pairs. The head and heck scartes ^e various colpra; mostly reds, greens’ yellows, and hlufis. As for‘jewelry, there is a'tan sequin earring, a small copper one, and also a silver earring. The bracelets Include a turquoise one, and several simple bracelets. Any item that contains any identification is returned to the person during school. At the end of the school year, the found articles are given to the Salvation Army. Guatemalan Honors LaAlianialspanpl^ Miss Nbnha, Davis," a native o| Guateniala,; was the, special guest of the La Alianza Espanola which met Thursday night, November 17, at the home of Eleanor Zwicky. Miss Davis has been in schopi in the United States for a, year. She spoke to the group in Spanish, and demonstrated several Spanish dance steps. Tony Martinez, a sophomore at Senior, played records of popular Cuban music, including “The Lit tle Shoemaker,” which was suiig in Spanish. Miss Maunida Wales, Spanish, teacher, is the adviser of La Alian za Espanola. BALLARD MUSIC COMPANY 319 N. AYCOCK ST. Phone. 4-7889 BAND and ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS MUSIC — PIANOS on the New HARIEY-DAVIDSON And best of all, you can own this exciting, new two-wheel- er for only a few dollars a week. Truly ipw-cost trans portation at best. Come in and see the Hummer today. $342.45 DELIVERED Nothing Doion Easy Payments SPARKY'S Harley-Davidson Sales and Service 509 S. Spring St. Phone 2-1847 SEE OUR WIDE VARIETY OF COSMEHCS Tyson's Plaza Drug Co. 1726 Battleground Rd. Phone 4-8418 WELCH’S FUEL OIL COMPANY FUEL OIL KEROSENE For Prompt Service Dial PHONE 5-7667 1410 W. LEE STREET Plans For Music Building Being Drawn For School By next September a music building will have been built in Senior High’s back yard. Located between the Vocational Building and the Main Building, the $150,- 000 building will house the three musical groups — the band, the choir, and the orchestra. Miss Eula Tuttle, the choir director, J. Kim ball Harriman, the orchestra con ductor, and Herbert Hazelman, the band leader, have worked closely with the architect, I. A. Sigmon on the tentative plans to make the new buildings as servic- abie. as posible. What they , de sire most is space—and they’re getting it. Each music group will have a separate rehearsal room, and .20 individual practice rooms will be available for students. An inter-qbmmu'nication system. wUl be installed in each room, so that the supervisors can .listen to the. students practicing. Band raembefs ,wili be provided locker rOoin ‘whicH wilL give, them the opportunity to. change in to their uniforms,' at' school fpr parades, concerts^ m,usic 'qon-' tests'.' Eacfi bahdste!^' will also.have his Q\yn_;^mailbc« fbr receiving in-, structi'qtis about shows at the fbpt- bali gahies and for.receiyingniusic. A ;‘f orc^ ; kif 'systern^ jwiU keep the building'warm' in Winter and. copi in spring.; With this |;reguia- tion,’fresh .air 'will be circulating thrOtigh tb'e rooms all t^*time. Softie'btSer roofns 'included bn the first floor . are, .^10. band re hearsal room,, band ‘libfarty . and office, an instrument'repair shop, inrtrument storage room and‘lock er rooms. ' On the second floor will be the choir rehearsal room, orchestra rehearsal room, storage rooms, teaching studi|c», orche^a lib rary, choir and orchestra offices and practice rooms. Student Council Members live Help Holiday Meal On Wednesday, November 23, the Student Council presented a com-, plete Thanksgiving box to each janitor and maid of Senior High School. Each year the Student Council sponsors this project; however, the, entire student body participates by their, contributions. Student Council members, ac-. companied by an adult adviser, pur-., chased the Thanksgiving dinner at a local• grocery store. ... . A few of the items included in 'the box were a turkey, potatoes, apples, onions, oranges, grapefruit, bread, rice, peas, and .co.okies> Serving on the Student. Coun cil this year are Houston .Qrooine, . Dick.Robinspn,.Leon-;Bpggs, Wayne. Griffin,. Gail Kirkman, .J-anie. Walr. ters, Manley Dodson, Zade Turnery, and Bill WiUiamspn, seniors.; . Bill O’Brten, Bob Baynes, .Susan Brooks, Buck Hoyle, -Nancy. Lam-., beth, Jane. Lynch, Karl Ray, Har-. riet; Wells, .and. Pete. Wyrick re-., ■present the Junior ClasSs-.- . Sophomore representatives, are Jey. Deifell, ,Sandfa Holdecness,. Peg^. Sin^ Rby hllchaux, ,^tty White, .Linda Harrison, . Laura,. Pearce and Lois Lynph. . , Miss Dorothy McNairy. is ^the adviser , for the Student Council. I HOUSTON GROpME—Incites You To Visit Him, At CORNATZER and MOCK i For the latest styles in- Suits, Sport Coats, Slacks, Sport Shirts, Dress Shirts and Sweaters-. bom, af work or on the way There’s nothing like a Visit A Gutlford Dairy Bar for delicious Banana Splits - Sundaes Milk Shakes - Ice Cream Dairy Bar Locations at 1816 West Lee St. Summit Avenue Shopping Center West Market Street Extension 1334 Battleground Ave. Plaza Shopping Center . ' tQTTue uNon AumoinT er TM cocA-cou coMMHrAT f Greensboro Coca Cola Bottling Company