HIGH LIFE • From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of 0. Henry VOLUME XXXV SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., MARCH 13, 1959 NUMBER 10 Shiela Sapero To Present AAA Tournament Trophy Sheila Sapero has been chosen Greensboro’s finest Central AAA Tournament queen and will assist in presenting the tournamen*^. trophy Saturday night. She was presented Wednesday night when the tournament offici ally opened and will act as hostess for all the games. Thursday she was a guest at a luncheon given for the tournament officials at the Greensboro Country Club. Sheila was given a tierra crown, which she will wear while reigning over the tournament. The basketball team selected Robin Farr. Linda Johnson, and Sheila as finalists from about ten candidates. Sheila was then select ed queen by the contest sponsors, Sears and Roebuck. She was noti fied of her selection as queen Fri day, February 27, but the news was kept secret until the story was released by the city news paper. Sheila was selected Homecom ing Queen earlier this year and has been on the May Court. She was selected by the student body as Miss School Spirit and the most popular senior girl. She is Chair man of the Youth Recreation Com mittee, on the student council, and a member of the Civinettes. GHS’s Science Department Conducts ’59 Science Fair 'PTSA Meeting Tonight' Reads Key Club Banner A banner announcing the PTSA meetings will be donated by the Key Club of GHS in the near fu ture. It will fly on days of the meet ings and will read “PTSA Meet ing Tonight.” The clubbers also will share the ushering at the Triple A tourney, and programs will be sold by the members at 25 cents each. A lunch fund for the foreign exchange student for the year 1959-60 has been estab lished at $95.00. The past projects included the selling of Kleenex for the Roger Hobbs Fund and collecting for the Heart Fund. The thirty-membered club meets weekly at the Mayfair Cafeteria. Mackie Stout, vice president, is in charge of the programs, which usually feature speakers and sports films, such as the film on the Salisbury-Greensboro game. Mr. Dan McGrew of the Greensboro Kiwanis Club is the club advisor and meets weekly with them. A Key Club member, Fred Wed- ler. won the Morehead Scholar ship. MISS AAA—S HEILA SAPERO Greensboro Senior High will conduct its annual Science Fair in the balcony of the boys’ gym March 20. Mrs. Nellie Blackburn, Dean of Students, and the Junior Engin eers’ Club will be co-sponsors for this function. Miss Sara Yar borough wUl be in charge of Qwards and publicity for the fair. Members of Miss Yarborough’s advanced biology class will act as hosts and hostesses for the affair. Fred Wedicr One Of 47 Awarded John Motley Morehead Scholarship Again this year Greensboro Senior High has a winner of the John Motely Morehead scholar ship valued at 5000 dollars, since Fred Wedler, member of Torch light, has won this honor, which entitles him to four years of study at the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill. , Fred Wedler is one of 47 other high school and prep-school stu dents who have received the coveted scholarship this year. To be eiigible for this scholar ship, grades of far better than average are required, as the selec tion of the recipient of this scho larship is based almost entirely on the individual’s grades and showing at the personal inter view. Fred Wedler and the other win ners were chosen from the 770 applicants on the basic of their high school scholastic record and interviews. These interviews were conducted by four committees: county, distict, central, and trus tee. In the future the foundation Council Comer BY JERRY ROBERTSON May Day is a great undertaking for any one student or committee. I think that most of us realize this. Henceforth, in order for GHS to have a successful May Day, we must have the complete cooperation of countless students. Many of you raised your hands when the Student Council members a^ed who would be willing to help. Would you really? We certainly can’t plan such an important occasion only on prom ises. Spring elections will be coming up sooner than you expect. You juniors and sophomores be thinking seriously about run ning for some office in your student government. If you want to do something for your school and lellow students, here’s here’s your chance. You’U hear more about how to apply to run for an office later this month. Let’s remember the third point of our Honor Code. “To respect school property”, and don't forget to use it in our everyday life. hopes to present 100 scholarships »ach year. Angler B. Duke Finalists for the Angier B. Duke scholarships from Senior High this year are Susan Caviness and Eric Schweistris. There are other scholarships which are available to the Senior High students. Application blanks for these scholarships are avail able at the Guidance Center from Miss Blackmon. Applications for the five scho larships that Sears and Roebuck Foundation valued at $200 each are available in the Guidance Cen- ter. The Los Condes service club is offering a scholarship worth $300 to a senior at GHS this year. Those who are interested should apply at the Guidance Center. A $200 award will be given by the Torchlight Honor Society. The money for this scholarship will be derived from the money that is made in the sale of tickets to the Torchlight Talent Show. Nursing Scholarships Two scholarships that are avail able to girls who are interested in studying nursing are available at the Guidance Center. Burling ton Industries each year giveS $2000 dollars to a girl who wants to study nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Another valuable scholarship for nurses is the one that is offered by Medical Auxiliary of Nurses. A scholarship available for girls planning to be secretaries is being given by the O. Henry Chapter of the National Secretar ies Association. Application blanks are available from Mrs. Walke. .A scholarship limited to Kings Business College is available for Continued on Page Seven The Science Fair will be judged on the day before the public is in vited to see the projects. The day set for the judging will be March 19. The judges for the Physics divi sion of the Fair will be Mr. Charles Wilkins and Dr. Anna Joyce Reardon. Both are member of the faculty of the Womans’ Col lege of the University of North Carolina. For the Chemistry Eiepartment, Dr. Harvey Ljung from Guilford College and Dr. C. O. Jensen from P. Lorrillard will be the judges. Judging the Biology projects will be Miss Caroline Powell from Carolina Biological Supply House, Mr. Festa, Director of Science for the Burlington city schools, and Professor Roy Campbell, Chemis try teacher at Salem College. This year, instead of giving prizes of clothes, luggage and slide-rules, there will be awarded to the winners medals and cer tificates of merit. The winners of the Greensboro Senior High Science Fair will go to district competition at Wake Fore.st College, April 5 Senior's Heating System Unfit For Another Year State inspectors have declared the Senior High heating system unfit for another year of service.' The school heating facilities have been in use for thirty years. The improvements will include completely new furnaces, pipes, and aU other heating equipment. $75,000 has been allotted for heat ing equipment, which is to be or dered immediately and installed this summer FRED WEDLER Morehead Winner In Familiar Surroundings