Mrs. Blackburn Retires... See Page 2 HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of Q. Henry Experimental Issue By 1959-60 Stafl VOLUME XXXV SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., MAY S, 1959 NUMBER 14 Celebration oF May Day Includes Queen^ Courts Narrations, Music GHS’s annual May Day festival, which took place yesterday on the front lawn, was opened with the presentation of Linda Johnson, May queen, and her court. After the coronation of the queen by Jerry Robertson, student body president, Frank Har mon, narrator for the program, took charge. He presented a medley of song and dance that has been a part of the “Old South.” First on the agenda was the “Rochester Schottish,” a rather lively folk dance. This was fol lowed by the “Patty Cake Polka” and the “Varsouvienue.” Then the fiddlers began the music of the “Virginia Reel.” Senior members of the May Court shown above are left to right Linda Johnson, queen, Susan Caviness, maid-of-honor, Harriet Cohle, Robin Farr, Pat Hutchins, and Carol Overstreet. Demetriou, Radcliffe Win Pylhias' Speech Contest Frances Demetriou, senior, and Mary Radcliffe, sophomore, were first and second piace winners respectiveiy in the Knights of the Pythias speech contest, “My Favorite Character in History.” The contest was conducted Thursday, Aprii 23, and the first place winner, Frances, will ad vance to the state contest. The state contest, according to Miss Causey, speech teacher and Play- masters’ advisor, will be held in the next two weeks. Sandra Sha^e, senior, was last year’s winner of the speech con test. WHIRLIGIG Staff Reads Final Pages Of Yearbook The final one hundred pages of WHIRLIGIG have been copyread by the staff, sent to the printer, and should be received by students Inext week. New staff members have been kdded, according to Miss Virginia Powell, staff advisor. Six new tnembers for the literary staff are 3ue Wade, Jim Perry, Peggy Coi ner and Carolyn Hough, juniors; C^arol Moser and Linda Stack, iophomores. In addition to the regular sales- nen, the following have been add 'd on a permanent or temporary oasis to the sales staff; Joe Rubin, rommy Gruehn, and Linda Thorn- ey, rising seniors; Linda Pear- nan, Gail Friedman, Gary Brit- enham, and Joan Perry, rising uniors. Library Association Elects Pat Adams New President Pat Adams, junior, was elect ed president of the North Caro lina High School Library Associa tion at the convention at Wom an’s College, April 23 and 24. Having served as treasurer of the state library association for the past term, Pat has been a library worker since her sophomore year at Senior. Other Officers The other newly elected officers are Peggy King, Greensboro Sen ior High, vice president; Susan Culhreth, Pleasant Garden High School, secretary; Jo Cjrowder, Boughton High School, Raleigh, editor; David McLemore, Salem- burgh High School, Roseboro, re porter; and Danette Freeman, Ed wards High School, Asheville, treasurer. Peggy King is a sopho more and a newly elected mem ber of the student council. Registration Begins Registration, beginning at 10:00 a. m. and continuing until 1:00 p. m., was first on the agenda for the convention. The afternoon ses sion was called to order at 1:30 by the past president, Karen Rawl ings of Salisbury. Nominations for new officers were made, and dis cussion groups were conducted. A banquet Friday night in Spencer Dining Hall was followed by ji dance at Elliot Hall. During the Saturday morning session the elec tions were completed, and com- mitee reports were given. The convention closed at noon Satur day with a luncheon for the In coming and outgoing officers. Band Plays In New York City; Performs At NYU, Union Square The band members and eight chaperons started for New York City, Thursday, April 30, for a four day visit in order to render two performances. Virginia First Stop Richmond, Virginia, where din ner was eaten, was the first stop. After dinner, the group moved on to New Castle, Delaware and spent the night in the General Wayne Motel. At 7:30 a. m., they board ed the Queen City chartered bus and traveled on to New York. The band played two concerts. One program for the New York Uni versity was given at 12:00 noon, and Union Square, at 14th and Broadway was the site for the 3:00 show. Included in the reper toire were; “Coloniai Rhapsody,” “Roman Cai-nival,” ‘Prelude and Love Death,” “Bombasto,” andj “Dixie.” Picadilly Hotel Whiie in New York the mem bers lodged at the Picadilly Hotel, and visited the sight-seeing at tractions, including the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty. The Broadway musical, “The Music Man” was the enter tainment highlight of the trip. according to Mr. C. S. Maxwell. Chaperons were: Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Maxwell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jeffus, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rooker, Mr. James Decker, and Mr. David T. Heiberg. The group began the return trip at 8:00 a. m., Sunday and drove straight to Greensboro. The members of the May Court pleased the queen next with their presentation of the “Minuet” and were followed by a group of waltz- ers. After the last notes of “The Waltz of thme Blels” had died, the Queen’s Men, James Apple, Eddie Pickard, David Mallison, and Joe Hill, sang one of the slave songs traditional to the Southern plan tations. The “Paul Jones Mixer” was next on the program. Becky Cham bers. senior followed it with a war song. Before the “March of the Priests” was played for the reces sional, the May pole dance was given by the Senior Honor Court. May Day was under the direc tion of Mr. Hubert Morrow. Carol Inman Gives Pins To Good Gitizens’Group Citizenship Honor Roil pins vere awarded in an assembly May by Carroll Inman, junior class ►resident. Seniors to receive the honors vere Michael George, and Dianne ^aff. Dickie Bowen and Yvonne loyles were top citizens in the ophomore division. Michael George is a member of he Spanish Club, Torchlight, and unior Engineers; Dianne Pfaff is tsaff member on HIGH LIFE and a member of Torchlight. Dickie Dickie Bowen has recently been elected Senior Class Presi dent, is a member of the band, and has served this year on the student council. Yvonne Kincaid is an honor roll student and a member of the FTA .Charles Thompson is a member of the Key Club and Philomathions, and makes special honor roU. Sandra Boyles has recently been elected Treasurer of the rising Junior Ciass and makes honor roll. Dickie Bowen, shown below, has been selected by the student coun cil as GHS’s delegate to the Na tional Student Council Conven tion. Dickie, the 1959-60 senior class president, has also been chosen as Senior’s delegate to Boys’ State Convention this sum mer. Spanish, French Sludenb Enter Language (onfesis Ten students will participate in the annual state Spanish Contest given on May 6, and the annual state French Contest will be con ducted on May 8 with twenty-four students entering from Senior High. Includes Vocabulary Both tests will include vocabu lary, as well as grammar and reading. The best three papers in each category will be sent to Chapel Hill to be entered in the contest. First-place winner in the state in each division receives a Merit Scholarship to Chapel Hill, renew able only if the student maintains a satisfactory average. Only second year students are eligible. National French Contests Second year students in French have just competed in the Na tional French Contest. From the first year level, the paper of Pam Pfaff was selected and entered, and from the second year level, the paper of Yvonne Kincaid. This test is a different test from the state test in that it requires aural comprehension and knowl edge of French civilization, as well as vocabulary, verbs and grammar. Remaining senior members of the May Court are left to right above Kay Smith and Barry Trox- ler. Juniors are Sondra Childress, Elaine Ellis (not pictured;, Carol Smith, Betty Tucker, and Sue Anne Wrenn. Squad Elects Taliaferre New Head Cheerleader Penny Taliaferro, junior, was chosen head eheerieader for the 1959-60 school year by the mem bers of the present squad Mon day, April 27. ' New and old members voted by secret ballot on the new head cheerleader. In the past the cheer leaders and the head have been chosen in the early fall, but this custom was changed by this year’s group because they felt that more time was needed to practice, work up new cheers, and to plan more and better skits for pep rallies. These and several of the pro blems usually confronted in the fall will be worked out during the summer. The eleven - member varsity cheerleading squap for next year consists of Penny, Jimmy McGee, Sue Anne Wrenn, Lucinda Clark, Marilyn Mills, and Christina Ste wart, rising seniors; Betty Welch, Martha McKee, Jimmy Thompson, and Nancy Helton, rising juniors; and Georganna Sartin, rising soph omore. The junior varsity head cheer leader will be chosen in the next two weeks. —0 Council Elects Bowen As Delegate To NSCC Dickie Bowen, new senior class president, has been eiected a dele gate to the National Student Council Convention to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. June 25. All the North Carolina delegates will leave Charlotte June 20, and spend the first night in Virginia. They wili arrive in Pittsburgh June 21. A minimum number of delegates from the state organizations may attend this gathering, so the group is selected carefully. It is an honor for Dickie, repre senting this school, to have been selected to fill the available spot, according to Mrs. Jean Newman, student council advisor, because this is the first time for such an election. The student council of GHS will pay the $25.00 registration fee.