See New Columns On Pages 2, 5 HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of 0. Henry Baseball Team Wins 4-A Title See Page 4 S^OLUME XXXVI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREEN SBORO, N. C., MAY 13, 1960 NUMBER 14 New WHIRLIGIG editors Jess lacFarland, Brenda Meadows, and irgrinia Harmon (left to riirht) re shown looking^ over an old WHIRLIGIG. ^nd Gives Performance It Mother's Day Concert The annual Mother’s Day Con- :ert was given May 8 at the Ireensboro High School auditor- urn at 4:30 by the Senior High land. Music from the Ballet Suite, Mademoiselle Angot”, by Lecocq vas played. A “Brass Ensamble ionata’’ by Gabrieli. was included m the program. By popular de- nand the saxaphone solo by Ken- ly Mills “Caranvile of Venice” lue section also played a lute section 'was also played a iolo, “Meditation” (Tahais) by dassenet. All the elementary and junior ligh schools were invited to come o the concert which was given ree of charge. The program was )lanned more for the younger set han any other program given luring the year. Fifty - Nine Seniors Lead List of Special Honor Roll Fifty-nine students made the special honor roll for the second six weeks of second semester. The senior class led with thirty repre sentatives, while the juniors had fifteen and the sophomores listed fourteen. The seniors from room 202 listed this time are as follows: Judy Blackmon, Ralph Burroughs, Jo Anne Cannon, and Priscilla Cau dle. From 204 come Peggy Col- mer and Brenda Coltrane. Thomas Cribbin and Tara Dinkel repre sent room 2. Betty Goodwin is the only one from room 27, while Ann Haralson comes from room 304. Room 303 has its only repre sentative, Bessie Hudson Room 60 lists Yvonne Kincaid and Lind Kirksey. From room 300 are Vera LeCraw, Jeanne Little john and Chuck McDonald. Sam my McNairy and Meredith Mc Neill are from room 21. Freda Ozment comes from room 306, Ohoir Members To Tour Miami, N^ssau In June Planning a trip to Miami and Nassau June 25-July 2, is the Sen- jr High School Choir’s latest proj- :ct, along with graduation exer- lises. They will make the trip as a eparate group, but plan to join he band in Miami for two con- erts, and Nassau for another t the palace of the governor gen- ral. In all three of these con- erts the choir will sing “Sinai” ssisted by the band. The maij oncert of the tour will be in liami at the convention of the Ciwanis International. Plan Sightseeing ; However, the entire trip will not e strictly work. Sight-seeing aurs and shopping sprees have een planned. Mr. Herbert Hazel- lan has also invited the choir to Bin the band on a tour around le islands in a catamaran, a two- aul sailing boat with a three piece alypso band. ; The Kiwanis club will sponsor le trip; however, the choir will elp by having money raising rejects of their own. Sightseeing hd shopping will be paid for by le individual members. The choir will charter one bus for the two-day trip to Miami, and several members will take stations wagons for the sixty members. From Miami a DC6B Pan American will be chartered to fly them to Nassau where they will stay for three days. Finish Season Finishing up a season of suc cessful programs, under the di rection of Miss Eula Tuttle, the choir sang for the Rotary Club April 25 at Sedgefield Manor and will perform in the graduation exercises for the class of 1960. The program for the Rotarians Lady’s Night consisted mainly of light numbers ending with the “Battle Hymn” and the “Alma Mater”. The Queen’s Men sang two numbers, and Sally Ogburn and Lynn Bowls, seniors, did the Charleston. The next performance will be May 17 for the assembly here. They will sing their complete rep ertoire plus a couple of novelty numbers. The choir will sing two anthems for Baccalaureate, “Salvation”, and “Breath of God”, June 5 at the First Baptist Church. The senior members voted and chose “Abide With Me” as the hymn. while Joyce Payne is listed by room 3. The members from room 61 are Sherry Rottman, Corby Rouse, and Marjorie Rubin. Ar thur Springer and Helen Stanfield represent room 4. Room 9 lists the following: Ann Thayer and Harriet Thompson. From 302 comes Peter Weltner. Jewel Williams and Lynda Wil liams represent room M-204. Juniors Listed Bobby Buchanan and Judy Brady represent room 10; Wayne Daniel and Joel Drinkard come from room 103; Adele Freedman represents room 200; Don Grimes and Irene Gulledge represents room 8. Room 63 lists Kenneth Kauf man; room 14 lists John McCul loch; and room 309 has Anne Starr Minton. Michael Patterson comes from 203-A. Pam Pfaff and Mary Radcliffe are listed by room 317; Charles Thompson by 203-B; and Terry Stewart by room 305. Sophomore Pat Conron comes from room 1; Jim Freedman from room 24; Anita Henkel from room 311; Rhea Jacobs from room 6; Sherry Kellett from room 202; Roger Lewis from room 315; San dra Parker from room 5; Ramon Polk from room 12. Other Sophomores Other sophomores making spec ial honor roll second six weeks are as follows: Dan Richman, rep resenting room 313; Patsy Smith and Diane Smither representing room 100. Katherine Tucker is listed by room 16; while H.E. 100 names Jean Whitaker as its only representative. Nora Wilson comes from room 100. o Arthur Springer Wins in State Math Contest Arthur Springer, senior, one of the 2799 students participating in the State High School Mathemat ics Contest of 1960, placed first in the contest. The contest of April 8, which was given in 134 schools, broke all previous records for the num ber of high schools participating and for the number of students taking part in any academic con test, according to Mr. E. R. Ran kin, secretary of Academic Con tests. Meadows Selected Head Of’6o'6i Yearbook Staff staff members of the 1961 WHIRLIGIG have been assigned positions for next year, reported Miss Virginia Powell, adviser of the yearbook. Brenda Meadows, junior, is to succeed Sherry Rottman, senior, as editor-in-chief. Brenda held the position of index editor on the I960 yearbook staff. She is a mem ber of the student council. Future Teachers of America, and is on the Honor Roll constantly. Brenda’s job will be to super vise the entire yearbook, issue in structions to her staff, and plan the cover with Miss Powell. MacFarland Succeeds Filling Ann Thayer’s shoes as literary editor will be Jess Mac Farland, junior. She is president of the North Carolina FTA and also a member of the choir. Su pervision of all written material submitted to the book will con stitute the greater part of her job. Dale Stansbury, sophomore, will assist Jess in editing aU copy and writing stories. The other mem bers of the literary staff are Rhea Jacobs, Jean Bernheim, Barbara Barney, Margaret Cranford, Cherry Swaringen, sophomores; and Gary Brittenham, junior . Filling in the vacancy left by the graduation of Coral Mills, sen ior, Martha McKee will assume the responsibilities of photography editor. Martha is a cheerleader and a member of the rising senior class. Assisting Martha will be Nancy Martin, sophomore. Nancy’s father, Carroll Martin, is the official pho tographer for WHIRLIGIG. Doro thy Payne, rising senior, and Linda Lael, rising junior, are engraving editors. Holly Kowal and Carol Moser, juniors, are editing the senior Class section together. Carol was co editor of the junior section this year. Becky Cain will be in charge of the junior class pages. Cam Penfield, sophomore, will edit the sports section, assisted by Gary Brittenham, junior. Index Compiled The index will be compiled by Cheryl Jones ,sophomore. This job entails the alphabetizing of faculty, students, activities, and advertis ers. Virginia Harmon, junior, wUl be succeeding Preston Earle, senior, in the capacity of business mana ger. Virginia is on student council and is also the newly elected pres ident of FTA. Steve Farrington, sophomore, is assistant to the business manager. Mr. Stewart Colson of the math department will begin his second year as business adviser. Mr. A. P. Routh, principal, will continue in his position as financial adviser. Ad salesmen will be Grace Pen ny, Carol Roberts, Lucy O’Brien, Sam West, Janet Harrison, sopho- cores, and Nancy Helton, junior. Last Tuesday, May 4, a group of old and ne wmembers of the Whirligig staff made their yearly visit to the Washburn Printing Company in Charlotte. Seven members made the trip. Among- those were Brenda Meadows, ris ing editor; Jes MacFarland, jun ior; and Holly Kowal, junior. 0 ili Word of Explanation To all of the many faithful readers and friends of the HIGH LIFE staff: In case you have noticed lately that the senior members of the staff have been floating aroimd on cloud nine, its not because the beach is near at hand, but rather, they are taking a well needed two- week rest. The production worries of HIGH LIFE have shifted over to the junior and sophomore members of the staff for the traditional ex perimental issue .That issue is in your hands. Tie masthead on page two lists the students who ■ will compose next year’s staff. Four Seniors Recipients Of National Scholarships Four seniors. Page Acree, Vera LeCraw, Tara Dinkel, and Jim Perry, were named recipients of Merit Scholarships on the basis of their high school careers. The General Motors Scholar ship, a $4,000, four-year schol arship, was awarded to Page Acree. She plans to enter Furman University this fall and is plan ning to major in the field of lib eral arts; Besides studying. Page finds time to participate in sev eral school activities including Torchlight, History Honor Society, and choir. She is also copy editor of HIGH LIFE. Tara Dinkel is planning to go to Radcliffe on her four year National Merit Scholarship. While there, she is planning to major in English or history. Tara’s extra-curricular activities include the presidency of Quill and Scroll and membership in the History Honor Society. Two winners were named for the Sears Foun dation Merit Scholarship; they are Vera LeCraw and Jim Perry. On her four year scholarship, Vera plans to attend Sweet Briar College. Her major will be sociology. Vera is a mem ber of Civinettes, FTA, JCL, Torchlight, and she works on the WHIRLIGIG staff. Besides receiv ing the Sears Scholarship, Jim Perry received the Naval RTOC Scholarship. He is undecided as to which he will accept. Both the scholarships are for a four year period. Jim is planning to major in business ad ministration and possibly go on to graduate work in law. He will attend either Davidson or Duke. Jim participates in many school activities. He is on the WHIRLI GIG staff, president of his home room, and a member of the cross country, basketball, and tennis teams.