GHS Homecoming Queen To Be Crowned Nov. 1 Grimsley’s Homecoming Queen will be corwned Friday night, November 1, at the Grimsley High Point football game. The presentation of all candidates for Homecoming Queen and their sponsors and escorts will take place Wednesday, October 29 at our regular weekly assembly. Mary Rountree, chairman of elections, stressed that the Homecoming Queen is elected solely on a basis of school spirit. Elections wiU take place the morning of November 1 in order to try and keep the results a secret. The crowning of the Queen will take place during half-time of the game. Tentative plans have been made for a bonfire. Definite plans Members of GHS’s Homecoming Court are, front row, left to right— Pfaff, Ray, Roos, Mac intosh, Vaughn, Huckabee, Coble, and Mason. Second row, Pearce, Fillipski, Reed, Hartman, and Pritchard. Third row, Newman, Johnson, Dunford, Phillips, Bradshaw, Starling, Roundtree, Jamieson, Burton, and Barrier. IJQ VOLUME XL GRIMSLEY SENIOR HIGH GREENSBORO, N. C., OCT. 25, 1963 NUMBER 3 Officer Training Workshop Forerunner of Event wiU be announced after the Homecoming Committee has checked with the faculty ad visors. Also serving on the committee for the Homecoming Game are Sally Andrews, Lynn Duncan, and Philip Jones. Bill Acree is in charge of lighting, and Carolyn Rich is Publicity chairman. Mr. Jack Jessup is faculty advisor. Each girl is sponsored by one boy and escorted by another. The candidates and their sponsors and escorts are as follows: Each girl is sponsored by one boy and escorted by another. The candidates and their sponsors and escorts are as follows: Ellen Barrier, who is sponsored by Randy Ariail, will be escorted by A1 Lineberry. Keith Gulledge sponsors Ann Bradshaw, who will be escorted by Bob Banks. James Walker will sponsor Ellen Dun- ford who will be escorted by Bill Johnson. Sponsoring Linda Filip- ski is Edward McLean. Linda will be escorted by Dargan Frierson. Deanna Huckabee, who is spon sored by Brandon James, will be escorted by Bill Blackman. Phillip Jones will escort Ann McIntosh, who is sponsored by Charles Press- ley. Basil Bullard, Jr. is sponsoring Donna Newman. Donna will be escorted by Tommy Hutton. Gail Pfaff. who is being sponsored by Bill Tucker, will be escorted by Jerry Jernigan. Escorting Betty Pritchard will be Bobby Crumley. Betty is sponsored by Billy Mitch ell. Lynn Duncan sponsors Susan Ray who wil be escorted by Ran dall Miller. Patti Reed will be es corted by Redge Foster. She is sponsored by John Crump. Spon- coring Pat Roos is Steve Martin- Pat will be escorted by Pete Cross. Chet Linker sponsors Mary Roun tree. who will be escorted by Pat Brugh. Emily Starling is sponsor ed by Thomas Trollinger and she will be escorted by David Fieg. Janice Vaughan, who is sponsored by Eddie Walke, will be escorted by Vestal aimer. Mary Anne Bur ton is sponsored by Tommy Pugh and will be sponsored by Ed Sel lars. Roger Dalton sponsors Pat Coble, who will be escorted by Continued on Page Eight District DE Meeting Held At Page 'Meet Me In St. Louis Presented By Jr. Class The District D. E. Meeting was held at Page High School, October 23, from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Representative schools were Page, Ragsdale, Grimsley, Ben L. Smth, Southeast-Guilford, Northeast-Guilfo-rd, Northwest-Guilford, Graham High, Southern High of Graham and Walter There were two delegates from every school who had a vote each in electing the District 7:30 in the > GHS Auditorium. Chosen to be presented was officers who ran at the meeting and were installed at a later time. Christophei' Sergei’s dramatizaton of Sally Bensons hook, Pat Dean, a Senior at GHS entered the job interview contest, which she won at Bessemer High last year. One student en- Grimsley’s Junior Class play was presented last night at “Meet Me In St. Louis.” Meet Me In St. Louis” was a situation comedy which took tered from every school pres ent. Another contest held was the Speech Contest. A buffet supper, social hour, sock hop, and the crowning of a Beauty Queen were other events of the meeting. An Office Training Workshop held October 8 wa-s the forerunner of the District D.E. Meeting. Registration for the Office Training Workshop was handled by Lavondia Ciary and Dorothy Key, which began at 7:15 in room V-62. At 7:30 the General Meeting was called to order by Ronnie Dawson, D.E. President represent ing Grimsley. The roll call was read and the various officers of D.E. clubs of this area were recog nized. The officers who were recog nized were from such schools as Alamance, Northeast - Guilford, Southeast - Guilford, Northwest- Guflford, Page, Ben L. Smith. Ragsrale, Graham, and Grimsley. Martha Snead. D.E. Vice-Presi dent, introduced the speaker for the evening, Mrs. Virginia Heard, North Carolina State Manager of Britanica Films. Mrs. Heard’s topic was “Qualities of Leadership for a Real Officer.” A film entitled “Parliamentary Procedure in Action” was intro duced by Mr. Louie Benardi. D.E. Coordinator from Ben L. Smith High School. Also present were officers from the various clubs and organizations of GHS. At 8:30 the General Meeting broke up into six small discussion groups in various rooms of the Vocational Building. The Presi dents met in room V-61 with Ron nie Dawson as Presiding Officer and Discussion leader Mr. William Hunter. D.E. Coordinator of Northwest-Guilford High School. The Vice-Presidents met with Mar tha Snead, Presiding Officer, and Mrs Clara Waltnale, D.E. Coordi nator of Page High School, in Continued on Page Eight XL EXECUTIVE BOARD MEHING HELD TO DISCUSS INDUCTIONS place in St. Louis about 1904. The farce delt with the objection of a businessman’s family against moving to New York. Their An executive board meeting was held recently by the Grims ley Junior Oassical League. The purpose of the meeting was for the officers to plan an induction ceremony for the new members. Parker Norman, president, announced that the ceremony would take place October 31 in room 201 at 3:30 and that ap proximately sixty to seventy new members were expected to be inducted. During the indue- tion an orchestral ensemble would provide the music as five officers acted the roles of high priest and the spirits of four years of Latin. Membership in JCL is based on a student maintaining an eighty-five average in Latin; how ever, any member who not actively participating or misses two meet ings is dropped from the roll. At the executive board meeting Cyn^ia Wharton, North Carolina Stae Secretary for JCL, accom panied by her sponsor Mrs. Mad- lin; reported on the State JCL executive board meeting. Steve Hobbs, State president called the meeting and requested all officers with their local sponsors to attend. The meeting was held October 5 in Chapel Hill and continued throughout the day. The purpose of the meeting was to plan the program for the JCL convention which was to be held in March at Chapel Hill. Some of the activ ities planned for were two general assemblies. Latin contest, the elec tion of State officer, and work shops pertaining to the improve ment and development of the Jun- ior Cbssical League. Also attending the executive board meeting from Greensboro was Jee Yeung, a senior at Page, who had been appointed Parlia mentarian for the convention. Wilder Elected President Of NCEA Latin Section Mrs. Frances Wilder, Latin and English teacher here at Grimsley High School, was elected President of the Latin section of the NCEA held October 4. NCEA is a state-wide profession al organization for teachers on both tlje high school and elemen tary levels. protests to his new promotion and their attempts to dissuade his boss from giving their fath er the job lead to hilarious re- suits. These several incidents made the play a very warm and ridicu- ously funny play. Characters Worth Bawldin headed the cast of the Smith family in the role of Mr. Smith. Other members of the Smith family included Betsy Bourne as Mrs. Smith, Janet Tur ner as Rose, Linda Dunn as Ester, Candy Sauer as Agnes. Dena Scher as Tootie, Ken Bell as Lon, Bishop Byerly as Grandpa Propha- ter, and Pam Doss as Katie. Other characters included Bar bara Britten as Mrs. Waughop, Claudia McGill as Ida Boothby. Bill Russell as John Shephard, Bob Albright as Fred Gregory, Mary Ann Buie as Lucille Pen- tard, Barry Smith as Mr. Dorge, Gary Smith as Mr. Duffy, and Erwin Lewis as the conductor. Linda Harville and Lynn Went worth acted as prompters and sub- stituted for the original cast when necessary. A great number of juniors and faculty members have worked on many of the committees in order that the scenery, props, and cos tumes would be ready for the per formance. Direction Miss Mozelle Causey directed the play and Mrs. Wales, the jun ior class advisor, co-ordinated many of the committees. Following the performance, Miss Causey was presented with a bou quet of long-stem red roses from the cast. After the presentation, the players enjoyed a brief party back stage before returning to their homes. Juniors—Betsy Bourne, Janet Turner, and Barbara, Britten^uring a rehearsal for the jun ior class play “Meet Me In St. Louis.”

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