■ebruary 21, 1966 High Life Page Three, Ah So. Good Reader: Karate Strides Again Karate might be defined as lie poor man’s way of killing eople. This because it involves o weapons other than the hands -which usually come with the erson. The origin of Karate can be raced back to a group of Orient- 1 monks who needed a swift orm of retaliatory defense with ome kick to it. (Sorry about hat.) They came up with Karate. Karate utilizes a knowledge of lerve centers and weak points dth which every victim comes quipped. The hand is not the mly part of the body used to lellver killing blows. The feet re also employed in this meta- :arpal mayhem, as are the el K)ws in some cases. The basic idea of Karate is to Usable or even kill a menacing tpponent who is larger than you. t utilizes speed and knowledge n order to defeat the opponent. The basic striking areas on the lead are the bridge of the nose, Electricity costs less today 1 ne cost of almost every Item you buy has practically doubled m the past ten year& while the cost per uidt of electric service has actually ^creased about one third. Duke Power residaitial cus> lomers today enjoy rates that ■e 20% lees than the national •wngcd DUKE POWER the temple, the hollow below the ear, the nerve center in the neck, and the fifth vertabra. The solar plexus, the nerve center in the forearm and the nerve center in the leg are also prime striking areas. Killing blows are administered to the “Adam’s apple” and the fifth vertabra. A direct kick to the kneecap can cause dislocation with as little as 65 pounds of pressure, an amount which even a woman can deliver. A blow to the forearm nerve center can temporarily paralyze the arm. A heavy blow to the temple, the bridge of the nose, or the neck nerve center can cause uncon sciousness. The techniques of delivering the blows require much practice. Experts at the art wear the cov eted black belt which denotes the highest degree of proficiency a person can obtain. There are various other stages of develop ment such as the brown, red, yellow belts and many grades within these divisions. This dead ly art, brought to perfection, turns a person into a self-con tained package of instant may hem. One of the cardinal rules of karate is that it is never used except in self defense. The armed forces teaches some karate to its inductees. However, when you consider that we are engaged in war with a people who have been exposed to this method of self defense for 2,000 years, our efforts seem puny. Two thousand years is a big head start. ACNE spoiling your fun? USE CENAC for Him/for THE PLAYMATE SHOP FINAL MARK DOWNS ON ALL GIRLS FALL AND WINTER SPORTS WEAR PRICE ON ALL FALL SKIRTS, SWEATERS, SLACKS, DRESSES AND JUMPERS ONE GROUP BLOUSES 5L 4trtllo4/ JEFFERSON SQUARE AT 1(K) N. ELM Shrunken Head Returns Older Books Hold Reader Interest In Battle With Current Favorites By John Taylor Ordinarily a book review consists of factual information concerning a book which has re cently been released. But, in the interest of greater enjoyment of literature, I offer two books which have been published, both several years ago. Dear and Glorious Physician, by Taylor Caldwell, reviewed by the Reader’s Digest is “(an) imaginative reconstruction ... (of the life) of the early Chrstians. Immensely readable ...” This book deals with the time of Christ as seen through the eyes of one man. If one skips the introduction there is even a moderately surprising ending. The main character, Lucanus, was an unusually gifted, intelli gent fellow who hated to see his fellow human beings suffer. His was the choice between a life of luxury, for his Greek father was by no means poor, and a life of poverty, helping his fellow hu mans through medicine. He seemed fated to be kept from the profession for which he had a divine calling, this be cause of his wealth and stature. His struggle to overcome a handi cap which most people would re gard as a distinct advantage forms the basis for a very in teresting novel. Mrs. Caldwell, in married life, Mrs. Marcus Rebock pursued her career in vain for a number of years. Dear and Glorious Physi cian, her second million seller, was published a number of years after both of her children had married. She has several other novels to her credit including This Side of Innocence, a mil lion-seller plus in 1946. The other book to be consid ered is also a novel, but science- fiction this time. This is a 1984- type novel by Robert A. Heinlein entitled Day After Tomorrow. Heinlein is among the most famous of all science fiction writ, ers in a class with Ray Brad bury, Isaac Asimor, and Damon Knight. Heinlein wrote Day After To morrow to give the science fic tion public what might happen if the United States of America lost World War HI. The book concerns six men, the last remnants of authority left in the United States and their rather bizarre, though thor oughly science-fictionish plot, to recapture the United States from the Asiatic victors who occupy America. The reason the plot is so bi zarre is that the six military men seek to regain control through religion, the very element which might have prevented the war and the very element which caused the two countries to fight in the first place. The race of Americans has not been completely destroyed but the survivors are under con trol of the asiatic conquerors who, as it turns out, are too lenient, if that is remotely conceiveable, in letting the common people cling to their religion. From secret underground head quarters, these six men direct the spread of a new religion which takes in only people of the Amer ican race. This is done by a new device concerted by one of the six which permits only people of American “atomic make-up” to enter the cathedrals. Here they are told of the plot and recruits are indoctrinated. The book is one continuous action-packed drama and it would appear that Heinlein has scored again. By John Taylor The Shrunken Head, in its never ending battle for popular ity, decided to conduct a poU to discover what readers want from this column. In this search, one interesting point was raised. We asked Barry Goldwater to enlighten our staff on what our basic policy should be in the Shrunken Head. He said, “Well, off the record I would say that, as to the question at hand, the basic motivational concept gen erated should follow the pattern prescribed for and administered to this pattern of events com pounded by the likelihood of mas tication brought on through the definite fundamental by-laws of the credo which is explained by simple addition of a social caty- lyst to the economic theory of in terjection which has since been replaced by the concept of exor- cism which is a fundamentally sound one.” I get the odd feeling that he plans to run again in ’68. In order to remain non-parti san, we also questioned President Lyndon Johnson. The conversa tion went something like this: Reporter—“Mr. President, we of “FEATURING BEST MUSICAL BRAND NAMES’* MOORE MUSIC CO. 615 W. Market St Phone BR 4-4636 High Life would like to ask you what steps you would recommend to improve the quality of the material intro duced into the Shrunken Head.” L. B. J.—“Well, son, off-hand ah’d say that while escalation is necessary, the war must be fought and won by sheer gut-power. Y’know, I got an olg mule back at th’ ranch, y’know. Anyhow, see, this ole’ mule . . .” (at this point Luci Baines enters.) Luci—“Daddy-o, kin ah have the limousine t’nite so’s me an’ Pat kin run off’n get mar ried?” L. B. J.—“But sugah-lump, if y’ all runs off’n gits hitched so quick, they won’t be nobody at th’ wedding.” Luci—“Aw, shucks. Daddy. I al ready got foah-hunnert peo ple comin! I borrowed the C.I.A. and th’ Secret Service. Neither group was doin’ no thin’ nohow.” (What happened next so dis abused our reporter that he left. Yep, you guesed it. L. B. J. picked Luci up by her ears and put her in her room.) Needless to say, we are right back where we started. Any sug gestions for improvements in this column are welcome. o Grimsiey's Girls Continued from Page One to Mr. Routh for the top of the main building. Sub-Juniors Sub-Juniors concentrated on drives from September to Janu ary. They collected for Heart Fund, T.B., Cerebral Palsy, and Muscular Dystrophy. Once again they supported the Golden Door Project, and also rendered service to Greensboro’s Women’s Club. At Christmas they dressed dolls for the Empty Stocking Fund. One interesting proect was the provision of cosmetics, toys, and hospital gowns for the Ship Hope. Sub-Juniors also entered a Home coming display. TOM BOONE Formal Wear Rentals 112 W. SYCAMORE STREET Phone 273-6617 ^kffiiiTi( m Three fine stores to serve you ... Downtown, Summit and Friendly THE LOTUS RESTAURANT AMERICAN AND CHINESE FOOD 105 South Greene St. We Prepare Chinese Food To Take Oat