VOLUME XLII Female Swimmers Face Big Season Page 4 GRIMSLEY HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C. 27 410, DECEMBER 19, 1966 NUMBER 12 Senior Class Presents 7he Star of WoncJer' Monogrammed litter bags were resently distributed to many GHS students. Those who drive a car to school at least once a week were given the bags. Six garden clubs throughout the city participated in the making of these bags. Six- hundred were made. Mrs. W. C. Wagoner, chairman of the state-wide anti-litter campaign, commented that GHS was the first school in the state to receive litter bags. Pictured above are: (kneeling) Tom Boone, Gail Knieriem ,and Jody Turner, the School Beautiful co-chairmen. Standing are Mrs. Wagoner, Miss Lynne Hundley and Mrs. J. ,R. Pringle. Service Clubs Undertake Projects During The Holiday Season “The Star of Wonder,” the GHS Christmas pageant -will be presented by the Senior Class, Wednesday, December 21. The story is a combination of the true Christmas story and the modern Christmas spirit of today. The cast for the production is: Nancy Lynch, Mrs. Pruitt; Robert Keeler, Mr. Clark; Barbara Ay ers, Mrs. Clark; Laura Clendenin, who is a fifth grader from Brooks School, Joy. Otis Alexiou, Inn Keeper; Nan cy Richbourg, Innkeeper’s wife; Larry Allen, Lynn Rose, Tom Shore, Wise Men; Randy Mims, Stephen Van Pelt, shepherds; Wanda Baxter, Mary; Bruce Hart- grove, Joseph. Lynn Marshall, Tammy Staley, Patricia Thompson, angels; Pat Hammers, Bruce Hiatt, walk-ons. The play will be narrated by Tom McCroy. It is directed by Matt Gibson. Mary Amend and Susan Odenwald are the co-chair men of the play production. Mary estimated that the group spent 100 hours practicing for their performance. She explained that they practiced four days weekly from 3:30 until 5:15. The group had three dress rehearsals: Thursday night, Monday after noon, and Tuesday afternoon. Miss Alice Sue Lahr and Miss Mary E. Phillips are the faculty advisors for the Christmas pag eant. It was directed with the faculty assistance of Mrs. Jane Hauser. o New Members Honored At Torchlight Dinner Torchlight’s annual dinner, which is in honor of the new members, occiured December 8, at the Apple House at Quaker Village. Dr. Paul Early, minister at the Emanuel Baptist Church, was the guest speaker. His main topic was about teen-agers and their posi tion. Dr. Early explained that the w-orld’s population was greatly increasing and that if a person wanted to survive this popula tion explosion and be known, he must make something of himself. He added that being in Torch light was one way for a person to start to be “someone.” Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Routh were also guests at the dinner. Mrs. Mary Madlin, Miss Sara Mims, and Miss Ida Belle Moore, the faculty advisors, were also pres ent. Both service clubs and other school - affiliated organizations have undertaken different Christ mas projects for this holiday season. Student Council is aiding a wel fare family which has five child ren, The group is collecting both food and clothes for the family. The Junior Jaycettes are also dping a needy family by con- ibuting clothes, food, and toys, le club is planning a Christmas irty for its members, and it llected for Tuberculosis to buy hristmas seals. The Junior Jaycees are display ing their annual nativity scene on the front lawn. lighlight for Seniors Planned The Civinettes are wrapping esents for a needy family in mtucky which they have help- for several years. Each mem- r gives one wrapped gift and Annual JCL Program To Occur Tomorrow The Junior Classical League iristmas program will occur to- )rrow afternoon, December 20. Larry Allen, vice-president of -L, will relate the story of the nnan Saturnalia, which is the me of an ancient Roman festi- I given in honor of Saturn, the (man harvest god. The officers II then light the Saturnalia rhe Christmas story will be d in both Latin and English Robert Pendley, junior, and thy Rees, senior. Jusic will also be included in program. Miss Jeanne Mere- ti. choir director, and the GHS flrigal singers will present sev- 1 Christmas songs, tfter the singing of “Silent !ht” in Latin, the program will 1 with a Christmas prayer by president of JCL, Anne Rubin. one item of clothing. Their an nual Christmas dinner will be at Fritz and Bills. It is “the high light for the seniors who have graduated the year before.” The Civitans are going carol ing with the Civinettes and there will be a party afterwards. O. Henry Juniors are giving gifts to a needy family. The club also will have a polyanna for its members. Fruit Baskets Sent The Key Club is sending fruit baskets to the Masonic Home. They are also having a joint Questionnaire Continued Editor’s note: This is the sec ond in a series of articles ex plaining the functions of the clubs and organiaztions at Grims- ley. Organization: Spanish Honor Society. Officers: Connie Giles, presi dent; Tom Shore, vice-president; Linda Welfare, secretary; Barb ara Israel, treasurer. Advisor: Miss Maunida Wales. A brief history: “The Spanish Honor Society was founded by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portu guese in 1953 for the students of the North American Second ary Schools, and this chapter is due to the efforts of Miss Wales in 1957.” Purpose: “To create an organ ization for good Spanish students, and to give a bond to the student with the highest average.” How many members: 50 How often are meetings: Once a month. Projects and services: Selling potato chips and giving the $25 Spanish bond. Requirements to enter this or ganization: A B average or better. What percentage of the enroll ed members attend the meetings: 75 per cent. party with the Jaycees and the Civitans Christmas Eve. Exchangettes are helping a needy family through the Christ mas Clearing Plan. They will sup ply them with food, clothes, sheets and towels. The Exchange Club is selling Christmas trees and they are also having a Christmas party. Charioteers are helping a needy family. They are giving clothes, toys, and canned goods. The club is also singing Christ mas carols at the Masonic Home. The members collected for Tuberculosis and will have a Christmas party. Net Dolls Made Seniorettes are making net dolls which are stuffed with candy. They will take them down to children’s wards. Sub-Juniors are planning a pro gressive dinner for the holiday. Spanish Honor Society is plan ning a Spanish fiesta, Tuesday, December 20. They will play Spanish games. Youth Council To Present T. V. Christmas Special “Twas the Night Before Christ mas” will be the theme of the special television program which will be given by the Greensboro Youth Council, (GYC), Saturday, December 24. The program is a comedy. It will include information about the Christmas of foreign ex change students and the feelings of American teen-agers about Christmas. “We are trying to keep away ' from the strongly sentimental for the teen-agers and keeping along the line of entertainment with the teen-agers feelings a- bout Christmas,” commented Ra mona Curtis, youth producer of the Christmas special. The plot is that of a Christmas Eve Party. Ramona, a senior at Grimsley, GHS Made Ready For Holidays; Wreaths Made, Tree Decorated Saturday, December 4, approx imately five students attended the School Beautiful workday. The main reason for this work day was to “get Grismley ready for the Christmas hoUdays.” Four Christmas wreaths were made and were hung on the front doors of the school. Also for the Christmas season, GHS has a Christmas tree. This is the first year that the school is decorated with one. A contest which is sponsored by the School Beautiful CommiL tee has been waged to decorate the artificial seven-foot tree. The students have been urged to dec orate the tree with ornaments which they have made. The stu dent having the most original Chris(()mas ornament will be awarded a prize. Gail Knieriem, a tri-chairman of the committee, explained the reason for this contest “is so that the students, themselves, can decorate the tree in the manner which they wish.” The executive committee of School Beautiful first originated this idea. It was decided that an artificial tree would be purchas ed so that the tree could be placed inside the school and so that it could be used for future years. will also be the girl moderator for the program. Stewart Rogers, a junior at Page High School, will be the boy moderator. The Youth Council, formally called the Youth Council on Civ ic Affairs, (YCCA), will present the program at 5 p.m. on Chan nel ’Two. However, it will be filmed several days before the showing. Annual Hi-Y Conference Attended By Seymour President of Philomathian Hi- Y, Robert Seymour recently at tended the forty-third Annual Hi- Y Conference of the Carolinas in North Wilkesboro. The conference was on Decem ber 9-11. It was also attended by Jay Jorgenson, Joe and Gene Fuller, Larry Reed, and John Wayant, all members of the GHS Hi-Y Club. Jay and Larry were the of ficial delegates from the club. Speakers for the convention were three members of the Caro- lina football team who were also members of the Association of Christian Athletes. Robert, a senior, made a report to the Conference on his recent trip to Washington, D. C. for the Plenary of the Committee of In terstate Committee of YMCA’s. He also explained the World Ser vice program of the Interstate Committee which helps to devel op leaders among the citizenry of foreign nations by developing YMCA’s in other countries. The North Wilkesboro clubs provided homes for out-of-town delegates and visitors.

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