VOLUME XLV GRIMSLEY HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C. 27410 SEPTEMBER 29, 1969 NUMBER 1 Madrigals Chosen By Mr. Hill Recently, Mr. Ron Hill, Grims- ley’s choir director, chose this year’s Madrigals. They include sopranos: Polly Teague, senior; Martha Bilisoly, senior, Katheryn Johnson, senior; Martha Sparrow, junior; and Roxie Martin, senior. The alto section is made up of: Kristin Cress, senior; Beverly Weinrich, senior; Robin Fuller, senior; and Mozette Riggsbee, senior. Andy Crutchfield, senior; Jim Desper, senior; Jim Dodson, junior and Roger Aydelette, sen ior, compose the tenor section of the Madrigals. Bass singers are: Chuck Steacy, senior; Bill Wil kins, senior; Lee Arrington, sen ior; and Rich Redner, senior. Grimsley’s associate choir di rector is Mr. Sam Doyle. Although he has done some teaching pre viously, this will be Mr. Doyle’s first full year. He is a graduate of UNC-G. People wanting to become Mad rigals must first be choir mem bers with a seventh period study hall. Try-outs are then held with people meeting the above require ments competing. The first concert is November 4th with both choir and Madri gals participating. The Madrigals are to have costumes but these have not been decided upon as yet. Student Council Makes New Homecomins Plans Madrigal Singers Bis Plans For School Beautiful Carol Pleasants, school beauti ful chairman, has big plans for the coming year. She plans, with the help of the student body, co once more win the School Beauti ful Contest. Grimsley students can help by coming to the workdays. There will be a workday every Saturday in October. October 13-17 is Anti- Litter Week Highlites of Ami- Litter Week will include a con test between sophomore, junior, and senior classe.s to see who can New Principal And Vice Principal At G. H. S. This Year Looking towards this year, one thing is very prominent at Grimsley. Changes are occurring and new personnel are appearing at our school. We now have new ideas such Robert L. Glenn Robert L. Glenn, our newly appointed principal, has been connected with Grimsley almost all of his life. A native of Greensboro, Mr. Glenn attended Greensboro Sen ior High. He graduated in 1940. In 1949, he received a B.A. de gree from Guilford College. Fur thering his education he went to University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill where he received is masters degree. He was a teacher at Lindlc-y Jr. High School in 1950. The courses he taught included Social Studies and Physical Education. The next year he came to Grims ley where his subjects were His tory, P.E. and helping as an as sistant coach. In 1956, Mr. Glenn was appointed the assistant prin cipal of our school. Mr. Glenn is a member of Col lege Place Methodist Church. He teaches Sunday School. Belonging to several organiza tions he has served them faith fully. He is past president of the local N.C.E.A. unit and will serve this year as president of the North Central Schoolmasters Club. Also in his interest are groups such as the C.T.A. and N.E.A. Interested in our local YMCA, Mr. Glenn is a member of the Board of Directors. He also heads the youth committee. -T Mr. Glenn is married and has I two children, Brian and Kathy, who graduated from Grimsley last year. His wife teaches mathe matics at Allen Jr. High School. as the student advisory board and the human relations committee. Even homecoming will have a new outlet. But most of all we have a lot of new personnel at Grimsley and some who have been here, moving into new roles. Most prominent of these are the changes in our principal and vice principal. With the retirement of Mr. Routh, Mr. Glenn and Mr. Canady have taken on new positions. HIGH LIFE wants to pass on information about them so the students can know about our new administrators at GHS. Andy C. Canady Mr. Andy C. Canady, who has been at Grimsley for four years became our vice principal this summer succeeding Mr. Glenn. Born in Sneads Ferry, North Carolina, he went to Dixon High School and graduated in 1961. He attended Campbell College and received his B.A. degree in 1965. This year he qualified for his masters degree at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Central Jr. High School in 1965 was his first teaching assignment. Mr. Canady taught physical edu cation and was coach of the foot ball team. A year later he came to Grimsley as a drivers education instructor. Also he was Junior Varsity football coach and helped with basketball and baseball. Last year he served as advisor to the Optimists Club. He is a member also of the N.C.E.A. and the N.E.A. He attends Parkway Baptist Church. Mr. Canady is married to the former Freddie Sigmon. They have one daughter, Andrea, age 3. His wife is a former teacher of English at Mendenhall Jr. High School. put the most trash in their cans. There will also be an Anti-Litter Day in which students will try to guess who the litter bug is. Many other events are planned for the week also. On the 28th, there will be an assembly on “America the Beau tiful” in which slides from all over the country will be shown Twenty six committees have been set up in order to have lOO'^r participation in this year’s effort So far 700 students have signed Up for various committees. Students should be looking for a funny creature called the Lit- terhug at all games. Also, be on the lookout for the trashcans of your class. There will be sopho more, junior, and senior trash cans to put trash in. Much has been planned for the beauty of Grimsley so let’s put Grimsley on top once more. Homecoming was the main topic on the Student Council agenda during its September meetings. Council heard many opinions from students, and then decided on the following plan: A committee consisting of Mrs. Moody, Mr. Glenn, senior boys on Council, and the captain and co captain of the football team would choose fifty girls to be placed on a ballot. Twenty seven would then be chosen by the senior class as the 1969 Homecoming Court. Then on October 31, the Junior and senior class will vote on homecoming queen. Selections of homecoming court were based on spirit. A Student Advisory Board is being formed to discuss school, local, and national problems. Fif teen students will be picked at random, from the seven study hall periods. After meeting for a month, a new group will be se lected. Tutoring is now being done ''n study halls. Anyone in need of a tutor, or feels they could be one, should contact a student council member for an applica tion. AHuman Relations Committee is now being formed in Greens boro’s four high schools to dis cuss problems relevant to high school life. Five representatives from each school will form the committee. Sophomore elections will be held the fifth week of school. Sophomore President, Vice-Pre.si- dent, Secretary, and Treasurer will be elected. Nine members of Student Council, and nine Youth Recreation Council members will also be chosen. Council meetings are held Wed nesday first period in Room 522. They are open to all students with a study hall that period. Council homeroom reports will be given on Friday this year Way to go Student Council. Grimsley Has More Students Than Ever This year Grimsley has 2121 students; 783 sophomores, 694 jun iors, and 644 seniors. In the English department our new teachers are Mrs. Priscilla B. Adams, Miss Carolyn Jo Bish op, Mr. Owen Francis Gray, Mrs. Alma W. McKeithan, Mrs. Brenda Moon, Mrs. Lois J. Trimbur, and Mr. Raymond Arthur Snipes. In the math department are Mrs. Ann Conover, Miss Judy Elaine Wearsall, Mrs. Dixie D. Sartin, Mrs. Sara W. Tollison, and Miss Virginia Marie Wood. In the foreign language depart ment are Miss Margaret Anne Bell, Mrs. Sandra E. Fields, and Mrs. Carolyn W. Owens. In the history department are Mrs. Adelia Colthorp and Mr. Kim A. Nelson. In the science department are Mrs. Betty Lou W. Brown and Mr. Charles Douglas Robbins. In the music department are Mr. Harvey Pegram Booth and Mr. Sammy Doyle. In the coaching department are Mr. Luther McHeel and Mr. Al bert G. Wilder. HIGH LIFE To Make Changes “A change is gonna come.” The phrase from that old song is going to hold true for HIGH LIFE this year. In previous years, Grimsley newspaper has succeed ed in being one of the nation’s best. But recently, it has not had the full support of the student body. It has been said that HIGH LIFE is censored. This is defi nitely not true. We print what ■ we feel is in good taste and is relevant to the student body. We are given advice, but are not re quired to take this advice. We are a self-supporting school news paper printed mainly to reflect student ideas, school^ problems, school news, or any news relevant to the student, and to entertain. We have found that support for HIGH LIFE has disminished greatly during the last two years. Our conclusion is that HIGH LIFE is too “wishy-washy” and has never taken a stand on current problems. This will change this year. We will take stands on what we believe to be true. This can be found in our first issue con cerning the JROTC program. We will expand the ROTC ques tion in later issues as the read ers’ letters come in. Any letter that deals with the que.stion will be forwarded to Colonel Booker or M/Sgt. Zales for an answer. HIGH LIFE is going to revamp the sports page this year. Sports editor Walt Deal, A1 Riley, and one other person will conduct a column of outlooks of coming games rather than reports of past games. An interview with former New York Jet and now Whirlie coach Bert Wilder is planned for the near future Coming up soon, we hope to feature an article concerning drugs. We hope to interview a doctor, a man of law, and one who wishes to lighten the penalty for possession. This is still in the planning stage. Sue Michaels, feature editor, wlil have a changed feature page, too. Whirlie Words, a semi-regu lar feature, will deal with opinions of students selected at random. Subject covered will be the Apollo 12 moon shot, Vietnam, Nixon, drugs, and many proposals in the school which are to be announced later. HIGH LIFE will be a leader in asking for change if and when we think it necessary. The feature page will also deal with person alities throughout the year. Movie and/or record reviews will be a common sight in this year’s HIGH LIFE. A big feature planned for February is a year-end Music review. The reason for the two month delay is to gather infor mation from various magazines. Our news page will be much more interesting than the usual run-of-the-mill news. David Gay- nor, our news editor, is an ex perienced member of the staff and he knows what people are interested in. Editorials will be a frequent sight as will the editorial cartoon. All letters to the editor will ap pear on the editorial page and those that should be answered will have an answer. The only re quirements for letters to the edi tor are that they are not personal .attacks, do not slander, are not libelous, and are accompanied by a signature. All bona fide letters will be printed. HIGH LIFE will be changed this year. We will be much better, but we need student support. A rough skeleton of our ideas for the year has been presented; so the reader knows what to expect. We hope the reader will become a subscriber and enjoy HIGH LIFE throughout the year. Torchlight Officers 1969-1970 President Robbie Mims Vice President Bill Wilkins Secretary Laura Truitt Treasurer Joe Carruthers