Reflections On The Constitution Page! / / ^ /J VOLUME XLV GRIMSLEY HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, C. 27410 FEBRUARY 24, 1970 NUMBER IZ SCHRIMSHAW BEING PUT OUT BY G.Y.C. “Scrimshaw” is a new literary magazine put out by the arts com mittee of the Greensboro Youth Council. It is going to be put Dut because there are many un recognized students in the high schools who are writers, poets, artists, and photographers. This annual yill record the present youth works of our city for the future years and will also offer a chance for students of one school to appreciate the literary and art works of their contemporaries in ather sections of the city. “Scrim shaw” is an opportunity for let ting people in other sections of the country and on national re view boards examine the works of Greensboro students. Any literary work that a stu dent had done was eligible for submission. This included work that had previously appeared in another magazine. All submissions were to be handed in by February 20 The submitted works will be screened by a committee com posed of students from each of the other high schools. Then after this committee, the work will be submitted to a final review board under the direction of Dr. William G. Lane at UNC-G. Work selected by this board will go into “Scrim shaw.” Any student who would like to SLOB'S Bowling League Now Going On Anyone interested in bowling should have gone to the Friendly, Lanes at 2:00 Sunday afternoon two weeks ago. The SLOB’s ^the Sunday League of Bowlers—began then. GYC sponsors the SLOB’s which meet from 2:00 to about 3:30 or 4:00. The SLOB’s is divided into four leagues of four teams. Each team is made-up of people from one of the four high schools in the city. The teams compete with in their league. On March 8 the winning team from each league will compete with the others. There are two more weeks of play in league competition before then, however, , The teams are closed now to new people. enter art work should submit it by Friday, February 27 to the art department at this school. Scrimshaw will be published in black and white, so work in pen and ink and woodblock are es pecially good for the, annual. Se lected pieces will be photographed on Februciry 28. All photographs will then be submitted to a finM board of judges at UNC-G for final selections of pieces for “Scrimshaw.” Anyone who would like to enter any photographs should submit them to the Greens boro Youth Council office before Friday, February 27. “Scrimshaw” will be on sale Mon day, April 20. The cost will be 50 cents per copy. Announce ments will be made in school as to where it will be sold. StudenI Council Endorses Swimming Pooi On February 5, 1970, the Grims- ley High School Council passed a resolution endorsing a swimming pool-classroom complex on the campus of this school. After this resolution was passed, a letter was drawn up and sent to all the members of the Greensboro School Board and the Guilford County Board of Commissioners. A copy of this letter was sent to every parent of a student of Grimsley. This idea was originated in 1967 when the Greensboro Swim ming Association offered to donate $65,000 to help alleviate some of the expense of construction of the structure. Nothing was done about this issue until a deadline of February 19, 1970 was set down by GSA. The stipulation of this donation was that the structure would be built on Grimsley’s campus and not on another of the city’s high school grounds. Two classrooms are to be built in the structure to help ease the in creasingly crowded classroom sit uation. The issue has increased in in tensity with factions, both for and against, using their influence in the matter. Letters have been written to the newspaper and to city officials expressing the di vided interests on the issue. The final decision will be made by the Greensboro City School Board. Pictured are Gold Key winners David Sails, Lyn Southworth, Terri Anderson, and Susan Shankle. Grimsley*s Gold Key Selections To Be Shown At U.N.C.-G. ROTC Honored Again The Marine Corps JROTC unit at Grimsley is honored to have received the privilege of raising and lowering state and national colors each day. Major Kevin Butler, Company Commander, was contacted by the Student Council and, in turn, informed Colonel Booker and Master Sergeant Zales of the presentation. The Color Guard has functioned well at previous games and is equally honored, along with the entire unit, at the opportunity of host ing flag ceremonies at both dis trict tournaments and state play offs. Grimsley’s selection in the Gold Key awards will be shown at Weatherspoon Art Gallery and Elliott Hall at UNC-G.. February 22 through March 6. As an individual school, Grims ley won the most awards. Twenty- two pieces received Gold Key awards. Leading the way were David Sails and Debra Wooten who each received five. Three were won by Terri Anderson and Beth Southerland, two by Lyn Southworth and one apiece by Greg Moebes, Susan Shankle, Gary Bennett and Deborah Dion. David Sails also had two pieces which will be entered in the Hall mark judging. This is a special udging held by the Hallmark Card Company with five pieces enter ed from the Central Piedmont area. A $100 prize will go to the regional winner. One piece was entered through Grimsley whereas the other was submitted through Governor’s School of North Caro lina in Winston Salem. Other Hallmarks were Catherine Frazier of Page Rennich Hoyle of Ken nedy Jr. High in Winston Salem and Christie Taylor of R.J. Reyn olds in Winston Salem. Also Certificates of Merit were given to some talented Grimsley students. These art works will too be on display. Receiving these were Lyn Southworth, Greg Dick son, Susan McGehee, Debbe John son, Becky Scott, Carolyn An drews, Bob Patterson, Beth South erland, Debra Wooten, Terri An derson, Greg Moebes and David Sails. Overall there were 469 items selected from 2403 entries. Six Judges selected 100 Gold Keys and 369 certificate of merit pieces. Judges were Miss Joan Gregory and Keith Lambert, UNC-G art department; Edwin L. Daniel, Elan College art depart ment; Mrs. Ron Melvin, super visor of art, Raleigh schools; Thomas King, supervisor of art, Transylvania County Schools; and George Chavatel, Emory and Hen ry College. Scholastic Magazines Inc., spon-« sors this project on the national level. WFMY-TV was this area’s regional sponsor. Entrances were sent to WFMY- TV during the week of January 26-31. To be eligible a student has to be in grades 7-12 and not graduate before 1970. Their works; were to show originality and no copying was acceptable. G.Y.C, SERVICE COMMITTEE SPONSORS MANY PROJECTS The Service Committee of the Greensboro Youth Council spon sors quite a number of projects which are- heard of only through service clubs. Among these many are Tag Days, Project Sharp, Miss Christmas Seals, Library Book Collection and G.G.E. (Greater Greensboro Egg.) Tag Days are when service clubs are given a certain area in which to solicit funds. They occur on Saturdays and all the money col lected goes to the drive which the day is designated for. Project Sharp is Saturday Hous ing Area Renewal Project. It is when service clubs go to recrea tion centers about once a month to work with underprivileged chil dren. They teach them games and organize activities such as arts and crafts for these underprivi leged children. Each year in Sep tember a workshop is given for the service clubs on how to plan and prepare these activities. The Miss Christmas Seal Con test is organized to raise money for the Tuberculosis Campaign. It begins with candidates being nomi nated for the honor. Then there is a series of dances in local community centers with the pro ceeds going to the T.B. Campaign. The girl who becomes Miss Christ mas Seal is the one who receives the most penny votes. (The boxes are set up in local area banks). She' is then honored at a tea. Library Book Collection is co sponsored by the service com mittee and the Jaycees. They pick up these books on one of their paper drives. They are then taken to the Public Library where they are sorted, inally they are dis- tribbuted through Project Sharp.^ The Greater Greensboro Egg^ will be coming up around Easter. It is where admission is charged to an Easter egg hunt at which valuable prizes can be won. 'The Money collected is then given to the Easter Seal Campaign.