May Day May 13 Editors And V. P. Plans Page 2 P^OLUME XLV GRIMSLEY HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C. 27410 MAY 12, 1970 NUMBER 20 Featured here are Several members of next year’s HIGH LIFE staff. Jeff Fenn, Fred Thomp son, Craig Fox, Doug Gary, standing; Pam Henderson, Vickie Topkins and Helen Ross are sitting. GYC Elects New Junior And Senior Members For Next Year The Greensboro Youth Council announced the results of its elec- ions, Wednesday, May 5. The balloting had taken place an the day before, but it was not mnounced because three home rooms did not vote on Tuesday. jChey voted Wednesday in home room and results were announced luring third period. The representation is divided an a graduating bases and by iex. There are eight senior boys ind eight senior girls. The junior :lass is divided into six boys and ix girls. The senior girls are; Susan Bass, Suzanne Brisendine, Steph anie Burk, Debbie Busch, Cynda Crawford, Jane Cumbie, Hollie Holland, Tanya McRee. The eight boys elected are John Bain, Craig Fox, Mike Friarson, David Gay- nor. Bill McKennon, Larry New- lin. Miles Thompson, and David Porter. In the junior class Janie Clark, Sandra Crawford, Andi Davis, Lin da Stoudt, Carolyn Tyer, and Bootsie Walker are the girl rep resentatives. The boys will be Fleming Bell, Hank Bullard, John Cocklereece, Tom Kritzer, Jud McKinnon, and Brian Shaw. Schedule Monday, June 1 6th period . 1:45-3:15 Tuesday, June 2 1st period 8:45-10:15 2nd period 10:30-12:00 Wednesday, June 3 3rd period 8:4.-10:15 4th or 5th period . . 10:30-12:00 Thursday, June 4 7th period 8:45-10:15 Make-up Exam .... 10:30-12:00 The cafeteria will close Monday, June 1. After 1:30 on June 1, there will be no study halls. HIGH LIFE Staff Selected For Next Year This does not mean that other people will not have a chance to serve on or with council. A change in the by-laws of GYC takes the chairman and executive vice- chairman out of their districts. They can then be replaced by people of the same class and sex who trailed in the voting. Also six Youth Council of North Caro lina members will be elected from GYC. They become ex-offi- cers and are replaced in the same manner as the chairman and executive vice-chairman. The re placements are made by a district caucus which selects a new coun cilman when a vacancy appears. The first meeting of the year was held May 7. The purpose of this meeting was to nominate peo ple for the executive offices and YCNC. Thb executive offices in clude Chairman, Executive Vice- Chairman, Problems vice-chair man, Projects vice-chairman and Communications vice - chairman, the district coordinators, the sec retary and the clerk. On May 11 elections were held for these offices. The new officers will not take over until May 21 at the GYC Banquet. The committees will be select ed in a different manner this year. All committees are divisible by four. Equal representation from all the high schools can then be obtained. The councilmen will be given an explaination of the committees and then a chance to put their name up for one. The district coordinators will then select the committee members. The committee will then caucus and select its chairman. The council will then go into its pe riod of summer recess. The 1970-71 HIGH LIFE staff has been chosen. The following students signed up to be on the school paper, holding these posi tions: Editor-in-Chief, Fred Thomp son; Associate Editor, Jeff Fenn; Business Supervisors, Fred Thomp son, Ken Cox, Steve Settle; News Editors, Helen Ross ajad Andy Kennedy; News Staff, Ron Cash- well, Steve Settle, and Stephanie Burk; Editorial Staff, David Breeze, Jane Hoffman, and Vickie Topkins; Feature Editor, Doug Gary; Feature Staff, Linda Enos, Ken Cox, Laura Linder, and Bar bra Morton; Sports Editor, Scott Welbom; Spprts Staff, Butch All good; Cartoonists, Jeff Fenn, Scott Cato, Doug Gary, Diane Dixon, and Peggy Melton; Photographer, Craig Fox; Exchange Editor, Pam Henderson; Others, Linda Evans, Winthrop Watson, John Parett, Pete Smith, Paula High, Brian Shaw, and Robert Hodson. The editor-in-chief of the paper is responsible for carrying out the editorial policies of the paper. The associate editor’s job is to help the editor-in-chief. They both will share the responsibility of getting an interesting an news worthy paper published. The reporters for the paper serve on the news staff. Their job is to record events accurately and clearly in an interesting style. They will write about the activities of the school such as concerts, dances, youth council events, and many other school activities. The editorial staff will be writ ing editorials on various topics. The editorial staff will not be limited to topics just concerning school but may express their opinion on world issues, etc. Also on the editorial page will be an “interesting” or “amusing” car toon. “Letters to the Editor”, written by students not on HIGH LIFE staff also appear on the editorial page. The feature staff will from time to time have interviews with stu dents at Grimsley who have done unusual and interesting activities. Also on the feature page might be opinion polis, human interest stories, and incidents from the news. The last page of the paper is the sports page. This page will report on the sports events that Grimsley has participated in. Scores on games and who made what point are written about. There is also usually a write up on the Whiriie for the Week on this page. HIGH LIFE is a seif-supporting school newspaper printed mainly to reflect student ideas, school problems, school news, or any news relevant to the students, and to entertain. The three aims of the new HIGH LIFE staff will be to “inWm” their readers through news columns, advertisements, feature columns, pictures, and cartoons. They will “:interpret the news for their readers through editorials, cartoons, and letters. The third aim is to “entertain” their readers through features, pictures, cartoons, and signed columns. Schedule For Senior Programs Announced With the seniors’ exams exempt ed, a series of assemblies and learning experience programs will be conducted for the seniors. The schedule is Monday, June 1, 6th period, 1:45-3:15, assembly program No. 1; Tuesday, June 2, 1st period, 8:45-10:15, assembly program No. 2; 2nd period, 10:30- 12:00, Learning Experience Ses sion No. 1; Wednesday, J[une 3, 3rd period, 8:45-10-15, Learning Experience Session No. 2; 4th or 5th period, 10:30-12:00, assembly program No. 3; Thursday, June 4,. 7th periol, seniors report to the* boys’ gym from 1:00-2:30 for- graduation rehearsal. Doctor House approved this; plan a few weeks ago at a school; board meeting. The plan was init iated by Freddy Robinson of the- Greensboro Youth Council in February. It has been approved by all four high schools. Seniors Vote To Replace Class Day With Awards Day Seniors voted Wednesday, April 29th to replace the Class Day assembly with Awards Day as- sembiy on May 29th. Seniors will file into assembly in their caps and gowns. They will have the afternoon off to attend a swim- ming’party at Lindley pool. Class Day was called off be cause of the very poor condition of the electrical equipment back- stage. In addition, space back- stage is limited because of the addition of two new dressing rooms. With the large number of people associated with Class Day crowding into the small backstage area, someone could possibly brush against a piece of wiring and cause a short in the electrical system which, in turn, could cause a fire. Starr Electric Company is in the process of repairing the equipment, but it is impossibie for them to be finished by May 29th. Concerts and plays can be given now because they do not involve as many people backstage as Class Day does. Graduation wiil be held in the stadium, weather permitting, June 4th at 8:00. In case of rain, it will be held that same day in the boys’ gym. After the seniors march in, an invocation will be given. Next, the valedictorian will be an nounced and several awards pre sented. Then will come the ad dress. Diplomas will be given out by Mr. Glen after the address. A benediction will close the gradu ation exercise. Also included in the program are performances by both choir and orchestra.