All the News That’s Fit To Print VOLUME XLVI Resulls In Great Newspaper Each day during the seventh )eriod, twenty Grimsley students inter the coat and tie world of he businessman. For an hour ivery day, the HIGH LIFE room )ecomes the office of a large lorporation. Even as the room is entered, in aii; of complete organization ind intense work is felt. Usually, iditors Parrett and Watson are isCussing the ad situation or eadlines for the following pa- are with Mrs. Morton. The page liters are eagerly drawing up utlines for their pages and mak- ig headlines. The ad staff is busy drawing p prospective ads and calling the Ivertisers. The rest of the staff writing articles or working on rejects like the subecription rive. As Editor Watson said, “With his tremendous organization, low can we not come out with a 'reat paper?” You tell me, Winthrop! APRIL FOOLS frashmen Award Deserving Trash I Th Federation of Trashmen of tmerica, an organization of pick- ippers, announces the 1971-72 cholarship fund to be awarded o any deserving trash now en- olled in GHS. The award will be iresented to the student (or in xceptional cases, a teacher) raduating the academic year ’71- 72 (not later than ’75-’76), who hows the most promise in suc- eeding at this worthy profession. There will be a series of ser ous rigid eliminations to choose hose students most worthy of hese awards. The first will con- ist of the ability to pick up a rashcan witho-ut falling in it. )nce the field is thus narrowed, he entrants shall go through lersonal interviews. On the basis if these interviews and the cand- dates’ scholarship (max 0.5 grade verage), a term paper (max. 3 rords, 1 trash can source), test cores (max. 199 on combined JAT’s), work habits (work?), eachers’ recommendations (de- iciency slips), and inability to ead any of the above, the awards l^ill be awarded. Any student wbo feels he is leserving of this high honor may pply for the scholarship in the IIGH LIFE room (why there?). I’he first prize, full scholarship f 44c (may be more) will be /aiting. So Seniors (or teachers), hink about your chances, look t the competition, be proud. APRIL FOOLS GRIMSLEY HIGH SCHOOL GREENSBORO, N.C. 27410 MARCH 29, 1972 NUMBER 11 High Life ediforial staff takes a break during their busy schedule. From left to right front row: Butch Allgood, Parke Puterbaugh, Winthrop Watson. Back row: Brian Shaw, Harb Under wood, J. B. Parrett, Rorin Platt. Service Club Treats Crimsiey To An Outstanding New Award By Parke Puterbaugh Surely you’ve heard of the “Whirlies of the Week” contest which recognizes outstanding achievements in athletics. Now PABST, a new service club here at Grimsley, is sponsoring a sim ilar contest, “Alcoholic of- the Week,” which recognizes out standing achievements in the field of drinking. This fine upstanding contest is truly representative of the Grims ley student body in that it is open to students of all ages, sizes, and tolerances. Each Monday, nominations are made for the previous weekend. Any student can make a nomina tion simply by placing the name of the person he feels most de serving of the award in the gal lon jug in the main hall. All interested nominees must then take the Scholastic Alcohol Test (SAT), the results of which narrow the number of candidates to three. These three are then interviewed by a six-man board (known as the six pack) who make the final decision. On Friday, the name of the happy winner is announced. The winner, if a boy, receives a leather belt with a solid gold buckle in the shape of a beer bottle. The winner, if a girl, receives a silver charm bracelet with fig urines depicting the events of a typical weekend including a crum pled fender, bottles of aspirin and Murine, a pink citation, a corkscrew, etc. In addition, ail winners receive a year’s subscription to the pub lication of th4 American Bar Association, The Bar Stool. Fin ally they are given honorary mem berships to PABST. PABST stands for Promotion of Alcoholic Beverages at School and in Town. They are sponsored by the parent organization whose local representative is Lindsey S. Dillard, owner of Hot Shot Bar and Grill in Liberty. PABST plans additional activ ities and services for the future, including a massive Drink-In at County Park, a raffle to raise money for the repeal of the drunken driving laws, and a mas sive en^o^ment campaign aimed at teenagers and women over 65. ,.. And J^ow, From Peoria, III,. Ils no reprirent meme pas leur souffle. Rien ne bougeait plus la-bas, pres de la tour. Ils y coururent. Le premier sur lequel Sylv ain avait tire etait la, dan Therbe seche, sur le ventre, im mobile: il etait mort. Et le sec ond? Ils chercherent partout: rien. II n’avait pu fuir que du cote de la chartreuse, par le cou loir ou gisait Tofficier, mais une chasse a I’homme etait difficile da nsce labyrinthe. Pourt ant, il fallait retrouver I’homme. Ils fouillerent le c loitre, les c e llules des moines, 1 es jardins (c haque moine avait son petit jardin individual) d’ou I’on ne pouvait s’echapper puisqu’ils don- naient, e ux aussi, sur le vide. Rien dans la cou de 1 a ferme. Virgile, ses chevres sorties, avat, il ne savait par quel cour de la instinct, cadenasse la porte d’en- tree, la seule par laquelle on put g agner 1 e dehors; personne n’y avait touche, la chef etait encore sur le rebord de la fenetre de la cusine-c’etait toujours laqu’- Arrizzi la placait. Enticing 7^ew Ceremony Flashlight, Grimsley’s chapter of the National Dishonor Society, formed last April 1, has recently inducted fourteen new members. It may be recalled that admis sion into the NDS is very selec- Knock ’Em Upside The Head Rorin Platt has been selected to attend the Vice-President’s conference on golf and tennis playing. The. requirements to at tend this elite conference are (1) to be from a majority group, (2) to be conservative to the point of insanity, and (3) to be able to accurately knock off the hat of your tennis partner. This particular session will train already protficient tennis muggers into tennis murderers. An afternoon course in the basics of golf assassination will alo be un dertaken. This -will be the only course taught specifically by Mr. Agnew. Rorin is looking forward to his meeting with the esteemed Vice- President and is especialiy look ing forward to the conference so that he can “learn a new way to kill off those $&0%* commies.” tive. In fact, there is only a small percentage of the school that can cut classes, not do homework, flunk tests, be tremendously boisterous, tear apart the biology lab, and break glass in the park ing lot without being expelled. To prevent pandemonium from breaking loose at the next induc tion ceremony, the ceremony will be kept small and will be held in the school parking lot. The students and their cars will screech across the parking lot at breakneck speed when their names are called. A carnation will be placed on each antenna as soon as the car reaches the big gest bump in the lot. This mem orable event will only be attended by the happy students’ parents and the more elite of Grimsley’s faculty. Seniors Twisted By Innovative Change J. B. Parrett, vice-president of the Senior class, has announced the schedule that will lead the upper-classmen to graduation day. Parrett said that this year’s exer cises • ^’will have a decidedly new twist.” The first big moment will be the Award’s Assembly, the open ing ceremonies for this year’s Class Day. The awards this year will be given for most thermom eters stolen from the chemistry lab, getting roaring drunk off two beers, sneaking a sword cane onto the school grounds, best decorated locker, and, of course, for parking your car In Mr. Glenn’s reserved space for two days in a row. Nominations for those deserving these awards may be placed in either of the third floor bathrooms. The most innovative change for the end of the year proceedings will be the original Class Day play, a spoof of the student body written and performed by the GHS faculty. You will be able to see all the asinine things you did in class reinacted before your very eyes! The afternoon swimming party wili be combined with the Facul ty Tea and will be held in the nearby sewage pipes that travel below Aycock St. The commencement exercises will be held outdoors in hope that the colorful caps and gowns will become bleeding madras. A final word from the Senior Class V.P.: “We have just ar ranged to have the eloquent Lynnwood Bullock as the speak er for graduation.” o News Briefs The Greensboro Youth Coun cil is sponsoring a new project chaired by Council member Caro lyn Tyer. Questionable films wiU be shown for Greensboro youth under 18 Saturday afternoon at a local State St. theater. The Grimsley ROTC unit was called into active duty to extin guish the People’s Rebellion in Pourtsebie, Indiana. The coaching staff will be the featured group at this year’s prom in the Boys’ Gym. Mr. Fur- com will also play a solo on the test tubes. John Forrester’s Pad deceased on March 4, 1972. The rites were held the following day. HIGH LIFE is proud to an nounce the founding of the uni versal Frisbie Organization (UFO) at Grimsley. See posters and The Benchwarmer for further info.

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