Journalism I Edition HIGH LIFE Happy Holidays Volume XLIX, No. VI Grbnsley High School Greensboro, N.C. 27408 December 20, 1974 VICA Begins Year Of Service In This District The Vocational Industrial Clubs of America are made up of students enrolled in the Industrial Cooperative Train ing program. Under the direction of Mr. Charles Hill, there are forty members who study in class, work after school, and participate in club activities. The officers for this school year are President, Cheryl McDowell; Vice-President, Craig Myrick; Secretary, Susan McDaniel; Treasurer, Susan Newbold; Editor, Bill Lanier,' and Parlimentarian, Bobby Worth. As a club, the students have a service project and a fund-raising project. For the service project this year, in cooperation with GYC and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association, they are having a toy drive to collect toys for underpriviledged children. Candles are being sold as the annual fund-rais ing project. In the spring the club plans to compete on the district level at the workshop to be held in Alamance County. If they win there, they will compete on the state level at the State Convention in Winston-Salem at the Hyatt House. News Briefs On November 23 and 24 the Greensboro BBYO (the Jewish Organization) came home from the Winter Cultural Convention, held in Charlotte, with over one-half of the 32 awards. The Greensboro AZA won the most coveted award, the Spirit Cup. The next SAT Test will be given on February 1. Applications must be turned in by December 26. Registration for second semester will be held from 1:00 to 3:30 Monday, January 13 for seniors. Junior and sophomore registrations will be held on Monday, January 20, from 8:30-12:00 for juniors, and from 1:00-3:30 for sophomores. The first day of the second semester will be Tuesday, January 21. The wedding bells recently pealed for a member of Grimsley’s faculty, Ms. Cathy Coble, who became Mrs. Charles Thomas Norwood on November 27. Congratulations from the HIGH LIFE staff. Students who have been worrying about their exams do not need to. Exams will not be held until next year - January 13, 14, 15. Congratulations to Ginger Bayliss, second runner-up in the Junior Miss Pageant. All-State Band Tryouts Held VICA offlicers [I-r] are Bill Lanier, editor; Susan McDaniel, secretary; Cheryl McDowell, president; Craig Myrick, vice-president; and Susan Newbould, treasurer. GYC Donates Christmas Toys For Children Home Federal Savings and Loan Association and the Greensboro Youth Council are collecting and repairing toys for needy children in the Greensboro area this Christ mas. Pam Same of Grimsley is project chairman for the Christmas toys project. Collection of the toys, which began November 4 is carried on at 11 Home Federal offices. The toys are transported to 215 E. Washington St., where they are cleaned, repaired, sorted, and boxed by 17 local youth groups. Then the boxed toys are distributed to needy children by the Housing Authority. In another holiday endea vor, the Greensboro Beautiful Committee has united with GYC on a different city improvement project, Chris Evergreen, chaired by Dillon Robinson of Page. This project in past years was to urge citizens to buy living Christmas trees, which were to be donated for planting in barren areas of Greensboro or planted in the owner’s yard. Although this is still its primary purpose, the project has expanded to include the chipping of cut trees. These chips are returned to citizens requesting them for yard use. Dates and locations of the chippers will be published at a later date. Other aspects of the project is a baby tree sale based on giving a live tree for Christmas. The sale, chaired by Fred Byrd^ also of Page, was scheduled for December 7 but bad weather postponed it to December 14. Publicity for the project included an art contest in which children under 12 submitted their drawings of Chris Evergreen to WFMY, TV’s “Old Rebel’’ On December 7, 1974 Grimsley and other area high school band students audi tioned for the All-State Band at Williams High School in Burlington, North Carolina. Grimsley had seventy-two students participate in the auditions (more than any other high school in this district). Each student was required to play six major scales and the chromatic scale, a prepared solo, and a sight-reading piece. Two judges reviewed the student with each judge having a limit of one hundred points each. The highest possible score that could be attained was two hundred points. The All-State Band consists of two bands, the Workshop Band and the Concert Band. The Concert Band is for the students who excel in the auditions. The Workshop Band is for those students who were not accepted into the W •m «- Kathy Cole, Greensboro’s Junior Miss, was selected on November 31, 1974. New Plans Are Proposed by Council The Grimsley Executive Council, headed by Clif Flynn, consists of five seniors, five juniors, and five sophomores. Their tentative schedule for the upcoming months is as follows: Student Affairs’ Christmas project was collecting canned goods from students to help the Maxwell family with their 10 children. Grimsley’s first annual Student Government week will be held the last week in January. (Student Council representatives will be coming to homerooms to explain about Student Government). Y.R.C. has a dance planned for February 14. Auditions for bands will be after Christmas. Pep Board thanks everyone for their support during football season, and they hope for the same response during basket ball season. Senior Class Caucas Chair man Bob Howerton has held several meetings of homeroom presidents concerning the class project. The senior class’s tentative money making project is to hold another Womanless Beauty Pageant. The Junior Class, headed by Brad Osborne would like to hold a bazaar in the spring for their money making project. Sophomore Class Chairman Caroline Johnson and the sophomore class would like to thank everyone for their support in buying tickets to the Exxon Car Wash for their project. Student affairs collected $311 for the Thanksgiving project, which was to buy the custodial staff Thanksgiving dinners. Concert Band. Each band accepts seventy-five musi cians. The practice of auditions for the All-State Band originated in 1960. Prior to this method, students wjere nominated by their band directors to participate. North Carolina is divided into eight All-State Band divisions; each has its own auditions and bands. Herbert Hazelman, Sym phony Band Director at Grimsley, feels that All-State Band is an excellent learning experience for each student who auditions. He believes that the auditions improve a student’s ability to play because he must prepare for the very difficult audition. This year’s All-State Band weekend will be held February 7, 8, and 9 at Asheboro High School in Asheboro, North Carolina. Both the Workshop Band and Concert Band will perform in concert Sunday, February 9, 1975 at 3:00 p.m. Kathy Cole Is Chosen Junior Miss Grimsley’s Kathy Cole was named Greensboro’s Junior Miss for 1974 Saturday night, November 31, at Odell Auditorium. Miss Cole com peted with eighteen other girls and came out the winner. The only requirement to enter was that the girls needed a “B” average or better scholasti cally. The judges selected the eighteen girls from about seventy participants. They based their decision on the following: 1. individual talent 2. scholastic ability 3. physical fitness 4. the interview with the judges (which counted 35%) Kathy will compete in the State Pageant in January and if she wins there, she will advance to the national competition. Kathy is a member of the Pep Board and Junior Jaycettes and was accepted to the Governor’s School for the summer session of 1974. Asked what compelled her to enter, she replied, “I guess it was for the scholarship money,’’ which she will receive from the Jaycees.