Friday, March 17, 1978 HIGH LIFE Page 4 Send in the Clowns by Carole Dolin WARNING: Be on the lookout for green-haired, baggy-clothed, creatures, wearing black and orange polka dots and stripes, roaming the streets of Greens boro. No, these creatures are not from Jupiter or Mars. They are from the GYC newly formed Clown Club. Within the next few months, the clowns will soon be scattered around town, promoting the GYC Carnival which is April 26-April 30. The clowns visit day-care centers, nursery schools, shopping centers, birth day parties, and such, all for the sake of promoting the GYC Carnival. The total number of clowns in this club from the city schools is 25. The following people are members of the Clown Club from Grimsley: Linda Wells • (chair man), Chris Roulhac (assistant chairman), Carol Welker (staff head), Kathy Peterson, Scott Stanley, Michael Sherril, Kathy Kelley, Polly Sieber, and Jeff Darnell, who is not a member of the club, but still is a clown participant. This club was formed in Nov ember of 1977. Its purpose is to offer an opportunity for interested high school students to learn the art of clowning and enable them to perform publicly. The club meets monthly; how ever, from January 30-April 26, the club meets bi-monthly in order to prepare for their biggest project of the year, the GYC Carnival. During these bi-monthly work shops, the clowns learn the “behind the scenes” part of performing. They encounter ses sions on make-up, costumes, hand props, magic, mime, stunts and making an act. Each of the members picks tbe type of clown he or she wants to oe, and learns the different techniques of the particular fiiRite SUPCRKIkRKCrS */^Uxr Jood /ddtcr/cifC^^ * L.W.(M^Uyton VricndW* CecniMO ectOifS’l Jeff Darnell, a senior here at Grimsley is very serious about not being serious. He wishes to attend a clowning coilege in Venice, Fiorida; and if he is good enough he may become a member of the Ringling Brothers, Bamum & Baiiy Circus. clown’s make-up, costume, and act. Three main kinds of clowns are the Auguste Clown, who has a slapstick type of act, the White- face clown, who usually performs magic and is more "prissy” than the others, and the Hobo clown, which is just as its name implies. The club hopes to be traveling to different states to perform their talents, and also hopes to perform in parades, nursing homes, busi ness sales promotions, nursery schools, day-care centers, and even private patties. Advising this club is Mr. Jim Wigglesworth from Kernersville. Contrary to what one may think, “clowning around” isn’t all fun and games to everyone. In fact, Jeff Darnell, a drummer for the Grimsley Stage Band, is “very serious” about “not being serious.” He is presently in the midst of auditioning and applying for a clown college in Venice, Florida. This college is the Winter LOCATED BETWEEN THt COLISEUM AND FOUR SEASONS MALI Homy PARONERS If OPEN 7 D.AYS A WEEK 2606 HIGH POINT RD GREENSBORO. N.C. 294-5399 FRESH ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES Homemade Hamburgers - Salad Bar Western Fried Chicken Apple Cheese Crisp dessert Free Refills on all Large Drinks PFN TIl 1;00 AM FRI & SAT Tli 2;00 AF GHS PERSONALS photo by Ken Bicknell quarters of most circuses such as Ringling Brothers, Barnum Bai ley Circus. “Ever since first grade, my dream has been to be a circus clown”, says Jeff. To be accepted to this college, one must be excellent. Only one out of every one hundred applicants is accepted, and only two fifths out of all the accepted receive con tracts with the circus. One of Jeff’s last comments was, “I’d like to marry a showgirl and become the longest living circus clown ever to exist. If not, then I’ll become a lawyer.” The rest of the clown club members haven’t become quite as serious as Jeff yet, but still have the talent in them, just waiting at the chance to perform. So don’t be shocked if some odd-looking creature wearing pol ka dots and a sad frowning face, soon starts to roam the Grimsley campus. It just could be the next clown to enter the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Cir- ‘Wes Neal” - “Trip City” - jThe Boys I W.K. is a wing man - The Boys I Carol Cousine lives on 50 Easy Istreet - Experience it! j We gonna gitch you boys from (Davie - Brick, Slack, Trivial, (Modest, and Tolkien I GHS High IQ - 1095 Page 867 I- Face!! I I hate school, (but I love you jcutie) - Guess who? i Ruthie - Did Fred get his tires I dirty? I K.P. - No more short cuts to jThe Place!! I Chris H. - Having troubles I with a slimey porch ?-^ I Doug B. - Heard you had a I good time... I Y.A. - Phydeaux doesn’t de- Iserve him! I -C.J.W. - If ya can’t go to (college go to State. I Steve — How much do you owe fon that album? I Pat - LET’S EAT!! (Deutsches (Donuts will do)!! I B.L. - Leave me alone. I Kim - What kind of earrings j were you wearing? I Mr. Gwyn - Have you ever (tried candy STRIPPING? I Camus, Camus, belongs in a jzoo! APES We APERS hate primary pa pers. T.W. “CHUMP - how bouts that two dollars” - The 8-Ball Kid Pam-Ham-8:10 a.m. for TEA, HOT CAKES? - Morning Glory Patty F. - Such a beautiful face - Van Goeh Mysoon - Not too NORMAL — Mad Hatter Jeff Z. -Zur Hoile fahren Carolina! - Iron Dukes Forever Val - Thanks for the fling - J. LiT Ms. Strange - How dare you be so bold - The Dead Cartoon Johnny - I’m slowly but surely changing. - GO HEELS!!! CLASS OF ’78 WILL SOON GRADUATE!!!! Herr Nich - 3rd period Gerri-CDB? D B S A B - Z B!! GRIMSLEY - L.A.G.N.A.F. - ORGY GEORGEY K.F. - The three B’s are gonna be great! - E.M. Sheri - I draw better than you Nay Nay Goldman - The radio tells no lies - Walter Cronkite Gallenger — A-HEAD of his time. J.B., T.F., and G.B. - meet me in the woods again - Hogan Mr. Glen - Thanks for the new Sex Pistols album - Fellow Punk S.H. — You’re really weird! Brian T. - I smell HAM - A Fan., J.Z. - GO RUNNING BOOKS!! D.D. - Hey baby. Do you still crave his bod? Mary Beth - I’ll teach you the 65 m.p.h. - “Hail Mary”! Donna Bucky and Buddy - From a weanie Kevin M. - Really!! - K.M. David M. - How’s Poochie? - K.M. I '■^better ond ioecreonri for over so UI9 sss St. years. ^|al8ia Ojotieal Co. S72S W. Friendly Ave. Greensboro. N. C. 27410 •Doctor’s prescrip- •Prescription sun- tldns filled w/care glasses & regular piano sunglasses custom made •Contact lens •Lens duplication •Repairs 4 adjust ments 9A1I-5:30PM Daily, Wed A Sat 9AM-12:30 PM, Pri 9AM-7Pin A.R. Garcia telephome OPTIC^AW |LT PRUDENT PRICES 292" 7329