American Education Week Nov 11 - 17 HIGHUFE Grioostey Senior High School Volume LVIV Number 3 Monday, November 19, 1979 Vacation November 22, 23 Amy Frazier was announced Homecoming Queen on Friday night, October 26, during the halftime of the Homecoming G^e. She was crowned by last year’s Homecoming Queen, Alicia Neese, and was escorted by Mike Barber.[Warren photos] Queen Crowned Amy Frazier weis crowned Homecoming Queen at the game on Friday, October 26 at Jamieson Stadium. The Queen’s Maids ol Honor were first runner-up Jo Ann Engle, escorted by Danny Farley, and second runner-up Robin Benton, es corted by Michael Sturdi- vandt. During the halftime cere monies, the girls who were on the Homecoming Court and their escorts were driven to the fifty-yard line in antique cars. Here each cou pie was introduced to the home crowd. Following the game was the Homecoming Dance with the successful band, Spirit. Qubs Recruit Sophomores News Briefs Christmas Toys Again this year Home Federal Savings and Loan Association emd the Greens boro Youth Council will have a Christmas Toys Campaign lasting from November 12 through December 13. This year’s goal is to make Christmas morning a happy one for every child in Greensboro. To do this they GYC Market Held The Greensboro Youth Council (GYC) held its sev enth aimual Halloween Flea Market Saturday, October 27 in the Seeirs peurking lot to give high school clubs a chance to make money for community work. Grimsley was represented t)y the Serteens, Civitans, rorch-light, Y-Teens, and Jther groups. The aversige unount of inoney made in he sale was aroimd $75 with some clubs reporting up to >306. There were over 10,000 items for sale. Special features for this ear’s Flea Market included he Sears Halloween Cos- ume Contest, a pumpkin utting service, Keirate de- lonstrations, square ances, and gospel singers. are asking everyone to find and donate old toys in repair able condtiion from attics and old toy chests. There will be collection points at the following Home Federal of fices: South Elm Street, Four Seasons, Friendly Center, Golden Gate, Guilford Col lege, Plaza, Summit and the main office. Colleges On October 29 and 30 representatives from North Carolina’s collegtes, techni cal institutes, and schools of [Continued on page 8] Grimsley’s service clubs began their membership drives by holding an assem bly for all sophomores on Tuesday, October 30. The assembly, presided oyer by Executive Council President Ken Anderson and Interclub Council President Mike Sherrill, was held in order to acquaint sopho mores with the clubs. Repre sentatives from the Junior Civitans, Civinettes, Junior GrimSey Service Clubs held an asssembly'^TueE October 30, for a membership drive. [Lewis photo] Projects Raise Money At the Student Council meeting on Wednesday, Oc tober 31, plans for the* thanksgiving Project were finalized and the trip to the Ronald McDonald House in Durham to help with main tenance was discussed. The thanksgiving Project, traditonaUy a Mr. Turkey contest to raise money for Thanksgiving turkeys for members of Grimsley’s jemi- torial staff, was in doubt t.Lig year because the number of custodians at Grimsley was cut back and a cleaning service was employed part- time. The Council decided, however, that there were enough custodians to hold the project. Specified Council mem bers will compete. Those raising the most money wiU be dubbed “Mr./Miss Tur key,’’ Emd must dress in a turkey costume all day the Wednesday before Thanks giving. This year’s “contes tants’’ are Ken Anderson, Glen Gorham, Devon Spaul ding, Ronald Spruill, and Lee Coyle. Also discussed at the Exe cutive Council meeting was from Mc- the letter of apology Page igh School to Donald’s for Page students participation in the food fight at McDonald’s during lunch before the Page-Grimsley football game. McDonalds decided to have ten people from Page and Grimsley, including the student body presidents, go to Durham to help with maintenance of the Ronald McDonald House near Duke Hospital. The trip is scheduled for December 8. Maintenance will include lawn mowing, trimming painting and such. Exchange, Junior Exchang- gettes. Junior Jaycees, Jun ior Jaycettes, O’Henry Jun iors, Y-Teens, Serteens, Lia- son and Key Clubs ex plained the functions and past activities of their re spective organizations and urged interested sopho mores to apply for member ship. Many of Grimsley’s clubs will be involved in various community service projects during the upcoming months. Some of these pro jects, such as Chris Ever green and Christmas Toys, will be organized in con- [Continued on page 8] Sophs SeUCandles The Sophomore Class will conduct a fund raising ceim- paign beginning November 16. They will be taking orders for a variety of candles which give year- round enjoyment, including special selections for the holiday season. The money received from this campaign will be used for Sophomore Class funds. In order for them to reach their goal, they need the help of everyone at school and in the community. Class representatives feel this will be an excellent opportunity for students to do some Christmas shopping early and easily.

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