HIGHUfV) Volume LVIV, Number 5 Grimsley Senior High School 801 Westover Terrace Greensboro, N.C. 27408 Thursday, February 14, 1980 Key Qub Plans Directory Bugbee, Ben Miller, and Bobby Sanford. [Row 1] Jon Albright Georue Harr.« Mike Barber. [Row 2] {Martin Photo/ ^ongm, ueorge Hams, Ladies’ Night To Treat Coming! Saturday night February 16, in Grimsley’s auxiliary gym -- the Twirp Dance! From 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m., Grimsley’s students will be entertained by Mike Long’s Disco. The annual Twirp Dance has been a tradition at Grimsley for years. It is a chance for the girls to do the asking, the planning, and the paying. This year there will be a special added attraction. A group of young men will make up the 'Twirp Court, and the theme of the evening will be “All the Queen’s Men.’’ Twirp Court is an exclu sive competition between ten senior men. Each senior homeroom has nominated five seniors, and the top ten of those nominated were announced at the pep rally on January 29. They are Jon Albright Ken Anderson, Bobby Sanford, Lee Coyle, Craig Bugbee, Steve Austin, Mike Barber, George Harris, Ben Miller, and Jeff Gilbert. One of these men will be come “Twim King’’ and two will become honorary “Dukes.” Much work has been done by the committee heads, Katy Clapp, Glen Gorham, Kelly Ferrell, and Lee Coyle in order to produce this dance. The Key Club is planning a sophomore membership drive in Februeuy in addition to the Grimsley Student Di rectory which is due to be published during February. The Serteens are planning a beach project. They are due to be officially chartered by the Sertoma Club during February. The Civinettes are begin ning fund-raising activities this month which include the sale of “Class of 80” t- shirts, a bake sale, and a planned inventory for foster grandparents. Several other clubs are as yet undecided as to their projects this month or the dates of these projects. The O’Henry Juniors plan a tag day for cancer, date unde cided. The Exchange Club is prepared to distribute over four thousand telephone di rectories upon a day’s notice for Southern Bell. The Junior Jaycees plan to split woqd or sell light bulbs. The Jaycettes and the Jimior Exchangette^ as of the first of February had no definite plans for projects. Olsen Leads Victory The Grimsley Hi-IQ team traveled to High Point Cen tral High School February 2 and captured first place out Students Provide Services The Clothing Services Class, otherwise known as the Advanced Sewing Class, will be sewing for the gener al public at affordable prices, beginning this semester. Seamstresses can be found in room 522 during second or third periods each day, ready to make new garments or to do alterations on old garments. Students wishing the services of these sewers, can contact them by leaving a note at room 522 or in Mrs. Garcia’s box. To help the sewing stu dents practice their acquired sewing skills, each garment construction or alteration will be supervised by the- teacher, Mrs. Garcia. The Advanced Sewing Class, which lasts for two periods a day and gives the student two credits, may be taken by any ^udent who has had IK’r !Srf Ston «.e., Hntta Miner, Cathy Lux. Not ahown, Mark laderiBaur. IS to Beginning Sewing and serious about learning sew. This class has naade pil lows for the kindergarten at Grimsley and cheerleading unifonns for Guilfiml Col lege, in addition to garments for their personal use. This is the second year this class has been offered at Grimsley. Governor’s School of a field of forty teams in competition. Led by the strong play of Captain Steve Olsen, Grims ley achieved the second best score in the history of the Hi-IQ Bowl, with an impres sive 1,128 points. Asheboro High placed second with a score of 975 points. By placing in the top eight, Grimsley will advance to the television rounds to be run in February and March. Grimsley will play Parkland, last year’s winner, on Feb ruary 13 at the WFMY-TV studios. In order to qualify, each team had to answer eighty toss-up questions, with the chance of a bonus, divided into four twenty-question roxmds. Members of this year’s Hi-IQ team are Mark Inder- maur, Cathy Lux, Martin Miller, Conrad Newton, and Steve Olsen. Eleven Participate Eleven Grimsley students Students practice their sewing in Mrs. Barda’s Advanced Sewing Class. (Raybold PhotO) are among the city’s repre sentatives in final competi tion for the 1980 North Carolina Governor’s School. An intensive study pro gram held during the sum mer, Governor’s School ca ters to a select group of the state’s exceptionally talent ed young people. Students are selected to attend through initial nominations by instructors and several screening processes. Nomi- m two and nations are made categories: academics performing arts. Grimsley’s finalists in the academic category are Craig Fleishman and Lamecia Mil ler. Nominees for the per forming arts and their areas of study are Michael Nelson Austin, percussion-; Gwen Blount, viola; Debra Coles, French horn; Catherine Evans, drama; Lois Elaine [Continued on page 4]