May 27, 1982 HIGH LIFE Page 7 Treasures That Last Forever. . . great times! The “girls,” Sissy, Spanky, All-nighters, Meows, everlasting friendship - Ya’ll are the greatest! I love Ya! Cindy, Teresa; C.C. celebrations! Kim, AC/DC; Jaycettes; All-Nighters. John, Danny, Roger - Carpool bud dies! ♦ ♦ ♦ I, BOO GREEN, bestow to Claire, a triple chocolate fudge icecream cone; Maura, a grape Daq.; Mary, Big G.M.; Sean, gold medal; Lee Anne, transportation to State; Michelle, a wedgy. Dale, a clean blanket; Mitch, family plann ing center; Floyd; party secrets; Becky, modeling job for beautiful eyes; Lynn L., a night to remember; Sandy, believing in yourself; Erin, a great time at Dadios; Will, a “punk rocker” Anna, protection gear; James, plenty of bail money, Kim, a dozen green carnations; Fran, high score for Frogger, pipets, gym nastic talent; To the “gang” - a beach cottage at Myrtle Beach; Angie, a big pinch. ♦ ♦ ♦ I, MICHELANGELO GRIGNI, of ground mind and body, hereby leave, comfortably numb; ‘twas Fun. I give thanks for the friends, glory to the FORUM. Timetooshort for healthy roots, may John escape that trick, I hate to but can't wait to leave. Power to the school; may God save the seniors. * * * I, ALYSON HOPPOUGH, leave Robin T. all of my problems, all the good times - flashing light, helium baloons, cards - and my criminal record. Also a lasting friendship. To Nicki. a recent friend who has been there when I needed one. Teresa and Maura, M.D. 20/20 -“Alex, got any happy stuff?” To Michele, Cathy, Cindy, Teresa and Maura - you drunken beach bums! - Thanks for a lot of good times. To Kim, my locker. And to. William C. Ball who I won’t leave behind ever, I just want to say thanks for all the good times and the love you’ve shown me. I love you Forever and Always! Goodbye Mrs. Piggy! -W.C.U. * * * I, BRAD HOWARD, hereby leave! To M. Oakly, I leave you in peace. To the big three; thanx for acceptance. To Steve, I leave 3 years of Pandimonium elevation. To Liz: music, crazy things in malls, “Pre-game ceremonies,” relationships (!), study (!), next year. To K.M. parties, a great friendship. To Pam, a car and lots of fun! To M.I. “yeeuuuu and Meeee!” To J. Locke: Yes things. To Howre; A trip to New York! To G B. and J.P. no more band. Bye Ducks! To everyone: an open lunch, a campus free of religious solicita tion, a benevolent administration. To J.H. “your understanding.” To V.K. you’ve got it! Toothopolus! * * * I, STEVE JACOBS, of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath the following: To Linda, my love and Happiness, and the best time of my life; To Ed “The Partying Machine” the beach, the praying mantis and lizard, and late fourth period lunch: To Johnno I leave a gold mine in the backyard, Spencer’s, this Bud’s for you, and “more beer;” To Pat I leave two more years of school, my red cooler, David Caldwell Park, and an eigh teenth birthday. I, LISA KAMENETZ, do hereby leave S.C. - Chapel Hill and thrill, a fake ID, pizza men, SK, and a S. God. PN - “Black Bugs.” “Shery- , ly” strange telephone conversa tions, punk rock hairdo and AAAAH! D.S. - my Latin book and desk, little “naps,” suntan lo tion, a cork in a bottle, B.S. - the beach, Mr. F. lectures, my parents beach weekend (Thanks B&C for you know what) Leb - a chauffeur s license, and the tardies you deserve. Lib - an idiot, a mercedes convertible L.V. -- P.K.’s body. * * * I, JOANIE KENNETT, being of sound mind and body leave to Susabelleza - Donya, red bathroom carpet, green goop. “It’s Tony,” High Point trip. Groovy Gooly -Love ya Snooze; Mary - F.D., a quiet radio. Groovy Gooly, ITF Forever; Sondra - Pepe Lopez, 60 mph curves. Steely Dan, Cheap motel; Trenna - Sunday’s, “poot- cure;” Becky - extra key, 2001; Jill - ■“baby oil,” hit of everything, FVoGIT; Karen DCH’S, the Blackheads, Renee and Beverly -“our dead end;” Les - California house; Pfeffer - white jacket, talk ing moods, wonderful friendship; Ellen - STANMOBILE; Kim - a thick contact. Goody; Chris - “Ug” major, grape “milkshakes;” Mrs. Kernodle - brunch at TK’s, polish ed silver, “snow,” circus, lasting friendship; Mrs. Beamer - lunch, snowy night; Everyone at KIM -“POTY,” Gertrude McTalliwag- ger; Jaycettes - Love You All -Thanks!! ♦ ♦ * I, CINDY KISTENBERG, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath the following: Teresa (Wee) - sisterly love. Friendly Pool, the baby, Japan, the Queen, my friendship forever, Ershler - red underwear, “Godzilla,” my year book, jogging “trip,” Jimmy -another 95, Toilet Paper for An nie’s house, Adam - a bar of soap for your m.outh, Pammy -some of my best features, Kelly and Bev - trip to my house, a few beers, Joe - shorts, the HB, Swensons, 18 more daisies, and all my love! * * * I, JOHN KREGE, do hereby leave the following items to these friends and organizations of frater nity: To the x-country team I leave my inspiration, and the challenge to continue the Grimsley legacy. To the High IQ team - the quest for the Holy Grail again next year. To the Forum - the continuation of its spirit despite my absence. To Mr. S. and Mr. Mac, I leave my thanks for being friends as well as docents. To Becky, I leave surf and dreams and to Paul his rightful place in Middle Earth. And to all the underclassmen, I leave my wish for three years as good as mine and the hope you will make the most of them. * * * I, KEITH LANIER, hereby be queath to the following bums: Max - a furnace that doesn’t blow up, my beer can collection; Jim - Y.N.B.A.A.; Steve - Fun at State: John - Winston Road Trip. * * * I, LYNN LaROCHE, being of unknown mind and faltering body bequeath to: Anne, High Point and film cases; Mary, Theos; Chris, basketball scholarship; Tori, peas for flowers; Jeff biology homework. I, JOHN LASLEY, being of deranged mind but sexy body, leave the following possessions to these people: to Greg Lasley I leave my mechanical ability because Weaver Center sure hasn’t taught him any; to Joe Woods I leave my position of “head bagboy at Bestway (that is if he doesn’t get caught stealing beer before I do); to Chuck I leave my parking space at Bob Petty’s; to Andy McKay, who will probably be here next year, I leave a hard time because that’s all he ever deserved; and to next year’s journalism class, I leave the graffiti that I wrote on the desks. ♦ * * I, COLBERT LASHLEY, be queath to: BB dates with RN, CF & RS; CM Chilly Willie; AE, JH, SS fantastic freshman year at Salem; Heather easter egg hunts, chocolate kisses under bed at Gap: BG another date with LL; Lynn RG, alligator pin, everlasting friendship, Veni Vidi Vici, ILY; JM all instantly, prepared lab notebook; Laura a free home perm; AS & LP a trip with the 7’s; MW & CK “party? Where!"; Coach Smith a year’s supply of Cliff's Notes; E.- Claire a fantastic SENIOR year, “rabbit,” “Who, What?”, You are the greatest and I Love You!’ Cam paigners thanks! I Luv ya!; Cara a year without MG, a K-Mart war drobe, I Luv ya; Grimsley thanks for all the memories; Student Coun cil “it’s been great!" * * * I, CINDY LeBAUER, of ques tionable mind and body leave: Julie - wonderful friendship, Florida, Duke, popcorn, beercans, Hallo ween, schlaump, more. Shelly - hilarious adventures, stealing cookie, BBG, Baker, prom shoes, double dates, munching out, friends forever. Liz vrai amie, ski trips (New Years), midnight swims. Doors. Belews, CSN!, jogging. Bog gle, Keith, homecoming, 15 minutes. Kim - sneaking out to Guilford, skiing, same clothes, GH, Bobby, love ya! Elissa - My dog is better than your dog! Same schools finally, Duke, see ya there. Gary - your bed, long talks roommates at Duke, Scott-library, Sweet-heart Beau’s, love always. Tommy-you’ve made my senior year the best, Swilley Pea, no smacky lips, smoosh, winter night, playing “ping pong, ” dancing lessons, etcetra, je t'aime tOij j mrs! So long Grimsley. * * * I, JIM LEE, hereby leave the beach gang a giant garbage bag; Pam, a discount of $500; Keith, L.A.S.N.P.: John, a year’s member ship to A.A.; Max, a large Bill’s piz za; to Kerry, what your parents don’t know won’t hurt you; Steve, a new broom and robe; Tori and Latonya, my homework; to Traci, better moods. * * * I, LYNN LEONARD, bequeath to: Coberto-egg salad, rematch, Mr. California, much love; MiLee- Illinois, Jimmy Buffett, Nanun- saronghabnida jodadi. Junior Twirp; Marti-bush juice, baby oil, BTPWCIOJSBBSRNS; Meredith- Roll tide!, R8:28, moogoogaipin, Keith-homeruns Forever; John- dead bush, library comer, six long years; Boo-December Fifth, Hardee’s Drive-thru, my eyes, the most special place in my heart; my best Buffett buddy “Stoned” -crayon lipstick, DP’s feet. Cheer- wine roadtrips, AHJ’s, Elvira Bird- well, Randy Shorts, beach barfing, succulent lips, the bear (we hung up), Canadian bacon, onions, extra cheese, “here’s lookin’ at you, kid, more love, gratitude, respect, friendship and memories than are tellable - I love you. “We had it all,” Sandy Renee. And always will; Champaigners - Faith, hope, love. * * * I, MAX LLOYD, being of waver ing mind and fattening body, wishing I could relive the yester days to repeat the fun and avoid the mistakes, bequeath the follow ing, to Keith: horizontal mirror, 4-leaf-clover to prevent furnace, car mishaps, Steve: broom, robe. X-country team: Desire for the STATE. Alyson: laughs, tears, a rose. All my friends: (Cold Bottle) Yeast Excretion. * * I, SCOTT THOMAS MCGUINN being of (sometimes) sound mind and body, leave the following; To Bill Sieredzki, my bad jokes, a book entitled How To Kidnap a Horse, my 1977, It. blue, 280Z, with driv ing instructions, and all my AP Calculus and AP Chemistry notes. To Robert Ballard, my bus, 469, Soccer in Three Easy Steps, and $100.00 of clutch insurance. To Matt Pappas (the junior), a extra set of keys. To Anne Brown, all the Chinese food you can eat. To Angie Johnson, my lawnmower and rock collection. To the rest of the “girls” soccer team, a box of M&M’s, my soccer skills, and scunion techni ques. I, LAURA MICHAELS, do hereby bequeath: to LAC, security, originality, and white car; to HF, A in geometry; to BS and HF, punk rock; to SE, the park; to JK, my meanness; to CK, neighbors’ bathroom; to ML and SS, broom, robe, and the 3 Stooges; to AJ, CC, MH Yum yum’s, to SG a million dollars; to PC, elver the eel; to ME, lifetime supply of sloe gin; to MH, purple clothes, to LL, day of sereni- . ty; to JGH, an everlasting friend ship; MW parties; to AE, Juke Box Hero; to LP, ML’s ax and her pillow; to Champaigners, the good times; to BG, AP Calculus; to MYF, MYF Forever; to Soccer Team, the bench. * * * I, ROB MIDGETT, hereby be-“queef” the following: to... AD - BLAAA! mumble Grasshopper - helmet Bozo - dishes! Peewee - Boyhood Miller - Joan Dike Fowler - Comdogs D. Knox - The Bench, thanks for the ride! « * * I, LES NAGEL, leave Amy, Kari, etc. great ’83!; Remember Hanglow; Tutterow, sum- merschool. Tommy, thanks for your help in accounting; Traci N., thanks for help with Suh, Steph “Get Closer”; John Suh, Your own Springstein album, 2 great dances but wish it was four; Guy’s Crew, airfield. BUDWEISER and Love Always; Becky, mating calls, “WG Guys”, Joanie, VS, Seagrams bartender; Mary “You Fu,” long talks, unforgetable loves, Kilroy, circus peanuts, moustaches; Rean, Miss Nobody, Awanita busride, and stuff, FTruck; Boo Bear, Forest Valley Boys, Twirp, the POLICE, Erin McCough’s; Bub- balos, a meanin^l friendship. The Nancy’s, metal trashcans, Stoogie’s, CARS, 1607, B.H.’s, summerschool and especially all my love. And finally to the girl’s #7 YOU’RE THE BEST and I LOVE YOU! * * * I, TOMMY NEESE do hereby leave the “Dodge” to Hartsook, rides in “Dodge” to Dale and Chris, Ron, W.A. 151 to Keith, new cupid arrows to C.C.C.R. Les gets “Hoodlum,” Kenerly the sled, Knox another great football team and slack assistant, to Phillip the Navy, Rob a new car, Greg new “Chevy”, Stephanie, encounters with police, beach, concerts, skipp ing, thanks for help, other great times, also I leave “Endless Love” cause I am going to keep you forever. * * * I, GERRIT NEWTON, being of sound mind and vigorous health, do hereby bequeath the following to persons mentioned; To John, Paul, Martin, Tim: Road trip USA, Smokies, memories, nights of mellowing out, meaning of life, a Heart of Gold. To Mid: Fetuccini & various sound effects. To Carl: elixir vitae & fun. Chuck: Thai-Boxing & a math teaching job; Barbi: my legs: JK: Yes. . .Sir! Sidd, a can of Raid: Hoyt, Ikiwoki, The FORUM: My ac cumulated wisdom. Q-Teammates; Karr-el vas hier! PC, Brazil by force, Europe by storm. My teachers: Thank you! I, JACQUE *NICHOLS, leave Alyson; Topnot, beach festival, PABLO, class day; Angie: Boom, Butterflies, Starra; Beth: celebra tions, balcony, frienaship; Meredith: buddy, talks, dancing; Stacey; All- nighters; Trenna: Miami; Lea Anne; hands. « ♦ * I, JAIME PARKER, will aU my worldly possessions, my car, stereo set, my caps and hats, my girl friends, my boy friends, and my F’s to Grimsley (GHS) Student Body. I, LYN PAUL, do hereby leave the following: to Angie - turtle face, giggle box; to Yinger - wishy washy ones, lots of memories; to Campaigners - loving but trying times; to Spiffy - Starmount; to Kevin - Thanx for everything. The Big M; to Kelly - yucky and yester day; and choir - Thanks good luck; to Lynn - footie pajamas, clicking; to Robin - my clarinet, a doctors GTS; to Greg - a harem; to Judy - too many memories to mention, a ride in someone’s yard, music of Through The Years, all my love; to Will - Lucas, elasticed pants; to BS - a letter from App.; to Martha -- a safe ride home; to Mitch - pinches; to Art - all the fun in HR. ♦♦♦ I, JAY POSEY, never claiming to be of sound mind, do hereby be queath the following to: Brad-Gary; Gary-Brad; Todd-AP Chem. notes; Andrea - a promise or a threat?; Stud - Bud, the next four years. Bromine; Lisa -my height; Ms. Joyner - my compositions; Mr. Saunders - problems 1-697; Barbi - last year’s locker; A1 - this year’s locker; and Kim - Chief, there’s no need to leave anjrthing to you, because it’ll always be there when you need it - How ’Bout Forever? * * * I, BARBI PRILLAMAN, being completely here, leave to the follow-