Volume 72 No. 7 Grimsley High School 801 Westover Terrace Greensboro, NC27408 May 6, 1996 Grimsley competed in the Knowledge Master's Open on April 17. Witli a total score of 1623 out of 2000, Grimsley placed 2nd in tire state, 43 in the United States, and 43 m the world. Tire students competing were Mark Boclikis, Jonadian Nikfaijam, Irina Bocldds, Leon Boclikis, SunJun Park, Sarali Pendergraft, Keith Taylor, James Williams, Anna DeCa^er, James Klianlarian, Maia Kaplan, Patrick Kinlaw, Jinmiy NeMsen, and MamadouNiang. Tlie team is coached by Mr. Whisenant and Mr. Williamson. Grimsley's Sax Ensemble received a "Supe rior" rating at tlie East Davidson competiton on Tuesday. April 23. The ensemble mem bers are Cesar Alvarez, Greg Barbee, Jessica Brown, Andy Roberts, Rachel Rosenthal, Matt Schwarz. Justin Smitli, and Mike Votta. Tlie Orchestra, directed by Ms. Diaime Barbee, competed in the Western Region Or chestra Festival at Wake Forest on April 17. Tlie 30 students, led by Concertmaster Mike Ferry', received tlie highest possible rating, "Su perior," from all tliree judges. Tire concert was sponsored by die North Carolina Music Edu cators Association. 7iie Gold Madrigals have been announced forthe 1996-1997 school year. The new mem bers are Amanda Ball, Christina Chenault, Avery' Lutz, Amanda Sumrall, Jil Miuray, Sa rah Carpenter. Eric Cannon, Cliris Grayson. Sean Murphy, Tim Stanley, Tom Earp, Chad McMurray. and James Woods. On tlie recent National Latm E.xam, tlie Tu'st Grimsley has participated in hi over 5 years, seniors Patrick Kinlaw, Torben Koliler, Amie Beatty, Jemiifer Oxenfeld, David Hyman. Cadierine Owens, and Rebecca Rohiick, re ceived Cum Laude or higher on the Latin 5 exam. Freshman Sam Cone had a perfect score on tlie Latin 2 exam, one of only 815 m tlie nation. Senior celebration fun. safe By Brian Schiller StaffWriter As the 1995-96 school year moves into its final months students are eagerly eyeing the buret of activity tliat accompanies tlie end of school. One of tliese ei'ents is Projert Gradu ation, an all-night party on tlie niglit of gradu ation for the whole senior class. As Project Graduation shapes up for its sixth conseaitive year, it is now established as a tradition here at Grimsley, and as sonietliing that under classmen cai look for ward to. The idea for Grimsley's Project Graduation originated hi 1990 witli tlie arrival of Mrs. Judy Jay. who had been involved hi a sinii- kirgraduationparty' inan- otlier state. When she came to Greensboro Mrs. Jay saw the need for sonietliing like she had worked on before she moved so die volunteered Anotlierhnportant aspect of Project Gradua tion was tliat it was intended to give seniors a place to go where tliey wouldn't feel tlie need to drink and would be safe for tlie mglit. Tlie issue of alcohol was tlie reason tliat a town hi New England organized tlie first party like Project Graduation and encouraged other towns to do tlie same. Many students here at Grimsley know people tliat liai'e been hurt or I ,,i ■ -'■iL Students look on as doorprizes are rallied oil'at tlie 1993 I^oject Graduation celebration. Dooiprizes are one of the most popular events. to woik on tlie projectwliich was to be imder- taken witli tlie approval of tlie PT A. A small group of parents tlien began to get Project Graduation on its feet by writing letters askhig fertile support of local bushiesses. clubs, and government organizations. To expand on tlie orighial seed money given by tlie PT A a grant of $2000 was secured fiom tlie N.C. Depart ment of Hi^way Safety. Tlie group found businesses willhig to spon sor tlie ei'ent because it was a new and popular idea in Greensboro. BeforetliestartofPrqject Graduation sei'eral of tlie liigli schools hi tlie city liad graduation parties including Grimsley. Because tliese parties weren’t opai to tlie en tire senior class, many people were excluded or forced to decide between different groups of Iriends, "Tlie most hiiportant aspect is tliat it (Project Graduation) is open to ev'eiy' graduating se nior,” said Mrs Cliarlene Bariiam who was one of tlie ei'ent’s originators. killed in accidents involving dnuik drivers, and tliese studaits also acknowledgeUiat Prom and Graduation were two niglits on wliich teenagers traditionally go out and get dnmk. Tlie organizers hoped to avoid tragedies tliat liad struck otlier cities as whole groups of se niors were killed on Uie most important day of tlieir teenage years. In years past 90% of Grimsley graduates liave come to tlie Central YMCA for tlie niglit. Seniors will arrive at tlie Central Y between 11 :(X)P,M. aid midniglit on Monday Jiuie 3, aid tlie part)' lasts mitil 5 :(K) A.M. Altliougli seniors ae allowed to leave before 5 o clock, few do as tliey forfeit all doorprizes aid ac not allowed to return. Tlie slat of Uie party is delayed luitil 11P.M. so dial graduates cai cliange clotlies aid see tlieirfaiiilies. Upon entering tlie Y, students have a huge array of activities to chose Irom hi rooms tliat liave been decorated beyond recognition by paent voliuiteere. Activities at tlie p;irty include bingo, music, karaoke, daicing, forliuic-tellhig, maiiaires, basketball, lolleyball. casino gaiies, contests, aid more. Prizes vay'iiig from casli to nierchaidise from local stores ac gii'eii away in great quaitity for tlie whole diration of tlie ev'cnhig. Mrs. Kidd, who has been a part of project graduation since its inception, said, "Graduates arrii e in a festive mood, ready to rclav liave fun. aid celebrate witli tlie rest of hieir class. Tlie casino room aid door prize a cas attract tlie biggest crowds." Tlie drawback of so iiiaiy ac tivities aid tlie lavisli decorations for tlie ei'cnt is tliat tliey come at a cost. Tlie $5 seniorepay fora ticket to die event covers a small fraction oftliccostpcrstudcnt. Orgaiizcre spaid coiuitlcss houre contacting local businesses for donations of aisli aid prizes. "Fiuiding for tlie p;irl)' is a yciirly problem. Tlie ticket price covers only a small fraction of tlie cost k,dd phoin making piaciit donations I'ital to tlie continuing success of Project Graduation." said Mrs. SchUlcr. Tlie orgaiizers of Uie 1996 Pro ject Gradua tion Ivave extremely higli hopes for Uic event tliey liave been working on since last v'air, aid Uie class of 1996 is dqiending on Uiosc p;u-cnts to make Project Graduation a fitting Cud to Uieir higli school careere. If Uie seniors make it a point to turn out in record nimibcre Uieparty will be a huge success for everyone. "I am excited," said WillClaik. a senior. "I an lookhig forwad to a safe aid fim niglit wiUi my friends." Project Graduation iVhen: June 3, t996 11pm - Sam Where: Central Y.M.C.A. How Much: $S Tickets go on sale May 20, and it is recommended that they are purchased in advanance to avoid lines at the door.