Volume 73 No. 3 Grinisley High School 801 Westover Terrace Greensboro, NC 27408 October 30,1996 © Senior Anna West was elected by the senior class to be Grimsley's nominee for the Daugh ters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award. West was nominated due to her strengths in the categories of dependability, ser vice, leadership, and patriotism. West will now advance to the state level where she will com pete for a $250 cash award. Grimsley Winterguard interest fomis are avail able in the band room. Winterguard combines precision flag with dance technique performed to music. Tire routine is performed competi tively each Saturday throughout winter before a panel of judges. Everyone is welcome, and experience is not required, hiterest forms should be put in the folder on the flag room door by Oct 31st Anyone intending to participate in a Grimsley athletic team this winter needs to get a sports physical before the first day of practice. Physi cals are offered at tire Grimsley Health Center. Tlie Health Center asks that appointments be made as far in advance as possible in order to ease schedulmg. Seniors Brian Schiller and Kate Worthington were chosen to be Grimsley's nominees for the John Motley Morehead Foundation's schol arship to the Unh ersit)' of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The scholarship includes full tu ition, room and board, as well as a stipend for sunmier programs organized by the foundation. The Thanksgiving Food Drive will get un- denvay on November 4. Students should bring donations of money and canned food to their first period classes. Goods will be collected through November 22. Members of Torchlight, Grimsley's chapter of the National Honor Society, are offering tu toring on Thursdays from 3:30 until 4:30 P.M. Tutors are available in most subject areas. In terested students should sign up outside of Room 211. Students ^et involved in democratic process By Meganne Raines Reporter Long lines, crowded gyms, colorful political signs littering the campus; this is a common sight ev ery year as students and voters collide here at Grimsley on election day. However, this year the picture will be much different. Stn- dents will not be in school on election day, November 5. in part due to a program called KidsVoting. KidsVoting is a na tional program that is making its debut in Guilford County this year. The program was initiated in 1988 for the purpose of involving kids in the process of selecting government officials. Part of this program allows stu dents to go to the polls with their parents on November 5 and vote in their own spe cial election. This is designed to en courage more parents to remember to vote. The major goal of the program is to increase voter participation and in still in minors that voting is a right to be held in high regard and should not be neglected or looked upon as an extra chore. Nationally the KidsVoting pro gram has significantly increased voter turn-out over the past eight years. Ideally, the fact that Guilford County schools will not have classes on election day due to a teacher workday will make an impact on voter turn-out. It is hoped that teachers and other adults who may not have had a chance to vote during the day in previous elections will now have the opportunity to do so. Grimsley students seem to agree with this idea. Edmond Brewster, a senior, said. Teen Democrats Haiia Brown, David Lemon, Sarah Roberts, and Hester tisc their candidates. T think that getting out of school will in crease the voting percentage.’' Many people feel that teenagers have begun to ignore the opportunities they have during elections because they feel that the government has little impact upon their lives. If students are willing to de vote some time to helping local candi dates there is the potential for them to have a large effect on the outcome of the election. Katherine Schafer, a senior, said, ’Tt is important for me to voice my opinion and be heard. If I care about who runs my country and what they do, I can not be apathetic.” The general opinion of Grimsley is DeCasper adver Green photo that students can have an impact on adult voters. Overall students feel that no school on election day is a good idea. The day off is a chance for students to experience a real election. Gene Bragg, a junior, sees positive aspects of the day off. Bragg said, ■'Getting out on election day allows stndents to keep up with current news and lets students be more involved with the elections.” Not only does the KidsVoting pro gram give students the chance to vote, it also al lows students to partici pate in the election by volunteering their time working at each precinct. Schafer also feels that working at the polls can have a positive effect on the election. Schafer said, "It is support of a worthy cause and a chance to help the candi dates I support.” Some Grimsley stu dents have already helped with the elec tion and also have plans to work on elec tion day. Teen Democrats, an organiza tion made np of teens from Guilford County high schools, will have members working at the polls. Sarah Roberts, a senior and member of Teen Democrats said, "We hope that our work has made more people aware of certain candidates, so that they can be informed voters and make the right decision in this year’s elec tion.” In addition, Roberts said, "I par ticipate in Teen Democrats, and will con tinue to do so, because I support the ide als and goals of the Democratic party. I hope that I can help make a difference in our government." Guilford County students may also join the Teen Republicans, though a de cline in interest has prevented the club from remaining active during the last year. In the past both groups have been involved in elections by placing yard signs in visible locations throughout the community, working at the polls to rep resent candidates, and phone banking in order to make sure that the public is aware of new candidates. If interested in the Kids Voting pro gram, call 373-7176.