Volume 73 No.8 c? 1 Grimsley High School 801 Westover Terrace Greensboro, NC 27408 May 1,1997 a ■s TJS r. 'I. On Tliursday, April 10 the Grimsley Concert and Jazz Bands, as well as the Flag Corps and Orches tra travelled to the Bahamas. The trip was very' successful as each group perfomed at least once during the course of the cruise. Despite some bad weather Grimsley students still got to explore much of Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. 71ie Junior Marshalls for the 1996-1997 school year are Amin Aminfar, Sarah Blackwood, Jes sica Brown, Lauren Brunner, AshleeCarter, Kelly Cirincione, Emily Duquette. Margaret Jeffreys, Lindsay Kuhn, Greg Osborne, Steven Osborne, and Ryan Soots. Junior Marshalls are the juniors with the top ten GPA's in their class. Tlie 1997 Prom will be held at Stamiount County Club on May 16. Tickets will be sold before and after school as well as during lunch for $15 each. /^roject Graduation '97 will be held the night of June 8 at the Central YMCA. Tickets will be sold starting the day of Underclass Awards until the evening of the event Project Graduation is an alcohol free party following graduation for all members ofthe seniorclass. Numerous door prizes are donated by local businesses to be given away during the course of the evening. Tm tradittcHi endures By Meganne Raines Reporter For Grimsley seniors beginning to make the transition exciting times in the future. It also provides an opportunity for students to converse witlt teach ers socially, instead of under the pressure of a classroom setting. from high school to big ger and brighter things, one of the most sig- n i f i c a n t events of 1997 will be the Senior Tea. Seniors will soon re ceive an invi tation from their homeroom teacher to the annual event honoring the Teachers gather during a 1963 Senior Tea. /4pplause 1999, held on February 8, 1997 was a great success. Over 350 Grimsley supporters at tended the event to participate in casino games and a silent auction. The evening raised approxi mately $15,000 that will be used to renovate the auditorium. graduating class of 1997. The tea is for all Grimsley seniors and school faculty, and will be held on May 21,1997 at the UNCG Alumni House. Guests should be well dressed and are free to come and go be tween 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. The Senior Tea is designed to be a time for seniors and their teachers to reflect on the past four years at Grimsley and to look to The tea will be highlighted by a receiving line for students to speak with administrators as well as entertainment provided by the Grimsley Orchestra. Refreshments such as tea, punch, cakes, and peanuts will be served. This year's Senior Tea continues a tradi tion at least 30 years old of honoring Grimsiey's graduating class. Grimsley French teacher Mrs. Tuttle said, “To my knowledge the Grimsley Senior Tea is unique to all the county schools. It is the faculty’s way of show ing the seniorclass that we respect what they’ve achieved and we want to honor them as young adults. It is one of the most pleasant occasions that I can think of be tween teachers and stu dents. It’s a nice way to begin to say goodbye to the seniors.” Ms. Branch, one of Grimsiey’s history- teachers, organizes the annual event. "I think it's important to continue the tradition and connect with our past, and to cre ate memories for our fu ture,” said Ms. Branch. From the senior per spective. the Tea contin ues a tradition that marks the beginning of the end of their Grimsley career. “The reason why Fm planning to go is because it’ll be exciting and I’ll be glad that I’m getting out of high school.” said senior Mike Davis. Kate Worthington, also a senior, said, “The Senior Tea is a tradition. It’s a part of being a senior.” The Senior Tea is one of the most special events for Grimsley students. It holds meaning for teachers and seniors alike. Whirit^i^ photo SHC creates new option for smokers By Mark Gordon Reporter Does anyone at Grimsley smoke or use any tobacco product and want to stop? Has any student ever been caught smoking on campus and wished there was an alterna tive to suspension? A new program that will be offered at Grimsley next year caters to these students. Throughout the month of May the Grimsley Health Center will be conducting a pilot, or test run, of the to bacco cessation program that will be up and running by next August. The tobacco cessation program’s main ^oal is to educate the students of all the health hazards of using tobacco products, help any students stop that wish to, and to convince more students to try to stop. To help a regular smoker stop smoking there are many things that can be done. Not only is there a physical addiction to the nico tine but there is also a very strong psycho logical addiction that must be overcome. By providing all the facts about the long-term and short-term effects of tobacco, the program hopes to show the students why they should stop and how it can improve their lives. Sup port to help conquer the psychological addic tion will be provided along with a controlled way in which to overcome the physical de pendence. There is speculation that the nico tine patch, the most effective way found to quit, will be offered. The program will be free but if the patches are offered they will most likely need to be purchased. Tenth grade smoker Brian Prout said, “It may be able to get a tew kids, but the major ity of teenage smokers really don’t care enough to go through a program.” “I think that it seems like a really good idea, too many of my friends have fallen prey to the nicotine trap,” said senior Peter Baggish. Once someone has been smoking for ten years, it is much harder to quit than after just a few years. Also, smoking can be especially harmful to developing adolescent lungs. Starting next year, the program will be of fered to anyone who wishes to sign up and as an alternative to suspension for smoking on campus. You must be registered with the health center to participate. It will last for one month and will meet fourtimes for about an hour after school. About eight to ten vounteers are needed for the pilot group which will help to modify and fine tune the program for next fall. If you are interested in paticipating, stop by the Health Center.

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