Features High Life Wednesday, October 22, 2003 11 From middle to high, Approaching April stays on top Local band remains together after formation in middle school and flourishes out of love for music and devotion from fans everywhere. By Emma Williams Features Editor “It started in jazz band, eighth grade. We just started practicing because we didn’t want to go to the eighth grade dance,” said junior Seth Barden. That particular night spawned the existence of Approaching April, a band that, two years later, still flourishes. The group includes Seth Barden on bass, junior Daniel Yount on drums, and freshman Jackson Dulaney on guitar. “Jackson’s the nice guy, Daniel’s the bad boy, and I relate myself to Joey Fatone [of N’Sync],” said Barden. Best friends, the three boys share their passions for making and playing music together. They meet to practice anywhere from two to five times a week in Daniel’s room to “jam.” At first, as is the case with most bands, making music was difficult, but as time progressed and the band members became more familiar with and attached to each other the process became easier, and the music came more naturally. “The more we play, the more locked we become to each other’s styles. It keeps progressing into what we want it to be,” said Jackson. Now accustomed to each other, the process has simplified. “Gradually we are all on the same wavelengths,” said Barden. “Sometimes we start playing and it happens, and then sometimes I’ll be playing at home and come up with a rift, and we’ll build off that.” Many eclectic artists influence the funk/rock/jazz band. The band accredits most of its music making to the Allman Brothers, The Grateful Dead, The Derek Trucks Band, and Phish. The music they are influenced by the songs, beats, and styles that make up their repertoire. The band describes their style as “friendly music that everyone Junior Seth Barden, Daniel Yount, and Freshman Jackson Delaney often play music to their hearts’ content at Yount’s abode. Approaching April’s popularity can be witnessed in the extraordinary number of decals found on cars throughout Greensboro. '£71 is so versatile it includes The Spice Girls and Will Smith. From these, and from their own unique creativity, they are able to invent can listen to.” “Heavy metal. There is only one certain group that can listen to that,” said Barden. Approaching April shares their music with their faithful fan base at such locations as The Somewhere Else Tavern, Highpoint Billards, and quite frequently at fans’ houses. The boys, however, prefer playing at fans’ homes. Yount likes the someimes “frantic and chaotic” atmosphere, while Dulaney enjoys it when the excitement calms down and “[relaxes].” Not only does the band play for their fans, whom they appreciate immensely, but also for the sake of each other and their own individual passions for the art. “When I play I am mainly playing for-myself and Jackson and Daniel,” said Barden. Each one loves what he does to the point where making a life out of music seems like the only possibility. “I would love to never do another math problem again in my life and just play music,” said Yount. Approaching April has come a long way and does not quite know when the end will be, but for now, in the words of Jackson Dulaney, “It’s just an experience.” need help choosing a college? it's here. search by major, location, size take campus tours compare colleges side by side link to college sites CoDege’/ Foundation of North Carolina Helping You Plan, Apply, and Pay for College www.CFNC.org — 866-866-CFNC itoii-freei Sef labia Espanoi ©College Foundation, Inc. 2003