Volume 81 No. 7 Grimsley High School 801 Westover Terrace Greensboro, NC 27408 Thursday, March 24, 2005 2S * 'hi i i .VtY '.J > *.'V* ■%.: ,"> i-- ♦ ^ 1 Grimsley teacher admits wild clubbing addiction A long-time Grimsley teacher, realizing that recognizing her problem is the first step on the arduous road to recovery, has finally admitted her long-term addiction to clubbing. Though clubbing is usually considered a youthful activity, Ms. maintains that there is, in fact, a clubbing scene for those who list their ages as simply 29 plus. Ms. U, however, has recently decided to leave that scene, noting its adverse effect on her health and well-being. In fact, Ms. U chose to abstain from clubbing during this past Lenten season. The 40 days, though, have been tough for Ms. U, who is finding that her addiction —now suppressed—is manifesting itself in her daily life. When questioned about her favorite clubbing activity, for example, Ms. U quipped, "Did you guys ever do the whip in the skating rink?" Names have been changed Chuck E. Cheese’s keeps holding it down as a place “where a kid can be a kid” This reviewer and his maniac drummer friend brave a crowd of crazed four-year-olds to rediscover the joys of miniature amusement park/pizza buffet Chuck E. Cheese’s. By Pete Townshend Windmilling guitarist extraordinaire Entering the local Chuck E. Cheese's fun-and-games res taurant with a contemporary of mine, Keith Moon, I was aston ished to find so many stark rav ing mad children running about the establishment. The kids' ages ranged from mewling and drooling to pre- pubescent, but one could hardly tell the difference just from looking. They all seemed retarded to us. Moon and I considered very seriously purchasing some to kens from the token-selling- man. However, we decided against it because we are rich enough to buy out the Chuck E. Cheese restaurant itself. I mean. Moon lives in a castle in England for chrissake. And anyways, he is so outrageous, if we wanted to get our hands on any of those dinky trinkets, the dude would just swipe 'em. And those rides. I mean, c'mon. Back in the day, when a kid had to walk seven miles barefoot and dehydrated in the snow to mess around in a Chuck E. Cheese, all I ever got to play on was one of those dumb up-and-down spaceship things. Some of those rides had some blinker lights and repeti tive high pitched sounds. Aside from that, they were lame. And guess what, folks... They're still pretty lame. I mean, kids are just so easily entertained, they run around doing lame stuff all day long. Bypassing the not-so-tempt- ing-looking pizza buffet. Moon and I found a seat in the front and center of the audience. And by audience, I mean no one was there except for the two of us and some old guy. There were paper cups and plates set up for what would apparently be a crazy party. And I am being serious about the craziness because you know those four-year-olds can throw down like nobody's business. The kids do not care about the music show. All they want are those dang tokens so they can sit on one of those lame rides and win some cheap trin kets. But anyways. Moon and I watched the show with the most positive in tent possible. And by that, I mean we laughed a whole lot. It was ridicu lous, and I mean absolutely ab surd. The band consists of a bunch of animatronic members who cannot play their own instruments. And they were all clearly lip- synching. So, needless to say. Moon and I were disap pointed with the whole Chuck E. Cheese's experience. The band was far too robotic for my taste and had no pizazz. How- ever, I have a feeling that the Internet i Not as friendly as he appears, kids. Stay away...unless you are in a mellow kind of mood. Then it's actually pretty funny. next time I decide to go to a nearby Chuck E. Cheese, there are certain preparations that can be arranged in order to en sure a more festive trip. Featured Portside Abraham Lincoln back from dead, out for blood Zombie Abe terrorizes D.C. Brains... Walkway cover blown away by slight breeze And the funny part is it's not a joke. Page won Good headline later Procrastination always pays off now. (Page lost) News 1 Opinion who cares? Features Fiddy Sports Flip it over