Y Pages High Life Features December 20, 2006 The Nativity Story’ makes an old story new in time for Christmas BYDANIEL ARONSON Sports Editor Perhaps the most familiar story ever told is the birth of Jesus. "The Nativity Story" a modern movie about the historical biblical account of Mary and Joseph's journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, describes the birth of Jesus Christ. Director Catherine Hardwicke and writer Mike Rich make the tale marvel ously fresh and new. "Nativity Story" focuses more on the characters than other biblical narratives that give account of the story of fhe birfh of Jesus. Fortu- nafely, the young and attrac tive appearances of un known actors Keisha Castle- Hughes and Oscar Isaac do not detract from the miracu lous story. Viewers truly be lieve they are witnessing an accurate account of life in Palestine during the fea tured time period. Characterizing Mary and Joseph as simple people pre vents the viewer from being overwhelmed by the immen sity of the plot; the birth of Jesus Christ and Herod's at tempt to kill the prophesied King of the Jews. The movie displays the hardships the Jews are enduring under the oppression and heavy taxa tion of the Roman Empire. Mary and Joseph are de picted as simple people caught in the most extraor dinary circumstances. "Nativity Story" begins months before the Holy Spirit impregnates Mary, an ordinary young girl, who lives with her hardworking, poor parents. Her father arranges a marriage to Jo seph, a tender, kind-hearted man, an idea Mary is not too excited about. How ever, the engagement lasts a year, long enough for Mary to warm up to the idea. One fateful night, an angel visits her and tells her she will bear a child who will save her people from their sins. The movie is strongly based around Mary and the reactions of Joseph, her parents and the community to her becom ing pregnant out of wed lock. Because adultery was a crime punishable by ston ing, Mary was scorned and looked down upon, and even faced threats on her life. Joseph agrees to mar riage despite not being the father of Mary's child, re sulting in both becoming outcasts in their commu nity. Fortunately for them, the angel Gabriel speaks to both Mary and Joseph and brings them peace. According to the Roman Empire, every citizen must re turn to their place of birth to be coimted in a census. Joseph and a very pregnant Mary make the perilous 100-mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, with Mary riding on a donkey and Joseph on foot. As they make this dan gerous voyage across the mountains and deserts, their love for each ofher grows stronger. Their faith grows as they realize the significance of the task God has given them. The viewer feels deeply for Mary, and her pain of child birth, and the love Joseph shows to his young bride. Even though the story of the birth of Jesus is familiar to most, Hardwicke still man ages to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. With climaxes such as the wise men seeing the star, and King Herod's evil plot to kill the first-bom males in Bethlehem, the story is enthralling. With excellent cinematography and breath-taking images, the film is a fresh retelling of an ancient story. The "Nativity Story" truly reminds view’- ers that Jesus is the reason for the season. r necK us OUT off $20 purchase or more musl hov® coupon 1 834.0404 5607 W. Frlsndly Av®, Gmmmtoom, NC 2?410 Bosid® Sforbucks ® S«ak»f Villog® Expires January 31,2007 g| in IB Warner fifliisl PL niiMinlBi i||n| JKIIIIIIIB^^ 2707 Mmrj Street Greeiiibore 375-2300 TWOLO