Page 12 High Life Features February 28, 2007 Top Ten Worst Valentine’s Days Of All Time 10. f ebruarv 11, I’u'.idiTii Auiiard .\i\oii insLill*.'.(.'l u'i lapiiij.’, in VVhiU’t iou-'v’. 9. Fi’bruar)' 14,1976. L S por- lc>rii\s niidfiir at Nev atia tost sitt' to t'xplorc plutonium's p^ilcn- lial ust’ in nudoar warheads. 8. Februarj’ 14,19.^1. Spanish Government ot Ceneri\J Damaso Berenguer falls. 7. February 14,1929. St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago leaves seven gangsters kiUod. 6. February 14,1975. Bomb explodes m annex of Amsterdam metro station. 5. Februarv’ 14,1993. Fire in Lmxi department store in Fangshan, China, kills79. 4. Februarj’ 14,1670. Koman Catholic emperor l.eopoKI 1 chases Jews out ot Vienna. Februarj 14, 1989 K homeini, leadei of ban onieis Mosii-nis to minder ' \itanic Nerses ' no\el- isf s.ilnian Rushdie because o! ni.itei iii tiisrespei Mill ti > Ihe isitimii iehiuon. 2. l ebriiarx- 14, 19.57. C.ioi gia Si-nate iinaniinousK app;o\t-s senator ! eon Hntts's U'gsslati'.i bill bairiiic,I’lacks !t.>ni pi.n ing basi.’h.ill u'dh whites 1 I i. 27t).\’ !!ei!i!'!i is >■ !■ > ii I., ;u, ;s I’l li io ■.^. iv o. , I ir:d’!. 1: > .1. ;dl!>‘',. I lent- -ill.-s is ■' • .- ni-."! ' : . ■ .’i. • I iJjme photo Happy couples like math teacher Matthew Martineau and his wife, social studies teacher Kristian, and junior Oro.scia ^owe and senior Lionel Shoffner make their relationships work despite disagreements or pet peeves they may share. Valentine’s gripes for girls and guys Guys break plans with girl friends when their guy friends beckon. Guys experience a stage when they think it's cool to be rude and obnoxious. Guys tune out their girl friends when a gixrd sports event airs on television. Guys have commitment issues. Guys £ire uncomfortable introducing girls to tlieir pcirents. Guys forget to use their aftershave in moderation. Guys should shave if they expect some cheek to cheek action, Guys do not remember or acknowledge anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays. Guys are always late. Guys eat t(x> tast and have bad manners at the table. Guys have no tolerance for romantic comedies. Guys do not appreciate gifts. Guys hate shopping at the mall. Guys resist public displays of affection. Guys think it is cool to fight physically or rough-house with their (girl) friends. Guys think they have the right to change the music in a girl's car without asking first. Guys do not want to be photographed with their girlfriends. Guys do not want to talk on the phone; they would rather text message. Guys ai'e bad comnumica- tors. Guys are insensitive to girls' feelings. Guys do not understand that girls are insecure. Guys rush girls to get ready. Guys are not as sweet when they are around their friends. Guys take any competi tion way too seriously. Guys practice weird man nerisms when around each other. Guys think it's cool to male crude comments. Guys are arrogant and brag tex) much. Guys feel like they can't show their emotions. Guys don't return phone calls and don't call when they say they will. Guys wear ,4xe. Girls often have power complexes. Girls whine about trivial issues. Girls pretend to be friends, but they really complain i\bout each other constantly. Girls are too "catty." Girls hold grudges longer. Girls have intimidating fathers when you pick them up on dates. Wlren conversing rvith a group of girls, at least one is in a vile mood. Girls try to influence how their boyfriends dress. Girls who already know they are at tractive fish for compliments. Girls tell guys to pick out the restaurant for dinner, and then they complain about the guys' choices. Girls pretend to be insecure. Girls criticize guys' driving. Girls sometimes wear too much makeup andpeifume. Girls are too obsessed with rag magazines. Girls are too concerned about their friends' opin ions of their boyfriends, so they tiy to make them change their natural behavior. Girls are sometimes afraid of silly things like bugs and spiders. Girls take too many pictures. Girls complain about guys having stubble on their faces, but they don't shave their legs in the winter. Girls always make guys pay and never offer to pay themselves. Girls automatically think that their boyfriends are avoiding them or are angr}^ with them if they don't answer the phone. Girls dish out criticism, but they cannot take it themselves. Girls are competitive but get angry when their boyfriends defeat them. Girls often don't like to w'atch sports, but they complain it a guy wmnts to watch with his friends. Girls think that the guys have to take the initiative in every relationship. m. James D. Kal.exy 131 Ortiaocloiic ics 336-2S2-2150 L., yWm CelebriMtmg Year of Van Semdee.