September 30,2010 spread 9 ries toward foreign nations dipiomacy, humanitarian issues Iran Leader: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad US Ambassador: n/a No formal relations exist between the two countries based on previous decades of negative relations. However Iran maintains an interests section at the Pakistani embassy in Washington, D.C. while the United States maintains its interest section on Iran at the Swiss embassy in Tehran. Colombia Leader: President Juan Manuel Santos US Ambassador: Peter McKinley Colombia and the United States maintain a proactive partnership in which the two countries work together to promote respect for human rights and fight against the major drug problems in Colombia. Both countries also work together to fight terrorism, communism, and human rights. Rwanda Leader: President Paul Kagame US Ambassador: W. StuartSymington Since the 1994 Rwandan genocide, US policy toward the country shifted from a strictly humanitarian concern to sustainable development and a strong partnership with its government. A major focus of relations is the US Agency for International Development (USAID) program, which works actively in Rwanda to improve the country’s economic, social, and medical issues. North Korea Leaden Supreme Leader Km Jong-Il US Ambassador: n/a North Korea-United States relations currently do not exist because of suspicions regarding North Korea’s nuclear programs. Sweden currently acts as the protecting power of the United States’s interests concerning North Korea. China Leader: Chairman Hu Jintao US Ambassador John Huntsman, Jr. Sino-American relations are complex and some what ambiguous. China is the United States’s biggest competitor in many economic aspects. Many Americans feel animosity towards China because of its issues concerning human rights and Tibet. Politically, Sino-American pohcy is one of the most important bilateral relationships of the century. Mexico Leader: President Felipe Calderon US Ambassador: Carlos Pascual Mexican-United States relations remain semi- peaceful, however recent developments in the Mexican drug wars are currently causing a stir. The drug wars and illegal immigration continue to be issues of contention in diplomacy. Afghanistan Leader: President Hamid Karzai US Ambassador: Karl Eikenberry Signing a long-term relationship agreement for a strategic partnership with Afghanistan in 2005, the US oversaw all reconstruction in Afghanistan by providing billions of dollars for various projects. Even so, in 2009, the Obama administration criti cized Afghan President Hamid Karzai for not cracking down on government corruption. France Leader: President Nicolas Sarkozy US Ambassador: Charles Rivkin Anti-French sentiments from 2003 eventually thawed with French-American cooperation on the matter of extremism and the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon. The election of Nicolas Sarkozy as President of France greatly improved diplomatic relations, and Sarkozy even counts President Obama as one of his “buddies.” Spain Leader: Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero US Ambassador: Alan Solompnt When Spain agreed to take prisoners after the closing of Guantanamo Bay, and President Obama met with Bang Juan Carlos I, current relations became more positive. Recent diplomatic policies between Spain and the US are more intense and more productive than those of the Bush administration.