Fresh Look from a Freshman By: Howard Tat, I'reshmau An editorial. An editorial for a magazine. An editorial for a magazine written by a Freshman. I wonder what this is going to be about? Wait! Let me guess, another one of those “what it is like to be a new student on campus” things. I’m sorry to disappoint you but this will be anything but common. Don’t get me wrong, this will still be a Freshman’s impression of college, it’ll just be slightly different than most. First off, most of these articles start off with how college is so different from high school, and how hard it is to adjust to the freedom and responsibility that was thrust upon us. In reality, the transition into college has not been all that difficult to make. Not to say that it’s not different and exciting, but it’s no where near the change it was made out to be. The freedom that was gained is great. To eat my own meals, do my own laundry, and clean up my own room were all things I had taken for granted at home. Now as the third month of college is upon us, a discovery has been made. Freshmen eat. Freshmen do their laundry. And Freshmen can keep their rooms (relatively) clean. A change from high school life and from life at home it is, there is no doubt about that, but it’s not something that can’t be easily handled. Another idea, which is always permeating through these articles, is the work given by the classes. Someone always writes about how the workload at college is so overwhelming. “Freshman Eat, Do Laundry and Clean their Rooms” I’m not saying that there is not a lot of work, my three exams and over a thousand pages of reading (in one day) attest to this, but it can be handled. Of course it’s nowhere as light as the course load of high school, but it’s also not so radically different. Courses still have to be taken, classes still have to be attended (for the most part), and work still has to be done. At first, it looked like a lot to be done, but before you knew it, it was accomplished. It was learned that a couple hours set aside each day will keep you caught up on your reading and work. It was learned that sometimes it was better to miss a class and study, than attend a class and not be prepared. These were little things that soon become apparent to all freshmen. If not, it would be a wonder why more of us don’t fail out in the first semester. Articles are written everyday on how difficult it is to adjust to college. They speak of the same problems that were written above, but never giving Freshmen the credit for dealing with them. It always seems that the Freshmen who normally write these articles always just narrowly deal with the problems and it’s always an amazing learning experience. It is a learning experience, there is no doubt about that, but there’s nothing amazing about it. It's just a normal part of growing up and passes quicker than one can remember. It becomes a part of you and routine. Sure there may be many other topics that I have not discussed, but on the overall topic of adjusting to living at college, it just happens. Freshmen can learn and survive in college. And they can do it quite well. East Wind ~ 11