East Wind ~ 8 Journey Into Asia: "Our Place Under the Sun JJ Carol Choe and Lisa Vo Juniors The seventh-annual Journey Into Asia took place on November 20, 1999 in the Great Hall of the Student Union. The traditional multi- Asian cultural event was slightly revamped this year with the inclusion of an Asian ensemble, a martial arts demonstration, performances by Bhangra Elite, and finally a stand-up comedian from New York City. With an estimated 300 people in attendance, this year’s Journey Into Asia packed the house with its mouth-watering entrees and electrifying entertainment. The Asian-American stand-up comic, Eliot Chang, was a welcomed change from previous Journey Into Asia events. He dealt with many serious topics through humor, especially that of racism and discrimination, the premise for the event. His professed style of being a cross between the hard-hitting humor of Chris Rock and the highly animated, physical comedy of Jim Carrey had audience members falling off their seats and rolling on the floor. His often-raunchy humor had most guests either gasping at his audacity or laughing all the harder. The theme. Our Place Under the Sun, was chosen to remind Asians everywhere that they have a voice in society. Too often Asians experience discrimination, prejudice, or racism but they let the comments and actions pass. This past summer, several ethnic minority groups were the passive victims in a racial hate crime. Of all the ethnic groups affected, Asians were the only ones that grieved privately. They gave the erroneous impression that Asians were uncaring and unfeeling. They surrounded themselves in their families and their work while the other minority leaders held press conferences over the enormity of their suffering. Until this day, the Asian voice has been buried beneath those of the other ethnic minorities. It is time for Asians to stand up for their rights and give voice to their opinions. It is time to show the world that, we, as Asians, have found our place under the sun.