Page 13 November 2007 The AC Phoenix Dr- Rehab How I Beat Cancer! Dr. Rehab Enterprises is a private-for-profit human services company. The mission of the Com pany is to facilitate various reha bilitation processes that allow per sons who provide services on be half of people with disabilities to become empowered. This mission is based on a vision that “persons with disabilities have the right to live a life of quality that requires delivery in a manner that is inclu sive of compassion, knowledge, and effective services which should Dr. Kirby-Green be exemplified within the providers’ service delivery mode”. A part of the process of becoming effective in service delivery on be half of people with disabilities is learning how to recognize diversity and shaping the helping process. The diversity issues are incorporated in the holis tic facilitation that involves family development and dynamics. These psycho logical and social dynamics relate to self-identity, competency, adjustment, and attitude formation. Therefore, individuality is emphasized within the con cept of difference in reference to culture, gender, sexual orientation, age, and levels of comprehension. Dr. Rehab Enterprises develops a comprehensive sequence of facilita tion instructional activities that allow providers of services to people with dis abilities empowerment tools to assist persons with disabilities to achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals in the application of the helping process. This includes the development of a working knowledge of psycho logical and social theory to develop strategies for intervention and the under standing of concepts that relate to learning and personality development, gen der and sexual identity, and addictive behavior and psychopathology. Within this arena, professionals develop approaches that facilitate the enhancement of client personal development, decision-making abilities, acceptance of respon sibility, and quality of life that result in empowerment tools that allow for autonomous effective outcomes. Other facilitation activities include preparation workshops for the Cer tified Rehabilitation Counselor’s (CRC) examination, ethics training , orienta tion and mobility for children and adults who are blind, and internship super vision for students preparing to become rehabilitation professionals. These fore-mentioned activities are also steps toward preparing potential helpers to become certified professionals and people with visual impairments to exem plify independence resulting in control over the environment. The founder of Dr. Rehab Enterprises is Gloria Kirby-Green. She has a Ph.D. in Counselor Education with a concentration in Rehabilitation Coun seling. Dr. Kirby-Green is also an Orientation and Mobility Specialist and worked for over two decades in the area of blindness and visual impairment. Most recently, she contributed greatly to the development and implementation of Rehabilitation Programs at Winston-Salem State University. Dr. Kirby-Green is an advocate on behalf of people with disabilities and other areas of human services. It is apparent that through her dedication to develop a company to assist in the process of consumer empowerment that she desires that people should have an equal chance to become as self-sufficient as possible and that this is an entitlement to all individuals simply because they are human beings. Dr. Kirby-Green may be contacted at 336-416-1782 and or e-mailed at Dr. Rehab Enterprises’ web address is drreha- Living Witness Baptist Church 3758 Coburn Ave. Winston-Salem, N.C. 2710S Pastor Harry L. Reynolds First Lady Martha Reynolds and Congregation Invite you to come and worship with us: Stmday St^ool 9:30 am MotfSBg Wi^tiMhip 11:00 am Bible Stu%*|^^^pday 7:00 pm Home: ^36*703-1937 . a^336-S75-1146 ■7 C»iirch::3afi:#61-3002 ».com .Where we are one in Christ Jesus John Raye Good morning I am writing to you because I have a secret to share. Many of you know me as a former television anchor that teamed with Maury Povich and A1 Roker dur ing my television days in Washington, D.C. That television career ended some 30 years ago. This is not the secret I’m sharing with you. Next month, I will celebrate my 67"' birthday. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer (colon). I am a black male, now celebrating two years as a cancer survivor. Miss Rosie, (my wife), is also celebrating. Today, at 67, 1 feel, more or less, like I’m 37, These days, I take real good care of myself I don’t eat the way I use to eat. I don’t eat the foods I use to eat, and I drink more water than ever before. I work out three or four times a week. I sleep pretty well every night, and I let absolutely nothing worry me. No, not even death scares me anymore because 1 already faced it. I’m very happy, very grateful for my life, grateful to have been given a Second Chance. These days, I build myself as a “health crusader” who beat cancer. I know cancer is a subject most people, especially black men, avoid talking about. Us black men Just don’t discuss it... completely oblivious to the fact that colon and prostate cancer are the most (1) preventable and (2) most treatable of all cancers, if detected in time. It’s also killing more of us, robbing us of our most productive years... and most productive lead ership. But I’m more than willing to talk about it. I speak, travel and conduct Health & Wellness seminars/workshops across the country. My seminar, “How I Beat Cancer” is available for your school, church or organization. If you would like to host a cancer prevention, cancer treatment or wellness seminar at your church, school or organization, please contact the information listed below: or (336) 782-8383 or (336) 996-4704 I often heard my mother way, “whatcha don't know can’t hurt you”. Bless her soul, she’s gone on to glory now, but the real truth is that "whatcha don’t know can kill you". On the whole, us Black men don’t live long enough to collect our Social Security. So, let’s change this equation. Our family, our children, our neighborhood, our community need us. If you are ready for me...then I’m ready for you! Carpe Diem! (seize the day!) — John Raye, wellness advocate and cancer survivor Happy Thanksgiving From the Staff and Management of The AC Phoenix "When business was good, he soid te (Mil nawi to advertise!’ 'When business was bod, he said he couI(ii*t afford to advertise!' 'For the life of me, I can't remember t^name!' o o o o Don’t Let YOUR Customers Forget... 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