SS THE TRUTH mfmm t!willsetyou ^TifJore ^^Theirt at *i?^etz>spatpzr. 5^ Cammurtfly *z^nalihitiort FREE In Our 27th Year Issue No. 1964 February 2010 Associate Consultants Serving the Triad FREE IN 1960, A FIVE AND DIME BECAME THE CENTER OF CHANGE IN THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Celebrating Black History 2010! The Cry of Haiti by Dr. Patricia Bailey-Jones On January 12, 2010, the earth literally quaked for 40 seconds. It’s hard to believe that it only took 40 seconds to yield the kind of disaster that has now become paramount to our century. I find it a bit insensitive to compare calamities; nonetheless Haiti is not comparative, it is immeasurable! The death toll is still a mystery, simply because in the Haitian culture, it is not uncommon to have a family of 25 members living in a one or 2 room shanty. I had just returned home from a mission to Western Sahara where nearly 200,000 refugees have been stranded in the scorching Sahara desert for over 3 years. Before I could ever get acclimated to a faint sense of home and normality, I saw "Haiti Earthquake 7.3" while watching the CNN evening news. For over 10 years, MTM Global has worked tirelessly in the nation of Haiti. In 2000 MTM held a fundraiser and conference with Paula White and others to raise money for our Widows [continued on page 28] CIVIL RIGHTS MUSEUM OPENS FIFTY YEARS later on February 1,2010 the surviving members of the Greensboro four: Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil and Jibreel Khazan (formerly Ezell Blair Jr.), along side Museum chairman and co-founder Melvin "Skip" Alston, co-founder Earl Jones, NC Senator Kay Hagan, NC Govenor Bev Perdue and many others, participated in the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to officially open the International Civil Rights Center & Museum. The program commemorated the Greensboro sit-ins and the subsequent non-violent protests that defined a pivotal moment inthe civil rights struggle. [CONTINUED ON page 4] Inside This issue Let's Move Forced Out of Business When & Why to Eat Fruit Pants on the Ground Could Obama's Education Plan Kill HBCU's? 12 Superfoods to Eat Now! 11