XMAS XTRA QUEENS BLUES A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR ADVERTISERS Merry Christmas To Queens-Chicora College IVEY’S Dear Santa Claus: STEINWAY PIANOS RCA Victor Radio Sheet Music Andrews Music Store, Inc. 231 N. Tryon Street Paul Richardson’s Barber Shop Phone 3-6267 For Service, Sanitation, Courtesy There is none better 135 W. 4th St., Charlotte, N. C. > LOUIS M. HOLMES PARK PLACE PHARMACY 703 Providence Road, Charlotte Phones 3-1114-3-1115 FOR QUICK SERVICE DAVIDSON & WOLFE WHOLESALE GROCERS 319 South College Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. o Please leave all my presents at the music building; Miss Starr also wishes that her gifts lie left there too. Just a Baby Grand Piano is all I want. Miss Starr desires a pitch pipe, but she says to bring the vanity case, hankie and few other things that she signified in a letter written a short time ago to you. Oh yes, I have just now thought of it, if you have time you might install a new organ or bring some chimes for the old one. Beth and Eunice send regards, hoping that you wdll not forget the poodle dog. Yours sincerely, Dr. Ninnis. 215 North Tryon Street Telephone 2-1346 i Dearest ol' Santa Clause, Oh, I am just the thrillest per son, tra-la, tra-la, tra-la. To think that it is almost time for you to climb down my chimney and fill my. stocking. Oh, deary me! Now, Santy dear, I hate to ask for very much this year as you have to rememlier all the others on the faculty of Queens-Chicora, but I do so need one thing extra, special!}' bad. Santy, dearest, will you bring it to me? Please, won’t you? Oh, tee, heel I’d for gotten to tell you—I want a map! Yes! and guess what of? Those dear shining counternances of my darling pupils. Now, don’t forget me, a week from Friday! Hugs and kisses, Robert V. Kennedy. THACKER’S, INC. “A Good Place to Eat” 118 South Tryon Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. OPERATING ^ X t 39 stores in the City of Charlotte for your convenience Quality—Service—Prices SJat Atlantic & Pacific iT NEWS PRINTING HOUSE Charlotte News Building Charlotte, N. C. Santie Ole Boy, I’ve really been good this year —Sallie will tell you I have—and I don’t have conscience-hurt so to ask you for something real nice. I’ve quite a long list of things ’cause I’ve been saving them up till now on account of the depression. First, I want a pair of nice, shiny roller skates. I’ve lieen so worm out trying to keep up with my suite-mate that I’ve decided to roll where she runs. And, oh, Santie, you know me —I crave noise. So won’t you please liring me a saxaphone? South has been so quiet this year, and the poor girls seemed so de pressed about having to go home for Christmas. They really need cheering up. And as a hint, I know (and this is inside dope) that my suite-mate wants a set of drums to put some pep into the girls. Then we can play Sousa’s march for the girls to go to breakfast by every morning. I’ve just list some other things I want. A bag of quarters to pay for keeping my light on past the limited time every night; some red eye shadow; some “seventeen” perfume; a pair of shoes with real spike heels; d a n g 1 y ear-rings ; and if it wouldn’t be asking too much, a hot-water bottle. I’m tired of asking Mrs. Wilson for one. Just a little girl who trusts you, Mary Foreman. My Dear Santa Claus, i have bin an inded good small girl, and I feel sure that you will come to sea me without me re- mindin you but just in case you should forgit or at least not know what I want I’m goin to tell you, I do so crave a little red wagon to haul my parallel papers in, and my dear Santa if you know any more about Chaucer than I do please bring me that to. I want a horn and some stick candy, and be sure and don’t forget my little playmate, Mary—(Guy) be good. Most sincerely, Emma Lyons. V'^*J*^***^*5*^*J**J**$*^*5*^H * To introduce the finest shop in the •» South we offer ¥ $1.00 SPECIAL Shampoo and Finger Wave for Special Prices on Permanents NEW DE LUXE BEAUTY SHOP Phone 4689 119^4 North Tryon Street fRITERIOlV ^ THEATRE Opposite Belk’s Phone 3-3354 Showing best In second and third run pictures Attend our Matinee lOc To Everybody t We Think We Have Helped The number of married males has increased in the United States in the past 10 years by 4,447,843 according to the Census Bureau. The number of married females has increased by 4,851,823. No, we can’t explain the discrepancy in the figures, but the point we want to make is this: Women have less fear of household work than they had ten years ago. Why not, in these days of Electric Ranges, Refrigerators, Grills, Irons and Dishwashers . . . innumerable other appliances that take the curse of drudgery off the housewife. Southern Public Utilities Co. WEBSTER’S The English Department of Queens- Chicora Recommends COLLEGIATE The Best Abridged Dictionary because it is based upon ^ WEBSTER’S New International— The “Supreme Authority.*’ Here is a companion for your hours of reading and study that will prove its real value every t^e you consult it. A wealth of ready i information on words, persons, places, is instantly yours. 106,000 words and phrases with definitions, etymologies, pronunciations, and use in its 1,256 pages. 1,700 illustrations. Includes dictionaries of biography and ge ography and other features. See Jc At Your College Bookstore or Write for Information to the publishers. Free specimen pages if you name this paper. G. & €• Mcrriam Co. Springfield, Mass. ", 1 •• i ( e d ie b ti f( r y s f( L e( D o: M Si S. m T E N Li at U be be ce gi' is oti be dei coi prc ne: in qu; Fr,