March 4, 1939 N^^nONAL'SORORTflES HONOR INITIATES Freshman Class Issues Winning Paper Stout, Albright, Den^, CommiWM, Award Five Dollars To First Years , • f flip OuEENS Blues, published recently in The freshman issue of the Queens and freshmen, edited by the annual contest between t le p announced yester- Ann Peyton and J Dr. Agnes Stout, chairman of day to be the winner of the contest uy the committee of judges. ^ Qualities on which the papers ar« judged from the editorial standpoint include timeliness, quality and extent of interest, structure and style, ac curacy, functional aspect, make-up, editorials, headlines, and features. The total of possible points is fifty. In the totaling of points submitted by Miss Mary Denny and Miss Ihelma Albright, instructors in English and committee of judging, along with those of Dr. Stout, the freshman paper was five jioints ahead of the sophomore issue. From the business standpoint, the Sophomores cleared twelve dollars and the freshmen, thirty dollars. The sophomores, said Dr. StouJ. are to be commended for their make-up and headlines, ^vhile the freshmen contribution to citizenship and features were good. Ermine Waddill was editor of t le sophomore issue and Elizabeth m body was business manager. This contest is sponsored each year by the Blues, regularly publishe by the junior class. Hunter Chosen Secretary Attends National Convention As Queens-Chicora Delegate Frances Hunter, vice-president Tournament Draws Interest The annual basketball tournament ,,as heM Tuesday and freshman and junior teams ended up in a tie. The tie was played Wednesday night with the Freshmen winning the game. The final gam will be played next week after wuc the members of the winning team will each receive gold basketball pms as Home Ec. Club Will Give Show The Home Economics Club will sponsor a fashion show on Ihursday evening, March 9, at 7:30 o’clock m the college auditorium. The clothes will be furnished by Efird’s Department store in Charlotte. Those who will model include Ma jorie Poole, Sally McDowell, Xancv Hovis, Katherine McQueen * Marjorie Timms, Sybil Trexler, A e e Sutherland, Sara DuRant, Annea Triplette, Elizabeth Porter, and Bar bara Davis. Anne McCree Roberts was captain of the senior team and Frances ei was cheer leader for the class. Othef nrembers of the team --- Craven, Marguerite Craven, Helen Cumnock, Norma Moore, Mddred Lowrauce, Kate Brown, and Kath erine K. Martin. Members of Teams Members ot the junior class team were Martha Stoner, captain, Ann Fuller, Irene McCall, Elisabeth trreen, I ucllle Gwaltney, Alice Longenecker 'Pi'iinp Siibcr, Hnd Betsv Springer, Elaine , Hendette Mclver. The junior class cheer leader is Frances Stough. Captain for the sophomore class team was Mildred Taylor and Sara sale this week Tickets will be one for fifteen cents, and prizes u iH offered for various holders of t w lucky tickets. The prizes will be donated by merchants of Charlotte. Betsy Springer is general chair- Ulan of arrangements, and her com uiittees are composed of, decorating Dorothy Duckett, Doris Raley, Julit White, and Martha Brandon; poster Committee, Elizabeth Brandon, Mary Gunn, Alice Barron, and Bill tickets, Hannah McNulty, Hilda uion. Sue McNulty, Marguerite Gam- brell, Betty Carr; prizes, Dorothy McCoy. This is an annual event sponsore by the Home Economics Club, o 'vhich Agnes Ilope Gwaltney is presi dent. Mrs. Warren Booker, head o tile home economics department, faculty adviser of the club On Sunday afternoon, Februarj at 6 o’clock, Mrs. Elsie Stokes Mose ley conducted a vesjier service o Uiusic at the Myers Park Presbyteri an Church, of the local chapter of the League of Evangelical Students, was elected secretary of the national organization at a convention held at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, Febru ary 17, through February 19. Frances was sent as a delegate to the convention from Queens-Chicora. She left here on Wednesday before th.e convention and returned Satur day, February 25. She was elected secretary of the national organization and other officers elected w'ere Theo dore Hunt of Temple University, president; and Ralph Hofmeister of Dallas Seminary, Dallas, Texas, vice- president. The I.,eague of Evangelical Stu dents is an international organization and the international convention will be held in England this July. There will be another national convention next February. Westminster Univer- ^ ^ sity in Philadelphia, Pa., has been set as a tentative meeting place. Frances will meet with other mem- Banquet To Follow Initiation Services TTiirty-eight Girls To Be Initiated This Afternoon Into Five Groups Five of the six national social sororities represented on the Queens-Chicora College campus will hold initiations today followed bv banquets tonight in honor of the new initiates. Thirty-eight girls will be initiated. Lists of intiates and plans for banquets follow: Alpha Delta Pi Beta Iota chapter of Alpha Delta „TtT‘rtlm“were Olivia Gillespie Dorelby Longenecker. Helen Eliaabelli Brammer, Vn-gima G son, Jeimie Lynn Wright, Lillian Sample, anil Frances Kerr. j.,„e Watt Montgomery vaptain of ,l,e freshman class team and Nan Walker was class a'-'"„ ,l,e team were Ines Malone, Flora MacDonald, Margaret Alexander IL Peyton, Lonise Collins, Sarah Baylor, Mary Katherine Martin andp Cora Wayland. Miss Mavis Mitchell, member of the physical education facul y a wonderful work Central high school, referee e growing all the time.” The basketball tournaments cheer leader. Members bers of the executive council at a meeting in Philadelphia in June. Plans for next year’s convention will be discussed at that time. There are now fifty-two chapters in the league which is strictly for college, seminaries, and universities. Four new chapters were installed at the convention. The league was founded by Dr. J. Gresham Machen and is around fifteen years old. This was the fourteenth national conven tion. Two boys from leagues in Switzerland were at last year's con vention but there were not represen tatives from abroad this year. Two guest si)eakers at the conven tion were R. V. Kuiper from West minster University and Dr. Clarence Bonma of Calvin Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They spoke at meetings and services held at various times during the day. Business meet ings were held in the mornings and at night after services. I When questioned about the work of the leagues, Frances said, “The National League of Evangelical Stu- Eight Students Attend Meet Eight Queens-Chicora students at tended a conference of the Young Women’s Christian association which was sponsored by the Y. W. C. A. of Winthrop college in Rock Hill, S. C., February 24 through February 26. Queens-Chicora students w'ho at tended the meetings are Eleanor Alexander, Anneal Triplette, Imcillf Gwaltney, Anne Fuller, Olive Cros- well. Sue Mauldin, Frances Reins and Katherine McQueen Martin. Dean Agnew accompanied the group to the conference. Miss Anne Tilghman of Winthrop college was chairman of the confer ence and president of the Winthrop association. Miss Elizabeth Stinson, general secretary, sent invitations tc 18 North and South Carolina Colleges. Around 100 students attended the meetings. The conferences were held in Johnson Hall and consisted of ad dresses, symposiums, forums, and dis cussion groups which were led by well-known religious leaders from the Carolinas. The theme of the confer ence was “The Adequacy of Christ for Youth Today.” The Y. W. C. A. of Winthrop col lege sponsored the meeting in co operation with the pastors and church secretaries of the six leading denom inations represented at the college as follows: Baptist, Methodist, Presby terian, A. R. P., Episcopal, and Luth eran. Centr r:;o„r::a-‘;::;b;B;eAib- letic Association of which Cree Rob erts is president this year, and by Miss Cordelia Henderson, head of pbyslcai education department and lach for the teams. CO c- t^Itvcts. ^Il^cctccl The Queens 1 layers., Ethel M King will enter the annual state dramatic contest at Chape March 22 through March 25. The club will present the one-ac mystery drama “Anti-Clockwise for the dramatic meet. This play is one of tense ^ama and traoedy. The group will compe Gth some 15 or 20 college groups its kind and there will be much competition and rivalry. growing Officers of the local chapter are Anneal Triplette, president; Frances Hunter, vice-president; and Martha Stoner, secretary-treasurer. The local league will sponsor the vesper services Sunday evening, March 19, when they will have a deputation here from the Columbia Bible school. This program will in elude speakers and a male quartet. In order to raise money for the event the junior class sponsored the first of a series of projects on Thurs day night, March 2, in the auditorium. The Frye Entertainment Company was presented in a program of sleight-of hand tricks, and a ventrilo quist act featuring Henry and Susie, dummies, was given. Kirby Page Speaker Kirby Page was one of the main speakers. Friday night the subject of his speech was “How Can I Be the Kind of Person Needed in this Age of Socical Conflict?” Saturday morning he spoke with his subject as “How Can I Make the Most Effec tive Use of My Life?” Saturday af ternoon his topic was “In What Ways Can Religion Help Me to Know and To Be and Do Good?” Others who were invited to hold symposiums and discussion groups were Bishop R. E. Gribbin of the Western North Carolina Diocese, Dr. Sj’lvester Green, president of Coker college in Hurtsville, S. C., Dr. W. Taliafero Thompson, head of the re ligious department of the Union The ological seminary in Richmond, Va., and Dr. N. C. McPherson, head of the ministerial vocation department of the Methodist Church, South. Pi will initiate five girls at the home of Miss Jane Steele Hannon, former province president, on Providence Road, at 2:00 o’clock this afternoon. Tonight the actives will entertain at a banquet in honor of the new initi ates at 7 o’clock at 'I’hacker’s. Miss Marian Boyle, president of Gamma province, Avill be a special guest. Miss Grace Robinson, faculty adviser, and Mrs. Virginia Miller Agnew will' be guests. Initiates will be Nina Brown, Anne Cromartie, Esther I.ove Hillhouse, Mary Katherine Martin, and Helen Pope. Officers of the chapter include Frances Marion O’Hair, president; Marjorie Timms, vice-president; Katherine McQueen Martin, secre tary; and Catherine King, treasurer. Alpha Delta Theta Psi chapter of Al))ha Delta Theta will initiate four pledges this after noon at 2 o’clock at the house on Sorority Row. Tonight the banquet in their honor will be given at the S & W Cafeteria at 7 o’clock, with Mary Griffin toastmistress. Decora tions will be in the colors of the sorority, turquoise blue, scarlet, and silver. Initiates include Mildred Taylor, Margaret Holland, Cornelia Davis, and Jean Neu. Officers of the chapter are Mary Griffin, president; Agnes Hope Gwaltney, vice-president; Elizabeth Brammer, secretary; and Frances Ehrhardt, treasurer. Alpha Gamma Delta Gamma Gamma cha])ter of Al])ha Gamma Delta will initiate ten girls at the house on Sorority Row at 2 o’clock this afternoon. Tonight the chapter will entertain at a banquet o 1- IT ..4- 4-1.VTrt4-rtl j. wl ..4-4-.. The annual junior-senior banquet this year will be held on Saturday, May 6, it was announced this week by Betsy Springer, chairman of the com- nalttee of arrangements, at the Hotel Charlotte. at 7 o’clock at the Hotel Charlotte, at which Miss Virginia Neely will be toastmistress. . Red and buff roses will be used in the decorations. Initiates will include Virginia Gar rison, Frances Trulock, Elizabeth De- armon, Victoria Hammond, Keller Young, Edith Northrup, Carolyn Williams, Anne Golden, and Louise Lowe. Officers of the chapter incl'ude Vir ginia Duncan, president; Eleanor Guyton, vice-president; Annie Carr Powers, secretary; and Dorothy Wilkie, treasurer. Chi Omega Theta Gamma chapter of Chi Omega began initiation last night and will finish this afternoon at the house on Sorority Row beginning at 1 :.30 o'clock. The banquet will be given tonight at 7:30 o’clock at the Hotel Charlotte. Nancy Flovis is in charge of arrangements, and Frances Stough is toastmistress. Those to be initiated include Anne Harris, Anne Peyton, Betty Carr, Dorothy Meyers, Dorothy Branon, (Continued on page four) i'll I I it-: I , I :■ i ; I % 1: I* I :■ ! • i -I ' ! J I j .I*