L BLUES ^^For A True Blue Queens 99 Vol. 19, /6 QUEENS COLLEGE. CHARLOTTE, N. C. April 1, 1940 The Chicken Crowed. Twos Quarter Till Four. Mother Colled, LYING DOWN ON THE JOB, MISS BRAxMMER? "You'll Stay Up No more. // They elected her to lead. To write, to speak, to read. She started off with good ideas But these were overcome by fears. Intentions of the best had she Until we chased her uj) a tree. We approached her with so many wiles She hid herself among the files. We've searched the files and cannot find A single thing she left behind. A letter says she’s gone with Anne To Rome to try and find a man. The teachers with their horn rim glasses Wonder why she cuts their classes. Many friends ask hut few of them know She's uj)stair.s in Morrison healing a toe. That was some convention you at tended, how about it President Bram- rner ? I Chunked The # Paper And Left This McAlister Carson Insurance Agency, Inc. INSURANCE AND SURETY BONDS McALISTER CARSON HAL DeARMON FRED McPHAIL HUGH HOUSER Space Cause I Knew You Jueens Students Go To Meet In Berlin, Germany Doodlers When In Rome Act It Would Set Your Own Pace {Continued on pnge four, column two) I For A Neat Appear- Miss Elizabeth Hammer of the First Family of Virginia Hammer’s and Miss Anne Fullof Hippotomus, Alabama, went to Rome to attend a house iiarty last week. This social event of the season was held for the benefit of the present and past “are” —the theme of the gathering was “How To Pick Daisies—Gracefully, Her Hitler Will Speak Several Queens College students will leave Wednesday, April 10 for Berlin Germany, where they will attend i convention of the Southern Federa tion of College Students and Puhlici tions Representatives, llie conven tion will last from April 11-13. The students will return from the trip 11- DUKE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING DURHAM, N. C. The Diploma of Graduate Nurse is awarded after three years, and the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing for two additional years of approved college work before or after the course in Nursing. The entrance requirements are intelligence, char acter and graduation from an accredit ed high school. After 1940 two years of college work will be required. The annual tuition of ^100 covers the cos of uniforms, books, student govern ment fees, etc. Catalogues, application forms and information about college requirements may be obtained from the Admission Committee. THOMAS AND HOWARD CO. Wholesale Groceries CHARLOTTE, N. C. TRY IT ante Send Your Clofhes To . on April It or the 15th. The girls And topics also discussed ver ‘ Army plane, effervescent subject ••Parliamentary MODEL laundry WHY NOT? This i.s April Fool. Let’s all skip school. We could spend the day in the sun But we’d surely have to run. When Easter came, the snow came ton I'hat’s unusual so why area t you. [ hope today the paper comes late Cause if it doesn't, I’ve sealed my Lawyers and How to Get Them,” anc “The Hard Way to Read a Book. The delegates arrived at the Hotel and immediately had lunch “a carte” while in the lovely rainbow swimming l^ool. Miss Fullof and Hammer lamented this “fox pas.s for the remainder of their visit their hair was so curly “they Just couldn't do a thing without it. Anyway despite t’hair problem they seemed to do O.K. and returned to Charlotte with several mementos: namely, one mack-in-tack and some queer object belonging to one lad named “Roddey-Poddsy.” 'I'he girls say that the most fun they had at the convention was wlien the electricity in the building was cut off and being stopped between doors thev sjient a restful morning playing “Tit Tat Toe” with tlie ele- ,atyr boy. The aforesaid boy made great hit with Thetopofthe Ceiling Tenners when the dynamo began functioning again. This is the end of their travels. (Ed. note—I really don't see how the The main speaker of the bout will he Her Hitler, world-famous comedi an, who will speak on “Get All You Can—and More If You're Smart As I Am.” Other well-known comedians who will join in a Pole-Ka dance with the lionorable Mr. Hitler are Josephine Stalin, Nellie Cliamberlain, ‘ Annie Eden, Bettina Mussolini, Pauline Coering, and Tootsie Fruitsie Dala- dier. Some of the Queens students who ire planning to attend are Slouch Brammer, Slush Waddle, Killem Kil lian, Pan-Em-Out Peyton, Guinevere Horsmer, Georgia Peach Hurt, Car rie Meback Smith, Flo-power Imhody, Brusliie Fuller, and Lefty Wright. It is lioped tliat others will see fit to join the mass going to team up with lie Nazi Boomerangs (they better jome back). Some of the particular phases which will he enjoyed are moonlight boat- iding and dancing on tlie Rhine Nelson Eddy Sings At QC Nelson Eddy, well-known baritone, gave an exclusive concert to the Queens College student body Tues- lav evenin';:. ► O “Getting out a paper is no picnic, If we ])rint Jokes, people say we are silly; If we dont they say we are too seri ous. If we clip from other magazines, We are too lazy to write tliem our selves. If we don’t, we are too fond of our own stuff. If we don’t print contrhiutions, we don’t aj)])reciate genius; If we do jirint tliem, tlie jiapcr is filled with Junk. If we make a change in tlie otlier person’.^writeups, we are critical; If we don’t, we are asleep. Now, like as not, someone will say we swiped this from some other paper. We DID!” —FagoU. The high note of the program came when Nelson hit high C (Oh, Pun my woid, hi see). The latter remark be ing compliments of Screwball Irn- bodv. The (Queens students did not turn out in the way they should have. Five out of -too students attended. Nelson got the giggles when the five johed and abed at his presence and he is yet to sing a note. River, a banquet at the Balalaika, and sightseeing in jieaee worn coun- fEd. note—i v - cv " , nnrir dcalis could have stood much tries. The guests will also see lire- ^ 'vorks displays at Strasbourg. more.) CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY I - 1 1 ■' I i i I ■i ll & M