QUEENS BLUES Val.^ No. 10 QUEENS COLLEGE, CHARLOTTE, N. C December 14, 1040 Buyers Association Convenes Here Christmas Vespers Held Tomorrow Two Colleges Act As Host For Meeting Davidson and Queens Colleges are the joint hosts for the Georgia-Caro- linas group meeting of Educational Buyers Association yesterday and to day, December 13 and 14. The convention members will make their headquarters at the [Hotel Char lotte. The program is in charge of F. L. Jackson, of Davidson, and How ard M. MacGregor, of Queens. The program to be followed is: Friday, December 13, 3:00 P. M. “Get Acquainted” hour—Each mem ber is to introduce himself and report any outstanding improvements in his institution during the year, or any new idea discovered. 4:00 P. M.—Plant visitation, David son and Queens Colleges. 6:00 P, M.—Dinner at Queens Col iege. A. M. Graham presiding. Address by Dr. Frazer Hood, Pro fessor of Psychology, Davidson Col lege, “Psychological Aspects of Buy- I The annual Christmas f^l^nl din=. Special musical program provided! held in the by the hosts. hall, Wednesday, the eghtl^h. Spontaneous questions and discus-jat which time the trad^tfenal^^Joar’s sions—Led by J. B. Paysinger, Co- head service will be cartied^fiit lumbia College. ®Ijrt0tmaa The staff of the Queen Blues wishes to extend to the faculty and student body their sincere wishes for the mer riest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years. ; Museum Host To Musicale Many Girls Had Share In Program A program of Christmas music was presented by the Queens-David MacGregor Annual To Depicj Saturday, December 14: 8:30 A. M.—Breakfast. At 6:00 o’clock invitec^Kests, fac ulty members, and stu^^K will as semble in Burwell Hall immedl- lately proceed to the dMing room, 9:30 A. M.-Meeting, Charlotte Ho-1 doo» and Mane Sprinkle, M»ie and Ruth Edmiston wilirtleat -tb guests and faculty. The sptt^nts wij 'he se.^ t®i- F. L. Jackson presiding. “E and I Contracts”—O. G. Saw yer, Duke University. “Possible Price Trends Resulting Lit according to their cl From Present World Conditions.”— iors will be ushered in b G. H. Mew, Emory University. son, Hilda Harmon, an “What is New in College Lighting” the juniors by Ha —Roy A. Palmer, Merchandise Man- Winnie Shealy, an4 v —^ ager for Duke Power Company. sophomores by ^Louise “E. B. A, Testing Committee.” McDoweii, and ; Alice^ Ciarite^^ „„ , freshmen by Finances ^Mpseley^ lfltt] Question Box”-Questions to bel and'Helen Vogel. " ^Pphed by the members for a group] ^ invocation has be^% livered by| Dir. vBlakelef, Jhe guests wil be seated end the program yidll discussion. 12:16 P. M. -Election of officers. begin. Ipe college 'Orchestra selected pruioibcU from the •Chwal Club will ^resenil several old English Christmas 'i^arpls. ^ ^ - \V Tiiis will tie fbUc^ed^ by the tra ditional hea^' ’ rproGes^o Martha Irwin, dressed as an English page, will bifeiiihc reader who will ex- The Business Department of Queens]plain this tradition, .-^TWo trumpet- Department Gives Discussion About National Defense *dr her twili^be tw()f|)agi idwell^ a^d Martha ^Ir'wih,^ . ing li^e& candlesv They Will ceed d^pwn the dining^ and carry the boa,r’s^^; head to the_.,^efit -t.able and” i>|^ent the prbcessi^j^^ts from ithe t^^ the oi^J^t^wij|FjpIa^, andMinnef wiU be servi^ 4;. Miss Robinson and Davidson Glee Club “Slumber Song of the Infant Jesus” Oavaert “Virgin’s slumber Song” Beger Frances Riddle Adoration: JS^Lportray^e of served by Mint Com-rrA"“T\v .u t.- ^At thfe^^i^dusion oF 4his mittee. ^ 4 ! I ^nj^ls O er the Field are Flying*' carols RJ’Mary dose t JD Littl^iTJwn«^^etbi^w’rbhd “Sjien^Night,, Holy Night” The ^ner ;|ijests^i'll theii beGn- in Bur- weiraal^. Afifir tlme ^fts. will be handed out to the servants, ant they, in turn, will sing carols. ' >-The r^^i^^5Wip3k.'^S|{RJL,be decorated ^yith ChrisISfS^^nsj and tlie tables will be formed^ iif' the Shape ■ ©f a horseshoe. The cl asSeS; will sit in sec- ions, and the guest tafe!b:\wlll be da^ed in the curve of the horseshoe. The me^ will be in keeping with the old ijEuglish theme. Jean Orr will be in charge of this dinn^ She will be aided by Mi^S Altpar Edwards, Miss Grace Rob inson, Air. James Christian Pfohl, Miss Frances Jarrett, an^^ the stu- dents who have acted on their com- College was in charge of the chapel Lrs, Jane Montgomery and Anne Leak program on December 6, at which Wyatt, will ahhpuhce the actual pro time a number of business students]cession. Nanc^j'Gkkton- will enter, — gave an informal discussion on na- carrying the botfr^si head.>- mittee's:^ tional defense and its relation to busi- "ess education. I ^ ' The oecasion for the discussion was May Court SelectM^--,^ during a class period when the ques- ^ t‘:Larnard:tn::^r;e:!'ttr Twenty-four Beauties To X“:Ltr:„d‘’X“r''‘“°1 Attend Queen Marie Pons Carols Form Majority Of Selections The annual Christmas Vesper serv ices of Queens College and of David- son College will be presented Sun- son Little Symphony and a small day afternoon, December 16th, at group of girls from the Queens 't:00 o’clock at Queens, and Sunday Choral Club at the Mint Museum ofU'^®”*^S 7:30 o’clock at Davidson. Art last Sunday, at 4:30 o’clock. Those taking part in the program will be the Queens Choral Club, the Queens girls in the orchestra were: Davidson Glee Club, the Queens- Virgmia Prunty, Jeanne Love, Fran- Davidson Combined Little Symphony, ces Moseley, Marguerite Mason, RuthLnd the combined choral group, and Kilgo, and Elizabeth Cloninger. several individual members of the The choral group was made up ©f Elsbeth Burnham, Margaret Dani-j The following selections will be els, Sarah Holleman, Josephine John-1 presented ; son, Anne Roddey, Margaret Harde'n,] Elsie Moseley, Alice Payne, Frances (Frelude—Pastoral Symphony” from Middle, Cornelia Truesdale, Maujerl “Messiah” Handel Moseley, Betty Ross Dellinger, Doro- “Hosanna” JLeinhach thy Robinson, Esther Love Hillhouse, Antlphonal Chorus and Mildred Robinson. L t”. ' tt . ww ,,, Invocation ....Dr. Hunter B. Blakeley The orchestra presented the fol- Hymn, “O Come All Ye Faithful” program: “Overture” from Prophecy: “Rejoice Greatly” from ^Tutti, by Mozart; “Prelude” “Messiah” Handel Lnaw; “Le Coucou,” by Anne Roddey Pavanne,” by Ravel.] “Shepherd’s Christmas Song” Aus- jinger played a group trian Folk Song of selected cwols on the harp. (Birth’ I .The selectioiHby the choral group! Night” Adam ^ret^^Slumbe^l^ng of the Infant Shepherds’ jChristmas^^g,”'^ Austrian folk sbng;;‘Echo^^P%,’’^^y3i Lasso; and ’^Silehf^Night,”^, After the perfj^rmancl^^ tea was GrouD'Plaiii Party Tr&t F4 Orph^s (French Carol) Carols sung by the entire congre gation ' “Joy to the World” “O Little Town of Bethlehem” “Silent Night” Hallelujah Chorus from “Messiah” Handel Benediction Choral Amen Miss Annette Mclver was the] plans for the annual May Day Fes- teacher of the class and answered Ljval began to take shape Wednes- their many questions. jday as twenty-four of the most at- In concluding the informal discus- tractive girls at Queens were selected Sion, Miss Mclver stressed the fact to be attendants to the Queen, Marie that God helps those who help them- Pons, who was chosen last week. Cor- selves; also that the students at nelia Truesdale has been chosen as Queens College should realize the part]the Queen s maid-of-honor. that they are to play in later life. The Athletic Association, which Therefore, they should practice the sponsors May Day annually, present- democratic ways of working together.led forty candidates, from whom the This program was prepared by the following were chosen: class in advanced accounting under! Lucille Blackburn, Ann Wiley, the direction of Miss Helen Craig. ! Doris Raley, Eleanor Lazenby, Fran ces Hull, June Escott, Katherine Kittles, Mary Katherine Martin, Lib Brammer, Martha Brandon, Lib Rose- man, Mary Lorene Jones, Olive Mead ows, Patsy Niven, Jane Montgomery, Frances Moseley, Mary Heilig Mc- Dow, Betty Ross Dellinger, Eunice Watson, Alice Clark, Margaret Pow ell, Sue McNulty, Elsie Moseley, and Jane Grey. May Day is built around a differ ent theme each year. Last year the ante-bellum garden party featured the waltz. The Home Economics "‘Club has nearly completed " plans for the] jj- Christmas party % the orphans oAHeitetZ tTVeSentS the Alexander Honie and Welfare ^ children. Which will be given De- C/Defimg GonCeVt ceihber 17 in Burwell Hall from fourlv ^ to five-thirty, o’clock. The junior iH GUTVent SeaSOn class is Ih^charge of the party, with| Cedi Sypi^''.n^ chairman. Each student'^>is supposed to have ’Rischa Heifetz, world-famous given a dime^o help with refresh-r*®**"'^*> presented the first concert roe;nte{ also^ach one will provide a current season of the Com- >resent fap a child. Margaret Thomp- Concert Association on Tues- SOh ip- chairman of this gift-and-P®^ uight, December 10, in the Arm- iponey committee and is assisted byP^^ Auditorium. Harriette McDowell, Doris Raley, , and Mary Meador. recognized as one Ruth Edminston is in charge of 1 violinists. At the refreshment committee w i t h 1 ^ Elizabeth Oswalt, Drucella Ballen- ^ tine. Lib Gilreath, and M a r t h a Brandon assisting her. made innumerable tours and has played m one motion picture, “They Margaret Chandler and Virginia Shall Have Music.” Jennings are in charge of the pro gram, and helping with the enter- Heifetz confesses that he en- tainment will be Margaret Wiley, swing music. He admits .that Mary Gunn, Babe MacQueen, Winnie outstanding factor in enter- Pons, Sue McNulty, Hilda Harmon, *®'""™®"* today. Ma., Rl''LL“Tand Dlaijj j opened the season, will be followed „ ’ py concerts by Lawrence Tibbett, the Santa Claus will be at Queens Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Tuesday afternoon, and with the with Jose Itiirbl, a quartet of singers he p of all students these children from the Metropolitan Opera Com- will have a happier Christmas than pany, and a group of outstanding they ever expected. ! artists from the two Carolinas.