QUEENS BLUES Vol^No. 7 QUEENS COLLEGE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. April 14, 1944 Constitution Of Student Government CONSTITUTION OF THE STU-* DENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I Name The name of this organization shall be the Student Government Association of Queens College. ARTICLE II Purpose The Student Government Asso ciation has set the following aims as the purpose of its existence. To encourage self-government: to promote constructive policies per taining to scholastic and extra cur ricula activities; to stimulate the highest standards of honor in all matters of personal conduct; and to make and to enforce regulations which are in harmony with the College administration and which will encourage a progressive and a co-operative student life. ARTICLE III Membership All students of Queens College are members of this organization upon fulfilling the following re quirements : 1. Acceptance of the Honor Sys tem. 2. Attendance of handbook classes and the passing of an examina tion on the contents of the handbook. ARTICLE IV Honor System Section 1. Explanation of Honor System It is agreed that the Honor Sys tem is one of the cherished pos sessions of the College and of fun damental importance in the build ing of that Christian character to which Queens College is dedicated. The strength and effective opera tion of Student Government de pends upon the loyalty and co-op eration of each student. All of college life is based on the three fundamentals which constitute the Honor System. a. That each student is truthful at all times. b. That each student respects the property of others. c. That each student shall be en tirely honest on tests, examin ations, term papers, and all other pledged work. For any violation of these prin ciples, each student must leport herself to Honor Council within twenty-four hours after her mis demeanor. If she fails to do this, any witness or possessor of evi dence must report her to Honor Council immediately. Section 2 Honor Council a. Powers (1) The Honor Council may, at its discretion, summon before it any member of the Student Government Association. (2) The Honor Council shall, at its discretion, call in the Advisory Committee to its meetings. (3) The Honor Council has the power to investigate and to take action in any case in volving an infraction of the regulations of the Honor System that comes under its jurisdiction, and any student found guilty by this coun cil, automatically excludes herself from the student body, or, in the case of ex tenuating circumstances, is suspended on the recom mendation of the Honor Council to the Administra tion of the College. b. Officers (1) The Honor Council oi Queens College shall consist OFFICERS AND SPEAKERS installation day figures—New student government officers at Queens College were installed ial ceremony conducted by the students. Some of the principal figures in the exercises were rf Q t^^rieht) Anne Hatcher, Winchester, Va., retiring student government president; Emmy Wood, c ^ Vs. new student Christian Association president; Marie Sitton, day student president for 1944- foA Dr Mowat G Fraser, dean and acting president of Winthrcp College in Rock Hill, S. C., guest k for the occasion; and Edna Adams of Winston-Salem, new student government president. of the President of the Student Body, President of Boarding Students, Presi dent of Dky Students, and four additional members from the Student Body at large, two of whom shall be elected for a period of two years. (2) The President of the Stu dent Body shall be chair man of Honor Council. (3) At the first meeting of each new council a Secretary shall be elected to serve for the year. article V Legislative Department section 1. The Legislative Body The legislative power of the stu dent government shall be vested in a body of students and faculty advisors known as a legislature. Section 2. Members The Legislature shall be com posed of the President, the Vice- President, the secretary, and the Treasurer of Student Government: The President and first Vice-Pres ident of Boarding Student Coun cil; President and Vice-President of Day Student Council; one rep resentative from each dormitory; the representatives to Boarding Student Council from the Sopho more, Junior, and Senior classes; three representatives from the day student body at large; the repre sentatives to the Day Student Council from the Sophomore, Jun ior, and Senior classes: and three faculty advisors who are also rep resentatives to the Advisory Com mittee. The President of Queens College, the Dean of the College, and the Dean of Students shall act as ex-officio members of the Legislature. section 3. Officers and Duties The Vice-President of the Stu dent Government shall act as the Chairman of the Legislature. The Chairman shall preside at regular meetings and also has the power to call a meeting of the Legisla ture at any time. The Secretary of Student Gov ernment shall act as the Secretary of the Legislature. The Secretary shall keep a roll of the members and the minutes of the meetings of Legislature. The Secretary shall also attend to all necessary correspondence of this body. Section 4. Oath of Office All members of the Legislative body shall be administered the fol lowing oath by the Chairman of the Legislature: “As a member of the Legislature of Queens College, I pledge myself to lend full support to the main taining of high ideals of co-opera tive self-government, and to ful fill all the obligations and duties pertaining to my position.” Section 5. Duties and Powers The duties and powers of the Legislature shall be; a. To revise when necessary the duties and personnel of Legisla ture. b. To appoint standing committees. c. To appoint special committees. d. To remove by a two-thirds vote, of the Legislature any member or officer of Student Govern ment organizations for failure to perform her duties. Any member who violates or disre gards the spirit of any Student Government organization shall be asked to resign. e. To set the time and proce dure of elections and to post an approved list of nominees at least two weeks prior to elec tions. f. To recommend improvements as to Student Government and any other matter for the improv ing of Queens College. g. To advise the proper councils and authorities as to student opinion of matters under their jurisdiction. h. To call in, at the discretion of the presiding officer, the Advis ory Committee for the consid eration and joint approval of amendments and new regula tions. Section 6. Meetings The Legislature shall meet once a month at a time and place de cided upon by the body at the first meeting of each newly elected Legislature. Legislature shall be on call and at any time shall go into closed session at the call of the Chairman of Legislature or by a majority vote of the members present. ARTICLE VI Executive Department Section 1 a. All executive authority shall be vested in the President of the Student Government Association. In case of absence of this officer, such authority shall devolve upon the Vice-President, the Secretary, or the Treasurer in the order named. b. These officers shall be elected at a time and in a manner pre scribed by the Legislature and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. Section 2. Qualifications and Duties of Officers a. President (1) The President of the Stu dent Government Associa tion shall be elected from the incoming Senior Class. (2) The President may call spe cial meetings of the Student Government Association and shall preside over all meet ings of the said association. She shall exercise all the powers and authorities per taining to a presiding of ficer. (3) The President may, at her discretion, summon before her any member of the Stu dent Government Associa tion. (4) The President shall com pile and organize the Stu dent Government Handbook. (5) The President shall act as chairman of Honor Council. (6) The President shall preside during Orientation Week. (7) The President shall repre sent the Student Body at student conventions. (8) The President shall be a member of the Legislature. (9) The President shall be member ex-officio of any student organization or com mittee, with the exception of honorary and social fra ternities. (10) The President shall see that elections are carried on in the proper order and man ner. (11) The President shall meet once a month prior to the meeting of Legislature with the Dean of Students 'and more often if deemed neces sary by either. . Vice-President (1) The Vice-President of the Student Government Asso ciation shall be elected from the incoming Senior Class. (2) The Vice-President shall as sume the duties of the Pres ident in the absence of this officer. (3) The Vice-President shall serve as Chairman of the Legislature, but shall not have a vote except in case of a tie. (4) The Vice-President shall be member ex-officio of all Legislative committees. (5) The Vice-President may de clare Legislature closed whenever it is deemed nec essary for the efficient work ing of this body. (6) The Vice-President shall di rect Orientation Week. ;. Secretary (1) The Secretary of the Stu dent Government Associa tion shall be elected from the incoming Junior Class. (2) The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Student Government Association and shall re port the proceedings of Leg islature if such is deemed advisable. (3) The Secretary shall publish all laws passed by the As sociation, shall attend to its correspondence, and shall give the notice of all elec tions and meetings of the Association. (4) The Secretary shall notify all members of the Orienta tion Committee of the date of Orientation Week and of their duties. She shall post all notices and attend to all correspondence of that week. (5) The Secretary shall be a member of Legislature and Secretary of that organiza tion. d. Treasurer (1) The Treasurer of the Stu- ^ dent Government Associa tion shall be elected from . the incoming Sophomore Class. (2) It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have charge of the finances of the Asso ciation and to keep perma nent records of all receipts and expenditures. (3) It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to formulate a budget for the coming year and to present this budget for adoption or rejection at the first regular meeting of the Association each year. (4) It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to present a re port showing all receipts and expenditures of the Stu dent Government Association at each regular meeting of Legislature. (5) The Treasurer shall be a member of Legislature. ARTICLE VII Judicial Department Section 1 The judicial powers shall be (Continued on Page 2)