Page 6 QUEENS BLUES November 4, 1948 It’ll CURL Your Hair Since our last bull-session, I’ve eaves-dropped an’ snooped around ’til I’ve covered enough dirt that wiU not only CURL YO’ HAIR, but is mighty liable to bust your eardrums as well. So take my ad vice and go slow, ’cause this read ing is some kinda hot!!! Yo’ know, some people just have a way with men. This statement is self-evident if you let your more important thoughts dwell on Pol ly Lewis. She hasn’t gotten VERY many “responses” from that first Q-D affair, and what’s more, she is still getting tern! Dorothy Dix might have “all the answers” for some, but it’d take more than her column to help Nina Claiborne. With two different men calling her all the time, does she ever have to wor ry about a date? It must be the “real” thing if Mildred Hancock always gets that look in her eye when that certain someone is mentioned. Must be wonderful love, that is! If you ask me, upperclassmen should think twice before asking a freshman, “Could you possibly date someone Saturday night?” From all reports—good an’ bad (and what -could be bad when Davidson is concerned???? Don’t answer that!) These Queens cuties really flipped the whole David son campus on a recent Saturday night, and I do mean “flipped”! If you could have heard recent sessions on the subject, they’d have really CURLED YO’ HAIR. Mentioning names, Beth Dobbins and Myrma Smith had numerous invitations to homecoming. Why can’t things like dates be ration ed, huh???? Speaking of dances, Shirley Siddel ceritainly got a some kinda big rush that night. And I add, quoting an up and coming David sonian wolf, “That gal’s got it!” It’d CURL YO’ HAIR, if you could hear Reid Regan raving about her “dream man” at State. She aught to clue in MGM, ’cause he sounds like Hollywood material! What I wanta know is, “How cute can couples be together?” Lee and “Lt. Tyler” give any place atmosphere when they’re to gether. That’s one time when Cupid’s dart hit solid—^huh, Lee?? You don’t have to dish much dirt around campus before you hear Barbara Ann Jobe’s name mentioned. It’d CURL YO’ HAIR if you heard what happened the last time she was home! Keeping telephone duty isn’t al ways so bad. In fact, it can prove mighty interesting. For instance, I couldn’t say what I didn’t hear —or on the other hand, what I could repeat—when Torry re ceived a call from Gene. Her only statement for the press, “The rela tionship is purely plationic.” Yeah???? Weekends at home prove most profitable when “certain persons” are there. Nancy Weaver and Rainey Gamble didn’t miss paint ing the town red by even a shade when they saw their “fellers” on a recent trip. “Ain’t love grand!” It isn’t enough for Dot Wilson to have three men. She went to Davidson and broke two other hearts—or at least stimulated them! Looks like for M. K. Ledford’s sake Davidson and Carolina could be considerate enough to arrange “homecoming” on different week ends. The question of the hour is, “Who will be the lucky guy!” There must be something pow erfully interesting at Wake For est! Some of our “Queens” of the ball at homecoming were Evelyn Alexander, Tilda Gibbs, and Lois Mann. Someone should have been under those magnolia trees ’cause I bet what you’d have seen and heard would have been enough to tantalize the devil! The information most wanted by the press is, what lucky girl is going to get pinned in the near future???? Of course, I know, but that would be telling, so keep your eyes and ears open. It’s food for gossip—and headlines, too! This is the official but under ground announcement that Ann “keyed”. Not pinned, not engaged (not quite, that is!) but “keyed”! And further more, he isn’t a GI in the freshman class of ’52. He’s a lawyer! Everytime I pass through Bur- well Goldie Barron is singing out —I mean “stepping out”! Like I said before—why can’t these things called “MEN” be ration ed? Football games aren’t the only things C. Collins goes to see at Carolina. Just ask her why she’s looking forward to homecoming so much! It’d CURL YO’ HAIR if you knew! Fay Langston wants someone to explain why “The Citadel” wasn’t built in Charlotte instead of Charleston. Things would be much less complicated! The scandal of the moment is —when are Maria and Benny setting the “big” date! It’d CURL YO’ HAIR if you knew: Why Frances and Bud didn’t hear anyone calling them? (I won’t say where they were!!!) Why Martha Jane Cockrell floats around on a “pink” cloud all the time!!! Who Margaret Fowler’s “beat of the moment” is for?!!! What Maynon and Charlie did the last time she saw him!!! Who Charlotte’s new crush is!!! Who Katie Chapman spends all her time writing!!! How many hearts beat only and solely for Kellah Murray!!! How Clara Barnes al ways wears a big smile!!! Could it be that pin? Why Rachel Britt doesn’t like blind dates!!! Who Betty Pratt’s thoughts dwell on most nowdays!!! I’m still bubbling over with scandal, ’cause my supply is ab solutely inexhaustible, (you can imagine how much time I spent studying) But all things must end. Be careful about what you say or do if you don’t want your ac tions publicly exposed ’cause otherwise I’ll be sure to catch up with you. My favorite pastime is CURLING people’s hair by paint ing reputations black. Til the next bull session! y^umrok BUSINESS PHonsasss MM Atonaar 1 COLLEGE cmutunmiLC. | Shop for Books at We can secure for you any book in print Personality Girl Did you ever wonder what it would be like to know a person who has a small injection of atomic power in her veins? Well, look no more—she is in our midst. She is always on the go either do ing something for others or ask ing for that one little donation that will help so many others. She does stop long enough in one place to put a poster (which she makes!) thither and yon, and then she is off again—Cleaving you to exclaim, “How much energy can one person have?” If you haven’t already guessed who our Personality Girl is, allow me to continue with the descrip tion. Her sense of humor and her friendliness have won her many new friends to her already over flowing circle of admirers. I’m sure you’ll recognize that little tilt of her head, the ready smile she has for everyone, and the way she always spares a minute to chat—which leaves you with the feeling that it is a nice day after all. Her bright outlook seems to touch everyone with whom she comes in contact. Versatile? I should say so! Her interests and abilities range all the way from a mean “Poncho” in tennis to her legislative duties. Give her a job to do and it is done before there is time to worry. Surely you’ve guessed by now —^but if not, let’s get down to a few more definite items. She has lovely reddish-blond hair and oh! such bright eyes. So many men— but “The One” is adding his per sonality to Duke Divinity School, leaving his studies only long enough for that week-end trip to Charlotte. Knowing our Personality Girl as you all do, you have probably already realized that it is none other than that little package of TNT, Doris Lawing. “O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us It wad from mony a blunder free us An foolish notion. What airs in dress and gait wad lea’e us. An ev’n devotion!” Unknown Eckerds For Famous Cosmetics — alto — Steins Theatrical Make-Up 128 N. Tryon-109 S. Tryon Thacker's, Inc. "A Good Place To Ear 221 South Tryon Street Private Dining Rooms for Parties and Banquets BAPTIST GIRLS ORGANIZE CLUB On Tuesday, October 26th, the Myers Park Baptist Church in vited the Baptist girls on campus over to the big hut for an infor mal coca-cola party at which time plans were made for establish ing an organization in which the girls will be able to work and have social functions together. Davidson College boys wish to begin a similar organization, and eventually, the two will go to gether to have their functions. Mr. Bob Poerscke and Miss Peggy Green presided, and each girl gave her own personal opinion concerning the plans. A meeting was scheduled for the election of officers. The only plans definite ly settled were to have two meet ings a month, one in which to have discussions and the other one to have social functions. Throughout the year, great plans will be made for the advancement of a more organized feeling be tween these Baptist girls. Thanks to the Myers Park Baptist help ers. CHARLOTTE, N. C. The problems of life loom largest to an egoist; They diminish, if not fade, as one feels the life of others. —Walt Whitman For Cooking Water Heating Refrigeration Heating Charlotte, N. C. — Phone 38447 Montaldo’s Cordially invites you to visit our Rendezvous Room. Latest Fashions for the College Girl CORDUROYS TWEEDS CASUALS Town & Country, Inc. 130 W. Trade Phone 4-5622 Sporting Goods Spalding Saddle Oxfords — Award Sweaters FAUL & CRYMES, INC. 415 S. Tryon St. Colonial Flower Shop, Inc. Distinctive Flowers For All Occasions 705 Providence Road Day Phones 48691 and 48692 Night Phone 36700 MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR COLLEGE FASHIONS AND ACCESSORIES

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