Page Two THE SPECTATOR MAY, 1969 Graduating Class, We Salute You! Just as the year 1969 will leave us, never to return again, so it is with the 1969 Graduating Class of J. F. Webb. As they de part, they leave an empty spot in our hearts. For the past four years this year’s seniors have shared their joys and sorrows, successes and failures, only to find themselves now at the much worked for goal—A graduate at last! They have certainly come far in many ways since that first day they entered the doors of Webb as freshmen who could not even find their assigned classes. The many experiences which they have known and shared will soon become cherished memories of their days at Webb. I’m sure they will all remember the thrill of attend ing their first homecoming dance, participating in Twirp week, and being a full fledged member of all of Webb’s activities. Re member your first annual? What fun it was to get it filled with your friends signatures. And what really made you feel important was for a “big senior” to sign it. Then came your sophomore year when you knew your way around and had the freshmen to look down on. Your junior year was really one of the biggest and bus iest: Decorations for the Junior-Senior, floats. National Honor Society, the dreaded SAT, and for some, being Marshals. Then came the climax of eleven years of hard work. Your senior year! This is one year of your life which is full of beginnings for some and endings for others but one which will never be forgotten. You and privileged with being able to sit and watch others follow in your footsteps and struggle to reach the top as you have done. So we take this last opportunity to express to you our gratitude for your inspirations. Our deepest heartfelt Congratulations and best wishes go out to our “Class of ’69.” —Dot Williford IN MEMORIAM As we Seniors walk down the aisle on Graduation Day, two people will be missing from our procession. These two are Elizabeth Royster and E. F. Cates. Missing in physical form, these two friends will not be missing in spirit. Their spirit lives on in the friends they left behind. Profiles Of Webb SENIOR SPOTLIGHT The junior for the month of May and June is none other than our editor-elect Dot Williford. Complet ing a successful year of holding the associate head position on the Spec tator is only one of Dot’s many ac complishments for the ’69 school year. In her spare time, Dot plays her favorite record, “Alfie” and has even been seen in a mysterious yel low Camaro. The sophomore for this issue is Anne Pruitt. Anne has the biggest smile in the sophomore class. She al so holds the distinction of being the number one consultant of “How to Diet and Not Lose a Pound.” I hear she even has to run around in the shower to get wet. The number one freshman of our closing issue is Lanny Dillehay. Lan- ny is the top baseball player of his class. He holds the position behind the plate when Sammy gets tired. Among all of Lanny’s hobbies are looking for golf balls and swimming (while looking for the golf balls.) He also likes to play golf once he has found enough of those little white spheres. The teacher of the month is Mrs. Mary T. Stovall. We, of the Specta tor Staff, wish to express our deepest gratitude to her and her efforts in making the Spectator the best Webb has ever had. Our hats are off to you, Mrs. Stovall. With the baseball season appro aching it’s end, we look back on the contributions of our seniors. Co captain Wayne Currin has been a star since his freshman year. Al though he is not craxy about pitch ing, all Webbsters agree that he’s great at it. Another outstanding member of the squad is catcher Sammy Hob- good. Sometimes it seems that Sam my’s temper runs away with him. But there’s one thing for sure: that ball never manages to get away from him. If you hear someone yell“Brute”, you might think it’s Mrs. Satter- white playing with her Caesar doll. However if you’ll turn around ,you will see good-natured Peggy Sumrell with a grin plastered all over her face. Since arriving here last year, Peggy has become one of the most well-liked girls at Webb. A book which contains 1090 pages scares the wits out of most people. But not Mary Braswell! Mary, who is one of Miss Averett’s scholars, says she can brave anything--even Room 11 with all of its abrupt eruptions. Have you ever ridden down a deserted road and seen a flourescent strip suspended in mid-air? No you are not seeing things. It’s just Gary Garnet’s Mach I Mustang. Gary is another one of those ’cats from Berea who owns his own “jalopy”. 1969 Commencement Marshals Named Recently chosen Marshals are as follows: from left to right, first row; Kim Royster; Anne Cheatham; Debra Fox; Glenda Currin; Cathy Daniel; Edna Braswell; Debra Blalock; and Kitty Lee; second row, Luther Penny; Frank Hielema, chief; and Jidius Johnson. HONOR ROLL Seniors Cinderella Boyd Teresa Currin Maxine Cox Jackie Clark Lucy Hancock Sanne Jones Mary Glenn Lilly Cecelia Pruitt Wayne Puckett Joy Wilkie Juniors Janet Clark Glenda Currin Frank Thomas Hobgood Julius Vass Johnson Kitty Lee Linda Sue Silver Dot Williford Sophomores Karen Cutts Sheila Arrington Sally Elliott Andy Howard Mike Peters Merlin Young Freshmen Cheryl Belcher Susan Barnes Butch Burroughs Beverly Currin Linda Compton Elizabeth Morton Rita Murray Jamie Rowland Mary Thomas Sylvia Yancey Staffs Selected For 1969-70 On May 13, 1969, the final elect ion of the 1968-69 school year was held. Webb’s publications have new editors. Producing the 1970 Wildcat will be the job of Kitty Lee who will be assisted by Anna Tarry as associate editor. James Lee Wilson, III, bet ter known as “Three,” will handle the job of business manager. Creat ing a most original design will be Peggy Bryan, art editor. Moving up to the position of Spectator editor is Dot Williford. Her associate is Anne Cheatham. Selling ads will be left up to Shirley Averette. Merlin Young will be in charge of what he knows best, as sport’s editor. News-In-Brief Sybil Jane Royster, a senior at J. F. Webb High, has been named winner of the Woman’s Club, $3(X) Scholarship for 1969. The award is provided through the joint efforts of the Woman’s Club, the Junior Wo man’s Club, and the Mary Jamieson Woman’s Club. This year Webb had three student teachers. They were Mrs. Bird, who taught French, Miss Kutzke, who taught Latin, and Mr. Pridgen, who taught World History. These teach ers left May IS, and we, as students of Webb, would like to say we really did enjoy them. On Saturday, May 10, the J. F. Webb Future Farmers traveled to Creedmoor to compete in the an nual District Contest held there. These boys again proved their abil ities by winning the overall banner. The Marshals to serve the really big, really great class of ’69 are: Francis John Hielema, Chief; Glen da Rose Currin, Kitty Wright Lee, Catherine Lynn Daniel, Debra Ann Fox, Deborah Blalock, Luther Har old Penny, Lucy Kimball Royster, Elizabeth Anne Cheatham, Edna Jeaji Braswell, and Julius Vass Johnson. LAFF LINE The little boy wasn’t interested in anything but sports. Listening to his sister read Cinderella bored him— until she said: “And the fairy god mother turned the pumpkin into a coach.” “A coach!” the boy exclaimed. “Did his team win any games?” Driving up to the house to deliver the family’s seventh baby, the doctor almost ran over a duck. “Is that your duck out there?” he asked. “It’s ours,” he was told,“but it ain’t no duck. It’s a stork with his legs worn down.” Suitor: “How does your sister like the engagement ring I gave her, Bob by?” Bobby: “Well, it’s a little too small—she has an awful time getting it off when the other fellows call!” The young man approached his lady love’s brother in a dither of ex citement. “Guess what, Jimmy,” he exclaimed, “your sister and I are go ing to be married!” “Huh!” said the youngster, unim pressed. “You just finding that out?” THE STAFF Glenda Currin Editor Dot Williford Associate Editor Tommy Currin Sports Editor Lindsay Yancey Business Manager Business Assistants Peggy Sumrell, Frank Hielema, Dal Mackie, Bobby Colenda, Teresa Currin, Frank Timberlake, Mary Jo Brooks, Sherry Hicks, Sanne Jones, Chris Thomasson, Pam Evans, Hugh Currin Circulation Hugh Currin, Marvel Carter, Bobby Colenda, Cinderella Boyd, Janet Wrenn, Pam Evans, Tommy Currin Typists Marvel Carter, Cinderella Boyd, Janet Wrenn, Deborah Cash, Chris Thomasson, Mary Fields Reporters Bryant Henderson Shirley Averett Ivy Lawrence Wanda Dickerson Cathy Farabow Kathy Boyd Sharon Mullen Kim Royster Steve Wright Three Wilson Carrie Pruitt Ann Cheatham Photography Gary Angle