The Spectator Volume No. VI J. F. WEBB HIGH SCHOOL, OXFORD, N. C., Ji^NTUARY 30, 1970 No. 3 Latin Students Busy With Plans Holidays may come and holidays may go, but “Latin goes on forev er,” says Mrs. Satterwhite’s “Ro mans.” After celebrating “lo Saturnalia” for a sixteen-day vacation they are back, looking forward to the state JCL convention in Chapel Hill in the spring and the Roman banquet scheduled for April 18. Following exams, the 1970-71 em peror and empress will be elected by the Latin II Club to succeed Shelia Arrington and Merlin Young. Latin II Club officers are Bruce Miller, president; Mary Thomas, vice-pres ident; and Gwen Dickerson, secre tary. Latin I officers follow: Denise Clark, Cynthia Currin, Marshall Seate, presidents; Nancy Sherman, Butch Shotwell, Shelia Shearin, vice- presidents; Bonnie Chambers, Lil lian Neal, Cliff Wheeler, secretaries. From the Latin I JCL’ers, the head slave will be chosen to direct the other slaves at the banquet. Al so a “Miss JCL” will be chosen to succeed Gwen Dickerson. Webb’s JCL membership this year stands at 120, Usually the local club is the largest in the state con vention. Margie Reinitz, a junior at Webb, is state JCL historian. The scrap book she will compile for the state conventon will be entered in nation al competition. Christmas Dance Enjoyed By All Webb was really groov’n Satur day night, the 13th of December. I know you’re wondering how could Webb be groov’n! At the Christ mas Dance teenagers were really doing their own thing. The combo. Salt and Pepper, were sprinkling salt and pepper as they kept the group roaring. Most teenagers got a treat that night, for the dance began at 8:00 and wasn’t over till 11:45. For refreshments a few of the good homemaking students prepared some homemade cookies along with delicious strawberry punch that real ly quinched one’s thirst. The week of the 13th really end ed with a BANG! for both the young and old! Everyone really enjoyed the dance, especially since the teachers were there too. It was one to be remembered. All Present Enjoy Christmas Parade On the bright and brisk morning of December 6, 1969, a huge and excited crowd gathered to see one of Oxford’s grandest Christmas pa rades. It was one of the largest parades in quite a while with all tlie trimmings and excitement in cluding the traditional Santa Claus, Leading the parade at nine o’clock was Oxford’s distinguished mayor, Mr. Hugh Currn, and his lovely wife, Mrs, Doris Currin, a favorite and well-known teacher here at Webb. Then came Webb’s own high school band leading in the familiar sounds of Christmas. There were many decorative and imaginative floats sponsored by various stores in Oxford. Many bands from sur- roundng cities also brought enter tainment throughout the parade. Ending up this wonderful parade was the well-loved Santa Claus which heightened the spirits and glow of children. PEGGY BRYAN HARRY DIXON Peggy And Harry Honored By Council Peggy Bryan has been selected as November’s Student of the Month. Peggy is one of Webb’s most active students; still, she is always ready to lend a helping hand to any new activity. During her four years at Webb, Peggy has been a valuable asset to the Latin, French, and Science Clubs, holding offices in many off these. Much of her time in her junior and senior years has been devoted to the Pep Club. Last year, Peggy worked as an office assistant and served as Secre tary of the Class of ’70. She is a ddigent member of the Student Council this year as well as Art Editor of the Wildcat. Outside of school, Peggy is in volved with the Youth Group at the Episcopal Church, Webb is proud of you, Peggy, and hopes that you will keep up the good work I W'"' Bradley Places In All-State Band At recent All-State tryouts on De cember 13th, in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina, Bradley Jones, a member of the J. F. Webb band, was chosen as a select member of the .All-State Band. Jones entered the annual competition along with other high school band members chosen throughout the state. The .All-State band presents its concert in Februarx-, following a three day clinic. Jones’ somewhat modest comment was, “Well, it surprised me,” Congratulations, Bradley! Keep that trumpet polished. The Student of the Month for December is Harry Dixon. Harry is certainly one of the busiest sen iors around! He has participated in various clubs and served as an officer in many of them. He has been a mem ber of the Latin, French, Pep, Key, and Monogram Clubs. If possible, Harry is even more ac tive in athletics. He was one of the few freshmen ever chosen to play varsity football and he has lettered for all four years of high school. In football he served as a co-captain, tri-captain, and has been elected all-conference and most valuable player. He has played J. V. basketball, and lettered in Var sity Basketball, Track, and Baseball. Because of his atheltic ability, Harry was chosen to play in the Shrine Bowl Game and is the re cent recipient of a Duke scholarship. He has served as president of the Class of ’70 for four years. Last year Harry became a member of the National Honor Society as a result of maintaining a high scho lastic average. He also received a letter for his accomplishments aca demically. Congratulations, Harry, for a job well done. Drama Club Offers New Challenges Have you heard about the new and exciting Drama Club ? The meetings take place on Wednesdays in Room IS after the dismissal bell. Miss Betty Adams is the club’s sup ervisor. The members plan to take part in the programs. If you are looking for a new challenge, come to the Drama Club meeings and see what it has to of fer you. Sfudenf Council Keeping Busy Although the Christmas dance cannot be termed a financial suc cess, it can safely be said that it was enjox’ed by all who attended. A smaller crowd than was expected was present at the dance. The exchange student programs which were being investigated prev iously have been tabled. This was decided in accordance with the up coming merger of Toler, Mary Pot ter, and Webb. Elections were held on Tuesday, January 20. The nominations com mittee of the Student Council pre sented a slate, and other students were allowed to nominate themselv es by petition. Semi-Finalists For NMS Are Named Kitty Lee and Linda Silver, two outstanding seniors at Webb, have been named semi-finalists in the 1969-70 National Merit Scholarship Program. They are among the high scorers in the state on the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test and are two of 14,000 across the nation trying for Merit Scholarships. National Merit Scholarships are valued at $100 to SI,SCO annually. The 2,900 Merit Scholarships which are awarded exceed $3 million in amount. As semi-finalists, Linda and Kitty constitute less than one percent of the graduating secondaiy’ school seniors in the nation. They are now eligible to compete as finalists in the National Merit Scholarship pro gram and might possibly win a scholarship. Three Ribbons Given For Doors On Friday morning a special treat was in store for everyone. A real live Santa Claus (alias Jim High tower) visited Mrs. Bullock’s mo bile unit steps during homeroom period, and Webb students had the chance of sitting in Santa’s lap and relate their Christmas wishes to him. An additional treat was the candy that Santa gave to all his visitors. Besides the above described, many doors were wrapped as presents, embellished with angels, the little drummer boy, and “Merry Christ mas” greetings. A committee of FTA members viewed the doors and decided to award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place rib bons to certain doors. First place winner was Mrs. Joy Averett’s homeroom. This original idea fea tured a mantel-piece with stockings which were placed on the door and on both sides of it. Besides receiv ing the blue ribbons these home room students were given a large stocking of candy and fruit. Also a big stuffed animal was given as the mascot of the homeroom. Mr. Tillotson’s room was the recipient of the second place red ribbon. This door was decorated with a green background and a large candy cane on it. The 3rd place white ribbon was acquired by Mrs. Kay Slaugh ter’s homeroom. The background was green with gold kings watching the Star of Bethlehem and looking into the distance at the town of Bethlehem. The FTA would like to thank everyone for participating in this event which added much to the Christmas spirit at Webb. French III Dinner Thoroughly Enjoyed On December 18, just before we got out of school for Christmas, Mrs. Shirley Shaw’s French III class met at her house to enjox- a French meal. Included on the menu were cheese “fondue” and “la bouche de Noel.” The class also feasted on -American favorites, broil ed steak and tossed salad — with French dressing. The students gave Mrs. Shaw an engraved silver bowl as a Christmas gift. They also did a lot of talking about their plans for the holidays. Some very interesting trips and par ties were discussed. Thus the French III dinner, an informal affair thorouehh- enjoc'ed by all, ended about 9:30, when the dishes were done. French Students Attend Reveillon “Joyeux Noel” was the expression of the French students who attend ed the French reveillon on Decem ber 14. The festivities began al 7:00 with a few words in French from Father Peter and continued until 9:00 P.M. Father Peter told us about the reveillon in France. On Christmas Eve the French attend midnight mass. Following the mass is a feast which lasts until all hours of the morning. He also commented on the difference between the French language and English and how some words in English are very difficult for a Frenchman to learn to pro nounce. The reveillon took place in the cafetorium at Webb. The dinner was covered dish style. It featured the appetizers, main courses, and des serts which represented French dishes. Dinner was eaten at candle lit tables with a background of rock and roll music. Mock cham pagne was used for the French bev erage. The special guest, Father Peter, was from the Catholic monastery. He was born in France but has been a resident of the United States for twenty years. All enjoyed talking with him during the reveillon. Nine o’clock rolled around all too soon and the reveillon came to an end. Many thanks go to Mile, Warner and Madame Shaw for making this occasion possible. Cindy Elected District Chaplain On November 21 the members of Webb’s Library Club attended the District Convention which was held in Durham at the Holiday Inn. There was an excellent program given, including a pictorial tour of Greece with a commentary by some Chapel Hill students who had taken the trip to Greece, members were shown the actual films from the moon flight, and a guest speaker was present. Webb members were sponsoring Cindy Howard for District Chap lain and are now celebrating her victory. Having seen the campaign, this reporter would like to congrat ulate the Webb members on their creativity and imagination. The meeting began at 1:00 p.m. and was over at 8:00 p.m. Dinner was served in the Holiday Inn din ing room. The meeting was enjoyed by all and anticipation for the State Convention is now rising. FTA'ers Discuss Life At College “What will life at college be like?” “.Are most people friendly?” “Will it be very, very hard?” “What kind of professors are at Louisburg College?” These and many other questions about college life were answered at the FT.A meeting on Thursday, December 18, which met in Mrs. Bullock’s mobile unit. Ginnie Lee Dickerson and Glen da Montague, students at Louisburg College, spoke to the FT.A members about life at their college. The FT.A members listened with interest to these girls who graduated from Webb last year. The business meeting included a report of the homeroom door Christmas decorations. -A social hour followed the busi ness. and refreshments were served by Martha Hilton,