L PUBLISHED EACH SCHOOL MONTH BY THE STUDENTS OF THE OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL Volume X Oxford, N. C., January-February, 1949 Number 4 Alumtu Association Buys Floodlights The Alumni Association of the Ox ford High School has purchased flood lights for the poles for the new athle tic field facing Williamsboro Street at an approximate cost of $960. The organization is now trying to raise additional funds for the purchase of six, seventy-five foot poles which are needed badly. The Association will also assume the installation costs of this project. Organization The Oxford High School Alumni Association was organized in Novem ber of 1947. Several persons interested in organizing an alumni association met in the Oxford Armory to discuss future plans. In December of the same year a charter meeting was held. Those present wei’e Rux Currin, Thomas Currin, McCall Perkins, Ed gar Talley, Tingley Moore, Lonnie Nelms, Bob Reece, Earl Yow, Taylor Burwell, William Frazier, Harvey Jackson, Charles Blaii', Dudley Wil liams, Walter Hughes, Howard New ton, Francis Finch, Millard Hill, Ray mond Daniel, Sherman Wilson, Her man Jones, Brummitt Jones, Fred Lanier (deceased), Sam Wheeler, Jim my Daniel, and Gordon Steagall, ^^'’’awford Williams v'ac the fir«!t. tnem- ber. The officers for the following year were elected at this meeting. They were: President—Oscar Mc Farland, Vice-President—T h o m a s Currin, Secretary—Sam Wheeler. At the December meeting it was decided that women be allowed to be come members. Ruby Robinson was then elected treasurer. The club was named the Oxford High School Athle tic Association. The only qualification for members is that they be graduates of Oxford High School. A person may also join as an honorary member and not be a graduate of O. H. S. but these persons cannot vote on officers or projects. There are at the present seventy-nine paid members. Kings and Queens Left to right: Gerleen Hester, Lindsay Currin, Harriet Arrington, Luther Daniel. O.H.S. Crowns King And Queen Projects The Alumni Association, besides purchasing floodlights for the new athletic field, has contributed $417 toward the cost of the bleachers for the field. The bleachers are now paid for in full. The organization has also contributed $166 for the purchase of the grass seed sown on the field last October. Drainage of the athletic field has been worked on and the field is be ing filled ill in places that washed out. The structual steel for the new gym nasium is now in place. The masonry is almost complete. If the weather will remain fair, the gym will be com pleted sometime in the spring,—prob ably early in May. Harriet Arrington, Queen of Ox ford High School and Luther Daniel, King of Oxford High School were crowned Friday, January 28 when the grademothers of the eight high school homerooms entertained at a dance in the College Street Gymnasium. Music for both round and square dancing was furnished by Pat Hedgepeth and his orchestra from Henderson. The contest to decide upon a king and queen of the high school was sponsored by Miss Ream’s homeroom of the Junior Class. Candidates for the honor were nominated separately by a petition which carried twenty- five names. Voting began on Wednes day and continued through Friday aftei-noon. Each vote cost one penny. “Out On A Limb” Is Choice Of Seniors Junior High Crowns King & Queen At a dance held in the O. S. O. on the night of January 28, students in the Junior High School crowned Lindsay Currin as king and Gerleen Hester as queen of their student body. Voting began on Wednesday morning and continued through Friday after noon. Recorded music was enjoyed until 10:30. Dr. McHugh Is to Address P.-T.A. Pia> To Be Presented By Class In March Seniors Elect Mascot That cute little blonde with heaven ly blue eyes whom you have been see ing around with the seniors is their mascot. She is Dickie Watkins, the six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Watkins on College Street. Dickie, at first, may seem a bit bashful, but once she starts gabbing, not even Mrs. Watkins can stop her! Semester Calendar Senior Play Early March Easter Monday April 18 Triangle Debates April Senior Exams .. May 23-27 Baccalaureate Sermon May 29 Class Night June 1 Graduating Exercises June 3 A noted psychologist. Dr. Gelolo McHugh of the faculty of Duke Uni versity, will be the guest speaker at the February meeting of the Oxford Parent-Teacher Association to be held Thui'sday night of next week at 8 o’clock. “Show Your Child How to Be Good” will be the topic of the message which Dr. McHugh, a child psychology spe cialist, will bring. His lecture is to be illustrated with sound movies. The lecture will be the first in a series which Dr. McHugh has been invited to give in the community on the complex subject of child psy chology. If you see a bright red bicycle fly ing down the street, it’s probably Dickie! She rides “most every day.” Dickie’s ambition is to become a majorette. She has already started strutting with a baton and “can’t wait to be old enough to march!” At her early age of six, Dickie likes to give parties. She also likes to sleep until eleven o’clock. She will soon get over that!!! Among her other many hobbies, Dickie also enjoys playing with her doll, Judy, in her doll-house. Also, reading and knitting are two of her pastimes. Dickie is a very versatile young lady. The seniors are looking forward to having her with them! ^ “Out on a Limb,” a comedy in three acts, has been selected by the Senior Class to be their annual dramatics presentation. The play, written by Albert Johnson, is published by the Art Craft Play Company of Marion, Iowa. The theme of the play is “teen agers versus parents” with the ac tion taking place in an average home. The story calls for five men and five women, all of whom will be chosen from the Senior Class. Characters will be chosen early in February to play the part of the scatter-brained mother, the serious-minded husband, the frustrated teen-ager, the spinster aunt, the bachelor professor, the in tellectual teen-ager, the young jour nalist, the school psychologist, and various minor characters in the play. Miss Lorena AvereA of the Oxford High School faculty will coach the play which will be presented in March. Money derived from sale of Senior play tickets will be used by the class to buy the gift which the Seniors present to the school each year at commencement. Further Plans Invitations ahd cards have been ordered by members of the Senior Class in preparation for graduation; measurements for caps and gowns have been completed, and the Senior gift has been chosen. The Senior mas cot has been elected by the class and plans are underway for the planning ,of the commencement issue of “The Owl.” The Senior Class is composed of forty-nine members, thirty-two boys and seventeen girls. Miss Helen Wilkin and Miss Eugen ia Boyd serve as advisers to the class. Dickie Watkins is class mascot.