Our Best To You, Seniors Bon Voyage, Seniors Che Happy Vacation Everybody Volume XXIII PUBLISHED EACH SCHOOL MONTH BY THE STUDENTS OF THE OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL • Number 6 Oxford, N. C., June 3, 1958 Juniors Honor Seniors at Prom in “Fairy Land” Juniors of Oxford Hifjh entertained the Seniors with a Prom, May 16, in the Ox ford Gymnasium. This was the first time there has ever been a Prorn here. In other years there have been Junior-Senior ban quets, followed by a dance. Junior president was Charles Stovall, and Senior president, Russell Barlowe. The theme was “A Fairyland Romance”, which was carried out with decorations resembling that of a castle and its garden and terrace. This fantasy land included a wishing well and a fountain complete with fairies and their playmates. Freshmen waiters and waitresses follow: Billy Elliott, Donnie Hawks, Cas Spencer, Billy Daniel, Harper Ruff, W. D. Dillehay, Dickie Watkins, Carolyn Moss, Lea Lea Hall, Flora Watkins, Ann Stovall, and Nancy Griffin. They were dressed as elves and fairy-queens. Attend Symposium Held on Science Arch Crawford, Fielding Walker, and *rV’aiiC>^ I^aU‘son-iCim7:cntcci-O. il.-S. at-the Science Symposium May 7-9 at Duke, State, and Carolina. Two students from the Orphanage, Shelia Reid and Jimmy Bostic, also at tended. The group was accompanied by Mrs. E. L. Moore. The three days were spent in listening to lectures on science and papers read by science students, and in touring .the labo ratories at each school. The climax of the Symposium came Thursday night with the talk on relativity by the famous phy sicist, Dr. Edward Teller. The Sympo sium theme, “Science in the Making, Rc- search in Progress”, was carried out as the 475 high school students observed ex periments currently being run to solve im|)ortant problems in physics, chemistry, and biology. Have Highest Scholastic Rating ANNE WHITE SALUTATORIAN Joe Wheeler Heads Betas Joe Wheeler is Beta Club president for next year, succeeding Dan Averett. May White is incoming vice-president; Betty Lou Smith, secretary; and Linda Garner, treasurer. Mrs. T. G. Stem, Jr. was guest speaker at their last Beta meeting this semester, held in the home of Anne and May White. She showed slides of paintings in the Art Museum in Raleigh, and commented on the work and the artist. Elected to Girls' State Win Honors Winners of special awards were an nounced by Dr. W. J. House at Class Night. Judy Dean won the D.A.R. Award for Citizenship, and Russell Barlowe a similar award* given by the Rotary dub. These winners were voted on by the Seniors. Martha Taylor won the silver goblet provided by the Oxford branch of A. A. U. W., and Russell Barlowe won the Kiwanis award. These winners were voted on by the faculty. Julianna Yancey, valedictorian, won the award given in memory of the late Dr. I. H. Davis. Anne White, salutatorian, won the P. T. .■\. award. Jarvis Newton and Becky Baird won the Danforth awards, copies of the book “I Dare You.” Bill Hicks Chosen Latin Club Head JULIANNA YANCEY VALEDICTORIAN Julianna Yancey and Anne White de livered the valedictory and salutatory ad dresses Class Night. Julianna is the youn gest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Yancey and Anne, the older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse White. Seniors voted Julianna “most intellec tual”, and Anne “most likely to succeed.” "^iiOtli '.vere lapped iuiu Bel'a'Club" lasryear. A list of Julianna’s extra-curriculars fol lows: Chorus, 4 years; Student Council, 3; Future Homemakers, 3 years; Bible Club, 2; President of Sophomore Class; in Junior and Senior Plays; Chief Mar shal this year; and Historian of the Senior Class. .Anne’s activities and honors follow: Latin Club president her Sophomore year; Freshman representative on Student Coun cil and Secretai-y her Junior year; Mem ber of Chorus 4 years, and president this year; in Band 4 years; French club 2 years; in G. A. A. 4 years; in Junior and Senior Plays; President of her Junior class; introducer of Seniors at Class Night; on Basketball team her Senior year; and in Bible club last year; school marshal. Bill Hicks has been elected Latin Club president for next year, succeeding Julia Ruth Carrington. Nancy Griffin, incoming vice-president, will plan programs for the monthly meet ing, as Betty Lou Rawls did this year. Other officers will be picked next year. Dr. Nile F. Hunt Addresses Seniors Here Tonight Dr. Nile F. Plunt, of the State Depart ment of Education, will address the gra duates of Oxford High and of John Nichols School here tonight. The Rev. Thomas T. Traynham, Pres byterian pastor, preached the baccalaureate sermon Sunday evening in the Oxford Baptist Church. Class Night was held here last night for O.H.S. Seniors. John Nichols held theirs on the Orphanage campus. Honored in class night exercises were Julianna Yancey, who delivered the vale dictory address, and Anne White, the salu tatorian’s Russell Barlowe, class president, was master of ceremonies, Julianna Yancey read the class history, Lindy Lou Baker the poem, Dan .Averett the last will and testament, and Derwood Robinson, the prophecy. Martha Taylor was giftorian, and Anne White presented the Seniors. Lindy Baker presented the class gift, books for the library costing $150.00. Maroon Wins Over Gray 109-87 Seniors Honored at Parties Fielding Walker Heads Council Fielding Walker will head next year’s Student Council, succeeding Martha Tay lor. Marsha Ray was runner-up. Betty Lou Rawls won over Julia Ruth Carrington for the vice-presidency. Judith Curriq will be secretarj-, and Lelia Mc Farland, treasurer. Marsha Ray and Callie Frazier have been chosen to represent Oxford High at Girls’ State in Greensboro June 15-21. The Student Council will defray expenses for one; the American Legion Auxiliary, for the other. Charles Stovall Oxonian Editor Charles Stovall will be Oxonian editor next year, succeeding Dan .Averett. Bobby Ray will be associate editor, Shirley Currin business manager, and John Cheatham, art editor. The Seniors were entertained at six par ties during the last week of school. Par ties were given by grade mothers, mascot, the marshals, senior parents, and several members of the senior class. The week began with a brunswick stew supper, given by the grade-mothers at Kerr Lake, May 26. Nancy Hix and Linda Knott entertained with a coke party on the lawn of the Hix home May 27. On Friday, May 30, Dr. and Mrs. David Noel entertaining for David Noel, Jr., class mascot, complimented the Seniors at a barbecue supper. ' Russell Barlowe had an outdoor supper at the Barlowe home on Saturday, May 31. On Sunday, June 1, after the baccalau reate sermon, the marshals held a recep tion at Mrs. Jesse White’s for the gra duates. After class night, June 2, Senior parents held a reception at the Woman’s Club for all seniors and their dates. Maroon teams defeated the Gray 109 to 87 here Field Day, postponed from May 7 to 13 because of rain. Boys scored 45 and 45; girls, 64 and 44. Awards were given to the top three winners in the following events for boys: 100-yd. dash, Neil Yeargin, Carroll Pruitt, Donnie Hawks; 60-yd. dash, Calvin Beck, John Hall, Billy .Adcock; football punting, Charles West, Harper Ruff, William Blair; broad jump, Neil Yeargin, Charles Belcher, Nelson Parrott; discus, Wilbur Longmire, Zack Mitchell, Jack Overton; high jump, Wilbur Longmire, Calvin Beck, Dan Ave rett; football passing, Jackie Barnes, Jesse Currin, Claude Morgan. Girls who won awards follow: badmin ton, Martha Parham, Julianna Yancey, Kitty Boddie, Becky Baird; horseshoe, Mary Helen Black,well, Mildred Brooks; shuffleboard, Agnes Clay, Pat Leveque, Frances Larkins, Joyce Blackwell; softball throw for distance, Barbara Reid, Frances Oakes, Carolyn Moss; 50-yd. dash, Mary .Ann Jernigan, Mary Elizabeth Currin, Ruby Newton; 75-yd. dash, Marsha Ray, Frances Capps, Shirley Tippett; 3-legged race, Doris Watson and May White, Betty Howard and Carolyn Brooks, Linda Knott ajid Gwen Hester; back-to-back relay, Barbara Davis and Mary Lou Morgan, Anne White and Nancy Hix, Frances Capps and Frances Taylor; wheelbarrow race, Phyllis Carmichael and Becky Dement, Anne Stovall and Linda Currin, Ruby Newton and Frances Taylor; caterpillar race. Maroon team (Linda Knott, Char lotte Easton, Martha Parham, Gwen Hes ter) ; tennis ball race, Christine Hicks, Eleanor Lewis, Nancy Lawson; volleyball, Frances Oakes’ team and Annie Laurie Dixon’s team; basketball, Barbara Reid (Maroon) and Frances Oakes’ team (Gray). Maroon team won with 64 points; Gray with 44 points.