Happy New Year SCHOOL MON'I'll BY 'I'HL STUI >ILN’I'S OK THI'. OXI'ORI) lll(;il SCHOOL Merry Christmas Vol. XXIV Oxford, N. (L, Deccinhc'r, 1958 No. 2 Intermediate Woman’s Club Plans Cash Awards In Art The Fine Arts I)ei)artmem ol the Inlei- mediatc Woman's ('lub is ottering cash awards lor the best overall work ol art among hijzh school studenis. The awards are .SlO tor first place, ami lor second, Judizing will be held during the Art K.xhibit nc.xl spring. Student.'' are urged to enroll in an art class now. The N, ('. Federation of Woman'.'' Clubs is .’^pon.'^oring a High School Senior att talent contest, ’f'he award tor this will Ix' .'jilOO. to be paid directly to tlu- art school ot the winning student’s choice. There are also three cash awards ot SAs each in oils, water color, and graphic art. Full details may be obtained tnim Mrs. IT W, Keinitz, Itio ihno Cone Drive, or phone 4520. Science Club Names Committees The Science t.'lut) i>l O.clord Hit;h colcii Ht. theiv last meeting lo join Ihe Seieiice Club of America. The club is divided into three com- mitlccs, with Fielding Walker, Shirley Ciirrin, and Thomas Adams as chairmen. Those aiijioinled to hclj) I'iciding Wal ker on the Program Committee ate Kay Uunvell, Graham Clark, Charles Stovall, and George Pal Tarry. Members of Uie Motion PicUire Committee, headed by Shirley Currin. are John Cheatham and Hobby Dickenson. Members appointed lo help Thomas .Adam.' on the Srienec Fair Committee are Floyd Carmiehael, Hrenda Gupton, Nancy l.aw.'on, .Anna Peed, and Hal Pittard. Student Council Divides Work Into Committees The Student Council, ol which Fielding Waflter is prisident, sponsored Homecom ing her.' Oct. 17. Hetty Lou Rawls is vic‘-i)re.«ident; Judith Ciurrin, secretarc ; and I.elia Mc- harland. treasurer. .Mrs. Speed is adviser. Cummitlees with their chairmen anl advisers lollow: i’rogram: Hellv Lou Rawl.s. Mr. Sloan; idiuince: L.Ta .Mcharland. Mrs. Speed; First Aiil: .Amelia Wheeler anl Hetty I low ard, M rs. Pi uitt ; Snriai: Hettc Howard, Mr.', i’ruitt; Point Svstem: Thurman Hurnette, Mrs. Salterwhite ; Honor: J)‘ Wheeler, .Miss Williams; Kiedion; Hilly Se:de, Miss Williams; Serapbook: Julia Ruth Carrington and Christine Hick.-; School Spirit; Mar\ Helen Hktckwell. Mis. Craven. HOMIfROOM RKI’RF.SLN r.A riA LS ARK I.ISIFD HKLOW: Mi.-s Hovd. riiurman Hurnette. .Maty Helen Hlaekwell; Mrs. Salterwliite: Chris tine Hicks, Joe Wheeler; Mi.s,s Hunn; Julia Ruth Carrington, Kay WilliloriL Miss Ave.retl: Hobby Finch. Hetty Howard; Mrs. Moore: Donnie Hawks, Lea Lea Hall. Mr.s. Speed; Jenn> Lind O’Brian, Billy Daniel, Miss Williams: Ttilh Scale, Linda Lilly; cMr. Habil; A'an Wood, Cvnthia Watkins; iMis, Craven. Lynctlc Currin. .Amelia Wheeler; Ml. Paihiini: Harr>- .Averellc, Hiliv Frazier. Picked by Seniors Banquet Speaker - -gj MRS. liARKlKT IM^FSSLKV “French Life” Club Topic T'hf I'l'i'tH'h Club iu'aril ;t pingram iu Novenilici on French Idle, at home and at school, and French holiday.''. The. lopict- were discussed 1)\ ix’lia Mr- FaiTanri. Julia Carrington, and Nancy La ws-on. French Carols To Be Sung A Chri.stnias itrogram in French is jilan ned lor Ihe French club for December IS Seritrlure reading and carols in French will highlight the meeting, announces Hob bv Ray, ))rogram chairman. Senior Superlatives Bevst -All .Around Charles Stovall Christine Hicks Best Looking Jerry Averett Polly Daniel Most inlellectuai John Webb Mt' V'liitr I'riendliest rhiirman Hurnette Mary Lou Morgan WiLtic.s( William L.vtion Fiances Capp:; Mosl DriH'itdablo A ernard King Joyce 1 unstall Most -Athletic Wilbur Longmire Kilty Boddie Most, Talented John Cheatham Belly Daniel Most Likely lo .Succeed Joe Wheeler Marsha Ra\ t.'utcst Shirley Currin Jane Williams Most Courteous Julian Wilson Mary Ftelcn Blackwell Three Report On Student Congre.s8 I DrlogaU"^ irom ONtoid lligli U’poitcd in A.sscnibly Nov. 14 on the Sludc.ni (d>un- cil (amgre?.^ hchl in Chapi'l Hill Novem ber .'*4. The Cmineii w.is lejuesenled by Ideiding Walkei, lielly Lou Rawls, Julia Ruili CarnngLon, and Mis. Tom SjX'ed. adviser. The Council’s keynoic address was given by Mr. Van Pool, Assistant Secretary for Student Aetivitie.s National Association of Secondarv Seliool Principal.^. “So, What!” w-.is Itu' title ot id.'- addieN-. 'They attended a bamjuel at Carolina Inn where Mr. Rov .Armstrong, tormerly director ol aclmRsion.-x at U.N.C.. was guest sjH'aker, An interesting dise.u.s.sion was held on *'Rork;t Your (!ouneil Into Orbit," There were, tour dlscii.s^ion group> on Communi- eations, (iroiind l''oiee.«. I'ueis. and Desti nation.-. Adrs. Pressley Guest Speaker-F.H.A. Banquet Mrs. Harriet Ib'es.''loy irom Raleiglt wa.^ iruesl .''[)eaker at the Future Homemakers’ Mother Daughter ban(|Ue! November 21 in Credit' Sehool cafeteria. (diristine Hicks, h. H. A. [)re.sident. w'as mistres.'' of ceremoni‘.'>. Mr.'-, W. L. Pruitt is elul) sjionsoi'. “Rings .Around IN” was tlx; topic of Mr.-. Pressley’s -peeeh. .As an author and her familv were, riding through (kdilornia on their vatation. the mother explained to the children that tlie trees they ."^aw grow ing were thousands ol years old. When tlu'v. ol t:ourse. wanted lo know how one coidd tell how old a tree is. the mother replied "ipv ecninling the rings on the. inside ot a tree.’' One ol the children asked. “Do we have rings around us?” ‘A e.-tt." was her answer. “In .some count rie.''. people ehooNC to wear their ring^ in their ears, no-'-'C, arms, or around their neiks, but Ameritans wear rings on their fuigers.’’ Mrs. Pre.ssiev contimu'd. “Periiap.s tlui iiisi ring vou remember i.s the ring your mother wore as a .symbol of love. I’er- haps vour first one was your bii tlistt)ne., and that too is a synil)ol ot love.’! (.)ne ol the fust nng.^ Mrs. i’resslcy lemombers w^as a little candy ring wraT){)cd in a piece ol white pa})cr, bearing the inscriplion ‘‘Wear this and be inino for ever”. This j'jng w'as from the boy who sal lie.iiiiifl her in the -'ixth graele, “Rings aianind us as homemakers make U.S mine than mere, housekeepers”, she ex- jdained. \ T'banksgiving motif wa.'' used in de corations. and Pilgrim costumes were worn bv (he waitre.s.ses. T'liev were Linda Da\, Judy Hart, Daisy Hail, Fa\e Hicks, Anne (rlioison. liohljie Rawl.'', Mar>* ( amiihcii, Peggy .\\erette, Claudia (Tnrin, and Iktt) Whitehurst, 'i'luyv also provided the en tertainment . Initiate 21 In F. K. .4. : Betas Vote For National ^ . I, ^ Teresa Currin Senior Mascot Teicsa Cnriin, daughlj'i ol Mr. and Ml-, laitlu'r W. Ctnrin, lias ix'en (hosen Senior mascot. I’ere.-a. a brown-eyed. brown-haired girl. T m the ^xicond grade at. Ciedle Si hook Her playmates all say that she is verv ea.\v lo get along with and tdays from .sun-iiii till sun down. Slie attends Ihion liaptist Church where site is a member of tlic Sunbeam.s. She is probably remembered by some as one of the “real little dolls” in Mr.s. Dolly Lanier’s dancing class. L H. A seniois liave initiated ..’1 new memliers. For the initiation tlu'V wore leed ."aekrt tor dresses, clothespins in their haii', menV work shoes, stockings with neck Motives tor garters, earrings. neeklaco>, hraceiets, and were reijuired to luing their liiila- llOOp,''. 'The new nundiei.- were lequireil to be come familiar with the organization,- con- .stifution, creed, motto, ami tlower.-. New 1‘. H. .A. member,- are IRted below: Syiiil .Averett. Yvonne Mayfield. Hrenda Saunders. XTrginia T'reiU, iLvcrlina .\iken, (jU.''Sic (Airrin. Su-an Daniel. Bi’tl> Lou Dean. Hetty Dement, Sandra Day. Nanev I'arabow. Hetsv Howarii. (ktrolyn Jones, Linda Reece. Wilbra Shearin. Amelia Wheeler. Patrieia Woodliel, Florence Heas- le>. Freifla Dement, Cwon Knolf, and Jo \nn Hoyd. Make Group Picture.s O.xoiiiaii iiltiilomaplK-r Hiailc gmup pit- turc.', here the week betorc I'liank.sghing. Inclivifliial piitiire.'. had been received and eireulaled day.s earlier. The .staff headed by Charle.'; Stovall, with Ifobby Ray a.s a.ssneiale editor, lias prepared tlie lay-out for Ihe '.'9 Oxonian. John Cheathani is art edilor, and Shirley riirrin, hu.sinc.ss manager. Misses Wil- liains anri Waller :ire co-.spon.sors. rile Bela Club met at John Webb’s last nionlli lo di.seu.s.s changing Irom Beta Glul) In N’.itioiial Honor Society. The memher.s voted to eliange il the;, all' aeeepted into the .National. Have Barbecue Hu: ihiver:' ol whom 'Ihurman Burnette, is president, had a barbecue supper No- \cmtiei 7(1 .It tile .Agriculture. Building. Other olTicers are Jimmy I'arrotl, vice- president. and i-ranc.'s Capps, secretary. Mr. Hill i,' 'ponsor. Junior Red Cross Campaign Gets $22 i tie Juuioi Red l .ros.' lampaign in lunior liiati Sehool I'eaiized $72..LL Ml.-.. \\''righl was leat her--ponsor. 'I'lie lollowing amount- were given: Sixth grades.: Miss Breedloves, SLiio: Miss Lson'.-. SI..70; Mrs. S(|uire.s' SI.00. Seventti Grades: Mis.- Smith’s. SS.l.S; -Mrs. Ttionia.sson's, ,$7.02; Mrs. W'right's, $2.4$. Ftighlh tirades: Miss Hulloek’s, $1.42; Mr.s. Kims', ,$1..40; Mrs. Lamm’s, S2..s0.

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