December, 1958 r H E O W L I’age Three Lead Girls’ Cage Team I'T'inu'o Cravi-n (coach), and Kitly Uoddii' Capps Co-Captain With Kitty Boddie Kranccb Capps has boon dioscii b\ iicr teammates to serve as co-eaptaiii wilii Kitty Boddie. Chosen to be managers are l,ue\ Oakes and Rcbeeea Cunningham. Tlib i.s Re becca’s second year as manager. Ouard.s on the team are Frances C'ajtits, Mary Lou Morgan, Mary Elizabeth Cur tin. Florence He;tslc\’, Nane\' I'arabow, Sylvia Clark, and Dana Suit, Forwards are Elouise Horner, Kitty Boddie, Judith Curtin. Barbara Reid, Eiileta Jolinson. Jennie O’Brian, Lynelte Curtin, Gale Squires, and Jane Bla,ckwell. Traveling with the Kittens will be two seventh- graders, .Xndrea Oillchay and .Mma Dickerson. Bethel Hill Wins 12-6 Hclhci Mill edged Oxford High in a hard-fought football g.'uiie liere Noxeuiber 7 i)y the score ol 12-0. Donnie Hawks scored the. onh loueh- down for the Oxford Wildcats in the lirsl quarter. The extra point was missed. Hcthd Hill came liaek in the second quarter and again in the fourth to defeat the Wildcats. There were two funihle.s that hurt. Oxford Highs scoring attempt. Longmirc and Overton were outstanding for Oxford. Longmire Makes All-Conference The Wildcats' .senior left tackle and co- eaptain, Wilbur Longmire, made the I'J.sS District .1 all-eonferenec football team. Wilbur ha.s played on the high school football team three year.s. Me also i)lays l)a.sketball and track, and Is incsident of the Monogram Club and vico-presidcnl of the K.F..‘\. !lc is o feet and weighs IS.s pounds. Last year in the Di.slriel Track meet at Chapel Hill he won first place in the discus and high jump. Southern High The Rebels of Southern High gained a hard-fought 7-0 victory over the Wild cats of O.vford here October ,U. The game was even throughout. The Wildcats started a scoring drive early in the first quarter, but were halted on the 10-yard line. Oxford started many other drives but were halted. Southern’s score came in the third (juar- ter and the extra iioint was good. Outstanding for Oxford were Longmire, Belcher, Overton, Jimmy Frazier, and Williford. November Assemblies On Friday, November 7, the Student Council jiresenled the film “The Court Martial of Billy Mitchell.” Admission jirico was llurty-five, cents per person. Toj) Seniors To Get Sweaters Ot thirteen Senior girls in H.A.A. tlic lop live (those with the most points) will reeej\e ura> and maroon blazers. A najjkin sale will be conducted in the siinng to make money to jiay for the s\\ eater.s. .\t (he regular (t.A.A. meeting the mem bers participaJ' in volley bail, shuffle board, horse shoes, or archery. Sixth Grade Grademothers Mis.. Breedlove: Mrs. C. R, Watkins, Jr., chairman, Mr.s. Roy Barker, .Mrs. B. L. Hightower, Mrs. Allen F. Cozart, Mrs. .Ahis Williams, Mrs. C. 11. Barnes, Mrs, I'. D. Clement, Mrs. David Mix, .Mrs. Dorris Parrott, .Mrs, Cl\ ile .Averetl, Mrs. .Mired Ca.sagrande, Mrs. George Tally, Mrs. Squires: .Mis, W. W. 'I'homasson, Mrs. Joe Breedlove, Mrs. Marsiiall Can- naily, .Mrs. Sam Gris.som, .Mis. 1’. H. Siiitl, .Mrs. T. S. Marlin, .Miss Lyon: Mrs. Joe. Baird, chairman; ■Mrs. George Parham, Mrs. Dick Paynter, .Mrs, (.'. .\. Saunders, Mrs. L. R. llnlehin. son, .Mrs, Da\e .A.shworth. Seventh Grade Grademothers Mrs, Thomasson: Mrs. |, Watkins, Mrs. Ilenr\ Hall. Mrs. Woodis \ aughan, .Mrs. W. G. Ta.Ile.c, .Mrs. 'I'. G. Marlin, ■Mrs. I'. C. -Morton, Mrs. Maynard Gentry. ■Mrs. Wiight: Mrs. .Albert Jones, chair man: Mr.s. Ron Breedlove, a.ssociale chair man: .Mrs. It. W. Baueom, .Mrs. 11. D. Diekerson, .Mrs. M. M. Hughes, Mrs. W, D. Dillehay, .Mrs. V. I!. Ncwlon. Miss Smith: Mrs. H. I). Hedrick, dim.; Mrs. W. T. Bullock, Mrs. .Nelson Thomas, Mrs. C. II. Brewer, Mrs. T. D. (ilemeni, Mrs. 'I'honias .Sneed. Eighth Grade Gradeparents Mrs. Llnis: .Mrs. John Perr\‘ Hall, chair man: Mrs. George T. Curtin, Mrs. Clyde ■Averctl, Mrs. Ra\ Griffin, Mrs. M. G. Green, Mis. Hal Pittard, Mrs. Marion \V. Rogers, Mrs, I.anmi: Mrs. llenr> C. Bridgers, chairman: Mrs. Hubert Cox, Mrs. Vincent .Morton. .Mrs. .Annie Mae Clark, Mrs. F. D. Norris, Mrs. Carmen Pickett. Miss Bullock: Mr. J. 1C Rawls, Mrs. G. D. GIioImiu, Jr, Mrs, C. F. Wildman, Mrs. W, M. Hicks, and Mrs. Mildred I)uiu an. Shows rour Slides i‘lu' ir\. Haul Mattox. pastoK of the Hesli’r Baptist ('hurcli, wa.s guc.^^t .'Speaker liere in ai^sembly, November 21. During the .summer Mr. Mattox went to Hondura.s on a preaching mis.sion. While in Hondu ra.s he made many pictures which he showed to us. Linda (kuaier led the devotion that day. Spark Boys’ Basketball X, . Mm: (’hark's Stovall, ('oach Habit and iCdwin Knott S]:>orts Column (l)y (ihailc.s T’he Senior tootball player.^ of Oxford high played their last game lor their Alma Mater. N()vember 7 against Bethel Hill, when the IQ5S football sca.son ended. 'This was (ioaeh John Parham’s first year as head coach after serving as assistant coach two year.s. The PLS8 -Neason was not so good a.':^ wa.s expected, hut the team did play some ve.i\' good tootball and e.''pccially against the stronger teams. T'he final scores nevei' gave a true picture ol the team’s worth (and we’re not under estimating our op- )>onenls.) Oxford Higli Scliool L especially proud ot Willntr i.ongmire tor making all-ion- leri'iice. in the l958-’.sO loDtlial! season. As the. footliail .season bowed out. Uie liasketliall season was ushered in. Cage practice officially started Nov. 10, with .M Habit heading up the coaching duties. Co-Captains thk year arc Kdwin KnoU and C'haries Stovall. Both boys are sen iors. and they liave i)ia\ed very gool baske.tliali for Oxford High in inevious years. Thi.s >ear fivi' letlernnm returning are Ldwin Knott, ('harles Stovall. David Ford, (diaries Belcher, and Billy Adcock. Other members are Wilbur LongmiiV; Billy Fiazier, Hai'iier Ruff. Billy Danii'k William Lyllon, Ibtbby Finch, Ra\ Willi- tord, aufl David Norris. (ioach Habit and the basketball team are hioking torward to a ver\ .'^uceesslul year. With plenl> ol .M'bool .-pirit and su])port at the games, we leel Mire the. basket bail team will hav e plenty ol suc- Just a.s a reminder, let’s ail attend, all tile games we can and gi\’e the team .support through the entire basketball sea son. author ot this column 1 would like to join the ."ludent body in wi.shing (be members of the Oxiord High basketball team lb‘ iicsl of luck throughout the 1958-’5Q season. Coach A1 Habit Has 13 Boys On Cage Team Oxiord Wildcats started cage practice November 10 with Coach A1 Habit as bead coach. T'he team has been cut to 13 boys, with Charles Stovall and Fidwin Knott as co-captain.'^. Other jilayers follow: David Ford, Charles Belcher, Billy Adcock. Wilbur Loimmiri’, Harper Ruff, Billy Daniel, Bill>' Frazier. Ra> Williford. Bobby Finch, David Norii.s, .ind William Lytton. T'he .^elu’fluie i.'' as follows: Dec. u Oxiord \ s. Oxiord O. at O.xford (boys and girls) Dec . 12 Oxiord \Henderson at Hcn- dei’son (hoys and girls) Dei:, i(. -O.xlurd Vs. Chapel Hii! at Chape] Hill (bo\> and girls) Jan. D- -Oxiend Vs. (iiaham at Oxlmd (hoys and girls) Jan. 1.'?—Oxford V.s. .Southern at Southern (boys and JV.) Jan. ){)- Roxboio \ s. Oxford at Roxboro (hoy.' and girls) Jan. 20—Oxiord \'.s. Hillsboro at Oxiord H)o\s and girls) Jan. ...A Northern \ s. Oxford at Oxiord ■.boys and JV.) Jan. '7 -Oxiord \’s. Oxlon! O. at Oxiord O. (boys and girls) Jan. 30- -Oxford Vs. Henderson at Oxiord liioNs and girls) Feb. ' Oxiord W. Chape! Hill at Oxiord (boy.'- and girls) keb. 13 Oxiord \’s. boulhern at (Txiord (boys a.iid J\'.) I'el). i7--Oxio](! \'s. Roxboro at O.xlurd (l)o\s and girls) l-t-b. 20--Oxford \'s. Hillsboro at Hillsboro (boy?, and girls) Feb. 2-1—Oxford \s. Nortlunm at Xorthen. (boys and girls) I Serving Oxford High Cafeteria “Food For The Hungry” Poole’s, Inc. Butner, .N. Institutional Foods Co., Inc. Ralcikh, N. C. Mrs, Estelle Bullock and her helpers do the rest

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