I’as^e I'our r IJ !■; O W 1, December, 1958 Mrs. Elms’ Eighth Grade Oui had a diaijlax on inactUs at Iho lust ol llu' year. Our Icaclicr askod us to hrina: insects and make a report on lliem. Some of us l)rought grasslioiipers, worms, bugs, beetles, and a little of every thing. This was a di.s|)lay on insects that harm crops. lien I’ace did a project .showing the size of the planets. He u.scd a mustard seed showing the. size of Pluto, Mars, and .Mercury. .A grain of wheat was used for the .size of Isarth and Venus, .rn Knglish pea. represented liranus and Neptune. .‘V pecan wa.s used for Saturn, and a walnut for Jupiter. A basketball was used to show the size of the sun. (Linda Sizemore) Mrs. Lamm’s Room Our class had a party October M. We had cliocolate cake, fudpe, cookies, candy, potato chips, and Pepsi Cola. Ruby Clark and Linda Sanlord were in char^te of the program. Everyone enjoyed it very much. Each person in the room has done a histor\' project. Some dressed dolls, made booklets or covered wagons, carved guns, or iiuilt log cabins. All were very nice. 'I'roy John.^on and A. M. Claybonic cave a very interesting .science e.\perimcnt. riu’y proved whether some foods had -larch in them nr not. Charles Williams and \uclor Sell gave a .'•cience e.xiHuimcnl too. rhe> tested hou much air different persons’ lung.'s ean hold. Everyone cn- jo>ei all the experiments we had. We are very glad to have Linda Wright irom Oak Hill in our room this year. (Reporter: Hetty Whitehurst) News From Miss Smith’s Room There is a very ha{>{>\' person in our room; Mi.ss Smith. She Anally got her east off her arm. She is very good-natured now and i.s always ha})}))'. Our room and Mrs. Thomasson’s room had a part)' Friday 21. We danced and I)laycd records in the gym and had a hap}))' time. We had a })igcon in our room the other day. Ru.ssell Cap})s caught it Hying a- round in our room. It had only one eye, hut it wa.'' ])rett)' just the same. Wc let it go at lunch and it flew away. Reporter, Marv Wells Ruff Sixth Grades Have “Olympics” To ( Id.'-c llicir unit .vlu(l\' iiii aiiciciit (IiTc.cc the .si.vlh grade.-; cil the O.xford High and ('|•('dl^' .School.-; iircscnlcd an Olymiiic.-; in true ancient (Irteian .-ilyle. (,'lad in tradili(}nal armor. Uinie.-;, lyres, .spears, and .shields, the sUideiUs marched into contests, games, dramas, and lyrics depicting .scenes from .Mhi-ns, Sparla, Corinth, and Olympia in times H. each cla.ss rcpro.senling a city-stalc. The Oxford High .Seliool gymna.siuni wa.-5 arranged for the .setting of the eyeiit. Each contest was subject to judges, Homer l.assiter and Lula jewel, honor gue.sls from the State Departnu-nf in Raleigh, and .'Vnnie Oray liurroughs. school .suiier- visor. \'’ict()rs in I he evenls were awarded laurel wreatlis. The following winning firecks were crowned by Principal Bruce Sloan: David Cannady, Linda Cuming, ■Melvin Nance. Ercddie Eorsythe, and Wil liam Boyd. Pu|)ils had prepared Ihese events under the direction of Peggy Waldo, .Vnnic Gray Burrough.s, and their teachers Mary V. Lill>, Mildred S(|uiros, Evelyn Breedlove, and Mattie Lyon. .-Ml projjs and costumes were niad(- b\' pupils under the direction of their teachers and Mrs. Tom Jones, art in.-,tructor. Music and dances were direc ted by Peggy Waldo, accompanied by Mildred Squires, while contests and games were coached by Principal Roy Smith. Pre.sidents of Jr. High Classes Rf'adilur k'll to right: first row: jud) Dean. David (.kinnady, \'ernon Avcrelt. Second Row; Jimni)' Walker. Picot Frazier. David Cunin. Hack row; Pegg\ .Averett, Jud) Hart, Lynn Duncan. My Life Story I am an atom. Some peoirle think that is all there is to it, but they are wrong. Indeed Ihey are! I am a, very si)erial atom. I am an oxygen atom. My friends, Joe .'.ml l-'ied. are hydrogen atoms. joe. Fred, and 1 make up a trio of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Cue.ss what wc are? -V nioleeule of water. It lakes quite a few billion molecules for a single drop of water. One (lay .some ot my triends and I loll from a leaking pipe in our homo. Man^’ trios of atoms bad fallen ahead of us. .■\ dog came (dong and drank up all those beautiful molecules in three big licks. 1 just escaped. 1 sincerely hope that never Iiappens to me. Linda Cuming, Miss Breedlove’s Sixth tirade I Hall’s Drug Store HEAD(;)L ARTERS b'OR SCHOOL SCPI'LIKS GR-R-R-R-R! We Roar Again (Miss Lyon’s Sixth Grade) In our den wa- have (ione a lot ot things since the last issue ol the Owl. On Halloween we made candy a|iples with earamel filling on litem. They were reall, good. We make tliem like tliis: We bought live packages ol (aramei Irlocks, We liroughi a jk)! and a hol-i)lalc to school. Then we pul llie candy in the jioi and melted it until the caramel was thick. We pill a itop.sirlc stick in each apple. We dipited them in the Ihiek cara mel. and Vummy, Yummy, were they good ? One day this fall Mrs. ticorge Duffy came to sec us. She told us altoul Diony- sia, a little tireek girl. She .said that the tjxford Senior Woman’s Club was the foster ixircnls of Dionysia. She said lliat when they first “adopted" her, .she was very simdl and thin. Now .site i.s tall and not .so thin. She .said that Dionysia needed clothes and candies. Some memliers of our class .suggested that we look for clothes and other things at home. Wo Inought (Ire.sses. a raincoat, skirls, socks and other things. Mi.ss Lyon heard Mrs. Duffy say Diony.sia needed crayons, and she told our cla.ss. So, w'e brought her a big box ot crayons. Mr. Loui.s Hutchinson dry- cleaned the clothes for us and we sent them to Mrs. Duffy. We liope Diony.sia will enjoy them. t)ur .-Vnierican Educalioii Week project, November 0-16, was fixing a display about out school in J. C. Penney’s window. Richard Paynter and George Childers were in charge of arranging the items made by our clinss. We certainly do thank Mr. Childers for lending us the window. t)n Friday of .'\merican lidiieation Week wc gave a tea for our friends and parents in our classroom. Wo (lid all the planning, rooking, and serving. Guests were greeted by Gail A.shworth. .•\l tlie register wa.s Luther Carrington, who also directed the guests to the re frcshmenl table where Linda Parham, .-Xmietle Clark, and Lucy Weltb Baird as.sist('d in serving about twenty guests. Goodbyes were said by Richard Paynter. GIFTS FOR All. OCCASIONS George Currin, Jeweler W.-\TCIIES - DIAMONDS CHINA - CRYSTAL DISC CHARMS FRIENDSHIP RINGS Eighth Grade Presidents JHDV HART Jud) Hart, wlio moved here irom Slu- vaii, \va.‘' elected luesidenl of Miss Hul- loekV room. She is an alternate cheericader and a member o! the Junior High ('horu.'^. Wake Idirest is her favorite college, and s})clliitg her favorite snl)jecL She stand> live feet, hve. and one half inches tall, has a.sli-blond hair and hazel eyes. Pink is her })relcrence in eolors. I'hc food slie likes best is steak. Listening to the radio is her favorite })astimc. Her lavorili' entertainer is Pat Boone. i’EtAiV A\ ERETT Mrs. Lainnvs ela.s.s elected as their elass })residenl Pegg) Averelt. Baby-blue is her ehoiee tolor. Her tavoritc food is steak. Rick) Nelson is her favorite recording star: .Anunican Bandstand, her favorite television in'ograni; and 'Tony Curtis, her tavoritc movie actor. Her lavorite s})ort i.s softball. Pegg) has black hair, hazel eyes, and i.s fic'c feet, lour inches tall. DAVID C'.CRRLN Mr.". I'dms’ eighth grade class elecletl as (licir homeroom })residenl. David Cur rin. David is iive feet four, has blond hair, and blue eyes. Cluury ))ie and steak are l)is favorite; ambrosia and beans he dislikes. Hi" choice ol colors i> red. He likes all girls, but his best girl is C'laudia Currin. David enjoys his daily arithmetic classes hut detest.s history assignments, Baseball is Ids favorite s})ort, witli the Vankee.s hi.s favorite team. Red ^.Skins ai'e his favoi'ite lootball team. Mrs. Squires’ Sixth Grade Mr.x, S(|uii'i'.s' .-(ixlh grtidc decided to lidvc ()|H'ii llou.-'C Novemix'r 1-1 since that wa.-; the last dax' ot \m('ii((iii ifducaliou Week. Diffeieiil children brought iieanuts, pineapple juice, ginger ale, cookies, and mints. Mike Zava stood at the front door and greeted the parenfs. David Cannady and Carolyn Wliite greeted them at the next door. Hilly Gri.s.som directed the parents to the cla.s,sroom, and B(tbl)\' F'razier and Mark, Smith ke|)t the rcgEter. .-Xbout twcnl> parents eame. .Sinte the elass has been sliidying Rome, they (lie learning a Latin song tailed “Don.a Nobis Patenr' in Ihice-ixirt har mony. It is a very |)rotty song, Mrs. S(|iiires' intpils are making 1 (luring their luneh |H‘iio(l) Christma.s presents for their patents or rekdive:;. 'I'hey imsist on keeping the names of these presents secret. Mrs. Squires’ room planned a surprise party lor her on her birthday, November LS. Idnda Pleasants’ grandmother made a biflhdax- cake. Each penson was served a drink and cookies made by Betsy Suitt and Judith Yancey. Mrs. Squires w.as presented a box of candy by her class. She xvas very surpri.sed and happy. Reporter, Mike Zava Seventh Grade Presidents JIMM’i' WALKER Mrs. Wright’s room clccled Jimmy W(dk('r a.; t'lass |)re.-;i(lent. He has blond hair, blue eyes, weighs .SI pounds, and i.s -f feet, 0 iiiehes fall. Be.sides his .school activities, he is in- lerested in baseball and movies, cspceially Ihe '‘horror’’ ty|)e. Ricky Nelson is his ehoica- ol vocalists. His favoi'ite cars arc Ford and Chevrolet. He likes all girls, but prcler.s blondes or brunettes. His hobby is using the jig-saw. Spelling is his favorite subject. LYNN DlilNCAN L\im Duncan is president of Miss Smith’s room. Ho lives with Ids grand mother, Mrs. Eugenia Hail. , rail, (lark, and handsome describes L\ nn pcrfeclb. He is .s’ 7’’. with dark complexion, brown eyes and black hair. •Among Iti.s liivorites arc pork chops, the color blue, spelling, and Carolyn Creech. Collecting sitorls pictures is his hobby. PlCt)T ER.-\Z1ER The .'ludents ol Mrs. Thomasson’s .seventli grade chose as their das.s presi dent Pilot Frazier. Blue is his favorite color; tavoritc food, tried ehiekeii. Seienec is the subject he likes best. .CIO P. M. Ls his favorite time of day. One of his great loves is sports. The A'ankees are his favorite baseball lean), Ids favorite footltall and basketball team is University of North Carolina. Football ranks above all other sports with Picot. His lioltbies are collecting rocks and footlxills. Picot i.s .s’ 2", and has brown hair and eves. News From Miss Bullock’s Room We are itioud to have the lollowing iico|)le as our grade-parents: Mr. J. F.. Rawls, Mrs, G. D. Gholson, Jr., Mrs. C. F’. Wildman. Mrs. V\ . M. Hicks, and Mrs. Mildred Duncan. The following |)eo|)le, were chosen our class oflieers: Judy Hart, president; Arch HicEs, \ ice-]iresi(ient; Charles Peed, secre tary; Paul Duffy, treasurer, Royster Wash ington, reporter. We arc proud to have Judy Hart with us. She came from Stovall. We have had some interesting sdeiiec exhibits IhLs iwst month. Some exhibits were posters showing pictures of volca noes or rock formntioas that had been cnl out of magazines; some .posters that had hecii hand-colored showed an inside view ot volcano. We had some vo’lcanoes that xvere made out of plaster of paris or mud, and one map made of salt and Hour showing the mountain regions of the linited States. There were a few posters showing the carth-ciuakc Irclts of the world, and some showed their damage. Reported by Royster Washington

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