DECEMBER, 1965 THE MARY POTTER GAZETTE Seniors Begin Active Year PAGE THREE The three senior homerooms have had active beginnings for the school term with the election of officers for the homeroom and the class, in the participation of varied activities, in ordering their robes and rings and in presenting in October their annual affair for the public. The homerooms have elected their officers which are as follows: The 12-McGhee officers are President, Larry Hamme; Vice president, Lar ry Young; Secretarj', Barbara Cates; Assistant secretary, Marian Bass; treasurer, E^mma Hunt; reporters, Lynn Harris and Bertina Glover; Parliamentarian, Carolyn Lawson; and Sergeant-at-Arms, Donnell Ta- bom. The 12-McCallum officers are President, Lazzlo Hester; Vice pre sident, Carolyn Rogers; Secretaiy. Jackie Umstead; Assistant secretary, Juanita Puryear; treasurer, Charles Kittrell; recording treasurer, Ella Terry; reporter, Ida Johnson, and Chaplain, Wilmer Small. The 12-Hudson officers are Pre sident, Marvin Strater; Vice presi dent, Me Quilla Smith; Secretary, Marie Hunt; treasurer, Carolyn Yancey; reporter, Barbara Brown and Sergeant-at-Arms, Alice Fields. The class has elected joint officers Compliments of Oxford Public Ledger and WOXF Broadcasting Corp. Oxford, N. C. Compliments of Oxford Ace Hardware Oxford, N C. o 0 o O' u o 0 0 0 1 WIUIAMS n DRUG I y COMPANY I 5 5 [] The Comer Store That |] y Offers More 2 0 y n We Fill All Doctors’ J y Prescriptions o 0 y O “Three Druggists To 0 U Serve You” 'i 0 y 2 If We Don’t Have It, n U We Order It For You y 0 y o 101 College Street S 0 Phone 693-7181 y o n 5 L. R. Creech » f) W. T. Dement ]} o Dallas Evans S fl y 0 0 to carry out the duties of the entire class—one joint duty being the writ ing of letters, and the choosing of gifts and cards for the Judges of the Miss America Pageant and the assistants. These officers are as fol lows: The President is Marvin Strater; Vice president, Larry Ham me; Secretary, Barbara Cates; As sistant secretary, Mary Parham; re porter, Barbara Brown; Treasurer, Emma Hunt; . Sergeant-at-Arms, Archie McNeill; and Parliamenta rian, Alice Fields. In football four young men will receive letters for their active par ticipation in football. ITiey are Larry Hamme, Charles Kittrell, Henry Burwell, and Wilmer Small. In dramatics there are many gra duating seniors. They are Emma Overby, Mary Parham, Janice Por- tis, Ha^rold Glover, Barbara Brown, Annie Bullock, Marvin Strater. Carolyn Lawson, Lenwood Flem ming, Martha Daniels, Juanita Pur year, Alice Fields, Edith Hawkins, Mae Collins, Inez Cooper, Jacqu- line Crews, Leola Falls, Ernestine Hayes, Carolyn Hopgood and Lois McAllister. The seniors have ordered their rings for graduation from the Medal Arts Company in New York, and their caps and gowns from the Na tional Cap and Gown Company in Philadelphia. Many seniors have been actively engaged in Student Council Affairs, especially the president, Harold Glover. From the FTA, many seniors could be seen on the night of November 11, at Open House in celebration of National Education week, escorting parents to and fro to various homerooms to meet and talk with teachers and to look at their children’s work. Many F.T.A. members have also kept classes for teachers who had to be away from the campus for various reasons. Theresa Lynn Harris by a wide margin in the voting was elected as Miss Mary Potter for 1965-66. Certainly the student body was a- ware of Lynn’s high scholastic at tainment, her personality and her popularity by voting for her. The public at large was certainly overwhelmed by the very lovely Miss .America Pageant given at the National Guard Armory on Satur day night, October 30. If the re marks and compliments received are indications of the enjoyment; then the talent, the swimsuit, and the evening dress competition was very good. A panel of eighth grade students presented their views on the topic: What does the 20th century teenager most want? Members of this panel are Bernard McNeil, 8G; Raymond Hicks, 8R; Gwendolyn Fields, 8G; Raymond Wilkins, 8V; Andrei Spells, 8W; Bette Brown, 8D; and Shirley Daniel, 8W. The panel discussion is one of the language arts activities under the direction of Mrs. Bessie Redding. M.P. Debaters Begin Activities Library Serves Schooi and Community Certainly under4 the leadership of Mrs. Roberta Ellis Howell, the Mary Potter Library serves a great need to our school and community. It is the center of the school’s academic life, for students come to this area for reading, to seek in formation, and to do reference work. Teachers find this center helpful for recreational reading, for plan ning their work, for finding resource materials, and for viewing audio visual material before class use. Teachers also use this center to bring their classes when they have classes in English and other subjects dealing with library work. The librarian trains assistants; and, in many cases these trainees find jobs elsewhere. This training also gives them thoughts about a new vocation which they may not have considered before. The tasks of the assistants are varied. They process and assess books; they type cards for the card catalogue; they arrange and clas sify books on the shelves; and they serve those who use the library. They also assist in the compilation of bibiliographies. The librarian also gives library lessons on the use of books and ma terials in the library. The librarian is now in the pro cess of ordering new books in the fields of pure science, applied science, English, history, and fiction. Special emphasis is being placed on the literary departments. To dissolve the problems of an inade quate literary department, many novels are being ordered. Since the library’s major concern -is -to increase students’ knowledge of various things, students have been informed that they may request a certain book in the library. The Forensic Society, under the leadership of Mrs. Thomasina An derson, English Instructor, has al ready begun their activities for the current year. Although the final topic has not been issued, it will center around the general theme: “Whal Policy in Labor-Management Will Best Ser ve the People of the United States?” To broaden their knowledge on the theme, two squad members Harold Glover and Marvin Strater, accom panied Mrs. Anderson to the North Carolina High School Debating Union Discussion Conference held at the University of North Carolina, on October 10. This trip contributed considerable information and varied techniques for future debates. In addition to the Annual Spring Debate Triangle Run-offs, the De bating Society plans to attend an other discussion conference on De cember 4, at the University or North Carolina. Sophomores Organize For Year Five sophomore homerooms have helped to increase Mary Potter’s student body. They began the year by electing their homeroom officers, and taking part in various activities. The homerooms have elected their officers which are as follows: The 10-Shepard officers are pre sident, Brenda Joyce Fields; vice president Lafayette Moore; secre tary, Yvonne Peace; assistant sec retary, Doris White; treasurers. Tommy Leatherberry and Iris Tay lor; student counsil, Jeanette Wil liams and Tommy Leatherberry; reporters, Renette Corpening; Ella Louise Umstead, and Velma Petti- ford. The 10-Parker officers are presi dent, John Kerney; vice president, Lawrence Edmonds; secretary, Caro lyn Greene; assistant secretary, Mary Fields; treasurer, John Hart; stu dent council, Rudolph Bass, and Carolyn Greene. The 10-Scales officers are presi dent, Marshall Yancey; vice presi dent, Ella Carter; secretary, Omega Peace; assistant secretary, Jacque line Faucette; treasurer, Charlene Anderson; Chaplain, Steven Powell: reporter, Stella Haythe. The 10-Howard officers are pre sident, Delores McNeil; vice presi dent, P^gy Hunt; secretary, Emma Russell; assistant secretary, Laveme Young; treasurer, Lucy Speed and student council, Delores McNeiL The 10-Ellis officers are president, Alvin McGhee; vice president, Al bert Pulliam; treasurer, Clarence Watkins; secretary, Joyce Lewis; reporter, Linda Falls; and student council, Alvin McGhee. Mary Potter Has Ten Replacements Juniors at >n——in > o Ten teachers have replaced those teachers who resigned at the end of ^he academic year of 1964-65. These replacements are Misses Gloria Hester, 6th Grade; Helen Miller, Special Education; Joyce McCullom, French and 9th Grade Homeroom; Evangeline McCallum, Business Education and 12th Grade Homeroom; Peggy Hudson, Social Studies and 12th Grade Homeroom; Mrs. Barbara ElUis, Science and 10th Grade Homeroom; Messrs. Chalmers Bankhead, 7 th Grade; Harry Brown, 6th Grade; Clifford Phifer, Mathematics and 9th Grade Home room; Clark Scales, 10th Grade Homeroom and Science; and James Paige, Industrial Arts. Miss Hester is a native Oxford ian, and an Alumna of G. C. Haw ley High School. She is a graduate of Winston-Salem State College. Miss Miller, a native of Mount Olive, attended Shaw University and North Carolina College in Durham, and Miss Joyce McCullom, a native of Raleigh, is a graduate of Living stone College. Miss McCallum, a Durhamite, graduated from Merrick Moore in 1961 ^and attended Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee, gra duating in 1965. Miss Peggy Hudson, a native of Forest City, attended Barber Scotia; and Mrs. Barbara Ellis, a native of Lumberton, attended North Carolina College. She taught in the schools of Louisa, Virginia, before coming to Mary Potter. She is married to Mr. Clarence Ellis of Wilson. Mr. Clifford Phifer, a native of Kannapolis, attended Livingstone College. He taught in Concord be fore taking the position of mathe matics instructor and football coach at Mary Potter. Mr. Chalmers Bankhead, a native of Kannapnilis, is a graduate of Winston-Salem State College. He is married to the former Patricia Miller of Kan napolis, and is the father of a son, Chalmers Bankhead, III. Mr. Harry Brown, a native of Annapo lis, Maryland, is a graduate of Winston-Salem State College. He is married to the former Eleanor Elaine Frazier. Mr. Dark Scales, a native of Warrenton, graduated from North Carolina College in Durham in June 1965. Mr. Scales did his student teaching at Mary Potter under the supervision of Mr. George Angus Tyler, mathematics and science teacher; and Mr. James Paige, a native of Prentiss, Missis sippi, is a graduate of Alcorn A and M College, Alcorn, Mississippi. In addition to their class activities, Mr. Phifer coaches . football, Mr. Scales supervises the student council, and Mr. Bankhead coaches the J. V. Football team. All of the teachers interviewed believe firmly that if students study hard, obtain the basic skills, ob serve good study habits, and par ticipate wholeheartedly in class ac tivities, they will get the basic foun dation so necessary for meeting life’s demands. Science Club Makes Plans The Junior Science Club has met to make preparations for the school year. The activities are intended to be varied, and in order to do a thorough job the officers for the club were elected to begin their yearly duties. Those elected are as follows: Wilhemenia Bass, President; Sandy Glover, Vice President; Joann Smith, secretary; Cinda Lalta, Assistant secretary; and Sandra Spells, trea surer. Some of the plans for this group are having one project from each member, going on a field trip and writing it up, and giving a chapel program. There are thirty active partici pants in the club. Reporter Wilhemenia Bass, President