l-'miii i1k‘ Xt;\v Vork OI;f^(‘rvcr. A ^iT4>«V or* BY ][. K. 0. PAR1>KE. A raw, ell illy wiml bfev from fint down oil tlie liida of.,the bed a few iiiiiiiites, iiiul tlreii slio .-said : ‘Well, iSpiddy, we ■ imiet have breakfast and be read}' logo, ami 1 don’t kiioiv but. cousin Ssolo- iiion's will be its good a place, as the soa, and, although it was Au- anv. I wish 1 knew what the gust, the e\*eniiig' was so cool that the tiro crackling in tlio gi’oat fire place was very couifortablo. Two old meii-^brothers—sat on one side of the heiu tli, in high, straiglit- backed chairs; and two old wo men—their sisters—sat ojiposite th.ciii. lletween them stood a round, throe-footed caiidle-starid, •which held the caudle-stick and the snuffers, and around it, like a moth, fidgetted a little girt After awhile the caudle needed snuffing again, and she begged to do it. Site Biniffors in both lier slender little hands and stood on tiptoe to reach. Woful zeal 1 Down came the heavy smiffers and-pnt the light out. ‘d’iiere,’ said Aunt Patience, wlio condeiibod all of tliat virtue in her name, ‘jnst as 1 knew it would bo!’ ‘Xever mind,’said Aunt Spiddy, whoso .voids of comfort tvere swift to follow her sister’s shai-p one; ‘sit down on your little bench and PlI tell you a riddle : cT/Ht, in’tty cortt, a white Ami ii rutl ruse : 'I’hc lou;jt r aht- Htps 'i'he almvttr site grown.” Kittv foldod Ikt liaiids to a so- riout* coiiAiderntion ofsiKth a quoc^r old woman, and somehow, after n.vliiU* .die fnrjyot about hvr, am.! heeame ab.sv)rhtd in watching the stranjye shadov, ^ stretch tlunn- sclves up t» reached tlie .•alls Al till they last she laint the top child I’ aaii] le while ' ceibiig. luirst out witli— 'What inaki.s vou ol' 1 our room black •Wilt', vie don’t Aunt Paticw,ce, dinrply. ‘Wiiat inakes_it so bhu'k tlieii ?’ ‘It’s because it’s so old. This lioii.se wii.s built before tlie llcvo- lution.’ ‘Was it?’ .said Kitty, to whom the lie.'olutipn scenied .:is remote as tl;e Deluge, d’liey were not hsTing (.,'eiiteiinial celebratiovis all tlie time, iiiid slie did not know i'.s miudi about our early iiistory ‘Yes,’ said Aunt Spiddy, taking It], the r'minis(‘ence. 'Father built il li(,-fore be was married, .and w e'vo all (.if us lived hero all our lives.” ‘Why, were you .alive in the Kovolntion V queried Kitty, with increasing amazement. ‘Yes, I’m the oldest,’ .said Aunt .S]iiddv, ‘and I was eight when tlio war broke out.’ ‘Wliat did 3'ou do I 1 should have been afraid.’ ‘Oil, they didn’t h.ave much fighting- near us. Tliey came here once, themgh. One morn ing—it was on Monday morning, tlio btli of .July—.somebody’woke ns, pounding at the end door. Mother called from the window to know wliat he wanted, ‘d lie red-coats are just olf the town, and some say ,they are going to land. If they do, you’ll want to be out o’ tlie way, that’s alland off he rode to the next liouso. ‘Oh, dear,’ said mother, ‘liow 1 wish vour fatlier was liere. W hat shall I do ? Father died in the ivinter, and motlier hadn’t gait us ed to thinking fur liersell. she British were going to do. There isn’t very much in town for them.’ ‘Worried as I was, I (touMii’t help noticing what a beautiful morning it was. I • was.used, to being- up early, but it wasn’t, more than three o’clock, and tiie birds ivore singing as tliougli there wasn’t a trouble in thei world. Vfell, we got the ehildron upi— Jesse and lsa.ao and Paiiopce and the baby—and had oar breakfast. It wasn’t much more than foiu- o’clock wluin a neighbor’s boy came miming ’cross the lots, through the orchard. He said the regiilar.s were coming towards shore in their little boats, and al most everybody wa.s starting- away. Tltefe wore two great ships and forty or fifty little' oues, and they ’d sailed up from A otlt^ and were going to New Haven. Mother liad iiiif her spoons and gold beads, and some bard money, and fatlscr’s shoe-buckles, and an old silver tea-pot and sugar tongs that she set groat store by' be- can.se they liad been her mother’s mother’s; so slie hadn’t thorn to iniiik about.' ‘Where did she hide them ?’ said Kitty. hSbe, buried ’e.m down in a cel lar, in a'dark edrnef. Thiit roiiiid table over there -was buried four ycar.s.’ ‘Why, did they steal tebies., too -I’ ‘No, but tliQY were awful de structive, and tliey’d break aii}-- tliing they saw, ’specially- if- tlicy- tliought ’tivas aiiy-thingjanyliody’d ciiTtf: about-/.and-this is ii very- nice table ; it’s solid -.vood. ‘Well, niotliQi' put some bread and chee.se and a tin cup in a pil low ca.se, and thei-rslie looked all around th'd rooms, find wo i-iway. It -was a dreadful There -n-ere some sick folks, and they had to be moved, for tliey- didn't -want to be left, and thfcre -(voiihlii’t anybody be so haa-d- bearted as to desert tlie.m. There ivere some Tory families, au.d tliev stay-cd at homo. The baby was iniglitily pleased to bo out ol doors.’ ‘Who evas the baby V said Kit ty, looking from one wrinkled face to another. ‘Easter, She -was your grand ma, and a proper, heavy Child, Mother carried her part of the w-a.y, but she wasn’t- very' .strong, and 1 lielped lier, and 1 tliouglit mv arms would drop out, they' aelied so, .Tesso was bigger and stronger, and be would have help ed, but mother sent him to jias- tm-e to get tlie cow and drive it on to cousin Solomon’s. Part of the way' -ive had company': -w-o- meu and children and old men. All who were able stayed behind to fight, ‘The road lay right away from New Haven, and when we had w alked tw o or three miles wo sat dow n to rest, for what with being lip so early and' the worry and the long walk, we were all tired out. It was a real pleasant place, I'iglit in a piece of '.voods. AVe had something to cat, and Faster had a nap, and-th^p-iye. -went on. When wo reached,cousin golo: mon’s, Nan-c.y camp do-wn to meet, us. fjlio said she, had bufai wafgh- ing- for us all, thebmoruing, .for^ some folks going beyond bail tp|J, her the-British w-ere,at lAfost.^a^ ven, a-ad shyglmd been. tvaiTlpd about UB ever sinco. Jesse-camo, by iuul by -vyHh tile- eoty. We stayed tliere three days. Then wp he-ard they.bad,;had,a %ht,; sutd, after robbing liouaes and ,setting fire to »t>r(3B, they had gone away in their boats tovrard Fairfield. Tliey set fire to a good many, housea .at West Ilavea, a-nd motlv er sent Jesse to find out whether ous-’s WK8 standing. When he came back and said it was, moth er cried, she -was so thaiiki'uk She, said that ■ksm the hardest part of going; she didn’t kii,ow wdieiher she should ever sac her home again. ^ . We, (diildren liad a real nice visit. . A?e didn’t get away' very often, and fiousiu Naupy -vyas tiiij kindest, pleasantest w.qinan I .^ver kiie-w. We wqnt home In .an ox cart, and we found evarvihiiig just aaw@ left it,—the breakfast table, and,, all,—only' the, butter plate lay upside down and cracked in . po-nonotiicAS, CiiiiiosiTr. A geiitJeman lii iiig on AYright- viile So'aml.liiis-an apple irqp two or thres years Old, which Ijo tran.s- *1 planted in tho-' early part of the j Veai-. Late ^Ood rains had" fallen, the treq budded afresh and bloomed, and again .presented every imlica- tiuu. of vigijrous life. About a Score of nppio formed on. it and grew- to a good size. ’.nie me, ma’am, I’ll show you wliori tune. tw(j, right in tlie, middle of the kitchen floor. Every door in the house -ft-ais open, and someb.ody had ransackeu tlio oliest of’ draw ers, but wo never iiiisaud,-,.suy- thiiig. 1 suppose they wgrp kkik- iiig.-for mittiey. ' About tyi'o ■ yearn afterwui-d a man came to. the door and aiiked, mother if lie might go up ipfo tlio garret.’ ‘ .'AA'liat do you -wiuit up in my gan-et!’ ‘ ‘J (anno to get g c.oat that I hid liei-o, when the BrlUsli cxime this way. Tho, day was Iso hi>t 1 .had to falco my' coat,' off .find carry it ou my arm. I _^(^uldn’t be plagued with it, so as I was passing luii-e 1 went up inti) tlie garret and hid it in a hole iii tho cliiiiiiiey. If you’ll go up with Tho. tree aparentU',. died, in ■ tho sj'i'ing after some drought came on, and, to all ap- diod. pearances, tlie tree agaii The leaves all withered and fell off, and all the apples except one fell off also. Since tlie rains of the early pM't of last month, the tree Imd ag-lln returned to, life, and n-ow it has not enlyt a full supply of luxui'iaut foliage, but that one .apple is still on it, and tlio tree i.s in full bloom. This is rather an unusual vegetable phe nomenon.-^ WUmmgtun Journal. Ji-K-ESEffiCE OF JIIISD. There is a lesson for niothors oouUiiuod in tho .following inci dents, clipped from aaa old maga zine : “About a half century' ago Mrs. Maiivoi's lived in a small country town in one of tiie Nortlieni States. She had, several small ehildron, and lived in a I'ai'ge Uirco-story house. There wa*) a scuttla-dooi- in the roof of tlie house,' Viith a conveiiieiit ttau"way ’,teadihg 'tb ,it, and tide door was, often left,open in pleasant -W-eatiier. Mrs, Msnveri bad^.a good old iieiglibor hying,oppioslte, or noiu'- ly opposite, in just sucii .a , posj- ti.on, however, as to, compiand a ■good view of Airs. Maiiver’s gar- [e, . ■ o ret wuidonis. , , , One beiiufilul .gum'inor after-, noon, a^.All's.-AiapVers I'JF ed in tlig large,copl hall „'r'oikIng' (bain, neiu-bbor Ctrecn child !-’- 'ftiid Mi'f!: AIativer.s. ‘Wliat sliall we do ? what shall we do. All's. Alanvers ■’ ■ ' Mrs. Maii-vers stepped to tlio door where tbo’cbihl could beai- witliout soiling bor and called as neady in her ' usual voieo as she could, ■ ‘.\iini6, come iSi now, de.ar! Afo h,- r wants You could almost kOo tbe throb bing of lier heart !*he lintcned. I ' Ita,'thti come patter ing down, and now tlio child stands by her yido. ‘Thank (rod !’ ‘^rhaiik God!' Green, ‘and don’t liai'd upon, the dear child, Miss Manvers.’ I don’t recollect whether Annie was very severely punished for hai- temerity, but 1 do know that sli8 never ventured to take walks upon tlie top of the house again. TIiObo facts I can voiicli for, as tliG little Annie of fifty years ago now occupies the euine chair and writes with tho samohand that Ido.' echoed Mrs. lot’s bo too C'b&Sdrcsi ai CIsus'vh. ’tlB.’ other went up, and sure enougli!—li.e took away two or big stoneS; and there lay his captuiii’s coat, just where he put it. It wa.s such a bunch of wrin kles i don’t believe it ever did come smootii. We’d been uj) there time and again, but we’d n I * rance of calmness as she, entered Iievei- tliought ui any thing being .g.-^ there. Ho couldn’t have hid it in one of our city chimneys. Motlier brought out some wonder cakes and cider, and they had a long talk about the war.’ ‘And did anybody find the beads and the other things V ‘No, motlier looked to see if tliey' were safe, and tlien she loft them tliere till peace w;a3 declar ed, for we didn’t know but the British might oomo again.’ AA'ith a warning click and whirr, tlie tall clock struck iiiiife, and tlio four old people foldeii their hands and bowed thefi heads in silent prayer. Tiie fading cm- bois were carofuny buried, and slec]) and silence blessed tho an cient roof. Aiiticip.ated' sorrows are har der to bear than real ones, be cause Christ docs not support us lui-dcr tlieip. In every slough we 'I'nav sue the footstep.S' ol Christ’s flock who have gone bofere us.- hej- babq to. slepp, ueig-hbor G're'en ciune, runniug’ ill 'biit of breath and pale with ail'right; ‘Oh, Mrs. Alanvci's ! your AVillio and ,G,eor- dle are a-teeforiiig out o’ the gar ret wiiidq.w 1 they .'have put out a Icpg bpard iiiul oiie'isdu thC out side and t’other—' Airs Alaiivers waited to bearno more, but made Ij^i^w.ay as best shot .could up jtlids'e long, long stairs, and piittnuf on an appear- A[y dear boys and girls of the .Sabbath school, everywliero, in tho city and in the country', wo -would ui'g'c you all to attend tlie [ireacliuig of the AA^ord. Tlie sab bath school is not enough. ‘The gospel is to be preached and must be lieard. Tlie children may' Jioar' and, understand it. Dear young-plb6ple do - 11(1^ tuni your backs iipoli Jegus. Afeet liim in the public ‘Cijiigi-egation. Listen to his ministers when they' preach. Do not' merely move about thedoorspftbeeliurch, in they gallery' or -the leeturo room : but go into'the pCiv with y'(i>iu'father'or motlier," get into the.-Clnti'cli with your lieart, fully and forever iiisidc the kingdom. How beautifuF it is to see a c'dng're'gatiob where lliorc are cliihiren liere'and tliere, jilentv qf them, all through the cltnrcli, from the 'steph oftlie piilpi't clear back to tho doors ! The singing would be sweeter, the preaching nfoukl b(i bfettor, and, best of all, everything won Id'be happier, aid itiore like Jnses.—Lililg Banner. the gar I (Hily want AA''illie.’ And taking- hold of tlie end of the board where Geordie -K'as sitting, ‘Come in, Willie; mother wants you, now.’ AAJiat she did with the boys; wbon she had them safe, I won’t say ; but she was an .excellent woman, and whatever she did was right. It might have been two or throe years afterward, the same Mrs. Green mada-.lier appearance at Mrs. Alanver’s door in pretty much the same way', only w'ith a face rather more 'terror-stricken ; ‘The . Lord have mercy upon us, MissManvers ! little Annie (wlio, by'-tlie-way, was a special favor ite with the good neighbor), your little Aiiiiio is walking- on top of the house ; I saw her just iiow walk out to the end, lean her hand against the look over !’ ‘Al-ji'ciful God, clumney' and How TO Khmove AA’ARr.s.— AA'^.arts are not only very' troiiblo some, but disfigure the hands. Onr readers will tliank ns for calling' their attention to the fol- lo-R'ing }>erfect euro, o-i'cn of the largest, without leaving a scar. Take -a small piece of raiv beef, steep it all niglit in vinegar, cut as much from it as will cover tho wart and tie it on ; or, if the ex crescence is on the forehead, fasten it on with strips of plaster. It may be removed duringtlieday »nd ])ut on every night. In one fortnight the "wart will die and peel oft'. The same prescription will cure corns. iirestrvo mv “Afariar,’-’ remarked one of the horny-handed sons of toil to Ids wife, “pears to me it t.akes a sight o’ calico to n-ake you a dres.s, those hard times. Can’t yer econ omize witli one of them ar pull- b.aeks tlie city gals iVe;)!'1” It was then that Jlariah fired the bread-board at bim and remarked tliat slie wasn’t “g.iin’ to stop tlio c'l'uul; tion of bioul in her leys ifor no bald-lKaade.l ol.l nem:-,- !i.i;'u!.m ” I '■f i