VOLUME I. OXFORD, N. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER G, 1875. NUMBER 40. ZION’S LANDMARKS ON MASONRY. Zion's Landmarks makes three mi.stakes in one article. 1. The Editor mentions the Orphans’ IhiiENO as “a paper published in the interest of the Masonic Order.” The Masonic Journal of Greensboro is “pub lished in the interest of the Ma sonic Order.” The Orphans’ I’liiEND is published in the inter est of the need}’ orphans of North Carolina. So far as the Masons are concerned, we intend to com mend or condemn them, accord ing to their good or bad behavior. 2. Zion's Landmarks says, “The Bible does not endorse this insti tution, or even hint at its e.vist- ence.” Well, does the Bible en dorse Zion's Landmarks, or even hint at its existence I The Bible is silent about cotton, tobacco, ])Otatoes, telegraphs, rail-roads, &c. Will Zion's Landmarks ob ject to them I But the Bible does “hint at the existence” of Masonry. It makes several state ments concerning Cyrus the Great, which can not be explain ed except on the supposition that Cyrus was a Mason. The same is true of Boaz and of his grand son's wise grandson. But then so far as Masonry is concerned, file Editor of Zion's Landmarks is not competent to take a “liiut,” and he ought not to bo so posi- ti\ e. 3. But here is ’another mistake: “W'e supi’o.se that none of them, eiiliei' .lew or Gentile, us Masons, e\ er use tiie uauie of Christ, or tue New ’I'estiuueiit.” Botli Jews and Ciiristiaus meet in the same lodge anil feeling a sincere affec tion for each other, they treat each other with courtesy and kind ness. The Jews believe in a Messiah yet to come. Christians believe that Christ has come. Yet they work harmoniously as ^lasons. Gidy three things are done (or at least ought to be done) in Masonic Lodges. These are the exercise of brotherly love, the relief of the needy, and the dissemination of important truths. In these labors all men (however widely they may differ in politics or religion) may heartily unite. A few evenings ago wo attended service at the Moravian church in Salem and heard an excellent sermon b}’ the good Bishop. He prayed for God’s' blessings on the efforts of all denominations to do good In the world. His prayer included a petition for the divine blessing on the Editor of Zion's Landmarks. Yet these men differ on many important points in the ology. But we are glad to know that each prays that the other may be zealous, useful, and faith ful. Yet it may be that some Masons are unfaithful to their God and do sometimes go into idolatry. If so, we are sorry, and beseech them to “sin no more.” Some would probably be unfaithful if they were not Ma sons, and so their sins should not be charged on Masonry. But we are very sure that Jews who ai-e Masons, would be sorry to see Christian Masons unfaithful to their Christian obligations. Ma sonry never interferes with any man’s religion, nor even encour ages any man to disregard his re ligious duties. Now in order that we may bo sure of doing no injustice to Zion's Landmarks, here is the en tire article in large type : *Zeal Without Kitowledg'e.* Under this heading, the Or phan's Friend, a yjaper published at Oxford, N. C., in the interest of the Masonic Order, makes com plaint of a communication recent ly published in the Landmarks which treated Free Masonry as ,an idol. The Primitive Baptists are pe culiar in not fellowshiping this order, and are counted strange by many in so doing. Almost, if not all other denominations, in both rank and file, fellowship that organization. We have no objection to others uniting with this fraternity. They no doubt dispense many kindnesses to the needy &e. We make no opposi tion to this. We contend that men should do acts of kindness, whether the}’ are Masons or not. It Is only wiien Primitive Bap tists become identified with them that we object. Why ? One reason is, because the Bible does not endorse this institution or even hint its existence, as we be lieve. Another reason is we esteem it idolatrous in the sense that it ig nores Jesus Christ. How I There are a great ma ny Jews that arc Masons. The •Jews universally and invariably deny and reject Jesus Christ. The Masons use the Old Testament in their .services—have a chaplain, and thus assume a religious form : yet they have many Jewish members who openl}- deny Christ, and we suppose that none of them, either Jew or Gentile as Masons, ever use the name of Christ, or the New Tesfament. If this is not idolatrous wor ship, what is? Their Mediator is not Christ. If it is anything else it is an idol. Yet it must be something, for they call on Ood in some form. How can a Primitive Baptist fellowship such an institution ? If any come to us bringing not the doctrine of Christ, we must not receive him, he is Anti-Christ. If any of our members go to an institution not holding Christ the head, of course he goes out from us, and must be to us as an idol ater. It looks to me that the “Zeal without knowledge” is manifested in another quarter.—Zion's Land marks. CAPTIVE StTNBEAMS. There is probably in the whole volume of Holy Writ nothing more tnily humbling to the pride of the human heart than the words, ‘The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be ; and that which is done is that which shall be done, and there is no new thing under the sun.” For even the haughtiest savant and the most enthusiastic inventer must admit that all the vaunted discov eries of our age are but more or less successful to recover what has once been possessed by man, but lost by his ignorance or his misfortunes. It was the boast of an eloquent writer that the poor est Eiiglishinau enjo}’ed in his cottage a luxury which the great Caesar had not in his gorgeous palace—the precious|panes of glass in his window. Now we find in Pompii glass in abundance and of a quality in no way inferior to our own ! There is no comfort we enjoy and no luxury in which we indulge, which was not known to Assyrian voluptuaries, as there is no invention, the boast of our ages, which had not been discov ered, in its first genu at least by the Chinese. It becomes us, therefore, to be careful when we lay claim to an undoubted addition to our knowl edge or our power. The tele graph surely looks like an entire ly new thing-, and we stand fairly aghast at this moment at the news that a company has actually been formed to lay a cable in the Pa cific Ocean ; and, by connecting California with Japan and China, to complete the magnetic current which man’s hands will then send around the globe to carry his be hests wheresoever he chooses. But did not Shakespeare’s Puck, perhaps unconsciously, foretell the marvellous achievment when he merily boasted, “I will put a girdle round the earth in forty minutes ?” A like quaint fore shadowing of a quite recent in vention Ave find in the fabulous archieves of the good people of Abdera. They had built for themselves a splendid council- house and forgotten only a sm.all matter—the widows. But they made ample amends for this little blunder by the ingenuity Avith Avhich they remedied the evil; they sent out men on the public square to catch the rays of the sun in bags, and then, opening the latter inside their halls, illumined their council-room as fully as they desired ! lYe laugh at the apparent non sense. But Avhat Avas it that the great French savant, Saussure, did ? He placed boxes of com mon pine-Avood, Avith a top con sisting of a single sheet of glass, into the sunlight, and soon saAV, to his great satisfaction, that he could thus collect Avithin the box, not exactly light, but, Av-hat Avas more to the purpose, heat to a considerable degree. He could easily raise the temperature of his miniature hot-houses to ninety- five, to one hundred and ten, and, by taking extraordinary precau tions, even to one hundred and sixty degrees. The phenomenon, then beyond the reach of science, is new easily explained. Every body knoAvs that the solar spec tra contain three different varie ties of rays, of Avhich some bear light, others heat, and still others have contain chemical poAvers, and that each kind of rays acts differently when forced to pass through transparent substances. Some pass through one, two, and even three thicknesses of glass, Avhile others, having suc cessfully passed through one, are stopped by the second or third. Thus it happened that certain rays among those Avhich Saussure had imprisoned in his boxes could not pass back through the glass cover and radiate outAvard ; they Avere literally captured sun beams. Noav this Avas by no means the first time that eftbrts had been made to capture sunbeams. Salo mon de Cans, a man of Avoiider- ful knoAvledge and great inven tive power, had long ago devised a pump Avhich Avas to be driven by the rays of the sun, but, Avhile the draAvings Avere found in his papers after his death, the de scription of its detailed Avorking Avas nexer discovered. Tn the eighteenth century, also, the same idea Avas eagerly pursued by men of science, but on paths Avhich put all practical use out of ques tion. Their desire Avas almost exclusively to concentrate the rays of the sun by mirrors and lenses in such a manner as to ob tain the greatest possible heat. It was, in fact, then also not a ncAV aim they pursued, but only an effort to rediscover the famous mirrors of Archimedes, by Avhich he hoped to burn a hostile fleet. Enormous lenses were specially manufactured for the purpose, and Buffon finally succeeded in burn ing a pitched plank at a distance of one hundred and fifty feet. The result Avas extremely curious, and excited the deepest interest in courtiers and men of science, but it led to no jiractical usefulness. In our days, hoAvever, noAv ef forts have been made to utilize the rays of the sun for various purposes. Our OAvn great Erics son spent many years of his ac tive, useful life in examining this important question by the light of his extemsive knoAvledge and long experience. It is not likely that the man AV'ho has rendered his name illustrious by all he has done for applied mechanics, in dustry, and the art of Avar, should have become a visionary and in dulged in groundless hopes. Yet, he announced in a letter to a friend in SAveden his discovery of a certain method by AA'hich the rays of the sun could be directly and profitably employed as a mo tive power. There can be no doubt, even Avith our as yet im- peifect knowledge of this prob lem, that engines set in motion by hot air, or by chemical com pounds like ammonia or ether, may be readily constructed so as to receive tueir heat directly from the sun. A Frenchman, A. Mouchot, has made this subject the aim of his studies for many years, and an nounced to the world not long ago his perfect success in “setting captive sunbeams to Avork,” as he quaintly called it. His apparatus is of the simplest, and in certain details copied from that so suc cessfully employed by Sir John Herschel at the Cape of Good Hope. It consists mainly of an air-tight vessel covered Avith glass, and a cylindrical mirror of metal, which serves as a powerful re flector. Employing no other heat but that which he receives from the sun, costing nothing, and in volving no possible danger, he manages Avith the greatest ease to boil soup, to distil wine, and even to roast meat. Like all practical inventions, however, this use of captive sunbeams also has at the very beginning met Avith practi cal difficulties. One of smaller importance is the bad taste which this remarkable heat seems to give to eatables ; it appears that certain chemical rays of the solar spectra have this disagreeable habit, and hence the simple addi tion of a layer of red glass, Avhich intercepts them and prevents them from reaching the provis ions to bo cooked, jirevents the incoiiA-enience. The other obsta cle lies in the scarcity of the sup ply in northern regions, Avhere the sunbeams are not so abun dant ; hence the invention must needs be confined in its usefulness to southern lands, Avhere, fortu nately, the sun is liable Avith its heat in precise proportion as th# earth is niggardly in supplying fuel. It must be added that the sanguine inventor expresses his confident hope that ere long he will be able literally to copy the good Abde rites, and to lay in a supply of captive sunbeams to be used on cloudy days, and to be carried to less favored regions. The main usefulness of such an invention must, hoAvever, be looked for in the various branches of industry Avhich require large motiA’e poAver. Wherever large quantities of liquids are to be evajiorated, as in salines, distil leries, and sugar-refineries, the application of solar heat in large proportions Avould in itself be of the very highest importance. The most difficult problem, hoAvever, remains yet unsoh’ed: how to obtain from the heat of the solar rays an actual motive poAvor to perform the work now rendered by ordinary steam-engines. M. Mouchot kas not yet succeeded in constructing an apparatus which can store aAvay the immense cal oric AA’ealth sent us by the sun, so as to transform it" in actual poAver. He has, lioAveA’er, estab lished beyond doubt, that this is theoretically possible, and all that remains to be done is to make _ it practicable. Even in this direction something has al ready been accomplished, for the inv’enton has actually built a pump AA'hich is set in motion by the heat of the sun. He proposes to adapt it to the Avants of East ern lands, and if he succeeds, as there seems to be every reason to hope, it will be a beautiful and striking illustration of poetical justice to see the same sun which burns and scorches those arid re: gions, compelled by the ingenuity of man to water them anew and change them into fertile fields and smiling gardens. Mr. Spurgeon, addressing his theological students recently, said: “If any student in this room could be content to be a newspaper editor, or a grocer, or a fanner, or a doctor, or a lawyer, or a senator, or a king, in the name of heaven and earth, let him go his Avay.” A lady missionary in India has converted a whole neighborhood by simply inducing the people to wash themselves. Cleanliness once established, a marked improve ment in morals at once followed. Tameness.—Quintilian, speak ing of a certain author, says: His greatest excellence was, that he had no fault, and gi*eatest fault, that he had no excellence. Dr. Emmons says: “Stylo should be like glass—perfectl}’ transparent and very little sash.”