Y VOLUMK 111. OXFOKl), X. C., WKDXKSDAY, JAXU.AKV 10, 1877. XUMlJKli 2, TmK -l-MO KSMi’iittS. Tlicre went two reaj"M-s at ivinrn, .Sti-oijy, e;u-ii(*:*f incii were tiicy, IJ-'iit 4‘aeh at liis ajipoiiiteU ta>k, Ti* lahiir tliriuiyii the t^ay. One hiial liim m llie valley, ^vlietc Uii.ie stni.d t!i- ^crain ; Hr re!i])ial, and hmmd it into ?hcavrs, And s.ui^^ a ineiry strain. And lo ! the otlwr takes hi? stand. Where rolls the battle's tide. }Jis we;tjn)ii. late So clear and bl ight, Witii sanguine g"ie is dw d. And furiously ia- iraitiplep do-a n And 1.1}s theripi^ corn low ; lie is dentil’s reaper and lie givt’s A deatli for every blow. To which of these two earnest men Mo.'.t honor slionld we «ivi‘, He who clcsiroyn. or works to sare The food, wiiereby we live ? And t y the 'id:ihty Judge of all Wiiicli, think ye, is Hhiiori'cd ? ■Which deems lie I e.-t f’r men to use, nicker, or the stcord f TSIE 4>i^ iti4:SS hJ-.SS, WliO ;ire tlide Kiriirs c.f Bu.'i iies.s—tliosf inirr.iwiK'd Lii'-.'iiiicii' '!'tlie nindfMi v. >rlil ' Wii.it .ir- tiii-y i Vv'liei’o (i.i ..rlijiTiiiir ; Bv wiiMt (1* ac!-in!!:i liit.B tlie.se' n'lViil 1 cseiircvs :■ i. what fesjieet d.i iliev hill'. !r.M tiie iiivn win) atteiiijjt a si.iiilai career and fail oat (if the c nils, diaabjed and defe.ited I Is i. tlieir virtue or tiieir -.vaiil .if viitu. tliat t^ives tiieai sii.-cess f 'ihic.s. are iiiterc.stiiio' questions, lieeausi. these men are the iiiastei's of oui modem world. Tliev .‘anx' tin purse ami jiav e\crylio.land i. is apparenti v a laxv of nature tint! the hand wiiicli signs the eliech wields tile jiower. .\s a rule, tliese K'ligs of Bus- iaes.i begin life near llie botto-.. of wiiat is called rlie social scale, d'ii'^X' geiiei'.iil V liegia very p .or (Irabb Ivibiuso.i r. cords licit tic I,lie Lord Boutl.jc.iipc.n aindie.! to tile Bhsiiop of idaici.iTf f.iv ad vice liow to iiidiig op ids s.m s'. lliat lie vvouid get lorward in lie world. ■■ ! kno'.v of Imt one wax ,' lepiii.'d tile bisiiop: ■‘Give liiin parts and povert','.’ " 'ifell tiieii,” .Slid tile f.itiier, who was noted f.r iii.s free living, “it God iias o'iveii iiim pari.', I will manage as to tile poverlv.’’ A lotner I'ingiish iiobieiiian, f, n'd Derllx'. m'iitioir i-d .1 c ii'.ons I'lrcn nsniece i.i p.dnr .1' ,i .afii-.'i.i tiling snperl.itivelv vveil, and iheii . tliev keep on doing it better ami j lietler. Xear Pitt.slni'g tiie:\> is | tile great Caailiria loni Works,; widcii eiiqdoxM seven 'liousand 1 1 .lid I a: I to vour poxveis and meal fhioose it well. It xoii liave a tarn for i.nproving me liia-ed of si.ei j) or pigs, do if; t. if \oa dote upon a iiorse, raise a colt to i li -at !)e.xter. It it i.s in vou to !e, ail ' xvrile a liook, write it. it science one Go .'|ia.ix-..|aujra-cts ymi, imi’.sne yonr fivorile cret ol s U'ii a | lirancli. It pnlhic die and i n- dex elojiinent of business as fids ' .n irlai fame allure x on, run f -r a xi.siiof asked of ilu. I’resi.iei.t xdon and ruling spirit, Daniel .1. idol' per.S'ons in ninking steel rai iron—a g'real town oi peopie, 111 the Service “ tV nat IS tile I. if natnr,; iuis gilied x'ou witli soidal laleiils and a Irieiiiilx’ heart, tlii'ow open will,- X’oiir iiouse ami elil.-ifain people ralionaily and li,ni..lsonielv. if tile sorrows ot tile [loor ami tlie orphan move von, iiass iiappx dax's in heiDiug iliedi lieli) theni- selve-. If xim desire to found an iiisiimiion, do it. Don't liixe It done alier your dealii. it you bequearii monex’ lor [mbiie oli- jeets. give it- w'lliiout condilions. io all instil utioii w Ideii lias sliow ii Some liglit to e.Mst bx' iiaving e.xis'ed. 'I’ii.ni may it i.e written illion your graxestone, ol X'onr urn, it vou prefer creimni m ; “ I'liis person having fairlv woe cel'ar. 'idle si.npie s.-ere! Ihepighl to Idsyinie, S-h i>p _ a iiobie liobbx’, mid I'mie it ivoriliiiv hi the lestof Ids il x's.'’—Jdiite, I'diton. liJ.i.’sr.iU'.'S VHJE. liis whs: ‘‘ Wu have !W) ."t.'i'iL't. We alwav.s lr\' ami l)eat our last baU’h of raii-b Tiiai’.s .fil liie se«'ret Wvf’ve irot, and we flou’r cai'e wIk; knows it,.’’ In Piiiladelphia, liciirv Dds- stofi (fc SwHs sah live tons of s.'iu'.s .-very day—iUt iiiiuiense (juaiiiitY. ;»!' ,\ saw isS vrr\ (hlii ai.d PoUy VIGO'S aii'o iie lau-ded ou [jiese siiores, a;^'ed Ihui'lei-n, irh • lis larher and sister, a*:d, two lays afu-r landing', liie I'atiiei' tilled, i axina’ thosk-tx\o ni-jiiiaiis .iloiie in a sirau^^’e laial. lie -voPk iu a saw .su.ip, and i)\' aud O',' lh-i>'an iiitsine^s {hr iuoiseif in a sioaii o: ins nnir .'i-ious !,.:'t'soi-rir\' is rii:;l • le .ru-ied s.-i’A •; To i;-,;- vi-rr ut •1 I'too.-ir, il itlt faeorx' ancl orai-tic-.'. aiid h ai'oe'} Uo.x tsi mako heMin Sivv.s than bid ever been niaiit. -'vlhre. \V\iv are the Itoths-.-hild■» llir 'ir.'xt. bauker.s i( tile world ? Be- C.insi' i-i a iiusiueSsS vareo)- »{ ou-.- huiidred and two x'ears, the\ iiavr level' i;-ii!ed to keeii an enu'-i^'e me it. V> hv is tiie CiuMuica] (kink in Xea' York tin* nn'St S'dni and jiiMiltfihh^ ba-ik in AiinTicri r i)ecause in the p.inie ol’ Wiieli all other i>an g'ol I it.r ihv-'ir b.mk did vVhen ^'ohi najseiiTed ' lot(.‘S ‘•r an- w IS at le oi i:s iT tile int'-r. ..s ee, notes, ’iex'er 2Sd, if d' ana askf. d n th.il has Vo. ili.o Jc- is ecpnx'aieni in thi ll; ai'lej \ '>rk. if dio id en V- i^jtiierd.s o.i a t il. i) : ai ;iT a /.OiiU: lag'--, Gei nimi uni was ilieir sqiintier, ric'i in 1 )vt '.'d, anoti ■i.,(l the rldr. versinv. I'm emploxei. u -d .CKS and iienls. 'out sc .reel aide to read um! write, mucii ios- to keeji ids oxx ii nec.nmls. Bui f x'».'ii(i!rc lo siix i.e knexx' s icep, knexv iniid, knexv imirkels, knew woo!. It is an iirq.iesli.nniliie f-icl llnit liotii i'l Aiisii'ali.i and .tnieiiea tliese b uiul- rs ol' imge business .ire, ns ii rule, unieitered ii.en, w'lii'se indlege 'Mus a imi/.u, iiard, long gT.-vitnie wiiii ma'leiinl tilings. It is also true tiiat tliex usualix take hold, v.-rv enrlv in die, of s i.ne plain work licit lies iimler their liose.s, and Keep lo tnat iiiitd it is.sue.s-i .1-. efiiing huge am! .iiagniiiceiit. it is essouiiaiiv th'.' saiim store xvirli all the.se Kii;g.s of Bu.sine-.s. Tliev loai'ii flow to do some one 1. X on litlx' hollars in gold. Wnv i vE. n.-i 1 nsni'iii ee G.unjniii v fl-irlfoi'd tile lir.st oi iis kind .V ueriea ? fSiiiip)'.' b ■i'.-ui.c-, af tile gnsit dies of X.-w i’orllan I, Cnii'ng'.i, B-ist'in ..vinu it nad un-.l.n'takeii a ■gaged to d I—p.cd ils !o.s-es. iVlien G"i nod ins V’en.l.'rbilr, a' eiglileeii, ie;;]-oed ticir to id.ii iiaii bum iixxardod file conn-act hn S'lrvex ii.g' siipiuios !o 1 iie dif'F'r- -, lit foils in Xeu "I’.irk ii--r!i. r, ne starie.l wilii a .loiiish ne.g. lie nail (iis.I,lined lo compete huo nie otiii-r i'.o.itiii-in in i.ri--e. Icni Inid off. red to do ll.e XX'oI'a on jost ierncs. idle eoninds-'iii-.. , on- serviii.g ills surpri.s said f.; id n, “ Doii'l '. -Il know wii\- ue liaxe given i.ds e-mrraet to xmi'" " Xo,” rep-ii.ui tile x .iillii. Whx’, il is lieeaiuse ix e want that busi ness done, ai.id ive know voii’li do it.” Ill the wiiole world I do not iiedeve tiiere can be found a business dfl V vears old widcli i.s men first enter upon a course, liici'j may li (o t.xcile their fears. 'I'in nxer, aboxe tlie rapids. iiiiet as a sum her sea^ L Kinch 'pour iiarh on tliat river 11 is lirighl, sineoth, beautiful an glassy. '! Il, I'e is .i ri,,ple at lie; Il -xv. 'I he siivcrv w.ike x on ieax e behind ahds lo x onr o j i\ - meiit. Ibo'.x'ii the s.reani x on glide, oars, sails, and liel.n in proper trim, and you .set oui .m . oiir pleasure e.'ie.ur.sion. B-.iddeniX', some one erie.x oui il'om the li.ilik, "Vou ig me. , -diox'!” “What is it:'” The riipihs are lii-io'.v X’ou,” “ila! l-i I We iiaxe heard otlhe rapids, but (X e are sneii joojs as lo gei then-. It we g',1 too fast, then we siial. sieer to die .slioi'e; wo '.xid iioisi liie sail, aii-i sj e.ul to iand’ 'i'lu n .11, l.ox s; doii’i Oeahinned; tneres no danger.” “ V oiing' men, all i\’ tliel'e ! “w liar is it f “rile iiijiids are Oelo.v X (Hi.” “ii I XV e 11 1 lUgli ami qiiaii': ail t'iin_- deiig'iit us. 'A'i.at aie w e lor the Uilure I Xo iiciii (■v.,-1- saw It. biiliicie.it i.ir the hax i&i-iif.vil liiereoi. 'Vewi.i eiijnx' life w iiile \x ti max'. di.ne enoligti lo M.er (lilt ot datig'er wnen '.ve are saliing sndliv with the eiil reiil.” “Vouiig; men, alioy !” “'Viiat is it 5” ‘'B.-xvare, beware.' Tile rapids are below \ on. Xo.v vou see rile xvaiei' foaming ail around. Bee how fast \ou pass that poini! Lqi willi the helm ! 'I'lini ! I'liil Iiard ! (j iiek ! quick ! puil tor not foiiiide.l on tile prin.ripie of;.''"'*' ii'-'''"'! 'hi B'e blood rendering an eipdealent tor a li I “ -'""'i 'i'*' nostili.s, and tlie tinif it ri'ceiv. s. i otiestx is ilie I' .ek ii;.-oii vvidch ail eiidui'ing siieees.s re: ts. t -e Very first o x'oiir tlamglus a il f'eeiing.s on waking in llie morning Inixe lieeii trained m li-e to God; xoii batlie upward, aim eonie down cleansed, co il, ealni. and poised in spirit, vou will find it easier ail dav long- to g-,, riglii. Ill] to keep a sweet mind; von wiii lie cliildren ol light ; and \ m xxill lie nioi-e likelv to reniaii cli idicii oi ligiit tiirongli tin w.iole of tile dax'. ' lint if, morn mg' after inoi'ning, x'ou go on iviriiont preparation, iviilnm definite aim, xvuiiout communioi witii (Jod, little bv linie x'on xvil gi.'t diilied on the spiritual side, and more and more li.-rv o.i tin worldiv side; vou wiii lie sxvi'pi ,iway liy daily excifcnieiit ; a-id liy and by x iiu will iiax e a !oi g and d.ileiuli repeiitanec, and ii irying to get back from x'om lilacksiidings w ill go tlinuigli ilia e.xpei'ience wiiicii is so needles': and so unbecoming. Init nnlia|i pily so comnion, in tiie follmvers ot tiie Lord ,J-.siis Glirist. IVk. tlie earliest hours of llie iiioniiii.i from day lo dav to see lliiii.gs i; liieir large reiaiioiis, i i a spiritiia iiglit, and in tile pure, elear at- no.s|,liei'e ot die conscious preseiici of God.—(Jliurch Union.. I'OXVK.S ««i-- itSttittlTO wssow. A’e call ail liecome larger tlun we are. Tile ii eii ilnit liax'. ciijiacities, tile me i licit liax'i oucr-g'H-a?,- 1-1-itt- mem that have i iiropiifsivc, forcefiii power t. riieni, liav« the alnlitv, as it seem: to me, to enlarge themselves am to eiiiarge tii.-mseives in imbl. lireclions. 1 d-iii’t think tliat an' it us are to day ]nst where w* .vere x esfenlax' or siiall be to- nioirow wlieri' we are to-iiav. 1 liiink manitind are enlarg;ing, 1 mink xxaie gioxxing liettcr larger in out sy mpatliies; I liiiiil ilie gi'eat splendid sentiment o: nipnaniry is at last coming to giv. di'Qiiiiioii oi' men': h'; ■ood ang'i arc .Make inoiiev, tlier. f iny bx' any lionorabl... me.-iiis wiilii.i x'.inr I'eaeli and x'our abilii'V. lint wiie.'i XOII iiave '.von nei-.'pend ence. Veins st.uiii l.ke wliipc.ird iipi.n ihe iii'ow ! Bet liie nia.ss ! Innst tlie sail !”—.kb, all ! it is too late, too late !—fSelccfi'ii. i;.4 55i.v t.'4 'rsisj .•sxj.i£.\5r^'«. 'I’i; xvil hdr, am! Ilia imm first liour of tlie moriiing rudder ot tile dax. Jleii s..'t ue, I c,.;u;nil a graxe idn against tlieni- IX' one i Si.'ives who sleci) away and stupefy can do that, but a l.obby, suited j the early hours oi the day. It .Uin'„er mem fi cari'iage meielx', rile true thoiiglits. ! iie |■onlil!g ill—..ng. i . of pitx', an gels 111 nierex , angels ot alfin-tio: —and these represent more ticii fhey used to rejirei-ciit in oldei ti lies. Xow liie father ill a faniiiv is imier tile laxv of growlli, as voiing ii'ees ill tile centre of groves an under the laxv oi groxvth—for al men wlieii tliev seem (jid to vou. wlieii liiex' seem old witii file ag. if iortli y.eai's, oroffifrv vears, o; ot sixty years, or of seveiitx' vears, • ire imt nersciv plants in the greet world of being; tiiey are not ling cd X ct ill aiix' measurement of llicir vears, Xo'x-, x iiii iic v take die latlior of a la idly, and lie can g'l'inv era Idled or lie can grow agreeable ; lie can grinv griitf, or he can grow- suave. lie can ad vance in tile wax's tiiiit are sweet ami amiaiile and jileasant, or in wax s rli.itare tlierevors,..—Church Union. liSJP.liiil.Xl.i .4.x ACtli JEiUT. Most of oiir readers are, doub;- leS:x. familiar with the unecd.ote of Xewton and Ids pet ilog D.:;- moinl. Alter tlie publication ot Ills great work, the “Frinciida,” Xewton turned Ids attention to ciiemistry, spending a long, time in ils stiidv, and wriiiiig out Ids observations and discox-.erics. One day, xx’lien the pldlosoplier xvas at chiircli, D amoiid tur..ed over a iig'iiled caudle, xviiicii set fire to all tile iinpcrs on x' iiicii Ids work was written. Wiieii Bir I.'iinc icttlnicd and f nind tlie ciiarred lieap, he e.x- c aimed, xxllli ad.idrable se.if- c mmaii 1, •-■( ill, Dlaimind, l.'ni- 111 mil, tliou 1 tile tldiikest iie niscliief riioii il 1st d iue C Bn! .lie pld!oso|)iier'a grief ui .he n.s.- it li'is work is said to iiaxe atfec; .-.d ills liiain, for tiiougli lie live.i ,orty years after tiie aeciiieiit, ami iidj|isliei.l si.‘veral editions of i i.-: works, in; never nia le f.nv inoic g.eat discoveries. We liave recalled tiie imiilenf 1,1 order to Coiitiast its effect vviiii he Infinence of a si niiar aceiuei.t O'l an Ameiiciui jti ist. Jill ioJi, i:io ’’b'aar; '.jouisiaiia eieete.l E-fward Lix' ngstone to rtvi; e tlicciii'rLvx stem: ■f criminal law of liie Bliite. -'Veccpiiiig tlie trust, iie gax-c diii.seli for two y.airs to the piep- .ratioii of a ode of crimiiiai law, n botli tile Frencli and E'lgiisli l.ingiiages. lie Inid gixei) tiie i.'ial loticlies to tile mennscriot, V copy, fir llto printer, lutd 'leci: nadc, iiity or sixty pages of'ivideb vere in Ids liands. O.ie idglit, Mr. Livingstone sat qi to one o’clock to tiidsli tite t sk of comparing tlie txvo pap-er.s, ie retired to rest, tiiKi in two or liiee liours xx' s awoke bv the ry of liie. lie ru.slied to (he .vriting'-riui.ii, wlici e it 1> td lirok ni lilt, to find b itli dr. ug it aiid copv • t Ins code reilnced to ashes, .Ireat was iiks flismax', though liitwnrdly th,! sermiitv of liis de- neaiiorwas iinnifflad. He sootited lis wife and daughter, vvlio xvere ill tlie greatest disti'e.'f.s at the loss, ind tlie idg'liF after tlie accident vit U]) until llireeo'clock, Xforking •o reproduce tiie bixrut code. was tlieii sixty years of age, imt ill two years lie Inid conipieted tlie reproduction of Id.s g-mif xvoi k- ■ 1'\x Idcii an Eiigli.sli pirist said .iiat if sliowed Livingston to lie “tlie first leg'al genius of modem rimes.” .^Youth's CompUnian. Binging to Covv'.j.—Oo'v.s are sociable, and imdeixstaiid more tlian we suppose. Tite wtiy I came in possession of titis clioie.e bit ofkn ► vle.lge, ''fim and I is.sed to singe to our inm'.s. Ticev knevv veiy quick xvlien we (diangcd from o:ie tune to anotlier We iiave tried tlieai repeatedly. Wiieit we sang suiter cliurdi Itv.nns, rliey’d lop tiieir ears down, lo.-lc serious and cliew tiieir cud verv slowly, reminding me—no irr.'V- erenee meditated—of nice old ladies in c.liiire!i, listening to the words of tile |ire:iclier, vet ail rile time miinciiing cloves. Tiieit we’d cliaiige to some q liek ail,. “\ankee Doodle” or rlie like, and fhev xx ould sliake tiieir licads, open tiieir eyes, biink at sis .‘i.* miicii as to .say. ‘“Stop, doti'f you know we are tlie deaco-it’s covvs7’' ■ But xvlien we xvonldsro'ii ontirelx , every cow woidd turn lier lieaii a.s it'askiirg us t.) o'l) on xvith our singing. If it was ]ileasant, Wc genei'aly sang togetiier throttgf; tlie entire milking. I loro the- dear aiiimfuls tliat add so miioii to- our comfort. IJovs, will you not be kind to the cows.?—Canada Farmer.

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