ORPHANS’ FRIEND. Wednesday, K-'eSiruary 14, IST'J', ri:pokts uy the teaciieus. The orphans are divided into Four Graded Forms, each in charge of a teacher, whose report is printed every fourtli weeic 'Idle highest nmnljer is 10; tlie lowest is 1. When (lie average is below o, the orplian is lialdo to he discharged as not “promising,” and therefore excluded liv the regulations, 'riiis paper contains the report made by the teacliei- of the riRS'S' FORM. the freiglit or not, in sending by rail-road or steamer, mail tlie clerk’s receipt tliat we niav know whore to find the box, if lost. 7. Watch in the Okpiiak.s’ FniENO for the report on every box and lielp us correct any error you mav' discover. SpelUnfj.—Ltuirali lici'iiliain.Iiizzio Ci>tl(m, Miirtlia O.-ilIin.s, Liiiwttuii Diclihison, t^Iary (l-iri'is, JtrSeph Hulsey, Ibthiu Lusley, Mucy Marsliull, Thdinas Phillips, Pittman, Lizziu Starns anl Josephine Vinson. 10. JDiriu'tt CliambcTS, Lizzie Chambers, lk‘t- tie Uarris, Lizzie Perry, Martha ThompsuTi ami Mary Tayler, 0. J^aiira Biiniliain, 8. Headin-g.—Laura •Bernbain, Lizzie Cotton, Jlartha Collins, Lizzie Cliambei-.s, Mai-y Gar ris, Beltie Garris, Joseph Halsey, 'J'liomas I’liibips, William Pittman, Lizzie Starns timl Jose]>hine Vinson, 10. MiU'.y Marshall, 0. Lanrali Bernham, Bnrncit Chambers, Lin- wootl Dickinson, Edna Lasley. Lizzie Perry, Martlia Thompson and Mary Taylor, 8. ])e]iortment.—Adolpluts Btill, Laura Born- ham, Mary Cosby, J^izzie (hjtton, Martba (hdlitis, Lizzie Cliamber-s, Mary Gari’is, Jos- epli Halsey. Edna Lasley, Macy Marshall, AVesh*^ Patton, Lizzie J’erry, IblUi Story, Mag,tj;ie Sides, Mary 'I'aylor, \\'illiaiii Tarkin- t'lii, Mary Tiirrior, Daviil Turner, Josephine A’inson, 10. Martha I'hoinjtson, 9. Burnett Chambers, Thomas Phillips, Wil- ■1 un Pittiiian, 8. Vunctuality.—Lanrali Bernham, Lrmra Bej-nhaui, Lizzie Cotton, Burnett Chambers,, Jjizzio Chambers, Ijinwood Dickinson, Maiw Garris, Bettio Garris, Edna Lasley, Macy Marshall, Jjizzie Perry, William Pittdiian,, Ella Story, Maggie Sides, Lizzie Starns, Martha J'hompson, Mary Taylor, Mary 'J'uruer and Josephine Vinson, 10. Ad.Jpluis Bell, Mary Cosby, Jo.seph Hal-, spy Thomas Phillips, Weslry P.-ittou, William Tarkentim and David Turner, 8. Attention to Work.—Lizzie Cotton, Martha Clolliii.'i, Binmett Chamhers, ].,invvood Dickii.- •son. William J’ittmau, Maggie Sides and Mary 'J'urner, 10. Lanrali Bernham, Edna Lasliley, Lizzie Starne.s and Martha'ruompson. 8 Arl(»l[)hus Bell ami 'riiomas Pitiilip.s, 7. i Mary Cosby and Mary Ga'tris 0. ‘HOW TO rviOA’EV.” 1. 'I'ho Banks arc very kii'.d Mild dll nut chai’gc the ui'pliaiis t.ir acc.iiiainedatiiiiis. Ghc*cks ;ii'c, 1 iici'ehiie, must dcsiraljle. 2. Best Oflico ei-ders cost, vein little and ai'c very convenient. 3. When checks and Post 01- iice oi'dei's are not in reach, let ters should he registered. 4. W’hen you enclose a check, tin order, or money, tell the names of the cotitributors. If from a church, or Sunday School, give the name, denoiniimtion, and Ihist Office. If from a Lodge or Society, give the mime, number and Post Office. IJo not say from “ our church,” or “ our Lodge.” 5. if the Orphans’ Friend fail to report the arrival of a letter, bo sure to write .again. G. Direct your letter.s to ORPHAN ASYLUM, 4-tf Oxford, N. C. Slow TO SEND A BOX. 1. Be sure tlie box is strong. 'I’lien fill it with something w'hich will not spoil on tlie way, and which will bo worth more titan the cost of transportation. 2. Never put in the same box articles which will spoil eachotlier. Home-made soap is always needed here ; but it sliould not be put in a box w'ith sugar. 3. Do not put in any cand\y prize boxes or fire crackers, or jjowder. 4. Before nailing on the top, put in a list of the contents with names of the contributors. 5. Mark on the box ; Orphan Asvlum, Oxford, N. C. G. If convenient, pay the freight; but, whether you pay S1«W TO SEND A BA«}. 1. IVe will fnruish bags at any time for Viikiahle contributions. 2. Let tlie bags he strong and [lilt in ibeiu such articles as will not he injured h\- rough handling, or by boxes piled upon them. 3. IVith the clerk’s receipt for the b;i.g, mail a list of contents and the names of the contributors. 4. Mail V on tlioba^: Orphan Asylunij Oxford, N. C. 5. If the Orphans’ Fjuend fail to report the ai-rival of the bag', in a reasonable time, send a letter of impiiry. G. ii you Avish the bags re turned, say so in A'our letter. —Tlie list of articles credited to lTiilvno\vii” in Hist week’s issiui, we Inive found froin a letter since rccei^■cd, were contiibuted by tlie folloAving per sons : Mrs. A. M. Clark, 5 blankets; T. H. Clieriy, oG yds. Avorsted dross goods ; M. iStei’ii, 40 yds. AA’orsted, dress gooilvS, 4 vests, 4 liats, 5 ])rs. shoes, .1 lot gloves, 2 wool scarfs, 2 hoods and 1 scal'f. Henderson, C., ) February (5, 1877. f Mr. J. II. Mills—Dear Hir:—En closed please tind a D, (). Order for tAvelve dollars, a collection Avliick Avas taken up iu tiie J^piscopal eliurch iii ileudorsou, oii Sunday last, for tlie Orplian .iVsyluin in Oxford. It Avas a great jdeasure to mo to place before our congregation again the claims of the orphans in your ciiarge, and i was not a^ little gratified to ]'ccci\'e a resjionse, Avliich J rt‘gard so liberal for our iieopie, scai'cc as money is. It is my pnrpo.so, iu the course of this month, to take up a collection for the same benevolent jinrpose in tii‘ Episcopal cliurc-h in Williamsboro, wiiicli will be remitted to you as soon a.s it is mad('. AVTth be.st wishes and prayims for the Avelfarc of the institution over whicli yon jU’cside,, J am, dear sir, Laithfnily yours, V>TLin.\..M kS. Dettiurew. ‘LaTTLS: itlATIt:/' Linos aflectiimatoly inssrilK’il to .Mr. amt Mrs. John Ifibotoau, Cary, N. C., BY F.KATO. Tho darling Katie, potted child — The little tnio •*!» not Thy Father called her t(» liiin.self— Thou cansl nut know In’ what. Thy precious Katie is not dead^ She lires high uj) in heaven, And sweeps her tiny Sngers o’er The harp that God luith givhi. No tear shall ever dim ,her eye ; No pain shall heave her breast, But in tho household of our God, 8he shall seenrely rest ! An angel band witii .shining wing Came for tho precious child .- AVhilo gazing in her sweet young face They must have softly smiled. Then gathering up the woo, wee one, AVbo was as fair a.s tliey, They flitted thro’ tho ether blue, Away ! away ! away ! N'lw, huid the angel hosts tliut throng The gilded courts of heavhi, Aud with immoiial hands atliuio The harps that God hath glv’n, There is no sweeter, fairer face Than darling Katie’s there; No richer voice, no sweeter tone Sounds thro’ the ambient air. And o’er tho parapet of heaven, AVe fancy Katie peeps, To see if grandma and grandpa Arc climbiLig up the steeps. Are coming up to find her there Ainovig the angel bainl, She’s looking out for pa and ma And Charlie—in that laud. Dear friends, although thy bursting hearts Sigh for this treasured one, And tho’ thy once glad home is now So sad, so still, So luue; Although tliroiighoiit tlie W’oary day Her baby Yuico is missed. And when the night comes on, thy cheeks Are tear-‘dcvVed aud unkissc'l, Forget all this and look to heav’n, Thy loved ones join that throng, AVho fill tile highest courts above, With sweet redemption’s song. Talhj Ho, N. C’., Feh. 1877. THU TXKH^I.ATTHK AXH TfilJE «KTIIA]\S. It-is po.ssihle to land in Persia within a fintiiight after leaving- London, and conseqently within twenty-tliree or twentv-four days iifter leaving New York. “The simplest, quickest, and best route is by Fiizali, though it is not the; most interesting. Those who fol low the adopt it abandon the Dantibe and Blach Sea for the A’olga and. Ca.sjiian; Erzerinn or 'Litiis Armenia or Georgiti for the forests of Gilan. It is only this ])iirtiouhir route that fort niglit can be made to siiffio for the journey from London to a Persian seaport, or vicevena. Yet, in sjtitu of rnodern improve ments and progress, of steamers and locomotives, Persia itself has undergone but little apparent change. 'Phere, the old fashion charpar or taipar traveling re mains as before; wliile, at tho several caravanserais and post- Itoitses, ninch the tho same figur es as of old present themselves to the stranger—clothed in tlie same dress, reared in tho same convictions, uttering the same sentiments.” Eoiiti'iliiitioiis l« tile Di'i>3i:iii Asj- liisii ;i,t Oxforii for ttao week cinl- iiig I'cSiriiary 14tSi, isrr. IN 'C.VSfl. Paid $22. 00, Airs. S. ,J Hinsdale’s Exhibition iu Eay- eifeville. “ SlcO.^O, Ladies of Newbern torwarded by tretis- nl-e-r of St. .Jolin’s Lodge. No. 3. “ .5.00, Rev: L. K Willie. “ 2.75, Roanoke L.ida'o No 20 L “ 12.00, Rev. W. S. Petti- g'-'-w’s congi't g,-i- i a at II( iideiso:’. “ 20. 50, Siloam Lodge No 178. “ 21.00, (.Irphans’ Eriend. “ 4. 75, Aliss M. J. Sutton’s collection. “ C. 00, Eureka Lodge, No. 317. “ 1.00, Dr. Cash. “ 2.00, Rev. E. Dodson. “ 3. 00, A. friend in Char lotte. IN KIND. Clinton Lodge,N().107,l chemise, 1 pair drawers, 2 skirts, 20 pairs cotton socks, 19 pairs yarn socks, 1 quilt, 3 yds calico, 1 sack, 3 vrhite sliirts. Jlr. 'rijomas A Harvey, 3 barrels flour. Mr. W. G. Renn 1 bu peas. Mr. Henry A. Ta3'Ior, 3 bus pota toes, Mr. Lynch, I J gals, buttermilk, Miss. JIarv" Antis 2, prs socks. J E Burroughs, 1 barrel corn. Tho folio wing persons have paid for tlie Orphans’ Eriend for one year: AV H & G W Hobgood, Gran- dy & Bro., J J Gilmore, F PI Jones, A Nowell, Mrs John L Britton, Mr B S Barnes, W W Deanes, Miss Decinia Pegriis, R H Battle Jr., Clarence T Stokes, Master Jimmie W Graves, J B Brewer, H C Moss, G W Blount, H G Conner, 1’ A AYoodard. AV J Harris, L D P’armer, p’ AA^ Barnes, D Cameron, Dr. J PA Miller. P'or six months.—Aliss M E Harrison, Addie Hardy. Correspondents so often ask what the Legislature lias done for tho orphans, that we fiitd it neces sary to keep a standing answer to the anqtiiiy. The Constitiition ol North Carolina says : ‘There shall also, as soon as practicable, be measures devised h\- the State for the establishinent of one or more Orplian Ilou.ses, where destitute orphans may he cared for, educated and tauglit some business or trade.’ Et’ery member of the Legisla ture, before takiny his seat, sol eninh' swears, “tha‘ lie will sup port the Constitfit'ion and laws f the United States, and the Consti tution of the State of North Ctiro : lina, and will faithfully dischtirge liis dutr' as a member of the Sen-; ate, or House of Representatives.” Both political parties have been in power since the present Con stitution was adopted, and the only a])propriation made to the orphan work wa-s tlie gift of the crajio used tit the funertil of Gov- enor Caldwell. 10-tf. HcsoSudojis of t3ac (vi'asfid Lodg-c Adopted Dec. 3d, 1875. Resolved. 1. Tliat St. John’s College shall he made an asj-luni tor the protection, training and education of indigent orphan chil dren, 2. 'I’liat this Grand Lodge will ajtpropiate $ annually fc-r the support of the institution ; but will not assume any' additional pecuniary responsibility. 3. That this Grand Lodge elect a Superintendent who sliall con trol the institution and solicit contributions for its support from all classes of onr ])OOpie. 4. That orphan cliildren in the said Asylum shall receive such pre|)aratoiy training and educa tion as will prepare them for tise- ful oceu,patiou.s iind for tho usual business transactions of life. Adoitted Dec. 5th 1875: Resolved, That the Suporinten- lient of the said Orphan Asvlnm shall report at each Annual Com- mnnication an account of his officitil acts, receipts, disburse ment, number -of pupils, &c. together with such suggestions as he may see tit to offer. “Resolved, That tho Master of each subordinate Lodge appoint a Standing Committee upon rni-sing funds for the Orphan Asylum, and require said committee to rejtort in writing each month, and that said reports and the funds recei ved be fowarded monthly to the Superintendent of the Asvlum and that tho support of the Orphan Asylum be a regular order of business iu each subordinate Lodge at each conununication. 4. All churches and benevolent organizations are requested to cooperate with us in tlie orphan work and collect and foward contributions through their own pro))er officers. Here are the resolutions: Resolved, That the sincere thanks fo this Grand Lodge are hereby' tendered to many benev olent ladies and gentlemen, to the ministers of the gospel, to cliurch- es of variotis denominations, to Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Good Templars, Eriends of'Cem- peranoo, and othe.i benevolent societies; whose hearty coopea- tion and liberal contributions iiave rendered timely aud valua ble assistance iu the work of aineliuroting the condhion of the orplian children of tlie State. Uesolved, '1 hat all benevolent societies and individuals are here by cordiiilly iiit'ited and request- e I to cooperate witli us in iprovi- ding funds and supjtlies for’feed ing clothing, and educating -indi gent-and promising orphan chil dren, at the Asylum in Oxford. ■A L VKUriSEMEKTS. WIL-MINGTON & WELDON KAIL KOAU MAIL TRATX8. Lea\’C Di^pot daily (Sun- days (‘xcopip.l) at 7.35 a in. Anivo at Goldsboro. 11.50 a m “ Knfky Mount tS.OO p m “ ^ Weldon 3.50 p ui Leave Weldon daily at 9.50 a in. .-ViTive at Rocky Mount 1.1.35 a m! Golilsboro 1 .37 p in. “ Unjoij Depot G.05 p ut. EXPRESS TRAIN AND THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Union Dept-t daily at 5. p lu. Arrive ut Goldsboro 11 4 L. m' “ Rocky Mount 2.0 a m, “ Weldon (:.{K)j+ n,! Leave Weldon daily 7.(K> ]». m. Arrive at Rocky Mount 9.00 p. m. -Goldsboro |2.50 a. m. “ ^ Union Depot G.i'iO ,,1. Mail Prains make close connection at W(‘l- cl(.ii fuT all iii.iiits North viu Bay Lino ana .-\ciuia Orcf'k 'routes. E.vpress J'hnn? connect only with Acqnia Cieek route. _ rs^PuRinan’s Palace Sleetiiuir C'ai-s o'n tlii.? Traill. 1 reigh’t Tra'ins will leave "SVilininL^ton tri- Aveelily at 5.00 a. m.. and arrive at 1.40 p m JOHN DIVINE, •General »Supei-iu»eiKlent‘ ^i,EAEOARD (fc ROA'NOKE RAILROAD. Portsmouth, Va., Jan. I 1875. On and after this date, trains oi this Road will leave M’eldou dail}', 'Sundays excepted as Follows: •'Dil Iniin at 4 p. m. Xo. 1 Froi.ght train at 4 a. m. No. 2 Frei.trht train at 8 a. m Puesdiiys and Fridays at at 8 a. m. ARRIVE A'r PORTSMOUTH. train at 7,15 p. m. No. 1 Frei^dit train at 12, Noon. No. 2 Freii^ht train at 4 p. in. Ireig]>t trains liave pas;-en,ger oar attached. Steamer for Edentou, Plymouth ami lamlhiK^s on Black water and Chowan Rivers leavi's I'rankrm at 7,40 a. m., on ,^Moudays, Wednesdays and Fridays. E. G. GIIIO. Supt. of Transpoitation. RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD. MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Ralei.trh 9.30 a. m. Arrives at WtddoQ .3.00 p. m. Leave.s AVoldon ]2.40 p. m Arrises at Ralei.i^h - - 5.40 p. m. THROUGH FREIGHT. Leaves Ralei,u:h * - - 5.00 a.m. Arrives at M eldon . - - 5.25 p.m. L 'aves Weldon - . - 5.00 a m Arrives at Ralei^rh - . 5 15pm C 30 a ui 12 7 p m RALEIGH &L AUGUSTA AIR-LINE. Change of Schedule to take effect 6.00 a m Monday, Oct(d)er 30th, 1876: Trai.n Moving South. Ti-nin leaves Raleigh Arrives at Cameron Train Moving North. Train leaves Camc-ron Airives at Raleigh - . _ „ « hj All trains will ajiproacli and pa.ss R. &. I). P. R. N. C. Division crossing at Cary with caution. 20 niiuutes for breakfa.st .it C'ary. JNO. C. WINDER, Sup©rintend‘»nE 1 00 p m 6 40 a m lOJJK afiOMES. The following fancy ORNAMENTS eout by mail, ]>ostagc paid: I pair Wall Brackets, 7 x IJ, $L75. 1 “ “ 7 X 10, $l..50. 1 “ Side “ 10xil,$}2 0O. 1 ‘ Corner “ 6 x 12, $L.50. ] Match Safe, - - 3 x 5, 50 cts. And many other articles, sucIj as WATCH STANT.)S, 25 cts, Small Brackets, both Cor ner and side, 50 cts per pair, Yarn Winder, 2.) cts, Photograph FraniJis, '3x5, 3x4, 4x7, 50 ct.s 75 cts, $1.00. Address DAVID L. ROPER, Deep Creek, Norfolk Co.. Va. g E R K SHIR E PIGS, OF PURE BLOOD, AND THE • BEST FAMILIES EVER IMPORTED TO THE UNITED STATES. Entitled to entry in the American Berkshiro Record. Constantly for sale. Prices at 10 weeks old, delivered to Express, $10 each Heliublo pedigrees luriHshed. T. W. HARRIS, l-6m p. . Pitt.‘boro, N. C. I^. W. O W 1: N , DENTAL SURGEON, OX4’OKl>. ]\. C. OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE Special attention given to replacing full and partial setts of teeth on gold, silver or rub- aug9t.hl875—I.3:-hf her. $150 MASOmC JOCJUIVAL. The cbeapo.^t STRICTLY Masonic paper published in the (Juited States ! Eight pages, thirty-two broad columns aud only $1.50 per year, six mouths 75 cents. E.^''Keliab!H Agent.s wau'ed to canvass ev-** cry Loilge in the UiiiuMl Stales, to whom tho best terms u ill be given. I’.nelo.se stamu and, liJdrcss E. A. WILSON, Greensboro,* N. C.