OEPHANS’ FEIEND. HEPOlfi'l'S IfV TEIE TEACKEKS. Wedncstliiy, October 10, 181 7. ORPHAN ENTERTAINMENTS. Wishing to excite more interest in the proper education of the young, to explain the design and management of the Orphan Work, and to visit needy orphans by the way-side, I. purpose to go with a chapter of orphans from the Orphan House at Oxford, and give FREE ENTERTAINMENTS at the following times and places.: Falls of lleiise, Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 7 p. m. Brassflekls, Thursday, Oct. 11, at 11 a. in. Bullocks, Friday, Oct. 12, at 11 a. iii. These appointments have been made after careful deliberation and extensive correspondence. But friends mati change the times and places, provided I am duly notified and there is no interfer ence with the general schedule. The party will need the usual meals, and food foi three mules. Where there are committees on the Orphan Asylum, they will be relied on to make all needed ar rangements. In the absence ol committees, other friends are re quested to do so. A church, ora large hall, should always be pre ferred for the entertainments, that the people may be comfortably seated, and perfect oi der preserv ed. J. II. Mills, Supt. The orphans are divided into Four Graded Forms, each in charge of a teacher, whose report is printed every fourth week The highest number is 10; the lowest is 1. When the average is below 5, the orphan is liable to be discharged as not “promising,” and therefore excluded by the egulations. This paper contains the report made by the teacher of the TSItSESR rOKM. —Rev. Thos. Ogburn preached at the Orphan Asylum, last Sun day afternoon, from the text, “Be y’e therefore ready also ; for the Son of man cometh at an hour wlieu ye think not.” lie told the children that the way to be ready was to bo always doing the work that God had appointed them to do. Ilis sermon was solemn and impressive, and rendered pecu liarly appropriate on account of the great mortality that has pre vailed among children all over the State for the past year. Mr Ogburn is always eagerly' wel comed at the Asylum, and all were gratified at seeing him again after bis long absence from us. He will preach in the Asylum Chapel the first Sunday in No vember, at half past three o’clock. Johnnie Grandy, aged five years, youngest son of Mr. T. T. Gran dy, of this place, died Friilay, Oct. 5, Avitli niemhraiious croup. Scarcely a fortnight ago Mr. Graudy’s family suf fered a sore horcavemeiit, and in this second affliction they have the syni^ja thy of the entire comiimnity. Died at his residence in this place, Saturday, Oct. C, Mr. Ileiiry 0, Hicks, aged 47 years. Mr. Abram Slaughter of Berea, accompanied by bis wife, paid a visit to the orphans one day last week. They seemed to enjoy seeing the children and hear ing them sing, and left some fine fruit, both peaches and apples, as a substantial token of their good will toward the Insti tiitlon. The good people of Berea Jiave been very' kind to the or phans; we are always glad to have them visit us and become personally acquainted with the children, to whose wants they have so often ministered. Capt. A. Landis, Jr., has rc Gcived his stock of fell and winter goods. All in search of great bargains and haiidsoine goods will -do well to give him a call. Two girls of Guilford county bought a handsome Florence sewing machine, and paid for it in fruit dried by themselves du ring the past summer. “NO'S.' IF I’ff WAS MY IBOY.’ Some y'ears ago the late Hor ace Mann, the eminent educator, delivered an address at the open ing- of some reformatory institu tion for boys, during which he remarked that if only- one hoy was saved from ruin, it would pay' for all tlie cost, and care, and labor of establishing sucii an institution a.s tliat. After the exercises had Spellixu.—Jliu-y Ohci-ry, Galena fiil- liam, Arabella Marshall, Celia Sell ars, James Strickland, -Videll VVH- liam.s, 8. Leiia Butler, William Lips comb, Sallie McCullongli, .Julia I’ar- kei-j Marshall Parker, Florence Tilglmmn, 'Winnie U'illiains, 8. Maxey Blvington, Theresa Living stone, Robert l.’arrish, Hughes Palm er, Missouri Slade, Kate Tarkinton, Havid Blythe, Siiliiey Sntton, 7. William ifewman, Rebecca Parker, Mary Sor.sby, Stewart Wliitelmrst, o. Reading.—Galena Gilliam, Stewart Wliitelmrst, Winnie Williams, 7. Leiia Butler, Mary Cherry, Theresa Livingstone, Havid Blytlie, Sidney Sutton, 0. William Lipscomb, Ara bella Marshall, Julia Paiker, Mar shall Paiker,Robci t Parrish, Hughes I’almer, Celia Sellars, 5. Sallie Me Cnllougli, Rebecca Parker, Missouri Slade, Mary Sorsby, James Strick land, Kate Tarkinton, Florence Tilghman, Ardell Williams, 4. Ma.x- cy Klvington, William Sowiuan, 1. Akitiimetic.—Leiia Butler, Galena Gilliam, Arabella Marsliall, Celia Sellars, Siiluey Sutton, 9. H.-ivid Blythe, William Lipscomb, 'William Kewnian, Julia Parker, Winnie tVil- liams, 8. Rebecca Parker, Hughes Palmer, Robert I’arrish, 7. Mary Clierry, Marshall Parker, Missouri Slade,' Kate Tarkinton, Florence TiiglnnaiijC. Maxey Elvington, Ther esa Livingstone, Sallie McCullougii, James Strickland, Stewart AVhite- Imrst, Ai'doll Williams, 5. Mary Sorsby, 1. Geogkapuy.—ArabellaMarshaibW'il- liam Kewmaii, Julia Parker, Mar- sl'.ali Parker, Missouri Slade, Stew art Wliitehiirst, 8. Leiia Butler, Mary Cherry, Galena Gilliam, Dav id Blythe, Sallie McGnllough, Kate Tarkinton, Winnie Al'illiains, 7. Maxey Elvington, Theresa Living stone, William Lipscomb, Rebecca I’arker, Huglies Palmer, Celia Sell ars, Sidney Sutton, Ardell Williams, 0. Robert Parrish, Mary Sorsby, James Strickland, 4. Florence Tilgli- maii, 3. Writing.'—Galena Gilliam, Theresa Livingstone, 0. David Blythe, Ce lia Sellars, Winnie Williams, 4. Le iia Butler, Mary Cherry, Maxey Elvington, Arabella Marshall, Sallie McCullough, William Kewm.an, Ju lia Parker, Marshall Parker, Rebec ca Parker, Robert Parrish, Hughes Palmer, Missouri Slade, Mary Sors by, Kate Tarkinton, Florence Tilgh- nian, Sidney Sutton, Ardell Wil liams, 3. WTlliam Lipscomb, James Strickland, Stewart Whitehurst, 1. History'.—David Blytlie, Galena Gil liam, 8. Mary Clierry, 'William Newman, 9. William Ijipseomb, Hughes Palmer, Robert Panisli, 4. PuNOTUALilY'.^Lelia Butler, David Blytlie, Mary Cherry, Galena Gil liam, Tliere.sa Livingstone, Arabella Marshall, Sallie McCullough, Wil liam Newman, Julia Parker, Rebec ca I’arker, Robert I’arrish, Mary Sorsby, Florence Tilghman, Sidney Sutton, 10. Maxey Elvington, Wil liam Lipscomb, Hughes Palmer, Celia Sellars, Missouri Slade, Kate Tarkinton, Ardell Williams, Winnie Williams, Stewart Wliitelmrst, 8. Marshall Parker, James Strickland, 0. Deportment.—David Blythe, Galena closed, in private conversation, a gentleman rallied Mr. Mann upon liis statement, and said to him : “Did you not color that a lit tle, when you said that all that expense and labor would be re paid if it only saved one hoy f” “ Not if it ivas my hoyf was the solemn and convincing reph'. Ah ! there is a wonderful value about “ My bo}'.” Other boys may be rude and rough; other boys may bo reckless and wild ; other boys may seem to require more pains and labor than they ever will repaj'; other boys may bo left to drift uneared for to the ruin which is so near at hand; but “ My boy ”—it were worth the toil of a lifetime and the lav ish wealth to save him from tem poral and eternal ruin. We would go the world around to save him from peril, and would bless every hand that was stretched out to give him help or welcome. And yet every poor, wandering, out cast, homeless man, is one whom soma fond mother called '‘My hoy.” Every lost woman, sunken in the depths of sin, was some body’s daughter, in her days of childish innocence. To-day some body’s son is a hungry outcast, pressed to the very verge of crime and sin. To-day somebody’s daugliter is a weary, helpless wanderer, driven by necessity in the paths that load to death. Shall we shrink from labor, shall we hesitate at cost when the work before us is the salvation af a sold f Not if it is “My hoynot if we have the love of Him who gave His life to save the lost.—The Chi istlan. .iesoScitiOE&K or Uic CSrsiisfll 1 Adopted Dec. 3d, 1875. Resolved, 1. That St. Joint’s College shall be made an asylum for the protection, training and education of indigent orphan chil dren. 2. That this Graiid Lodge will appropiate S annually foi' the support of the institut'on ; but will not assume any additional pecuniary responsibility. 3. That this Grand Lodge elect a Superintendent who shall con trol the institution and solicit contributions for its support from all classes of our people. 4. That orphan children in the said AsY’liim shall receive such preparatory training and educa tion as will prepare them for use ful occupations and for the usiul business transactions of life. Adopted Dee. 5th 1875: Resolved, That the Superiiiton- (leiit of the said Orphan Asylum shall I'eport at each Annual Com munication an account of his official acts, receipts, disburse ment, number of pupils, &c. together with such suggestions as ho may see lit to offer. As letter-writers, American girls are inferior to the Canadian, Scotcli, and Swedish, thinks Wendell Phillips. This infenor- it}', where it exists, comes from the undue proportion of essays on patience and odes to the moon, tolerated in compositions at school. Art commences with let ter-writing, and the instruction should begin in the common school. Of course, such work is not to he expected where the teacher’s chair is offered to the lowest bidder.—National Teachers' Monthly. Gilliam, Siillio JlcCulloiigh, Rebecca Pai Parker, Robert Parrish, 0. Mary Glierry, T)iere,sa Livingstone, Ara bella 'Marshall, 'William Newman, Sidney Sutton, 8. Leiia Butler, Maxey Blviugton, AYilliam Lips- eoinb, Ardell Williams, 5. Hughes Palmer, Celia Sellars, Julia I’arker, Marshall Parker, Missouri Slade, Mary Sorsby, J.ames Strickland, Kate Tarkinton, Florence Tilghman, Winnie WilUams, 3. Stewart White hurst, 1. Work.—Mary Cherry, Galena Gilliam, Theresa Li'vingstoiio, Sallie JlcCnl- longli, Rebecca Parker, Florence Tilghman, Ardell- Williams, 8. Leiia Butler, Arabella Marshall, Julia Parkcr,Robert Parrish, Celia Sellars, Missouri Slade, Sidney Sutton, Mary Sorsby, Kate Tarkiirton, Winnie 'Williams,. 7. l>avid Blythe, 'William Lipscomb, William Newman, Jlaxcy Elvington, Marshall I’arker, Hughes Palmer, James Strickland, Stewart Whitehurst, 3, “Resolved, 'That the Muster of e.och subordinate Lodge appoint a Standing Committee upon raising funds for tlie Orphan Asylum, and require said committee to report in writing each month, and that said reports and the funds recei ved be forwarded montlily to the Superintendent of the Asylum and that the support of the Orphan Asylum be a regular order of business in each subordinate Lodge at each communication. 4. All churches and benevolent organizations are requested to cooperate with us in the orphan work and collect and forward contributions through their own proper officers. Hero are the resolutions: Resolved, That the sincere thanks of this Grand Lodge are hereby tendered to many benov olent ladies and gentlemen, to the ministers of the gospel, to church es of various denominations, to Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Good Templars, Friends of Tem perance, and other benevolen- soci^ties; whose hearty coopea- tion and liberal contributions have rendered timely and valua ble assistance in tlie work of ameliorating the condition of the orplian children of the State. Resolved, 'That all benevolent societies and individuals are here by cordially invited and request ed to cooperate with us in provi ding funds and supplies for feed ing clothing, and educating indi gent and promising orphan chil dren, at the Asylum in Oxford. JQK. «F(). W. «Ji£A5I.VMs KALEIGlt. N. C. Practice limited to the .EYE, EAK & TIIMOA’I' 2.i Ijl E. W. O W I’i A , DMTAL SORGEQN, OXFOSEIJ. ."V. C. OFFICE AT niS liESlDEXCE. Special attention given to replacing full anJ partial setts of teeth on gohl, Silver or rubber. l.'.VUf. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EDUCATIOML WEEKLY, and Ijcop yourself iub rined {■(liicatioiuil matters. The use of the old moiitlily “ jour nal uf Oftiiciition ” lias passed, iliid a new era has dawned. Tiic educational netcftpaper i.s now in deiilalid; educational toincs are at tracting the public attention more in these days than ever before ; ni'w IiooUs, new methods, and new theories are demanding the attention of tedchers more freqiKMitly than once a month, and no teacher who intends to keep up with the tiinc.s can afFiird to be witii^ out the Weekly. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTtOiT i To single subscribers, I year, - To “ si.*? iiionths, - In clubs of five, 3 year, - In ‘‘ six mouth.'i, - In “ of tdn or more, ] year. - In “ “ “ “ si.x monlino, To now subscribers, three months on trial, 51) S. R. WINCIIELL & CO.i ihiblisliers, 170 Clatk Street, Cliicagoj lib Easterd office in charge of Prof; Edwai d Johnson, 34 O.xfofd St., Lynn, AlasJi. l^^’Send fifteen cents for a copy of the' In» stitate Song Budget, containing 48 pages «'f music and wordes, numbering 50 pieces, an i five full page illustrations, handsomely btMin.l in cardinal red; Oiii-tH $3.54 $2 in $1.25 $ 1.54 M-OJ HE I* EE DEE BEE advertisements at lower rates tiian any other Weekly. Subscription $2.00 a year. The Register for 1877. THE RALEIGH REGISTER will prove itself to be one of the cheapest and best newspapers in the State. It will bn printed upon large type^ and no effort will ho lacking to make every department of staudanl excellence, so as to command the '--^^poryof Eov tlie AvecEi endi&ig: Oct. OtSi. IN CASH. d $20.85, Collection at Avernsboro. 22.13, “ Smithfield. 12.85, “ Selma. 7.50, Lockes Creek o. No. 333. 7.00, Orphans’ Friend. 5.00, S. R. Morgan; Smithfield. 3.29» New Lebanon □, No. 314. 1.35, Mt. Energy □, No. 140. 1.11, Peter Fisher, Greensboro. Q.30, Roy. T. J. Ogburn. IN KIND. A. Srauglitcr, 2 bus. peaches 15^ bu‘ apples. Capt. A. Landis, Lima beans. New lIo])e Mil); 100 lbs. flour U bu. meal. Amis’ Chapel, 2 bu.s -Wheat 33 lbs. bacon. Willis Royster, 2 bis. corn. J. S. Daniel, Potatoes and beets. Mrs: Robt. Leggett, 2 quilts, 1 shirt 1 pr. of shoes, anil several bundles from unknown persons. D ll. meSiAHD If. LEWIS, (Late Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Savauah Medical College,) Practice limited to the BYE AND BAR, RALEIGH, N, C. Refers to the State Medical Society and to the Georgia Medical Society. 33-1 y QET THE MES'F. THE RALEIGH NEWS, DAILY, one year, - WEEKLY, one year. $5.00 ^ 1.00 SUPPORT, CONPiOENCE AND APPROVAL wf the best classes of the commdhitj', withoitt ••'‘gard to politics. The news of the (lay will be carefully col- lected and given in such from as to kel^p tlm render I ally posted in every particular. Mr. J. C. L. HARRIS has editorial con trol of TMiS ISEeiSTEK, and every subject of interest and importance will receive attention from his pen, THE REGISTER will advocate the cause of the Reptihlican party, and will give the admhiistrasiou of President Hayes a cordial support so long as the principles as laid down in tlie platform ’f 1870', in the letter of accejitance of Gov. I-[ayes, and in the inaugural address of tlie President, are faithfully adliered to, aud an honest and persistent effort Is made to carry them oat. The Register will be lilicral in its views, and will endeavor to bo just to all men. Its approval or condemnation of nu'asnres and men will not bo given or withheld ON ACCOUNT OF POLITICS- Not being the organ of any man or men, Tun Register expects nor desires any snjipnit other than such as it may merit as a ]>ul>!ie journal. Its ]iublioation isj purely a business enterprise, and will bo conducted strictly upon busiuess principles. THE REGISTER The following persons have paid for the Oki'iians’ Friend for one year; A. Slaughter. D. F. AVhitley, S. H. Hood/ ■Miss M. R. McKinnee, Willie Faison, J. S. Smith; Willie YarborO'. ^“SemT Postal Card for Sample Copy. Address THE RALEIGH NEWS, 33-tf. Raleigh, N. C. Oli:N NlLHOLlS, ^PRACTICAL- BOOK & JOB PRINTER, Cfor. FapetteDiUe and Hargett Sts., RALEIGH, N. C. S^Book and Job Printing of every de scription executed in the very best stylo of the art. Books, I^amphlcts, Circulars, Iiot- ter Heads, Note Heads, liill Heads, Envel opes, Cards, Tags, Statements, Ilatul iiills, &c., at New York pi'wes. Legal Blanks $l per 100. 33- will be issued Semi-weekly on Tuesdays ami Fridays, aud the Weekly ou every Tuesday. TEIiMS: Semi Weekly, single copy, one year, “ “ “ six month, ten copies, one year, each, “ twenty ‘‘ “ Weekly—single copy, one year^ “ “ “ six month, “ ‘‘ three mouths, “ clifbs of twe-uty, one year, each, ] 00 Invariably in advance. Postage paid at this oflico. Advertisements isserted at the regular rates, 10 linos of Bourgeois to the siuarc, (See advertising rates.) W. jr. BROWN, Publisher and Proprietor. Address, THK RKCJISTER, $3.00 2.00 2 ,50 2 0i> 1 ,50 1 (10 .50 itALmaii, N,

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