The Orphans’ Friend. I'llEDAT. OCTOBEE 5, Published every Friday at one dollar per annum, in advance. COJKTRIBUTIONS TO THK Or.lUA.N ASYLUM FOE THE WEEK ENDING OCTCBBB 3D. is tho best proof of good business capacity. In fact North Caroli na has just caui.0 to feol proud of her sons abroad. In the future we hope to see them staying at home, and building up their old homestead. Baptist Church, Farmington 1 00 Frank Swain 1 00 White>tone Lodge, No. 166 2 70 Stonewall Lodge, No. 296 3 00 Gruber Family 3 75 Lawrence X Eoads Churcn 6 50 Gruber in Newton 2 00 Pamlico Lodge, No. 300 2 00 IN KIND. Naomi Falls Manufacturing Company, 701| yards plaids. Wm. Cutrin, one load woo L S. E. Puckett, one bushel corn. C. L. Traylor, half bushel wheat. Moses Dean, one bu'hel wheat. Thomas G. Dean, half bushel wheat. G. W. Dean, half bushel wheat. E. M. Daniel, one bushel com. Isaac Oettinger, two boxes suntlries. SPECIAL MENTION. Tho editor is holding a pro tracted meeting at Bethel, near Oxford, this week The singing class at the Asy lum, un ier-the management of MissV. V. Walton, is making fine progress. The finest potato we have seen this season was sent to us last week by Mrs. W. H. 'Wiikerson ot Oak Hill, It measured more than 23 inches in circumference. It seems that all the old tobac co in the country is not yet sold. The Oxford warehouses are huv mg good sales nearly every day. Last Wednesday morning at tho residence of Mrs. R. L. Hunt Dr. Dd. White and Miss Ida F. Hunt were united in wedlock, Rev, R. I. Devin officiating. Mr. J. M. Page, of tho St. James Hotel, Richmond, Va.,has placed us under obligations to him for courtesies. ThoSt.James is one of the beat hotels in the South. Mr. B. F. Taylor, of Oxford, and Miss Jennie Williams, of Frauklinton married lust Thursday, 27th September. Rev, J, 8. Hardaway, officiating. Gov. Jarvis has appointed Hon. A, S. Merrimon associate Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carohna. Vice Hon Thos. Ruffin who resigned on account ol his health. The Torchlight has gotten it self into trouble by alluding to the late Sunday School Conven tion held in Oxford as tho “Ne gro” Convention. Well, what^s in a name? D. W. Whitaker retires from the editorial chair or the Person County News. It is to be pub lished hereafter by the News Publishing Co. A telegram has been received announcing the death of Mr. Stephen C rrie, brother of Mrs. Rev. J. T. Gibbs, of this town. The sad event occurred at his residence in Wilmington last Monday morning. A protracted meeting will be gin at the Oxford Baptist Church, on the 4th Sabbath in this month. Rev. Mr. Hudson, of Virainia, will be present and con duct the ervices. ; Mr. Ddward Burke, thedistin- guisbad eJitor of the New York Tobacco Loaf has been on a visit to tho Granville County Light Tobacco Section, witnessing the methods of caring fine tobacco in Ncrth t’arolina. He expresses himself much pleased with Ox ford and its fulure prospect/. Mr. Maurice Smith, the com mission merchant of Richmond, "Virginia, but a native of Gran ville county, has been over-run with business this season. This We are indebted to Secretary Shackelford for an invitation to be present at the Edgecombe Agricultural Fair, to be held at Tarboro, October 30 and 31 and November 1 and 2, Also to T. C. Williams Esq., for an invita tion to tho State Agricultural Fair at Raleigh. Dr. William T. Kennedy, Jun ior Grand Warden of the Grand Lf dge of North Carolina, died at his home in Stonewall, Pamli co county, North Carolina, Au gust 2d, 1883. He was a native of Lenoir county, and was thir • ty-three years old at his death. We congratulate the Postoffice Department on the action it has taken in regard to tho Louisiana Lottery. Yet we cannot see the consistency in allowing such pub lications as the Police Gazette to be transported over the routes. Wo are sure that vicious litera ture. of which this is a fair spec imen, is doing about as much to demoralize the world as any of the Lotteries. Down with such trash ! CoL. George Wortham, died in Oxford last Thursday, 27th September in tho 60th year of his age. Col. Wortham was a graduate of the State University, and was licensed t^^ practice law when 21 years of age. He en tered the late war as Captain of the Granville Grays, and was promoted to Colonel of the 60th regiment North Carolina troops. Since the war he has practiced law in Oxford, He was gener ous and brave. Peace to his CLIPPIN&S. Tbe highest point on the Northern Pacific is 1,200 feet low er than the maxim an height of the Central Pacific. The lutematiODal and North ern Telegraph Company, capital $5,000,000 was incorporated at Albany, New York,Thursday. It is reported that a vessel with four locomotives from the United States for the Southern railway in Peru has been lost. Street begging has become such a nuisance at New Orleans that the police have been ordered to arrest every mendicant they can find. The miserable wretches have been sent to the almshouse. The English language is won derful in aptness of expression. When a number ot men and wo men get together, and look at each other from the sides of the room, that’s called a sociable. When a hungry crowd calls upon a half- paid minister, aud eats him out of house and home, that’s called donatioD'party. I have often noticed that gallant young men walking with their sweethearts offer the left arm, while devoted married men with their wives offer the right arm. W’hyisthis? Edith: “The left’aim is nearest tbe heart; the right arm is nearest tbe pocket-book.” In a certain little city ot the blue grass section of Virginia, it is said, they have the toughest beet in the State, while fine cattle are raised in that section. The best are sent to Baltimore, and the meanest kept for home comsump- tion. We have observed that some saints have a surplus ot sanctity for exportation, aud retain a shab by assortment for individual use.— Exchange. Capt. Wm. Biggs died at his residence in this town latt Sat urday night. For nearly twenty years ho was one of the leading political editors of the Stato,and we can confidently say that I?his death will be deeply regretted by the State Press, He was as uncompromising as he was zeal- o s in the cause he espoused. He was a captain in tlie 17th North Carolina regiment. He leaves a wife an I four children to mourn his loss; to them we tender our sincere sympathy. Ho was about 47 years of age. New Advertisements. We call special attention this week to the following new advertisements : C. F. Johnston, Eichmond, Va.: Pi anos, organs, music, books, stationery, tfcc. Also wants Confederate bonds. J. L, H. Missilller, Henderson, N, C.: General hardware, paints, shot guns, cutlery, sheet iron, tobacco flues, &c, Tappey & Steel, Petersburg, Va.: Tobacco and cotton presses, engines and boilers, and all kinds of machinery, . W, Winston, attorney for F. E. Gregory, mortgagee : Land'f.w sale. No one can fail to see the attractive advertisement of A, Landis, Jr, Capt. Landis is a model merchant, and he has so completely mastered his business that his name has become a household word in Granville county. Our space is too limited to call attention to liis specialties in this issue. We refer you to Ills advertisement, believing that you .will profit by reading it. The details of the awful earthquake in the island of Java a e slow in reaching us It is, so to speak, at the other end of the world, and t e means of communication are not reliable or rapid. But it is known that the first reports of tbe loss of life fell far short of reality. It is now thought may have perished. Two iri'- habitfcd islands sank under water, and the sea swept over large towns and a long line of coast. There will, no doubt, be intense suffering among the survivors, whose cultiva ted lands have bo-3Q devasta ted either by tho action of file or water, or both. “Idiot,” from the Greek idiotes, originally meant tho private citi zen, in distinction from the one who held official position. Then it was applied to him who, owing to his ignorance, was allowed no part in public affairs. From this sec ondary meaning it easily came to signify a person entirely destitute of intellect—a natural fool. Dr, Brown Sequard, it is said, has discovered a new amesthetic which destroys sensibility, but not consciousness or physical activity, for an entire day or more. When it is administered to a man by the hypodermic injection process, he is not incapacitated for work or eii. joymeut, yet he can submit to hav ing his flesh cut without feeling iug pain. It is obviously a mar velous gain tor medical ecienc- It is some form of carbonic acid. Mayor King, of Philadel phia, is making a vigorous war on the pool rooms in that city He has closed them up, and says they must remain closed unless the courts de cide otherwise. Mayor King regards pool rooms as “nui sances which should be bro ken up," and he proposes to fight it out on that line. Committees on Orphan Asylum The “Bon Tonft” of Oxford are buy ing the New Hartford sewing Machine right along. It has that. Ball Bearing Balance wheel and is first class. C. F. JOHNSTON, EICHMOND, VA., Keeps Pianos, Organs and all kinds of Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, Books, Stationery, &c. Send for cata logue of 5 cent, music. Wanted—Confederate coupon bonds and confederate postage stamps. J. L. H, MSSSILLIER, Dealer in Genera] Hardware, STOVES, SASH. BLINDS, DOOES, PAINTS, OILS, VAENISHES, BREECH-LOADING SHOT GUNS, CROCKERY, CUTLERY.&c Manufacturers of Sheet Iron and Tin Ware. TOBACCO FLUES A SPECIALTV. HENDEESON, N.C. TOBACCO AND COTTON IPx*esses, ELEVATORS For Warehouses, Factories and Stores. [li New and Second-Hand. Grist anti Saw Mill Irons and Machinery Generally, Manufactured by TAFPEY & STEEL, OC5-ly PKTEESBUEG, VA. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of the power conferaed up on me by Alexander Satterwhite and Amy his wife, in a certain mortgage deed to be found recorded in Book 13, page 426, of the Book of Mortgages of Granville county, which mortgage was given to secure an indebtedness of about ninety dollars to F. E. Gregory, by whom the same was transferred on 3J day of July, 1882, to Stephen Sat terwhite, the undersigned will, on Sat urday, the 27(hdayof October, 1883, sell to the highest bidder for cash at tl i** court house door in the town of Oxf ird at 12 o’clock m., tiie following real es tate, to-wit: about 100 acres lying in said county and State, adjoining the lands of Stephen Currin, deceased, W. 0. Gregory and Herbert Gregory. Terms cash. F. E. GEEGOEY, Mortgagee E. W, WiNSfON, Att’y. Oxford,N.C,, Sept. 27,1883. oc6-4t Just north of El Paso, Texas, there is a bold and picturesque mountain. On the day of the lava disaster a gentleman on this mountain heard rumblings in its recesses, and felt a number of se vere shocks. A MODEL STORE- Very bright is the interior of W. II.& E.S.Tucker’s Store now. Showy goods in|profusion,busy clerks,throngs oi cus tomers, all lend their aid toward mak ing the place gay. The goods are very beautiful. Twenty years, even ten years ago, what would have been thought of so varied a stock in a place of tins size. The firm realizes the fact that the cultivated taste of the people demands fine goods, even the finest. Hence the really beautiful ex hibit of silks, satins, brocades, &c. I'he place is almost like a ^azar. The ef fects of the'dress goods as they are_tas- tily displayed and are very pretty; "vel vet damasse with beautiful trimmings at $2.50 to $10 a yard; brocades whicli are heavy with ornamentation; all im aginable styles of velvet ribbons, again so fashionable; silk and satin ribbons, all styles, colors aud widths. Then there are cloaks, the Newmarket, as- tranehan trimmed and plain; the Lang try in Eiiglish web; Eussian circulars &c. These cloaks are in many cases adorned with the latest agony, BEV. F. S. STABBETTE, Lately in chp.rge of Eichmond Acad emy, at Rockingham, has bought out Branson’s Book Store, and become the successor of Rev. L. Branson in the Book Business. Special attention given to all orders for books or news. A full supply of sheet music. Polite Clerks— Tommie Williams and Charlie Alexan der. sep28-6m Si mss & CO , NORFOLK, Va. FURNITURE, CARPETS, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Lily Valley Lodge, No. 252—John R. Hill, William H. Kiddick, Eras- tus Ba/ley. Eureka Lodge, No. 283—G. A. .1. Sechler, S. G. Patterson, Charles \V. Alexander. Pulton Lodge, No. 99—\ Parker, W. W, Taylor, J. Samuel McCub- bins. Mount Energy Lodge, No. 140— Henry Haley, Job i Knight, H. E. Parrett. lliram Lodge, No. 40—George M. Smedes, Theodore Joseph, John Nichols. Evergreen Lodge,' No. 303—M, Morrison, H. P. Harman, L. j\IcN. McDonald, Fellowship Lodge, No. 84.—.lo- sepli Parker, C. S, Powell, John T. Cobb. Wayne Lodge, No. 112,—E. A Wright, Augustus Edward, E, Y Cox. Cumberland Lodge, 364—Rev. A R. Pittman, Salem Lodge, N). 289—J. W Hunter, C. A. T'ogle, Ghas. Hauser. Cobarie Lodge, No. 379—A. J. Butler, J. t), 0. Culbreth and R. V\. Howard. Winston Lodge, No. 167—J. Q, A. Bar' am, W. H. I'.illor, E. B. "Whitsell. Berea Lodge, No. 204.—Dr. J.W. Booth, A. S. Carrington, Jolin Mitcliell, J, J. Meadows, St. John’s Lodge, No. 1.—Wil liam M. Poison, John W. Perdew, Z. E. Murrell. GRAND LEOTURBli—Dr. 0. D. Rice, Raleigh, N C. River Bank Academy, BEREA, N. C. The Fourth Sessio: of this School will begin October loth, and continue eight months. The location, healthy; comniouity moral, thrifty and'intelligent; Church and Sunday Sahool privileges, ample. Board in good families at $8 per moi itli. Terras as heretofore. For further par- tieulars, apply to W. T. LYON, Principal. sep28-4t NORFOLK COLLEGE, rOB YOUNG LADIES Offers more ad/vantages than any other College for young ladies in the SotUh. Modern in all its appointment^, line grounds, new and elegant buildings, &c. Under Protestant influence, hut undenominational. Full collegiate course of study. Special provisions for best instruction In Music, Art, Ancuutt and Modern Languages; conversaiion in French and German daily. Tliroe hundred and thirteen punils last ses sion. Charges very low when superior advantages are considered. For c ihi- logue containing full information, ad dress R.ILWynxe, Secretary, or Rev. R. M. Saunders, Principal, sep2l-2m Norfolk. Va W H & U lUCKEIl I CO'S GREAT SPECIALTY, Dress Goods, Now offer the la-gest and best assort ed stock of English, French and Amer ican Dress Goods to be found In the State. V V EEE L V V E L V V EE L VV E L V VEEETTTSSS V V E T S V V EE T SS VV E EEE LLL V EEE T SSS Plushes, Silks and;Brocades. A magnificent variety of Laces, Vade up L'ice Goods, TJuen Collars, Gloves and Hosiery. SQTMerino Underwear and Gents’ Furnishing Goods..Vn immense stock of STTOHIS possible' that 60,000jpersSns Langtry at $20 is a beauty and fits lik a glove, or as Mr. Dobbin remarked to the modest reporter, “like a corset.” There are beautiful styles of goods for baby wear, such as eiderdown flannel in all the pretty colors, as light as a feather. The stock of Jerseys is com plete, prices ranging from $2 to IT.ei, the latter for imported. These are graceful and comfortable garments,and as many as seventy-five a day are sold. Mr. Dobbin, who purchased the beau tiful stock of goods which entirely fills the store, deserves much credit for his good taste in selection. For twenty years we have stood at the head of our business, and this sea son onr assortment exceeds in volume and variety any former display. 8®“Our immense warerooms contain an area of over 30,000 square feet.°'@a Wo import and buy fcotu FIRST HANDS, and for CASH DOWN. No concera in this country possesses su perior facilities to ourselves, ami we guarantee to sell as low as any house in tlie Nortli. Our assorttneut of PIANOS AND ORGANS is the LARGEST m THE SOUTH, am? we sell at Lowest Factory Prices Out Agency e ubraces the very finest and best Pianos manufactured. We are sole agent for— STEIN WAY & SONS, CHICKEEING &SOnS, HENRY F. MILLER, EMERSON PIANO CO. Don’t fail f" con:c ami p(‘e us or write to us if needing anything in our line. S. A. STEVENS & 00., NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, For Ladies, Misses, Children, Men and Boys. Tliroughout every Department new goods fo FALL AND WINTER are displayed in sufficient quantity and variety of styles to please the fancy and satisfy the desires of all, and to give disappointment to none. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. sep28-3m Notice to Tax-Payers. I will attend at the following times and niaces for the purpose of collecting the State and County TaxeSi for the year 1883: Hobgood & Tippett’s Store, Friday October 5th, 1883. Wilton, Saturday, October 6, 18^3. Dutchville, Monday, “ 8, 1883. Tally Ho, Tuesday, “ 9, 1883. Berea, Wednesday, “ 10, 1883. Oak Hill, Thursday, , “ 11,1883. James A. Royster’s Store, Friday. October 12th, 1883. Oxford, Saturday, October 12, 1883. All persons owing taxes must come forward and settle, as I intend to col lect the taxes according to law. L. H. BULLOCK, Sherill' sep28 Granville County. J. C. S. LUMSDEN’S Stove and Hardware House, TIN, SHEE T IRON, COPPER- WARE, LAMPS aud OILS, House Furnishing Goods Etc. Scales, Weights and Measures Already Sealed. Tin Roofing a Specialty. Fayetteville St. opp. Market Square, RALEIGH, N. C., sep28-3m W. H. HUGHES, China, Crockery QLASS-^VARE, TABLE CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, TEA/l’RAYS, LAMPS, &C. 309 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C., Opposite Post-Office, aud 67 High Street, Portsmouth, Va. 8ep28-2m BRANSON HOUSE, RALElGil, N. C. Good transient board by the day, week or month, at re.asonabIe rates. Omnibuses and carriages meet all the trains. A good porter and attentive dining room servants always on hand- This House is located near the Capi tol Square. WHAT IS THIS ? The name of “Weed” seems to l>e destined to flourish perenially in Amer ica as the Synonym for success in one field or another of glorious acliieve- ment. Capt. Columbus Weed, who came over in the “Mayflower in 1620.” and settled in Granville County, North Carolina, and fell fighting gallantly hand to hand with the famous Indian Chief, Lord Wellingtim, at King’s Mountain, was tlie famous marksman of half a century ago, of whom it is told that a Coon at which lie was aiming came down, and surrendered at discre tion. Just as the shoddy,, rehuilt, and old-stjle fancy-price Sewing JMachines do when the “New Hartford Hachiue,” with that Ball-Bearing Balance U'heel gets after tliem. Now, as if to prove, tliat Peace hath its victories no less re nowned than war, tlie name of “Weed” is imperishably associated with the latest, most perfect, and most popular Sewing Maeliitie yet developed on this Continent. The World's Eiglith won der, ihe ‘ New Harlford” in the hands of the World’s toiling millions will “buzz” his name from age to age down the centuries. See this machine before you buy. A. M. Jones, Agent, Oxford, N. C. R, P. Richardson & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CARPETINGS, OIL ULOTHS, OUBTAIN MATERIALS, IWINDOW SHADES, CANTON AND COCOA MATOINGS, No. 809, East Main St., Pace “Block, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, aug 31-ly Farming Implements. EDWARDS&R0GERS GENERAL HartaHams OXFORD, N. C Will supply Flue Iron or Tobacco Flues prepared, ready for use, ai LOW RATES. We keep on liaiul a well scleeto.l stock of HARDWARE of every do# criptlon, embracing CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE, COOKING AND HEATING STO*VHlS, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, WOODEN AND WILLOW-WAR Guns and Pistols, Cartridges, Ammunition AND SPORTING GOODS. We invite attention to our stock of SEWING! MACHINES. OILS, NEEDLES AND ATTACUMENm We also carry a heavy stock of. Paints ^^’Oils, BRUSHES AND VARNISHES. Lamps anilLampHoodi