The Early Bird ORANGE STREET GRADED SCHOOL Volume 6 OXFORD, N. C, NOVEMBER, 1955 No. 1 Orange Street School—Grammar Grades Building Our Report Card One of the most important fa cets of school work is that of re porting adequately to parents on the development of pupils. Some factors and devices for noting pro gress in our school are necessary and it is essential that this infor mation be recorded. Reporting pupil progress is an important part of the educative process in that it provides an opportunity for the' teacher, pupil and parent to consider what has been done, what needs to be done and what should be done. Constant changes in the mo dern school curricula have necessi tated changes in the various in struments used for reporting; Our teachers, parents and consultants have worked for several months to develop and improve our re porting service. Our report card is not necessari ly the best report card but it re presents a more adequate one for our present educational philolt>liy. We are cognizant of the fact that evaluation is a continuous process and from time to time changes are necessary to improve the school. It may be that the present re porting form does not even reflect the farthest point of advance in our own school system, however, we are sure that it is a step for ward. The Orange Street School Pa rent-Teacher Association, the tea chers and other interested parents MR. JOHN HARDING LUCAS Principal Orange Street School—Oxford, N. C. I*#,."' MRS. R. H. PAYNE The Early Bird Chairman Whereas, She has guided this paper from its inception to its present size; and Whereas, She has given unsel fishly of her time and mqney for the progress of the paper; and Whereas, She has kept her spi rits for the paper high at all times; and Whereas, She has worked with the students and staff for their views, suggestions and articles lor the paper; and Whereas, She has continued to keep the quality of the paper at the peak of excellence for our school and community; therefore Resolved, That, this the largest issue of “The Early Bird” be de dicated to Mrs. R. H. Payne by the pupils and faculty members of Orange Street School. Orange Street School—Primary Grades Building MRS. MARY W. GANT Supervisor Oxford City Schools have given their unanimous ap proval to the improved reporting method. Our newer form of reporting does not purport to evaluate and measure all the'traits and charac teristics which affect the total de velopment of the pupil. It is im portant that there exist a close bond of cooperation on the part of the teacher, parent and pupil. It is recommended that parents visit teachers and teachers visit parents for conferences in connec- tiqn with the total development of the child. Through these con ferences the parents can be kept informed about the child’s pro gram at school and at the same time the teacher can learn about the child’s development at home. Parent-Teacher conferences can help both the teacher and parent agree on a probable solution to the question, “What is best for the total development of the indivi dual child?”''